OK, Lainey stated here yesterday that the Arquettes were in a blind riddle about an unconventional relationship. Who knows which one? Going to dig thourgh later tonight if I have time, but if you know already please let us know!
Update: Here are two they are believed to be about:
Text Harassment and Cabo.
Quick investigating -
found text harassment and belle from hell... added them tot he post.
any others?
what about this one? I always thought it was them!
I believe stated that Courtney was not the Belle from Hell in the live blog yesterday. However, her remark sounded a little sarcastic to me so who knows?
Personally, I think they match the Cabo blind better. I remember seeing an article not too long ago about how Courteney and David attend couples counseling every so often for a "tune up" to keep the lines of communication open.
Correction, I believe that LAINEY stated...
when you click on the two links, the tabs read Anne Heche/Text Harassment and Lake Bell/Belle from Hell, so perhaps Lainey went ahead and categorized them under these women because these are old and resolved blind items. kwim?
Hmmm, although in the Text Harassment one she says it's not Anne Heche. So it could be CC-A but there's no notting for the Belle one.
i dont know why the lake bell label is on the 2nd one. but for the 1st, anne heche is listed at the bottom as an "aint"
Hmmm yeah Cabo could be them too. Belle from hell would jsut be about courtenly anyway so not really them as a couple.
i think the text message thing in lainey's post is a clue about the text harassment thing.
From the Liveblog on 10/12:
Answer from Lainey: I don’t predict any ugliness. Did you hear Arquette on Howard Stern today? He’s being very candid and still rather classy about it all. There’s a lot of respect there, from him to her anyway. I don’t know about the other way around. What? Never! Courteney Cox is not a belle from hell! Oh please.
Hmm, if this indeed is Courtney, I`m very disappointed. Although she looks like an absolute control freak, she also looks calm, nice and cool. too bad.
Isn't it nice when blind gossip sites and contributors are proved right. We'll see what PR-spin is put on this break up, considering that probably neither Courtney or David would want it known that they have had an open marriage for so long.
Also there was a semi-revel about Christina Aguilera's blind - see our post on xtina and "post partum flirtation"
Caz, I was surprised at David's reaction given the open marriage thing. His upset-ness sounded genuine. Perhaps his tears come from not being good with change and it rocking his foundations. I loved how he said 'I'm a legend, I'm a hero' or something to Howard S in relation to how he's worked on himself over the years. Immediately I was transported to a vision of him in a therapist's office as she soothes and supports him: 'You've come so extraordinarily far, David, you've made a heroic effort to change and you should be so very, very proud of yourself'. It was a very narcissistic comment.
who ever the blind was with the hot tub party
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