Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lainey- Hair issues

Hair issues

Two riddles about hair. Two different subjects.

1. When you don’t eat, when you deprive your body of essential nutrients, it reacts in ways to protect itself. One of the side effects of excessive thinnification is the fuzzy hair growth, a soft downy layer as the body tries to keep itself warm. And oftentimes on the face. Since food is not a regular part of her life, the thinnification hair on her face is naturally dark. They do a marvellous job of hiding it though – by bleaching and strategic photography and of course foundation, although it’s getting harder and harder to hide. And as a result she’s just lost a part because of it. The director loved her, he just didn’t want to go to such great lengths to camouflage her problem.

2. Young star of the moment was getting some action once and things were progressing along nicely until the boy headed down there and discovered that her situation was so unkempt, “like even more than the 70s”, he had to tap out. It was how she learned the importance of grooming. On a personal note though, let’s make this sh-t fair: maintenance goes both ways. It’s not just a female responsibility, male deforestation is a requirement too. Carry on then with your guesses now.

Update 10/13/10 - Lainey has eliminated:
For #1: NOT Leighton Meester, Kelly Osbourne, Megan Fox ,Angelina Jolie, Renee Zellweger
For #2: NOT
BOTH: NOT Natalie Portman, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Emma Stone, Evan Rachel Wood, Jennifer Hudson, Joe Jonas, Kristen Stewart, Mila Kunis, Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan

* Top suspects:
#1 - Sarah Jessica Parker
#2 - Lea Michele


duffgrl said...

#1 is Lea Michele I think; (dark hair)

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth Moss?

Rita, Montreal said...

Today, Lainey has eliminated the following during her weekly Live Blog:

For #1, NOT Leighton Meester, Kelly Osbourne, Megan Fox, Keira Knightley,Angelina Jolie, Renee Zellweger,

For both 1 and 2: not Natalie Portman, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Emma Stone, Evan Rachel Woods, Jennifer Hudson, Joe Jonas, Kristen Stewart

My guess for number 2 must be that Miley Cirus with the annoying voice.

For number 1, so many choices: Lainey talks of dark fuzzy hair bleached to hide effects. So bleached blonds for number 1.

MISCH said...

What about Christina Ricci for # 1
she's very thin and dark haired ?

Rita, Montreal said...

Misch - that would've been my guess too, but it clearly states that to hide the thinnification, they bleach. Has Ricci gone bleach-blond lately?

Rita, Montreal said...

Misch - sorry, that was bleaching of the hair on the FACE. So it could definitely be a brunette with very cake-y make-up.

Michelle said...

Hi everyone,

First time I've posted. For number 1, what about Mila Kunis?

I searched "thinnification" on Lainey's site and Mila Kunis came up in reference to all the weight she lost for the ballet movie with Natalie Portman.

Jolene Jolene said...

Okay, BOTH of these blinds could be about any color hair. Just want to clarify that. Just because someone gets naturally dark hair on her face doesn't mean she's a brunette. How many natural blonds are out there anymore? Not many.

And Mila Kunis was notted:

Final notes - guesses: not Jennifer Hudson, not Mila Kunis, not Kristen Stewart, not Joe Jonas, but this is my favourite guess ever of all time.

Jessica said...

I like Lea Michele for number 1, she has lost a lot of weight recently.

For #2, I'm thinking if your downstairs area is unkempt, then the rest of you is probably a bit sloppy too. What about Kesha? She's "of the moment," as in, has no future, and the girl just looks filthy.

Unknown said...

The girls on Lainey's Facebook fanpage think the "Carry on with your guesses" comment refers to Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw) for #1 and Carrie Mulligan for #2.

Rita, Montreal said...

Oh, I like Sara Jessica Parker for number 1. Lainey had often hinted that SJP works very hard at being thin and going to farms for "cleansing" and coming out even thinner. Would also be the reason for a director to refuse her a role if it's a small budget movie/comedy, like most movies she has done with the exception of SAT, they wouldn't want to invest in reshopping pictures, and extra hair and make-up.

But for number 2? Can you imagine Shia Lebeouf telling Carrie to trim? Then again, maybe before she never really cared. And Shia had been with Trim-to-nothing Megan Fox. Number 2 is funny actually.

The Spie said...

I think we should get Lainey to tell us whether or not she demands that Jacek manscapes. If she doesn't, she's one heck of a hypocrite.

Rita, Montreal said...

Seeing how she showers 5 times a day, I'm betting she doesn't give a choice for Jacek to manscape!

Danae said...

For 1, it could be any of the girls Lainey has recently called thinnified: Lea Michele, Elisabeth Moss, Kate Bosworth. Christina Ricci could be it but Lainey generally doesn't talk about her. SJP I could see being prone to hairiness, she seems to have thick hair and eyebrows.

Unknown said...

What about Jennifer Connelly? She's been getting progressively thinner and looks like she could be prone to dark peach fuzz...

With Lea Michele being such a diva, it would be hard for me to believe a director would want her that bad, unless it was a singing part. Jennifer on the other hand, is an accomplished actress.

Clancy said...

Lainey's talking in the present - "they do a marvellous job of hiding it ... strategic photography, foundation ... although it's getting harder and harder to hide it..." Sounds to me like it's someone currently on TV with the make-up department etc in overdrive on it. Lea Michele is my # 1 guess. Could be Toni Collette, January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, as mentioned.

Clancy said...

I really like Carey Mulligan for #2. Great guess.

MISCH said...

One of the reveal sites says its Kate
Bosworth....which is kinda funny since he's a beard for Alexander Skarsgard.

blurry vice said...

my random guesses

1 - lara flynn boyle, courtney cox

2 - ashley greene

she doesn't say #1 is young.. could be older.

AndreaIU said...

I think it may have been a reveal today...

"Keira & Carey hair twins"

So since Keira was already eliminated from #1, she could be #2 and Carey would be #1. Also this would fit with the 'carry on with your guesses" phrase.

AndreaIU said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darla said...

She eliminated both Kiera and Carey in the first paragraph of that post.

I like the Lea Michelle guess out of all of them for number 1.

Really no clue on number 2 except that I think the guy was a MMA fighter. "he had to tap out" That's a wrestling reference.

Unknown said...

I thought of Lea Michele immediately re#1. I think it would be someone that has thick dark hair, Italian/Jewish, Mediterranean, that type. Although there are no natural blonds, I think hair could easily be hidden on someone not of the above types. Also Lea lost weight so fast and so dramatically that I could see her body reacting in such a manner.

Tara said...

Blurry, have you seen the nakey pics of Ashley Greene? She never met a razor she didn't like, if I recall correctly, LOL:)

I like Lea Michele for #1 also!

donna77 said...

Lainey posted an article today about SJP going out and never wasting a good hair day. Hmmm...

Rita, Montreal said...

Saw it too Donna, which makes me question if this blind is really SJP. Lainey was all but fawning over hair, no thinnification here.

Others though with thinnification is, well obviously Lindsay Lohan, but also Naomi Watts, read somewhere that her husband is a cheat, and she hasn't been eating lately with the stress and kids.

Unknown said...

I think the SJP post dedicated specifically to her hair was a big hint.

Kat Bosworth is thin enough to develop the peach fuzz, but she's nearly unemployed. That's why she's with Alex. It's hard for strategic photography to take place when she's only getting the occasional paparazzi shot.

Caz1310 said...

Both Madonna and Tori Spelling have been photographed with fuzzy hair on their faces from drastic weight loss. Hardly think Tori's in demand for anything LOL. Like all your guesses- have seen a few photos of SJP with fuzzy facial hair. I'm missing something who's Jacek?

Rita, Montreal said...

Caz- Jacek is Lainey`s Hubby who takes over from time to time when Lainey is travelling.

Anonymous said...

Teri Hatcher?

blurry vice said...


blurry vice said...

Please note, in the Keira and Corey post about being hair twins she eliminates them both... she says neitehr one of them have these issues, with a link to the riddle.

laur said...

Isn't Hayden penetierre dating a wrestler? Could be her for #2...

talia said...

i think hayden isn't a "girl of the moment" and considering her family, i would think that she began grooming the moment there was something growing... and btw, her bf is a boxer

HAS said...

I don't think it was referring to SJP, because she simply read an article on jezebel.com about how the paps know that SJP is always going to walk her kid to school after a night out because her hair always looks good the next day. Also, she's not working right now, so that doesn't fit either.
I'm guessing Lea Michele for #1. Lainey has mentioned in her daily links things about Lea's thinnification, and it's really quite obvious that she's lost a crapload of weight, while SJP has been crazy thin for a while now.

Unknown said...

Lainey basically confirms Lea Michele as #1 and Hayden Panettier for #2 in todays smutty tingles

.grad student by day. said...

i agree. lea and hayden were confirmed with the "wax" comments in smutty tingles. i was really hoping the reveals would be more interesting...

Ashlee said...

In the weekly Live Blog today, Lainey says Lea isn't #1.

talia said...

i interpreted it differently as well... to me lea michelle is no 2 and hayden still isn't a "girl of the moment". mentioning her with the waxig as well - to me - was just a tease

Holly Cleland said...

On Tuesday's smutty tingles, Lainey had Lea Michele and Hayden and commented this. . .

Lea Michele tries to be sexy. Wonder if she waxed. (Popeater)

Am wondering if Lolita P waxed too (Popoholic)

Valerie Feria - Isacks said...

Actually recent scientific studies show a natural amount of pubic hair can help prevent UTI (urinary tract infection). I wish I could link here to Jstor but unless you pay $$$ or are in the sciences so eligble for discount it's too expensive to read the article. I believe though there is a mention of the study in the free "Stuff Mom Never Told You" at HowStuffWorks.com

Valerie Feria - Isacks said...

I think it's in the SMNTY one on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome but don't quote me on that.
