"Dear Ted:
This makes me feel like a hundred years old, but I have been reading yourcolumn for a while, and I think I did finally solve one Blind Vice. It is the one about the action star who told his wife she was only allowed to wear dresses and he was acting like an oversize jerk to everyone. His public persona was much better at the time, and as I said this Vice is so old I most likely read it when we still had dial-up, but was it about ranting Mel?
— f_moser_scone
Dear Wrong:
Close, but no cigar. And I just told you who it is."
We'll update this post with the Blind Vice when we find it.
Top suspect: Arnold Schwarzenegger
OK so people on E comments are saying this is ah-nuld. Spie is this why you were asking us to dig up the ah-nuld bv? just getting caught up now.
It's hard to guess or know who he told us without knowing the blind, but I think this BV is from back before Ted gave actual names to his blind vices. Sometimes they were just one-liners and would literally say "which action star, who won't allow his wife to wear pants, is being a huge jerk to staff members?" or something like that. It would have been prior to 2004, I think.
Anyway, that said, I'm pretty sure this is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He gave an interview in the 80s where it's referenced that he won't let Maria wear pants (and he said he just prefers dresses/ skirts), plus he's a HUGE cigar smoker.
The interview:
^ Whoa. That is what I was trying to post to the List of Ted's Reveals. Weird that it popped up here, but at least it's relevant.
Yeah we could dig up the ones with no nickname no problem. The reason I don't choose to dig them up is because of Ted's rule. Once they have been given a nickname, they can't be given a new one. So it's relevant to dig up the ones with nicknames. Of course we can post and discuss the old ones without nicknames too! I guess when TEd says they have been a blinc vice, that doesn't necessarily mean they have a nickname. Could have been before they started.
Blurry: Yeah, that's the one I was alluding to. It was pretty obvious who it was when Ted mentioned cigars. There's no celeb these days who's linked to cigars more than Ah-nuld, and roseyf just dug up the interview that proved the rest of the stuff.
We just need to dig up the blind, whether it's named or not. I'd like to see if it was an oblique mention by Ted or if there's some more substantial goss involved in it.
Thanks for the clarification! I've been looking and can't find it yet.
I think I am going to ask Ted to clarify this issue (not really related to this but gets me thinking) - when he says a celeb has or has not been a bv, does this include the days befor ehe gave nicknames or no?
blurry, I did some searching too but couldn't find anything. I'd love to see it too, I'm curious how old it is and what else might have been in it. This might have to be a question for Ted. (For those who are good at asking and getting answered!)
And interesting question about BVs. I remember some good ones before the names, I wonder if those "counted" or if he did a Factory Reset when the naming started.
While people are looking for old vices, might as well throw this one out there, cause I can't seem to find it:
There was an old pre-name blind about a diva who loudly sang along to her own music in a hotel, and some other celeb in the same hotel tried to complain. I think the guess was Jennifer Lopez, but can't find it to see for sure. I just remember thinking it was a hilarious blind since she was trying to be glam-but-jenny from the block.
Sounds more like Celin Dion to me....
roseyf - I just came across that one the other day. I will post it soon. It didn't have a nickname.
One a side note, Ted published my letter. However this doens't really answer my question about the old BVs without nicknames.
"Dear Ted:
I have a question about when you tell us whether or not a celeb has had a Blind Vice or not. Are you including the old ones, before you started giving them nicknames? This makes a difference to those of us trying to figure out which nickname belongs to who. Because if they have a nickname, they can't be given a new one. But if they have had a Blind Vice without a nickname, would they be classified as not having a B.V., since they don't have a nickname? Thanks for any insight!
Dear Viced Out:
Every Vice star only has one name, babe. Simple as that. The only exception to this would be a star whose previous Vice was disclosed, such as Pat Poisonpuss, who was revealed to be the fabulously fierce Lea Michele from Glee. This now, of course, leaves Ms. M. free to be rechristened with a new Vice name for any future fun."
blurry - Good point on being a BV and if that included no-nickname ones. If you find the JLo one, and it seems like it's her, maybe we can ask about that and Strippa Rip-Ya since it's pretty obvious that one is JLo too. (Ask if the person in the old diva blind is disqualified from being Strippa, and if they're not the same, if he'd classify diva as a Vicer.)
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