From Crazy Days and Nights today -
Four For Friday - Quick Ones
#1 - This A list actress/producer missed two days of scheduled filming because she was so embarrassed to have her toilet backup and overflow in her trailer.
#2 - This troubled C list, mostly television actor/comedian with A list name recognition sleeps in a tent in his backyard because he thinks he has a ghost in his house.
#3 & 4 & 5 - This former B+/A- list movie actress who now focuses on another entertainment career once cheated on her A list movie star former boyfriend with another A list (at that time) movie actor. Although she says it isn't cheating if the guy can't get it up.
#1- Drew Barrymore
#2 Tracy Jordan?
2) Andy Dick
3) Juliette Lewis
4) Brad Pitt
5) Gary Oldman
way to go on your #3, #4, and #5 guess, i-heart-art... i think that sounds spot on, nice thinking :)
Thanks! I never did understand Brad's attraction to her, except that all of the (straight) guys I know say that "crazy chicks" are wild in bed. I'm a woman, and I mean no offense by the use of the term "chicks", just quoting. Although Gary Oldman was/is sexy in his own way, even thinking of cheating on BP with him IS crazy, IMO.
oh this is a fun game. I am new and didnt know any of the answers. Well I guessed Kathy Griffin for the second one...but seriously Drew Barrymore?!
And she cheated on Brad Pitt?
I read elsewhere that #3/4/5 are Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad Pitt and Michael Douglas. Juliette Lewis is a great good actress but I don't know who'd really consider her anything near A list.
If you consider her career back when she starred in Natural Born Killers, Kalifornia, etc, I think she definitely fits the description "This former B+/A- list movie actress who now focuses on another entertainment career..."
I agree about the Juliette Lewiss guess, that was great!!
I immediately thought of Drew Berrymore for #1 too! And I wont use any more exclimations! LOL
Can someone explain why a toilet backup would be so embarrassing?
#2 - David Hasselhoff?
Toilet back up = bulimia = although not sure why eating disorders are considered embarassing since almost every actress must have one....
@ twilas... I checked out the website and I'm in love already lol, consider me a new customer :D I'm still pretty new to this game too! Although I think Kathy Griffin fits the rest of the description for number two, it can't be her because the blind is about a male, but she's definitely an oddball!
I dig the Hasselhoff guess for number two! Seems to fit pretty well, he's definitely "troubled" to say the least.
As far as the Juliette Lewis guess, I'm still on-board! Gwyneth Paltrow would work also, but I don't think she qualifies as converting to a new entertainment field. She does her blogging online, but she's also still pretty involved in acting. Iron Man 2 is about to come out and her role is semi-big in it.
for #3 Juliette Lewis is spot on. She got an Oscar nom for Cape Fear. That definatly makes her a B+/A- actress.
For #2 I would have to guess George Lopez. Not sure why just think he might be scared of ghosts.
Isn't #1 Courteney Cox-Arquette? She stopped filming all-of-a-sudden for some 'personal' reason. This could be much as I like her, I'm sure she takes a hefty amount of laxatives...
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