She’s a piece of work
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There’s one in every family. The in-law no one likes. They manage to find a way to bring down every family holiday and gathering, provoking fights, hurt feelings, and general awkwardness. You stare at the brother/sister/cousin/aunt, or maybe even parent, who introduced this unpleasant individual into your clan and think, Were you

high when you proposed? For this family, their “piece of work” is a loud-mouthed, famous blonde who insists on smoking at the table during family gatherings (the family patriarch is very health conscious--this is not a smoking-tolerant family). At first, they didn’t mind her so much, sold on her bright smile and seemingly pleasant manner. But as soon as her public trouble was smoothed over, her real personality started coming out. Now, her constant cursing and insistence on injecting herself into the middle of everything is rubbing everyone the wrong way. When friends of the family visited they were shocked by her behavior and attitude. The family was like, yeah, welcome to our world. But what really irks them is her habit of emasculating their son--not only in front of them, but in the press, too. Things have gotten so bad that they’ll tell anyone they wish their son would leave her, wondering why he still puts up with her, going so far as to say they’d “lobotomize” him to make him forget her.
Top suspect:
Katherine Heigl
Definitely Heigl. Her hubby's dad is an MD so she totally fits.
Yup, Heigl. She smokes too. Makes sense since Lainey has said that no one in the industry will work with her twice because she's so obnoxious.
I agree that it's Heigl. She's also admitted herself that she curses a lot.
Definitely Heigl. Way too easy.
Didn't Catherine Heigl quit smoking after she adopted? I was thinking Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner
and i don't recall that heigl talked bad about her husband...
to me the blind sounds more like a gf/bf situation than husband and wife...
For me this is screaming Britney Spears and her boyfriend Jason (Tralwick?)
Went through a public rough phase, loud, smokes, etc.
Its spelled jason trawick. cant find any info on his family though.
Definitely Heigl. She has talked bad about her husband - here are two examples I found:
"'He’s such a guy,' the Life As We Know It star explains of her spouse of nearly three years. 'I adore him, I can’t imagine being with another man, but he can be very self-absorbed.'"
“I tend to say them anyway because I think it’s better to be honest. I gave Josh [husband Josh Kelley] a really hard time recently because he got this new haircut for a photo on the country album he’s releasing. I really didn’t like it, even though everybody else loved it. I was like, ‘You don’t look like you. You’re really sexy, you’re a manly man and this is kind of a metrosexual look.’ Finally, he just stopped listening to me.”
It seems so obvious for this to be Heigl, but Lainey hates her so I'm not surprised.
And it looks like this is an engaged/married couple, not bf/gf:
"'Were you high when you proposed?'"
I wish I could think of someone else, but I can't get away from Heigl!
When I used to read Defamer they were always bagging on Heigl for the emasculating things she said in interviews about her husband. I think this definitely seems like her.
p.s. This is a different Rachel from the commenter above.
Heigl FTW. Not even much of a blind, since it was pretty obvious IMO.
Ha ha - yes this has got to be Katherine Heigl. Her bad publicity was her "ungratefulness" that she is now trying to smooth over. She fits this blind perfectly.
totally Heigl. Especially considering the new post about Heigl and table manners etc on Lainey's site as of now!
I was just going to post that, Deena. I agree that Lainey pretty much just confirmed that it is her.
I saw this the other day but don't consider it a reveal. Just a mention of table manners yes.
I think we definitely need more than just that.
The thing is, we all hate K Heigl and we know Lainey does too. So if this is her, then snooze... how boring. Not really surprising. It would be more interesting if it were Britney or someone else.
Kim Zolciak (sp?) and Big Poppa
Just looking at Lainey Blinds site (the Barda Free one)... it says that this is revealed as Heigl. Not really familiar with Lainey's style of this right?
caz - she hasnt revealed this as far as we know. that site is not affiliated with lainey.
today however IS a hint for K Heigl - blurb about family
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