Friday, November 26, 2010

CDAN Blind 11/24

This squeaky clean, late night talk show host is cheating on his wife. If you thought the Letterman thing was explosive, you have not seen anything yet.


duffgrl said...

Good one... my 1st thought was Jimmy Fallon, or maybe Conan. Could also be Leno, Stewart, Colbert.....?

Moshpit Missus said...

i was thinking george lopez maybe? he and his wife just announced a divorce....

Sam said...

Jimmy Fallon seems the most "squeaky clean" of all of them. Such a shame I really like him :(

duffgrl said...

If he has already announced a divorce, I don't think this is him...this is probably someone not separated/going through a divorce. Also..probably someone more high-profile than George Lopez.

duffgrl said...

I agree on Jimmy Fallon...he does seem to be most squeaky-clean. Although Conan is pretty squeaky too.

Anonymous said...

it's Leno

Caz1310 said...

Agree - Leno.

hw said...

Leno is the only one who it would be more explosive if it came out then Letterman.

Gotta be Leno.

Rita, Montreal said...

Also, on that same site, it says that whomever it is, likes very kinky, bordering disgusting.

The talk host in question gets it elsewhere, for his wife knows about his kink, but prefers not to deal with it.

Could definitely be Leno... If it is, it would definitely be very explosive. He seems to have the most solid marriage in H-town, and his wife is very much admired, does a lot of fund raising, etc.

Tara said...

I hope this is Leno! That'd be way more interesting than Jimmy, and I like Coco, so I just don't want to entertain that! I wonder if a media storm is brewing?

Kendra said...

I think Jimmy Fallon is 'squeaky clean' but now that you mention Leno.. I may be swayed. Hmm

hw said...

I love Fallon from his SNL days but I don't think he is enough of a celebrity in the late night talk show area yet to where a scandel of his would be more explosive the Lettermans! Plus I honestly didn't even realize Fallon was married. Leno is the biggest name in late night still (although I do prefer Coco also), and the only name bigger then Letterman.

.debbie. said...

To me, Leno isn't squeaky clean. Everyone looks at him as shady after the whole Late Night debacle. On the other hand, that same situation launched Conan into sainthood. Because Conan can do no wrong in the public's eye, I think this is the only one that could be considered explosive.

Unknown said...

I agree - Conan would be truly explosive because he had such public sympathy after the Leno fallout.

Jolene Jolene said...

I say Leno. His reputation is without a doubt the definition of squeaky clean. Maybe not likable with the Letterman/Tonight Show crap a long time ago and the Conan stuff, but he is SO Mr. Family Man in the public eye. I guess so is Conan, but I just love Conan too much to want to believe this is him. Team Coco for life.

alice gunes said...


Violet451 said...

I really, really hope this is not my Coco. I agree with those who think that would be pretty explosive due to his near sainthood after the whole late night debacle. Plus, he has a rep for being a very stand up decent guy, so I think it wouldn't be just the public that would be shocked but also people in the entertainment industry as well.

Leno is a good fit too. People say he is a big workaholic and really doesn't do anything besides write jokes and work on cars. Jon Stewart also has a super squeaky clean reputation. Seems to me if we are talking on a fame scale with Letterman, these are the only 3 that can stand up. But maybe it is a comparison to the fact that Letterman's affairs were with people who worked for him..? Fallon is only very recently married and a pretty young guy. I would find it the least shocking if this turned out to be him, which makes me think it's not.

Violet451 said...

I didn't even think Ferguson because he strikes me as such a bad boy type. Is he he married?

Anonymous said...

Craig Ferguson, yes, is married. :(

Anonymous said...

What about Stephen Colbert? Is he on late night? He's such a family man-type in real life, that'd be pretty explosive. Otherwse,I guess Leno.
