Are you thinking who I'm thinking????
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Lainey- How He Lost It
How he lost it

What’s “it”? What else? He gave it to a more experienced older woman, if you can call her that, also living the public life and with it all its attendant miseries. Which could explain why she chose to, um, initiate him the way she did. Because his first time was certainly not conventional, at least not when I was growing up, but then again, maybe that’s what they do at summer camp now: losing your virginity through the backdoor...? Like he doesn’t have enough to swagger about these days, he also gets to boast about the fact that he’s already tried what so many boys to men and grown men want to try so badly. Now that’s a story that he can tell forever, and probably will, in a few years, when everyone stops caring.
Are you thinking who I'm thinking????
Are you thinking who I'm thinking????
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Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene?
bieber & kim k?
Shia LeBeouf?
duffgrl: When I read this blind on Lainey's blog, I thought of Joe Jonas right away.
Ashley is from 1987 and he's from 1989. Therefore, it would fit the "if you can call her that" part, since she's just 2 years older.
Beiber! swagger, anyone? and Lainey makes no secret of her disdain for Kim K., hence the "if you can call her that."
I agree w/ you Pale- the "if you can call her that" quote made me think she's not much older at all. I think it's Joe J and Ashley...
definitely don't see it being Shia/ JB
Absolutely nothing happened between Justin B and Kim K...that whole thing was all for PR; please, Lainey would never even give one of those trashy Kardashians any attention, even in a blind.
Another clue for Joe Jonas is that he'll talk about it in a few years "when everyone stops caring" could mean about him being old enough to people to stop caring about if he's still saving himself.
The mention of "summer camp" could be a hint to Camp Rock, a Jonas vehicle..
I agree Ashlee, I thought Beiber until the 'summer camp' bit. But then did anyone seriously think Joe was still a virgin when he met Ashley?
Doesn't Ted have a blind with the top two suspects being him and Demi?
Beiber and Selena? Joe sounds a bit too old for this blind, sounds like someone in their teens.
From Lainey's Live Blog today:
1. Someone asked Lainey point blank if it was Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene and she said no.
2. Lainey said, "Clue clue clue: fixating on the physical size of the ass and the notoriety of it isn't leading you in the right direction."
So it could still be Joe J. and someone else (Demi - is she older than Joe?) but it's definitely not Kim K.
Taylor and Taylor?
My money is on Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez. I just Googled and she is 2 yrs older than he is.
Here's how Lainey described Justin Bieber in one of her posts, which goes along with the "swagger" comment in her blind:
"As obnoxious as Kanye can be, and I love him for it so much, there’s no ego bigger than the ego of a 16 year old boy-child superstar with the world at his feet. And if you think he’s too young and wholesome and milk and cookies sweet to swagger with the best of them, just because he calls his mommy and remembers to thank God, you haven’t been paying enough attention to Celebrity."
Or Bieber and Miley. Didn't they collaborate over the
I really hope it's not Bieber, if only for the "ew" factor. That kid looks like he's 12. I could see this being a Jonas because of the "summer camp" reference, and of course the Jonas brothers star in "Camp Rock", a show all about a summer camp.
Now as to who the older woman is, hopefully Lainey will give us a hint.
I definitely thought of Bieber when I saw this. With the girl offering that up, it makes me think of Cass Stimulatia (not for this but its a similar stupid story)--someone who, when much younger, thought she could keep her virginity/purity by going the backdoor route. So I think the chick has to be someone who has a somewhat pure image or wants to maintain being perceived as pure. It could be Miley but you know she hit that JoBro and Liam at the very least, so probably not likely she would go straight to da booty when she has already been broken in. I know Darla AKA Selena was humiliated and all with the Nick Jonas situation, but maybe she decided to try to remain as pure as possible from that point on. I like Selena for this, she fits well, though Biebs has been around quite a few older famous chicks lately.
Ok, so I stand corrected on the Kim K. guess, but I'm definitely still going with Beiber. And I like Miley for the "more experienced" woman. I could definitely see her trashy ass doing something like this. ew.
OK, she said in her live blog that there were clues all over it... and she said a few times that Natalie Portman "was up her own a--"... you don't think it could have been Bieber and Natalie Portman?
Dodi, two lines later Lainey says it isn't Natalie Portman.
I'm going with Demi and Bieber. And of course she was in Camp Rock too.
Beiber. Gross.
Could definitely be Beiber. Boys to men reference and Beiber sings R&B.
Still, ewww...
OK, thank you Kate16... that was bugging me!
Lainey does say about the girl, "living the public life and with all it's attendant miseries," and Demi did just go down the rehab road. Lainey is always calling parents and managers out on this...
How does this stuff get out? Someone talked, perhaps that is what pushed her over the edge?
I initially thought Demi & Ashton until reading the previous thoughts... you guys are good. I'm on the JoBro path with an interchangeable Disney starlet. PS was Lovato's rehab entry a surprise? Does she have a BV moniker?
Definitely Biebs. The Jobros are already over, no one thinks Joe is a virgin and he's far from (from what I hear). The swagger and arrogance thing, definitely Biebs. Are the Jobros even "famous" anymore? Anyways, any guesses for the girl? I initially though Kim K., but I think Lainey means a young girl who is newly 18. Demi? She was seen with him recently and its well known she sleeps around.
As for people saying nothing happened between JB and KK, this is the girl who slept with Bow Wow and Chris Brown (when he was 17/18). She likes young boys, Hollywood is creepy like that.
Caz: If Selena Gomez is Darla Jones like we think, then, no, Lovato doesn't have a BV moniker. The only one Lovato would really qualify for would be Darla, and Gomez fits better for that.
You know, with the way Lainey wrote this, I thought that...okay, how to put this...oh, what the heck: I thought that part of the activity was the woman pegging him. That, of course, made me think it was Joe Jonas (see Blind Items passim in re Joe Jonas perhaps enjoying penetration). This was rather awkwardly written, especially for Lainey. Given her cleanliness fetish, I can imagine what she thinks about anal.
If he refused to wear a condom, and I can definitely understand why he insisted on that (after all, it was his First Time), I can see someone proposing anal as a solution, especially if this guy's V Card was a big-time trophy and the woman was involved with someone else. This seems to be pointing right to Bieber. He's the right age and fits the arrogance part. As for the partner, I'd definitely say Older Woman, with a significant separation in age, at least five years. I don't see any of the Disney sluts going V Card Hunting, even for bragging rights (no, not even Miley; think back on how she wanted her first time to be special in re Me-Me and Tobey).
Maybe we've got the wrong Kardashian in mind. Khloe, perhaps? She's not as well-known as her sister in re the ass thing, and if the blinds thought to be about her are correct, she's not getting any because her hubby is doing it with her brother.
Ok this screams Bieber to me, the girl could be anyone but not Kim cause Lainey seems to be saying its someone with a non big bum ha ha.
I think Demi Lovato does have a blind, and I am suspecting Strawberry Snort'em right now. There have been rumors of her cocaine use for a while and the rehab thing does not help. I think she fits it real nice and Katy Perry is looking less and less like SSE every day. I am working on proving or eliminating this theory. It started with the BB encouragement that Selena is Darla today by Ted saying Darla and Parrish have run in the same circle but there was no romance there--we all know that Selena was not actually dating Taylor, that was a crappy attempt at bearding and PR stunting. Therefore, more evidence she is likely Darla. Next step is the influx of people asking in the coming days whether Demi is a BV due to her rehab stint. If so, it is looking even better for my current Strawberry fave.
Spie, I really think young kids who should not be having sex anyway think oral and anal are not sex, and they can preserve their purity and feel better about the act. It is crazy that they think that but it happens all the time. I strongly believe this is someone who is naive enough to carry this delusion. Khloe Kardashian is not a virgin, needn't be perceived as one, and she has just as big of an ass (not that there is anything wrong with booty) as Kim; it is just more camoflauged because she wears a size 12. I do not know these blinds you speak of....are they Lainey? The one people were thinking was Ryan Seacrest & Julianne/Derek Hough? I also don't get a significantly older woman; I see this as someone slightly older who has had some limited experience. The "if you can call her that" points to maybe someone 2 years older than him, at least that is how I am reading it. If this is Darla, I think she "learned her lesson" from being burned by Nick after he humped and dumped, so now she is thinking she is protecting herself by only doing it anally--which to her, she cant get prego, she sees it as not in the Vag, not real sex--I'm being less bad by doing it this way. Just a theory.....
Sisters! There is a Mini BV co-starring Jerry Rock Butt on AT as of yesterday! Not much mystery as to who it is about, but fun and insightful nonetheless:)
Yup, I agree on the this one but and dying to hear more about She-Devil Dees from Monday's bonus blind!
I thik this is Justin Bieber. Not sure on the female.
To readers - any new blind items will be put up as soon as we can. We all have jobs and/or kids. Please be patient. Thank you.
Sorry Blurry Vice, I wasn't giving out, I'm just ever so slightly obsessed with this site! ;)
How old is Bieber now (17 at the most?) I'm not into him at all hee hee. I don't want to think it's him, being so young with this sort of info out there...yuk. Still think it's a JoBro but conceed that the majority think it's Bieber. It completely freaks me out how far from their pure images these Disney kids (and Bieber) really are. Their PR peeps must be working overtime to make the dirt go away. Tha'ts showbiz for ya. PS Spie & Tara thanks for pulling pieces together so logically - didn't even think of Lovato for Strawberry, like the Toby Me Me reference LOL.
Sorry Blurry, was just bringing it to your attention in case you did not see it on E, not to bother.
Wasn't Bieber seen making out with Jasmine Villegas, his tour mate? She's slightly older...(?)
From CDAN:
This is a little different than what I normally do, but it is still good. So, yesterday many of you were speculating about the Lainey blind regarding a guy who lost his virginity through the back door of a an older woman. Last night I got an e-mail from my most reliable source. The way this person heard the story is as follows: It was not the back door, but was oral sex. Also, the person many of you speculating as the woman is not the correct woman. The person who gave the oral sex has been in the news a lot in the past few days and is much more age appropriate, although it would still be illegal in some states which is why the tabloids have been hesitant to publish. The person everyone is guessing for the recipient is correct.
Okay, if Enty's right, this is Bieber and Lovato. Lovato's over eighteen, so in some states (most infamously Georgia), this could be regarded as statutory rape and would be prosecutable. And, yeah, there would be prosecutors who would do it because of the mammoth publicity hit.
Of course, given Enty's track record, one has to remain skeptical.
I concur. Oral is so much more believable, but Lainey usually has the more solid and straightforward info. Interesting.....
I'm not sure why the act of this blind is grossing people out as 17 is about average for losing one's virginity in the US these days - and it is relatively high compared to other countries (especially EU and Africa).
If this is JB I don't think given the one comment mentioned before that the older woman is much older. I'd say 3-5 years tops, definately under 21 thus the snark.
Jasmine V. is younger than Bieber so that leaves her out but I still think it's Bieber too.
Who do ya'all think is the woman? I don't think it's a Kardashian, but frankly I'm a little peeved at Lainey if it is Bieber then he shouldn't be talking about it even if it is as a blind we are talking technically about a minor and a minor's sex life should be private even if they are famous. There are actually laws about such things even in liberal California. Lainey should have waited until the person was over 18 to talk about what happened to them in the past tense.
On the other hand it could be someone 18 plus in which case Lainey is in the clear. One of the Jonas kiddies perhaps?
Justin Beiber is 16 (b. March 1, 1994 per Wikipedia.)
Lainey is Canadian and lives in Canada. Therefore US laws do not apply. Not even liberal Californian ones.
I don't know who this is, but if it's Beiber, I wouldn't put it past her to do a blind about him and this topic.
Okay, I just read the post on CDAN. So who's right? Lainey is usually pretty spot on, no? I always thought she was. Either way, to me it makes the blind less interesting. Sorry, but I really don't think oral sex is sex...I still considered myself a virgin after I did the former. Ha. I wasn't "very young" when I did either so don't judge :)
And if CDAN is right, then it's Lavota. Buuuut the Beibs was on Ellen yesterday and showed some photo of him and Selena Gomez. He said she was a sweetheart blah blah blah.
Also, someone mentioned this can't be Khloe K because she's not a virgin. I don't think the blind ever said anything about the woman/virginity taker being a virgin herself...though I still don't think this is a Kardash with the "if you can call her that" line.
In agreeance with all others who have posted regarding a Lovato-Bieber hookup. Sisters LOL at your choice of photo of Beebs "First Step 2 Forever My Story"? He's only 16! What on earth could he teach get on YouTube and hope like heck someone in the biz takes a shine to him and mfg him into what they think the market wants? Hang on...that's working out really well for him. Geez forget about doing the hard yards on the pub circuit for years...
I agree Jamee, the switch to oral does make it quite less exciting. Because most people have a tiered system, similar to 1st base, 2nd base, etc. I would definitely say oral comes before regular, but anal is a step past regular sex (which is what makes the whole thing so ridiculous).
What is interesting is that Selena and Demi used to be BFFs, but then Selena dated Taylor and became BFFs with the other Tay as well....Demi was bitter with a capital B. It would not be out of the question that at the first chance she got, she went for him knowing he and Selena were hanging out too. If she is crazy. Which it seems she is.
In other news, I am depressed that I know the above information, due to the fact that I am 30.
Tara-I also feel too old to know any of this but what can we do?? We can't avoid it, lol.
Jamee-age of consent here in CA is 18! I know it seems like the hedonism capital of the world, but we do have some rules. ;)
I agree with the Bieber guesses but have no idea who the virginity taker is. If this is Lovato, I can see why she might be inclined to seek some help. Ick.
To the sisters, thanks for all the juggling you do keeping this site going while still living your busy lives. We appreciate it!
You guys bring up an interesting point re being too old to know these things. I am 41 and find myself hiding my gossip knowledge for fear I'll get laughed at! Thank God for this website where I can discuss all this ridiculousness in comfort ha ha.
Hee hee you guys I wear my gossip badge out loud n proud and keep up with the celeb-gossiping 25 year olds at the office. They're shocked I can discuss HeidinSpencer. I'm shocked that I'm 24 years older than Justin Bieber.
i'm 35 and live in europe... and i know the most "american" gossip of all people i know... everyone needs a "guilty pleasure"
Yeah, my celebrity gossip obsession is an addiction. I'm 26 and have gotten my older co-workers (age 30-40) hooked too. I will get random emails throughout the day asking what the latest news is. Yes. I consider it legitimate news. I have a sickness. :)
The 4 of us range in ages 33-43. And plenty of gossiping going on. :)
I turn 46 later this month. And I'm a guy. Talk about shattering the stereotype.
Jamee if the minor (Beiber) being talked about is in California even if the person talking about it is somewhere else in the world (Canada) the State of California could choose to proceed with legal proceedings. In any case it's a blind so maybe she feels they won't pursuit it because of that and she's probably right.
So you guys think it's Lovato for the female? I didn't think they were an item.
I'm of the vintage that my first thought upon seeing a headline such as "Demi and Justin/Jonas secret hookup etc etc" I immediately think....what, Demi's dumped Ashton and gone for an even younger model? PS Spie due to your exceptional insight and spot-on logical analysis into all things BV have you ever been mistaken for Ted on this site? I'd put "LOL" but know you don't like it (hee hee).
Caz: Not on this site, but someone on another site asked me once if I was Ted. Given the intelligence level of that question, you can easily figure out which site it was.
Valerie - i'm not sure I really see the problem for a blind being about an underage person, they're blind for a reason, you know? Also, there are plenty of underage celebs who engage in behavior that is totally inappropriate for their age and sets bad examples for other kids their age, but its considered acceptable because of their celb status, which is just ridiculous, if you ask me.
Oh, and as a 27 year old who probably could find more constructive things to do with my tiime, I say more power to all of us, I think everyone can use some mindless entertainment, life can be stressful! As i've said in other comments, I definitely don't understand when people become obsessed with celebs or get extremely upset about celebs' lives, but as long as its all in fun, keep gossiping about the gossip, everyone!
Wow this is a good one. This Beiber kid is headed for no good if he lost his virginity (no matter how/and with whom) and Lainey finds out and prints a transparent blind about it.
How soon before he is in rehab with the supposed GF Demi L?
What the heck are his parents doing? Counting the $$ I guess.
right on Sista2! Behind every successful Hollywood teenager is a greedy gleeful parent or two (and the whole darn family) singing hallelujah at all the moolah that's flowing in. Tons of child/teen stars of the last 30 years have all said this (can count with three hands who has had a history of money, drugs and other problems) and look at Dina Lohan and the Kardashian clan.
Ha! You all have no idea how happy you have made me, a 36 yr old who loooooves celeb gossip! I assumed you all were in your 20's (just due to your interest in celeb gossip. I had no idea you were all closer to my age, as my husband thinks this is ridiculous!) Thank you.
AshleyG I agree it sets a bad when underage celebs do stupid things. On the other hand I think that in spite my science background that I might be a tad more conservative than most these days when it comes to sex.
I really do believe the only people who should be talking to(or about) a minor's sex life (even if famous) are their science/health teachers, their parents/legal guardian, and (if they have one) the religious figure of their choice.
In fact I think we'd all be better off on the topic of sex as a society - with a little gossip and a bit more scientific facts, especially pushing abstinence for under 19's while still giving the data on birth control too! In America Sex-Ed seems to fall in the extremes of 'abstinence only' or full on far-left assault with teaching 5 year olds about sexual/gender orientation when they still should be playing with Legos. It's all under or over-gradient imho. In reality most people are somewhere in the middle.
Anywho (leaves soapbox) who do we think the girl is?
Valerie I agree with the gist of your post - this blind, if its about someone under 17, makes me a bit uncomfy.
Granted, this star is out there for consumption, but (if this is Beieber) he is really a young kid. Lainey printed this as a blind but if everyone is guessing him and if she makes it obvious, its wrong that this private information got to a gossip like Lainey, and its wrong that she printed this. He is too young to be targeted this way. However, who knows? Maybe this kid actually enjoys this noteriety, at least for now.
Valerie--Blinds are a catch 22 for celebs, underage or not. I'm not saying it's right that Lainey (might be) is talking about a 16-year-old losing his v-card, blind or not. But, because it's blind it will never be implicated as illegal to do so, simply because whoever goes after this to the authorities (assuming it's the Beibs) would basically be "outing" him as the subject, which is exactly what they don't want. But I digress.
I wonder how old Miss Virginity Taker is....then we might be in statutory rape territory.
Tara--Ha! I agree on the anal. Sorry, but when a behymen is popped...Toto, I've a feeling we're not in virginity anymore.
Did anyone see the thing about Wilmer Valderama on Lainey today? It says Demi went straight to Wilmer immediately after her and the Jonas broke up and up until she went to rehab. Is she steering us away from Lovato for the girl here?
I'm shocked about two things--that The Spie is a man (not in a bad way, just didn't expect that!) and I'm arguably one of the youngest people here...27. I love it! Seeing as I always feel like I'm reading comments by 13-year-olds on the E! boards. I stopped reading those months ago. Seriously makes my mind implode with all the teen fuckery.
Sistah2 and Valerie, I agree with your points, and think maybe I could have explained my pov a little better. If this is JB or another underage celeb, we truly do have no business knowing details like these, but the problem is, as Sistah said, JB (or whoever!) very likely may enjoy us talking about him, in whatever capacity. Valerie, it seems there is something I agree with you on, at least a little. Again, i'm only 27, but I often feel older for my views on sex/sexuality and kids today. I have no problem with sex, people talking about sex, people choosing to have sex with whoever they want and however they want (ok, except a situation like SDC, ewww) - I do have a problem with how young kids are sexualized today. Kids are having sex at such a young age, and as a result, kids are having kids years earlier than they should. I can't stand seeing a 6yo in a miniskirt, or a 12yo looking like shes wearing a 6yo's outfit. I just don't see where our society goes from here, can it get much worse? I don't see anything wrong with dressing to show off your body, but I think it could be done more tastefully than is often done. Also, I can't imagine that every guy doesn't want at least something left to the imagination, you know? I don't want to sound like a prude, my problem is defintely more with how young girls dress today and how sex is treated like no big deal, and its a shame. I do still think the guy in this blind is JB, still not sure on the girl. Oh, did anyone else see where Ted said JB isn't a bv, and just would like us to think he naughtier than he is? I would think Ted would have heard the same gossip as Lainey, or maybe he just doesn't believe it?
For the record I think Ted is prickier about sources than Lainey - but neither is perfect.
Yay! Ashley finally we can agree on something! I also have a problem with the crazy skimpy clothes kids these days (especially girls) are wearing. If some barely adult college coed wants to go around half naked on campus that's one thing, but female children clothing has become crazy these days, especially around Halloween (or as some feminists have come to call it Slut'oween). I really do think a less sexualizing in the clothes and media, and more science/health ed in the schools could reverse this trend - it has in other countries at least.
Yay! I am not alone as someone starting to sprout a few grays and still finding JB's sex life juicy gossip;)
Going off of what Sistah said, have you seen Bieber's dad? He looks young, and I bet he is loving all the attention he gets from women--living vicariously through his son. It is sick but happens all the time.
I googled his dad, on the basis of your post Tara. Yuk, shuddered when I saw what he looks like. You're spot on....who's dad goes around looking like that? There are articles comparing Bieber to Kurt Cobain... very funny. Bless the net.
Lainey wrote an article today which to me says that this is definitely Justin and Selena:
Sorry, but I really don't see how the Justin/Selena post hints that this blind could be about Selena...just that they're together? I'm not sold. Lainey's hints to blinds are so much more obvious and actually have a sentence or two that directly implicates them relating to the blind.
I'm thinking more and more that it could Miley.
Actually, I made the Miley connection as a joke, and... it sort of took off in the Me-Me blind. This definetely could be more of an older woman, or even a professional, «recruited» by his father.
I know Miley is wild, but don't think she was the Biebs' first. I think he has had more practice before hitting Miley's RV, thus the swagger. Remember your first time? Excited, want to talk about it, but really: throwing the condom in front of everyone after your first time? And forgive my limited knowledge of back-door action: but, do you really unroll the condom with at least a couple of kleenex and flush that quickly.
Or am I too old, and missing something? Or missing out? Not likely. For the missing out anyways.
This is def Joe Jonas and Ashley Green. Lainey had a post up today about them where she referred to Joe as a "Vagina Virgin"...not just a virgin, but specifically a "vagina" virgin. I think this hint implies he is not a virgin in other ways.
I thought that was more in reference to their «purity rings». Still does not strike me as a Jonas... For unfortunately for them, especially Joe, he is already a has-been. Also was mentioned on Lainey: she was comparing how last year the girls were going crazy for the Jonas Brothers, and how today they had forgotten about them and are going extra-mad for Bieber.
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