If there's one Vice you all just can't get enough of it's Judas Jack-Off. We hear you loud andclear, so this week we're giving JJO his very own archive page packed with all the debauched deets on this very D.L. dude.
Here is his rarely sweet, always skanky tale:
The Perp: Judas Jack-Off
Primary Vice: Closeted actor
Blind Bio: If Judas Jack-Off weren't so damn good looking there's no way he'd be able to get away with the total a-hole crap he pulls. Like calling off his overseas wedding to his BF Dashed Dingle-Dream to shack up with his latest costar/beard (at his people's request, natch). But just because he dumped poor DDO doesn't mean JJO has stopped trying to get some on-the-side action from his former fiancé.
Great job Ted and crew for organizing another archive. However, once again our list of who has been eliminated is more complete, and can be found here.
These aren't archives Ted is doing, they are more like catch ups for new readers. They're not even being updated with new BVs and AIAs once they're posted. At least he's doing something though to make up for the lack are archives on the E! site.
I agree, Brittany. What I'd really like to see is a list of every BV he's ever written, along with the date it came out. I can't imagine it would be too hard to accomplish. They have to be on a computer somewhere, right?
New reader - so I don't know if this has been guessed yet...but I'm so certain that it's Alexander Skarsguard.
Brittany and Heather_P I agree with you, what theyre doing isnt much of an archive. It is nice getting an update on some bvs, but there's just no way they're going to do them all, most likey just some of the repeat offenders and readers' favorites. I would like to see a list of every bv they've done, and I think it would be cool to get an update on some of the older ones, see what they're up to these days and maybe solve some older ones that way. When you think about just how many bvs there are it's kinda crazy, we don't usually think about the old ones when guessing on new ones but if we solved more older ones it should help a little with new ones. I was wondering the other day if Ted might reveal some old bvs, like from four or five years ago, if the subject was currently up to some new bv-worthy behavior. Or it would be nice just to know some old bvs so we aren't guessing them for current ones. I'm not too interested in celebrities and celeb gossip, but I love the bvs, they're a lot of fun to try to figure out. It gets a little crazy sometimes with people being so obsessed with celebs and I just don't understand that, Heather I think it was you who helped me out a little with that in the Nevis Divine blind! Thanks again :)
Agree.I don't think anyone at E has an attention-span long enough to work on a really good all-encompassing archive. There's also the legal threats to consider..don't think they'll ever do it. Makes us appreciate this site and the hard work done by the Sistas! And the contributions of all of us who participate.
"Makes us appreciate this site and the hard work done by the Sistas!"
I agree! After trying to do searches on the E site and getting nothing but glitches, I totally appreciate what the ladies here have put together.
Is this considered notting or hinting? Damn you, Ted!
Dear Ted:
Do you realize that you are jumping all over the place with the Judas Jack-Off B.V.? In a recent B.B. you suggested that he and Dashed don't have much acting experience, but in the first Judas B.V. you said he had a good pro resume. Which is it? I'm thinking you are trying to throw us off track, but if these two are really not actors can you just not Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki already?
Dear Jacking Off:
Not jumping around at all. Judas, certainly, is a star. He's been in some majorass stuff. That said, he hasn't really impressed me with his acting (and I'm not alone on that opinion). Does that answer your question?
I'm definitely very limited in my knowledge of Jared and Jenson, I don't watch Supernatural and I don't know either of their resumes.. Hwever, I will say that even though it seems Ted is a fan of both guys, I don't believe i've ever seen him commend them for their acting skills..though I could be very wrong. Either way I definitely don't see this as any sort of notting. I just really hope the new JJO and DDD posts don't get nearly as crazy as the old ones, I mean seriously, 900 posts? How can anyone have that much to say on the subject? Crazy. Anyway, again I don't think the BB changes anything, either Jared or Jenson is JJO and the other is DDD.
When it comes to acting skills, Jensen is the better actor which is what is now throwing me off. When it comes to "majorass stuff" Jared has had more movie roles, House of Wax, Friday the 13th and its upcoming sequel, whereas Jensen has really only had My Bloody Valentine. Just my opinion on their acting abilites, but if i had to compare the two, def Jensen with the skills
In today's Bitch Back Ted confirmed 100% that Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles have been ONE of his Blind Vices. The other day he posted a question mentioned JJO DDD Jared Jensen. I think Judas is Jared because he is the wooden actor. Poor Jensen - he is so beautiful I don't know why he suffered Jared. I've always had a feeling that Jared is not as nice and friendly as he presents at Conventions. Besides he refers to himself in third person which is very off-putting.
"Dear Ted:
Are you 100 percent sure that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have been one of your B.V.s?
Dear Uh:
Yeah. 100 percent."
Ok, I just have to say,seriously? Yes, i'm pretty sure that the person who wrote the bv(s) and has confirmed on numerous occassions that these two have been in a bv, is not confused on all this. Does she just think Ted would lie that often (which would severely lessen his following, I believe) or is it just soo unbelieveable to her that Jared and Jenson have committed bv-worthy offenses? I don't even want to know if she understands they are JJO and DDD, somehow I don't think she'd accept the truth there. Geez. Lol sorry for the rant, I just thought it was such a silly question!
ashleyg- I know, random
"Dear Ted:
If I'm correct in guessing who JJO's and DDD's beards are, it would seem as though they have more work to brag about than their men. Why would two actresses with more credits on their résumés than their men be bearding anyone less than A-list? What would they get out of this arrangement? Wouldn't they want to trade up?
Dear A-List Lessons:
They would want to trade up. Which means you're not correct, doll. Sorry!"
"Dear Ted:
I've got a sneaking suspicion that Dashed Dingle-Dream's beard and Grey Goose's beard are on friendly terms with each other. Am I right?
Dear Not Even Close:
Dash's beard likes to keep it under wraps. You won't see this cover getting loose with any famous gooses, even if it's just friendly."
Ok, that last one points to Jensen as JJO because his supposed beard (Danneel) is friends with Grey's beard (Sophia). Very interesting how this vice seems to have swung to Jensen as Judas and Jared as DDD.
ashleyg: lol, I wrote that question and I'm aware they are BVs and most likely this one. I just got tired of seeing Ted's confusing answers about level of acting experience, they made no sense! Since there isn't really any other BV option for them, I wanted to make him clarify again. But yeah, I don't have any issue with them having a BV.
Dear Ted:
I notice that there seem to be different degrees of Vice that you talk about, with some of them being really nasty where lots of people could get hurt by the B.V.'s behavior, while others seem more the self destructive kind that are more sad than evil. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, where would you put the Supernatural guys? I like them a lot, and I'd hate to think they were total jerks, so I hope the number is small.
—Jayne Jayne
Dear Strange Range:
I'm confused on what exactly your scale is, so I'll say a six? Or a four? They're not (overly) hurting anyone, really, if that's what you're worried about, J.J. They're more or less nice dudes.
IS: It was explained to you in the last thread you turned into a nightmare here that the Sisters post Bitch-Back responses. So, please, stop doing it.
Riodulce - thanks for explaining your reasoning with the question to Ted, I didnt mean to go off on such a rant about it, its just that there are so many people who take celebs lives so personal and I just don't understand it, I guess it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine! I admit I assumed the question came from someone who just cant face Jenson and Jared doing anything that isn't mainstream, glad to hear you aren't like that! I went off along the same lines in the Nevis Divine blind. Again, thanks for explaining your reasoning behind the question!
"Dear Ted:
I notice that there seem to be different degrees of Vice that you talk about, with some of them being really nasty where lots of people could get hurt by the B.V.'s behavior, while others seem more the self destructive kind that are more sad than evil. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, where would you put the Supernatural guys? I like them a lot, and I'd hate to think they were total jerks, so I hope the number is small.
—Jayne Jayne
Dear Strange Range:
I'm confused on what exactly your scale is, so I'll say a six? Or a four? They're not (overly) hurting anyone, really, if that's what you're worried about, J.J. They're more or less nice dudes."
"Dear Ted:
Do JuDash (my mashed up version of Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream) have anything in common with Robsten?
Dear What a JuDiss:
I'd say no. Well, aside from the fact that one of them is a tad more talented in their career of choice than Robsten is. The two couples are def not the same kind of matches made in heaven."
Oh I forgot about "IS".
Why is Ted making it no longer sound like Jackles? He's making it out to sound like one of them is some A-list credible actor when they're both on the same level. Just a few days ago he was even saying that neither were experienced actors, and the next day he says something completely contradictory.
Brittany: Typical Ted MO here. Whenever we get too close to a BV identity, one of two things happen. If he wants the BV identity to be known, he does Bitch-Back comments or another BV that essentially confirms the identity. He's done this numerous times with BVs like Slurpa Pop-Off. If he doesn't want the identity to be known, then he starts throwing in little tidbits that make people question the conclusion. His masterpieces in this area are Nevis Divine and Cruella St. Shackles; those tidbits are chewed on like doggie treats by the pitbulls who insist that they aren't RPattz and Nicole Kidman.
And when he wants to totally confuse us or have a little sadistic fun with the audience, he does both. That's why we love him.
"Dear Ted:
You know we love you, but you're really frustrating us with this JJO and DDD Blind Vice. I mean, what's the sense in being wishy-washy with us? I know that the thrill for you is watching us try to solve the Blinds, but we are loyal and will always come back to read more. I have two questions for you, and I'm hoping you can answer them directly: Are Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream actors—and I don't mean just with their public and beards—and just wondering, do you truly want us to solve your Blind Vices or do you just like driving us crazy?
Dear Dashed and Confused:
Yes, they're actors (admittedly, one much more than the other). Yes, if you're crafty enough to figure the Vices out, kuddos to you. Yes, it gives me a little bit of sick happiness watching you all go crazy. But trust, it would give me far more satisfaction if these dudes just came outta the damn closet. What a party it would be!"
Ted said today that one half of the duo could be considered A list back in the day. Neither Jensen nor Jared have ever been A list! C list, maybe B- but no A-lists!
Yes Endora, I think that we are off track here, I hate to say it! Ted is now trying to tell us that we are wrong IMHO. This A list thing is an elimination. I dont see how either career of Jensen or Jarod can approach A list, especially in the past.
So it's a young actor whose career has gone downhill? I just looked at the first JJO vice and the Nots are "Joe Jonas, Robert Pattinson, Jake Gyllenhaal", who are all way more high-profile and successful than Jared Padalecki or Jenson. Wasn't there speculation that JJO was originally Hayden Christensen but that Ted then made the vice try to fit Jared and Jenson for some reason?
Since he was mentioned in today's Bitch Back as the actor who would be cast as Toothy, what about Ryan Gosling? Or what about Leonardo DiCaprio and Lukas Haas?
if i find the time, i'd look for costar-hookups in late 2008/early 2009 with the male being a/b-list and are still together/married by now... for jjo and then we could look for a suitable ddd...
the only pair that would fit that description would be shia and carey... hmmm not really?!?
bradley and renee didn't costar, did they?
Ok one of the duo is not a great actor in Ted's opinion, which is a significant clue, and has/had a lesser career. Hayden could definitely fit as the almost A list, and his acting has been criticized to boot. Hmmm.
"Dear Ted:
You do not seem very impressed with either Judas Jack-Off or Dash Dingle-Dream's acting chops. But if they are fooling the world and even their families and close friends with their fake bearding relationships, aren't you seriously underrating their acting talents? Or are they not very believable when acting with the fake girlfriends or wives either?
Dear Digging for Dirt:
My opinion about their crappy acting chops may not be the same as yours. In fact, one half of the secretive duo may have even been considered an A-list celeb back in the day, but as for now, hate to ruin your day, but no I'm not impressed—not then, not now, not ever!"
"Dear Ted:
I think the Six Degrees game is awfully fun! I would love to play too! Has Judas Jack-Off ever worked with Drew Smolder 'n' Such? Take care, hope you're doing OK on the not-smoking front. It's hard, I know.
Dear Sex Degrees:
Nope, but very close, though. And thanks for the no-cig support. Just hit three weeks, unbelievable!"
Ryan Gosling was not a BV as of MArch 2010. Can't be JJO or DDD.
So, this seems to confirm that Jensen is Dashed Dingle-Dream. He worked with Drew Smolder 'n' Such (Ian Somerholder) on Smallville.
I should add that the "very close," was b/c although Judas had not worked with Ian, Dashed had.
Focus, people, focus. Remember all of the old clues. Judas and Dashed are both at the same level of fame as Chad Michael Murray, for instance. The new clues do not necessarily invalidate the old ones. And do not attempt to make every single clue fit. We've seen what happens when we try to do that.
And I am still going to insist that Drew is not necessarily Somerhalder. Given Ted's name games, he's more likely to be Kelly Guten-Shoes. Since my Give-a-Damn level regarding Vampire Diaries and anything on the CW is so low it can't be described, can someone who does care tell me if there is a degree-of-separation relationship between, say, Paul Wesley and, oh, either of the beards?
"Dear Ted:
Rumor has it that things are rocky in the Jensen Ackles-Danneel Harris marriage. Is the weekend commute getting to be too much and sending the couple straight to splitsville, or is the live-in brother really just helping out with work on the house?
Dear Trouble in CW:
The two definitely make a hot pairing, but the miles could be an issue—distance doesn't always make the heart grow founder. But then again, Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray got hot and heavy on and off the same set, and still called it quits. Let's just hope the Ackles-Harris marriage doesn't experience the CW love curse. Soph still hasn't been informed about the CW love bug, hate to break it!"
I know this hasn't been discussed for a while, and forgive me if he has been absolutely ruled out, but I am still on the Hayden Christensen page for Judas. I know that the latest Judas BV was posted in Oct, like a month after Hayden and Rachel Blison broke up, and I don't recall hearing cheating rumors, but perhaps something is going on...just a few days ago he was spotted leaving her house.
What I found most interesting though is that I noticed that all the best guesses for the BV Archives Ted has been listing lately (Oded, Stud Bucket, Toothy, Judas, Crotch, Super Duper Cooper) happen to all be people listed in the 30 celebs that Ted has in the Blind Vice Superstar Gallery. Jensen and Jared are not in the Allstar gallery, but Hayden is. Just something to think about again...
hayden did also work with ian somerholder before...
i came late to this whole discussion, but when i look at it from the start i really think that it can be hayden christensen (jjo)... was there a specific reason why you eliminated him? even ted saying that he has a bv would fit in the timetable... and when googling him being gay you also get offered an actour as the boyfriend (don't remember his name though...)
Yes, Talia, there was a good reason we eliminated HC for this one. He doesn't fit any of the clues as provided by Ted at the time, especially the "Judas and Dashed are at the same level of fame, and both are at the same level of fame as Chad Michael Murray" clue. Hayden was and is far more famous than Murray, and there is no actor with the same level of fame as Hayden who's been linked with him.
Rule Number One: "For Every Judas, There Must Be A Dashed". I came up with that one, by the way. And I'm going to ask this question again of Elle and Talia: who is Hayden's Dashed, and how does he fit the clues?
"Dear Ted:
Since I almost nailed it last time, I wonder if you wouldn't indulge me again in playing guess that B.V. age? In order from oldest to youngest: Seymour Plow-Me-More, Judas Jack-Off, Toothy Tile, Dashed Dingle-Dream, Barrington Bang-Me, Nevis Divine, Twyla Babe-sucker, Terry Tush-Trade. Can I get a "bingo"?
—BV Groupie
Dear Age Is Just a Number:
Not quite. You're off on a couple."
Throwing this out there - in this article, Ted says that Hayden Christensen's career took a dive after Star Wars. Sound sfamiliar? And tehre is that issue, HC is aBV but we haven't figured out which one yet.
If Jared and Jensen are not JJO and DDD, then which BV(s) are they?
"Dear Ted:
Why do you get aggravated when asked questions about Judas Jack-Off but you don't mind answering the same question everyday about Robsten? So tell me this, Did Judas or Dashed Dingle-Dream ever have relationships (or hookups) with other guys besides each other? Or is it just the chemistry between the two was too hot to resist? I'm guessing Judas and Dashed have been with more woman than men.
Dear Never-Ending Vice:
Did you eat too much stuffing over the weekend? Of course Judas and Dash have hooked up with other guys. You don't suddenly turn gay outta nowhere."
"Dear Ted:
Thanks for finally answering a JJO/DDD for their rapid fans. Let's keep the momentum going—Do you think DDD knows about JJO hitting the sheets with women?
Would he be surprised or is he also guilty of such behavior? The original JJO Blind Vice came out (no pun intended) nearly two years ago. The chances of
these two still trying for a relationship is zero to none. Just look at JJO 's track record: he's a liar, a cheat and a slut. Why would DDO want back in a
relaysh that by all accounts is doomed to fail?
Dear Jerked Off Again:
Yes. No. And DDO still takes him back after everything because...well, I don't know. He's stupid and the sex is fantastic?"
"Dear Ted:
Has Nevis Divine ever had a sexual encounter with either Judas Jack-Off or Dashed Dingle-Dream? How about any other male BV stars?
Dear Nevy's Little Black Book:
No. No. Yes."
"Dear Ted:
I have heard a few times that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are not friends anymore, have you heard anything about this? I don't think it's true, because
their interactions with each other contradict it completely, but I'm asking anyway because it seems like a hurtful thing to make up about 2 people that have
so obviously cared about each other for a long time. Also, one other question, do they know about each other's BVs?
Dear They're Back!:
Ah, Jackles...the Robsten of the bromance world. But—like Rob and Kris—this is just another stupid "split" rumor. Both dudes are happy with the respective
ladies (one more than the other, though) and are still as tight as ever. Like, definitely know each others Vices tight."
"Dear Ted:
You said Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles know each other's Blind Vices my question is does Danneel Harris? That would make it interesting!
Dear SuperFreak:
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Danneel is definitely smarter than you think—which means that of course she knows what Vicey habits her husband has hidden in his closet. She's not an angel either."
"Dear Ted:
Wow, some of your readers, and especially the Robsten commenters will drive you from smoking directly into drinking, no? I guess you are supposed to write about nothing but them. Change the name from B.B. to R.K. and then maybe they will be happy. But my question is, how often are a pair of beards matched up and using each other for cover? Like perhaps Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream? Do either of their beards use them to cover their own B.V.s? Thanks!
—not a nonsten, but not a crazed stalker either
Dear Bitchin' Beard:
I would lock your doors at night if I were you. Taking on the Robsten fanatics is a brave feat, hon! As to your Q, occasionally a beard agrees to cover her own secrets, but that takes extra serious planning. JJO's and DDD's beards are irrelevant as of late. They aren't exactly on their A-game these days."
"Dear Ted:
I have only just started watching The Vampire Diaries and I love how much chemistry Ian Somerholder and Paul Wesley have together. Can you dish any dirt on
whether these two are more than friends? Also, with all of the recent celebrity divorce announcements, do you think we might hear one from Jensen Ackles or
Jared Padalecki soon?
Dear Double the Bros:
Sorry M, you are stretching there about Ian and Paul. See, Jensen and Jared are actually BFF's in real life, and Ian and Paul aren't that tight. And no, I do
not see a divorce announcement happening from any of the Supernatural boys."
"Dear Ted:
Are Judas Jack Off and Dashed Dingle Dream Leonardo DiCapio and Lukas Haas? They have lived together forever, and Leo throws Lucas small parts whenever he can. If you don't answer, I will assume I was right. I have 3 rescue cats wanting to know.
—Miss Ann
Dear Bromance:
Not a terrible guess at all hon-pie, but those guys are getting their socks off not with each other. They sure know how to throw a party, though! Haven't you seen the way Leo eyes the ladies when Bar is away?"
"Dear Ted:
Are Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream still hooking up for some of that nooky action? Did they spend any time together over the holidays, or are they
over each other and moving on? Should we fans accept that these two are no longer Vicing with each other? Yeah I know lots of questions, but their Vice is so
appealing that I can't help but want them together forever.
Dear Won't Give Up:
Forever? No. For now, from time to time? Yeah."
"Dear Ted:
Quick question, have either or both Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream been receiving more press and recognition recently?
Dear PR Contest:
Judas, by far. Like it's always been."
"Dear Ted;
Anyone new and exciting in Dashed Dingle Dream life now that hot mess Judas Jack Off is no longer in
the picture? Is it possible that the arranged beard relationship has turned into a real love match for
Dear Lovesessed:
I'd rather tackle "Is Taylor Lautner really stealing Kristen Stewart's heart," to tell you the truth.
These two dudes are really beginning to bore me."
"Dear Ted:
Are Shane West and Ashton Holmes Judas Jack Off and Dashed Dingle Dream? They have been friends for
awhile, so I think that makes them a known pair. Also they just co-starred on Nikita, so they are the
right level of fame for this BV. It all makes sense now, do I get a prize?
Dear Random Alert:
I applaud you for thinking outside the box, I really do! But you're wrong. Not too terribly wrong. But
Dear Ted:
You haven't had much to say about Danneel Harris lately. Is everything OK with her? I haven't seen anything about her NBC show airing, and she was just at
the premiere of her new movie looking great, but without her best accessory, her handsome husband. So please throw me and my puppies a tidbit of info about
what is going on with her?
—LA Girl
Dear Deal With It:
Yes, Danneel looked fab at the premiere of The Roommate, but we're guessing her hubs, Jensen Ackles, was probably busy shooting his show...or something. They
seem totally fine and boring, sorry someone has to remind you. But can say I'm shocked that the CW coupling isn't ending in a sad divorce—a curse is a curse,
after all. Huh, Sofia Bush?
Dear Ted:
Are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki really the boring married men they appear to be, or is it a facade? They are Blind Vices, after all!
Dear Wild Childs:
They certainly aren't as entertaining as they used to be, I'll tell you that. And which Vice's were they, again? Can't say I remember giving anything away.
"Dear Ted:
You've said recently that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have become a little boring for your tastes. I was just wondering whether some of the comments
made at this weekend's Supernatural Convention in L.A. might change your mind? Jensen made a comment (joke?) about sleeping with a Supernatural castmember.
According to reports, there was an awkward beat before Jared jumped in to explain that Jensen was referring to himself. Seems a little suspicious to me. Your
Dear Get Real:
We all know Jensen wasn't referring to himself. But even still, it's gonna take a whole lot more than that to get me supernaturally excited about these guys
"Dear Ted:
What is your take on the meta episode of Supernatural last Friday? When I first heard that Genevieve Cortese was returning to the show to play Jared Padalecki's wife, I thought the intention was to combat those pesky gay rumors. So I was surprised to see her (and one of their wedding photos!) in an alternate universe that was clearly a fictional portrayal of his life. I mean, everyone knows the real Jared and Jensen get along just fine. So if none of it was real, why not hire a different actress or not mention it at all? Or was the opportunity to remind everyone that Jared married the actress who played Ruby too good to pass up?
Dear Not So Supernatural:
The latter. Fans love it when an onscreen character comes to life offscreen, ever heard of Two and a Half Men?"
"Dear Ted:
I just realized it has been two years since you first told us about Judas Jack-Off. I know you are a little bored with him at the moment, but I have a few
questions I hope you can answer. First, does Judas still have the same beard that he did when we first met him? And if yes, has their "relationship" (the one
they show the public for appearances) progressed very far since you first started writing about him?
Dear Just Judas:
Snooze. Same old crap with this dude! He has been professionally under the radar lately, and I miss looking at his pretty face. Maybe when he ditches the
nonceleb BF he will come back and grace us with his beauty again, but sans beard, please."
"Dear Ted:
Thank you for mentioning Judas Jack-Off. He's one of my favorite Vices, and I must admit I'm a bit jealous that the Twi-hards get daily updates even when
there's non-news and those of us more interested in other celebs have to wait for months at times. Would it be too greedy if I ask you to toss in a status
update on Judas' jilted guy. What's Dashed Dingle-Dream been up to?
Dear Dashed Hopes:
He's seriously trying to stay low...idiot, idiot, idiot."
Dear Ted:
So am I off on this or not: Judas Jack-Off and Jason Manns? I know JJO is boring for now, but there are so many of us out here waiting and watching, watching
and waiting. And what about Dash? Is he boring, too?
Dear Not Quite:
Sorry, L, Judas isn't Jason. And yes, Dash is pretty friggin' boring, as well.
okay thought I posted so if this posts twice sorry :) the first time read this vice my thought was Hayden Christensen and after Ted notted Jared & Jensen today I have to go back to my first instinct. The original blind was just after Jumper came out in 2008 when he left his "SO" for his co-star Rachel Bilson... just a thought
I remember way back when, my first guess was Hayden Christianson for JJO too... I don't know if it fits, but I have no idea who it is now, as I don't know ANYTHING about Jackles, but apparently it's not them anymore?!
Dear Ted:
I know it's been a long time, but who are Judas Jack-Off and Dash Dingle-Dream, anyway? I miss you talking about them. I still think they are Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, but whatever.
—I Miss JJO and DDD
Dear Keep On Missing:
There is nothing there, and I mean nothing new. And they still aren't your dream couple. Sorry about it. Some day when it hits you, you'll chuckle to yourself, promise.
So if Ted's to be believed, we need to think of some other couple for this...
does Ted's latest post open up the possibility of Hayden Christensen as JJO and Trevor Blumas as DDD? i followed this vice pretty closely last year, but i jumped on the Jared/Jensen train and didn't think about other possibilities. Blumas hasn't been in very much, but he is an actor and was rumored to be Christensen's bf awhile ago. i'm a little rusty on this blind because it has been so long and i totally thought it was solved!
does someone else know if Hayden Christensen's blind vice has already been solved?
What about someone from House? I just find it odd timing that a day after that post about JJJ and DDD that he mentions that one or TWO people have a vice from house. Just a thought.
"Dear Ted:
I know it's been a long time, but who are Judas Jack-Off and Dash Dingle-Dream, anyway? I miss you talking about them. I still think they are Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, but whatever.
—I Miss JJO and DDD
Dear Keep On Missing:
There is nothing there, and I mean nothing new. And they still aren't your dream couple. Sorry about it. Some day when it hits you, you'll chuckle to yourself, promise."
WOW BIG ELIMINATION! For a while we had been wondering if Ted was playing with all the Supernatural fans and it wasn't them. I guess we should look back into Hayden Christensen. Off to edit posts and remove Supernatural photos.
Another new issue - then What are Jared and Jensen's BVS??
Dear Ted:
Could you pretty, pretty please give me some new hint toward the identities of Judas Jack-Off and Dash Dingled-Dream so that I can start over trying to solve
this one. My palette needs cleansing because it keeps going to the same place.
Dear Goss Gourmet:
Get a new diet, babe, those guys are disappearing faster than LeAnn Rimes' body."
"Dear Ted:
Is Dashed Dingle-Dream a country singer?
Dear Yee-Naw:
Nope. Not even close, but thanks for bringing Dash back!"
"Dear Ted:
Trying a wild guess for an old Blind Vice: Are Judas and Dashed... Wentworth Miller and Luke Macfarlane?
Dear Nice Try:
That's actually a very impressive guess, Steph, closer than you might imagine. Just not Wentworth (or Luke), himself. But right on the strangely out-of-it
WASP-clone stare thing, know what I mean?
Dear Ted:
Ted—love your wit—love your charm—love your dish—taking a stab at Judas Jack-off and Dashed—-could it be Sean Pyfrom and Penn Badgley? I saw them both
hanging out as "buds" at Mammoth ski area this past March (during gay ski weekend—coincidence?) and they are brunching/lunching/drinking together in LA Penn
and Blake never seem like a real couple to me. PS—I volunteer at the Friends of Animals foundation—-great shelter to give a plug! Muah! A lot.
Dear Animalistic:
Hey agree with the Penn and Blake off biz, but, Penn and Sean are not Judas and Dashed. Kinda cool how pretty close you are, though. But don't assume a
brunch means a bedroom munch later!"
Dear Ted:
Who would you do, ditch or marry out of Dashed Dingle-Dream, Teddy Big-Treat and Barrington Bang-Me? What or (who) is DDD doing these days?
Dear Game On:
Ditch Dashed, do Barrington and marry Ted. Was this what you expected? As for D3, it's been more off than on with JJO as of late—but isn't that always the
case. These two are becoming such a bore!"
"Dear Ted:
We talk so much about Hollywood's closeted stars, but we hear next to nothing about their other halves. So I'm wondering who sports the best facial hair and
who is most in need of a shave out of Fey Oiled-Tush, Judas Jack-Off, Dashed Dingle-Dream and Crescent Kumquat?
Dear Grab the Razor:
Judas probably plays the beard game the best (while Cres plays it the worst), and it's definitely time for Fey to ditch his other lady half. Was anyone
buying it anyway?"
Dear Ted:
Poor Dashed Dingle-Dream even in your Do, Ditch or Marry game, he gets dumped! Exactly what is it about the poor guy that makes him so dispensable? Now that he and Judas Jack-Off are totally over and done with, has DDD found anyone special to give him some love?
Dear Meow:
Whoever said they were done with for good? Certainly not I!"
"Dear Ted:
Just wondering about your thoughts on the Vicers. Who is (1) your favorite B.V., (2) your least favorite B.V. and (3) the B.V. that shocked you the most.
Dear Sophie's Choice:
That's like pickin' which of my pups I like best, E! But I'll give it a shot: Toothy is my fave, duh. I am always happy to dig up dirt on that delicious
dude. My least favorite (these days) is probably Judas Jack-Off, just 'cause he's so damn boring lately and yet everyone is bitchin' about him. As for
shocking, well, the sad story of Sally Pearlsmyth was...unexpected."
"Dear Ted:
You said that Judas Jack-Off preferred holding hands with his ex-BF rather than "humping horny beards." Does that mean that JJO has had a string of public girlfriends or are you just referring to his habit of disappearing for a while with willing women on the sly? Because if he follows through, they aren't really beards, are they? If he's really getting it on with them, JJO is just a slut.
Dear Jack Attack:
Jud is a bit on the promiscuous side, duh, but things are tricky with him and the ladies. See, he's done the whole beard thing and didn't mind it terribly, but sometimes he'll try to bed a chick to see if maybe this time he'll like it. Toothy like, no?"
Dear Ted:
Although Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream are so boring lately I still want to ask one thing about my fave B.V. couple: How's DDD these days? Has he
found himself a decent boy after Judas, or does he still hope they'll get back together?
Dear Best For Last:
Oh, hell, Dashed knows his career's going to win in the end, anyway, so I don't thinking he's sweating it that much these days.
"Dear Ted:
I'm gonna push my luck and ask another DDD question. Why have you not really answered the many versions of "Does 3D have a new love?" questions, but you have
shared on JJO's sleazy one-nighters with chicks and the nonceleb BF? They are by far my fave B.V. and I'm past wanting a redux for the couple—I want 3D to
truly be able to tell JJO that he was the best thing he'll never have while walking off with his upgrade and a more successful career.
Dear Dream On:
Hate to say it, but I generally don't dish on DDD's love life ‘cause it's très boring. Sorry, babe, and you're going to be even more disappointed when you
hear that, as much of a jerk as Judas is and was, he's still got the better career...and probably always will."
"Dear Ted:
Why don't we see more of Hayden C? What's going on with him?
Dear Pathetic:
The man can't even begin to decide what to make of his love life, not to mention career, so why the hell should any of us bother, either? Wake us when you
know who the hell you are, dude!"
"Dear Ted:
I can never get enough of Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream's on again/off again quasi relationship. If one of the boys were to start dating another
male on the regular, who do you think would be more possessive, Jude or Dash? Also, may I please know who they are please?
Dear Boyfriend Forecast:
You may not, dear, but you may certainly guess. As for future boy toys, well, Judas is the kind of douche that likes to have his cutie cake and eat it, too,
while his respective BF is supposed to stay perfectly faithful. Meanwhile, Dashed is burned in the love department and getting pretty dang weary. All in all,
good luck to any future fellahs.
"Dear Ted:
I've always wondered if Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream's costars know about the boys' on-again, off-again relationship. If so whose side are they
generally on? Or are most actually rooting for the doomed relationship?
Dear Bird's Eye View:
Of course they knew. And they totally took poor Dash's side in the sitch. But Judas is the more famous of the duo, so they've got to at least pretend to like
the douchey dude despite what he put his former flame through. That's how this town works."
"Dear Ted:
Say I were to do a Blind Vice lineup, arranging Vicers from tallest to shortest. Out of Nelly Fang, Dashed Dingle Dream and Jackie Bouffant who would be in
the middle?
Dear Super Sleuth:
Height-wise, Dashed Dingle Dream would fall smack dab in the middle."
"Dear Ted:
Have you confirmed that Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are not Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream?
Dear A Vice of a Different Kind:
All I've said, doll, is that they are not everybody's dream couple, as in the one they think so beautifully fits Jared and Jensen.
Dear Ted:
There has been a lot of talk about Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles in reference to certain monikers. You've said twice that they aren't Judas Jack-Off and Dashed-Dingle Dreams. How about a tip to their real Vices, then? Pretty, pretty, please with hunky ghost hunters on top?
Dear Nice Try:
Doll, I wish I could, but I can't tell you anything more than your favorite guys (and mine) kind of have this domino thing going with their Vice(s). Also, let the record state, I have never unequivocally denied that Jared and Jensen are certain monikers.
"Dear Ted:
Sam and Dean are going to have to salt 'n' burn my bones 'cause I've died from the suspense of not being able to determine the identity of Judas Jack-Off and
Dashed Dingle-Dream. Help a lady out?
Dear You Think You're So Clever:
I'm not going to fall into your Super-freak trap that easily, chica. Be a little more clever and I'll give you a JJO-DDD break.
Dear Ted:
Does Judas Jack-Off still have a jones for Dashed Dingle-Dream or is it more been there done that?
Dear Still Going Strong:
Judas is hardly over Dashed Dingle-Dream. Quite the opposite, actually."
"Dear Ted:
I worry about my darling Dashed Dingle-Dream. Is he still all heartsick because he fell for one jerk? He seems nice enough. I'm sure he could find a good guy
to quietly settle down with outside of the public eye like so many closeted celebs do.
Dear Dry Your Eyes:
DDD isn't sweating his no-good BF anymore. He's moved on to better (tho not quite bigger) lovers. Stay tuned to see how Judas responds. You know he's the one
that still pines over his ex, after all."
"Dear Ted:
Would you say that Dashed Dingle-Dream is living his life more open now that he is away from Judas Jack-Off? Do you think he will be one of the celebrities
who are not exactly out but everyone knows he is gay? And if he does will it give your loyal readers a clue as to who JJO is?
Dear Dudes on the Side:
No, absolutely not, so it doesn't really apply, does it?"
"Dear Ted:
The other day you answered a question about Jared Padalecki and Chad Michael Murray being close as friends and it got me wondering. We all know that Jared
has a Blind Vice but does Chad have one as well? I for one hope it's a good one if he does. I like my guys Vicey.
Dear Are You Nuts?:
Chad's a walking encyclopedia of Vicey behavior. And yes, he's a member of the Vice club. But, from a while back—when far fewer people knew who the hell he
was causing all kinds of drama.
Dear Ted:
Glad you're back on the nonsmoking wagon! Good luck! Do Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream have perma-beards? And if so, would either consider having a
family with them? Do you think any beard would be onboard for a family with the understanding that the "interests" of their significant other lie elsewhere?
Dear Beardest of All:
Both are definitely the beard type. And beards are in it for the money and fame, so of course they could start a family—tons of beards have done it in the
past. It's just part of the coverup game that they play. Sad but true."
"Dear Ted:
We hear about Dashed Dingle-Dream in conjunction with Judas Jack-Off all the time. But I was wondering if Dash ever pals around with any other Vicers?
Dear Simple Answer:
"Dear Ted:
You recently hinted that Judas Jack-Off's guy-nooky-loving would come to light way before a tell-all book could spill any secrets. Why is that? I know things
are over with him and Dashed Dingle-Dream, so is JJO not really being discreet with the guy hookups?
Dear Nine Lives of JJO:
You can only scorn so many dudes before one decides to out your usin' and abusin' ass. The only reason Dash didn't at the time is because he was trying to up
his name in H'wood. And a same-sex scandal wasn't going to land him any leading roles.
Dear Ted:
I was thinking that people do not like Lana Del Rey because she is manufactured product of the record label and her rich father that bankrolls her career.
She is super fake and everyone can see it. Plus she totally has a deer-in-headlights look in almost everything I see. That isn't good for anyone's image.
Sure, she can sing! Her tunes are haunting and catchy, and she really is beautiful. It's what lies underneath it all that is so off-putting. Her revamped
image and robotic demeanor speaks more to people then her actual talent. Anyhow, that is my own personal take on this whole situation. Sound accurate to you?
So, having said that—how about this: How is Hayden Christensen in your Blind Vice All-Star gallery? That guy is barely on the radar! He is super hot, so he
has that. Write me back! XOXO
Dear No Lana Love:
Sorry, K, but we disagree. Every mega pop star is somewhat a product of the record label, and we think Lana's done a great job staying true to her image,
whether or not you think it's fake. As for Hayden? Trust, he's well deserving of his spot in our gallery, but that's all I'm sayin'."
"Dear Ted:
If Dashed Dingle-Dream's beard ever becomes a household name, do you think the pair will split? I guess I've never understood how beards could just give up
their chances at an actual love life to be on the arm of someone slightly more famous.
Dear Dream On:
You have the twosome swapped, Mikey, ‘cause it's Judas Jack-Off who lands the more famous babes. Like his last GF, who actually did become a household name
of sorts. And, to some, fame is first priority. Love a distant second…if that.
Dear Ted:
You mentioned that Judas Jack-Off has dates some notable names. Any of these gals happen to be Vices in their own right? And I'm thinking a while ago.
Dear Gal-Pals Galore:
Yes. But not older than Jude's Vice, so recheck your timeline, Mikey-poo!
Dear Ted:
I don't think I go back and forth on any Vice more than Judas Jack-Off...and your latest clue has thrown me once again. You said since earning his Vice
moniker Judas has dated another Vicer. When JJO made his debut it was because his people set him up with a beard. For some reason I had assumed Judas had
been with the same beard since then. Has he? Or has Judas burned through multiple public "girlfriends"?
Dear Dime a Dozen:
Heck no! Jude has had a couple of high-profile chickies do the whole fakey GF thing with him—more than one of which has been a Vice star. Only his most
recent beard has lasted long term though, the past gals were just chalked up to flings.
Dear Ted:
So JJO has dated or is dating a Vicer. Did you give this Vice gal a moniker? I'm curious if JJO is more Nevis Divine than Toothy Tile and likes the girls as
much as the boys. You've said he's serious about the beard turned real-live girlfriend but does he still pine for some Dashed Dingle-Dream loving or will any
hot dude do?
Dear Kinsey Scale:
Yes, some of the babes have earned monikers. As for your second Q: While Jude may want you to think he's got some bi in him—heck, he even wants himself to
think that—those feelings only popped up once he made it big. Before then he was all gay and lovin' it."
"Dear Ted:
Yay! I knew Supernatural would win the Ultimate Fan Battle! So…don't want to be pushy, Teddy bear, but you said you were going to reward us with some Vice
scoop to celebrate the victory. When will you tell us? We're all dying to know what it could possibly be. A big juicy hint, perhaps?!
—SPN 4 Ever!
Dear Sound the Trumpets:
How about instead of a hint, I'll give you a notting? Listen up, brother lovers and Vice addicts alike: Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream are officially
not Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. So…any guesses which monikers they actually belong to?
Dear Ted:
Are Dashed-Dingle Dream and Judas Jack-Off still working together on the same show?
Dear Nope:
Which you'd think would make it easier for Dashed to move on. You'd think."
"Dear Ted:
Are these casting choices the only mail you get anymore? I'm sick of Fifty Shades of Grey already and I haven't even picked up the book yet. Allow me to remedy this. A
while ago, I asked you whether Judas Jack-Off was born in the United States, and at the time you said you couldn't answer that but it was a great question. Now that
the Supernatural guys have been notted (thank you finally!) can you answer the question?
Dear Patience Pays Off:
No, he was not. As for Fifty Shades, get on board, babe! Because that sexy saga isn't dying down anytime soon! People have very passionate opinions on who should play our mysterious Mr. Christian Grey, so of course I'm going to let them duke it out in the column.
Dear Ted:
Is Judas Jack-Off the not-American, lanky and muscled Alexander Skarsgård? It would explain some of his dating choices.
Dear Dating Dud:
Not a bad guess, S, but no, JJO is not A.Skars, but that doesn't mean Skars isn't equally as Vicey. As for his dating life, I agree that Skars and Kate Bosworth were
totally blah together, but he was rumored to be with Charlize Theron for a hot minute, and that's a pretty solid catch if ya ask us!"
Hayden Christensen was born is Canada so he fits with Ted's latest bit of info.
"Dear Ted:
Longtime follower of your Blind Vices; you can say I'm somewhat obsessed about a lot of them. Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream are one of my obsessions. So here
is my question to you: Is Judas Jack-Off Tom Hardy? He fits most of the criteria, and the time frame of his rise to stardom definitely fits. XOXO
—MoMo DiMaggio
Dear Batty for Boys:
Not quite, MoMo. While Mr. Hardy may have raised a few eyebrows in the past, he is not our nasty ex-BF. Tom has way more muscles, for one. Though the two both have
tasted the franchise life...and loved it!
Dear Ted:
Could the two costars that are Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream possibly have a connection to Gossip Girl? Thanks!
Dear New York's Most Wanted:
XOXO, Zab. And you better accept those hugs and smooches because that's the only good thing I've got for you—Jude and his former BF aren't any of the Gossip guys.
Judas does have a connection to another soapy hit though (he dated a chickie from one!)."
Someone in one of the threads suggested Hayden Christensen and Trevor Blumas (I've never heard of Blumas). I Googled these two, and there is some substance to this. (By that I mean lots of rumors and links to pictures that go to pages that are gone) The two of them have been linked romantically as long-time boyfriends, and they also allegedly had relations with Aaron Carter & Justin Berfield of Malcom in the Middle (the one who trips gaydar when he speaks) when Carter was 15 or 16, so there is also a statutory rape element to the whole thing. Many sites claim that Blumas has admitted Hayden is the love of his life & vice versa.
Hayden: Gets far more press than Trevor (tabs still report on Bilson-Hayden sightings to this day), was A-list back in the day, lean build, has vacant WASP-clone stare thing, born outside US, born in "chilly Vancouver" (another key clue), had good pro resume as of 2008 but now star has faded and is boring, has beard in Rachel Bilson. Ted implies strongly that Hayden-Bilson relationship is a fake (e.g., no altar in future, relaysh if you can call it that, etc.) H.C. Is known outstanding BV. Ted calls Hayden C.'s career pathetic as of 7/11, just as he calls JJO's career. People are not a fan of Hayden's acting -- see critical reviews of his acting in Star Wars. He's in movies much more than TV, but has TV credits. Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter (his co-star on Dexter) were a "couple" just like Hayden C. and his co-star Rachel Bilson (in Jumper). Was never linked to RPattz (Nevis Divine). Past girlfriends Natalie Portman, Eva Longoria & Sienna Miller. Sienna Miller, his last beard prior to Bilson, did become a household name because of the Jude Law stuff & her crazy. (All 3 are household names tho) Bilson is a chickie from a soapy hit (OC). Hayden has fewer muscles than Tom Hardy & Mario Lopez. Much cuter than Ben McKenzie. Shrimpier than Michael C. Hall. Similar body type to Milo Ventimiglia (skinny/lean). Has "tasted franchise life" (Star Wars).
Trevor: also an actor, born in same city as Luke McFarlane (whom Ted said was a very close guess). Was never linked to RPattz (Nevis Divine). His height is 5'11", which is "smack dab" in the middle of Nelly Fang (Alexander Skarsgard, 6'4") and Jackie Bouffant (Zac Efron, 5'10").
Questions marks: 1) can't find girlfriend info for Trevor. Ted implies DDD has a low-key beard who won't blow cover. He further says that DDD does not have a beard with a moniker, and implies that DDD is not famous enough to need a beard, unlike JJO.
2) For this to work, Trevor would have to have a better body than Hayden, but not sure, maybe? Hayden's skinny/lean, not sure about Trevor. 3) Is the chuckle a red herring? 4) Hayden C HAS worked with Ian Somerhalder in Life as a House, so for this to work, Drew Smoulder n Such has to be Paul Wesley (or Ted just forgot about that movie). 6) Trevor has been known to pal around with Aaron Carter, who (I think) is a BV. But this was back in the day, not current. Ted said DDD was not known to pal around with other BV. 7) They've never worked together on the same show. A question came in asking if they were still working on the same show, to which Ted replied Nope. I don't see the part where it was confirmed that they once worked on the same show though. Ted says maybe they were, maybe they weren't.
trevor blumas has dated a bilson lookalike rachel curtis according to wdw. and his list of tv-movies, -shows:
Warehouse 13
Geoffery Cedolia
Too Young to Marry
Ice Princess
Teddy Harwood
Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story
Guilt by Association
Teenage Max
The Unsaid
Kyle Hunter
Inside the Osmonds
Older Jimmy
Jane Doe
Michael Doe
Virtual Mom
Dinner at Fred's
Young Richard
Seasons of Love
Young Hocking
Switching Goals
Greg Jeffries
Twice in a Lifetime
Teenage Ryan Storey, Young Ben Bogart
Monet: Shadow and Light
Daniel Fontaine
The Wall
Ben Holst
Little Men
Nathanel Blake, Nat
Stranger in Town
Due South
Young Fraser
Earth: Final Conflict
Jebediah Good
at first look i saw nothing where he starred together with hayden...
from a "gay information blog":
It is now well-known and well-proven that Hayden Christensen's longtime companion is Trevor Blumas. In an interview in the gay magazine "The Advocate" in 2001, Hayden Christensen all but claimed that he was gay. In his last role performance for almost two years, "Guilt by association" Trevor Blumas wore jewelry in the absolute exact and precise pattern of current gay/bisexual jewelry codes (information obtained from webmasters at several gay web sites). In early 2003, a photograph was published in a gay-oriented magazine entitled "StarCeleb" which showed Hayden Christensen and a young man who was described as the new man in Hayden's life: this young man turned out to be Trevor Blumas. In September 2003, a story was planted that claimed that Hayden Christensen was not paying his rent and would be evicted from his home in Hollywood Hills, and then Hayden moved back to his home in Toronto at the end of the month. In early October of 2003, after having lived in California with Hayden in his Hollywood Hills home and having attended Santa Monica College for a while, Trevor Blumas returned home to London, Ontario, outside of Toronto, ostensibly to film the movie "Prom Queen," but also apparently to try to resuscitate his career. And at that time, it looked like Hayden and Trevor had broken up, as much because of some difficulties in their lives and careers as over any influence "Stars Wars" producer George Lucas might have had over them.
and: i found comments on those sites that say that trevor has the "better"/hotter body...
Nyx, it's looking like a fit. I haven't gone through all the Dear Teds to see if there are other corroborating clues but so far nothing is knocking Trevor Blumas out of contention. There are a lot of rumors about the two of them from a few years back. The height constraints is one that's key, could eliminate a lot of guys: taller than 5'10" but shorter than 6'4". I can see why Ted is bored with this one though -- neither guy has been making any news, and I don't think Trevor has ever made any news. I think JJO & DDD were only exciting when they were Jared P & Jensen A!!
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