Doctor's orders
He like his sex unconventional. Some would call it experimental, certainly vigorous, and definitely physical. Maybe too physical. Mixing pain into his pleasure, and cutting very, very close to a dangerous line is taking its toll on his body. He shows up with strange bruises, the next week it’s a minor fracture, his neck has been strained, sometimes there’s a knee brace, the shoulder’s been f-cked up for a while, and his back is a chronic issue too.
The excuse of course is that he’s active, that he exercises, he’s sporty, and that’s true, yes, but the injuries are not sustained while playing pickup, no, not at all. The injuries happen when he’s doing his business with his steady girl, a willing and capable participant.
His doctor is aware of what’s been ailing him, and WHY it’s ailing him. Helps when he can. But he’s been urged to take it easy because lately it’s been getting too rough. Especially with insurance and medicals and all that kind of paperwork, it’s hard to explain away the cuts and sprains, the little accidents that seem to be occurring with increasing frequency. He’s so into it, and he gets so off on it, it’s hard from him to curtail his fun. But they all agree, at least it’s been the case in the past, that when it’s time to get to work, he manages to keep his freak under control.
Top suspect: George Clooney
All I could think of when I first read this was Matthew Mc....ghey (or however you spell his name lol).
I don't know, have to think more about it. It sounds like this guy is currently working, and I don't think Matthew is....or is he?
Anyhow, more research to be done.
I instantly thought George Clooney.
According to IMDB, Matthew has some movies coming up in 2010-2011.
Yep, I thought George Clooney immediately as well. "Pick up" is usually referring to basketball. And you can see Clooney photos playing casual games all the time, on set, etc. I've heard it be used for hockey as well, but for bball way more often. And Elisabetta whatever is a bit of a freak supposedly. She was in a soft core porn or something...
My first thought was Matthew McConaughey too.
I never saw Clooney as "sporty" and "active". I don't know...everytime you see Matthew on TMZ or whatever, he is riding skateboards, surfing, running, etc.
He is the epitome of "sporty".
The "steady girl" could be Camila, his girlfriend.
It's George Clooney - he is always shown playing pick up ball at work and such. Lainey always has alluded to his sexual preferences being dirty and how his new gal is more than game for his 'game" - plus George Clooney has had back problems supposedly since that movie where he was interrogated and fat. His name is all over this blind!
What the heck? Is this guy married or with partner or footloose n fancy free? Kellan?
Absolutely Clooney. Back problems from Syriana, recently always out biking and hiking and things with Elisabetta, and remember when he had that makeshift cast on his broken hand from "slamming it in the car door"? He let that porn star gf of his tie him up and play rough for sure!
Pale--I can't disagree with you more. Besides seeing him play basketball all the time (sporty), I've also seen a million pics of him riding his bike, and not necessarily for transportation, he's usually in bicycle clothes (exercising)
Fair enough, I just never really noticed that.
I also started reading Lainey's blog very recently, so I am starting to pick up on the clues that she gives in her posts.
George Clooney and his Italian Queen.
I immediately thought of Clooney too, but sometimes I wonder if they add those few key phrases that will send you down the wrong track
Below Lainey's post, in the "read more" section, there's a link to an article called Mr. Clooney Goes to Washington.
Michelle (and all)--thats the beauty of Lainey blinds :) She is NOT Ted. She always makes every blind solveable. She doesn't throw in incomprehensible crap like Ted to throw us off the scent. She wants it to be solved. Especially since she almost always reveals it eventually. Just something to think about!
So George is Bi then? I thought he was totally 100% gay. Chocolate, anyone?
Agree Tara however am remembering an article on Cindy Crawford seemingly on with him as retaliation for Rande's daliances? Now I'm confused.
Aaaah I recall that too, Caz! I don't know either!
Do agree with Jamee about Lainey wanting us to solve it, sometimes so badly that she lets on eTalk later in the week. She is London all week, let's see if she says anything tonight or tomorrow (if I remember correctly, there was nothing on yesterday's show).
George Clooney looks very good for this one though, since Syriana, he has always had a fractured or bruised something.
Must say though, when I frist read the blind, I thought of DAVID BECKHAM. Easily blames the sport, and Lainey does not precise the work this blind does, only that before he starts work, he takes it easy. Work could be movies, or soccer season... non?
Rita, good call. Beckham is a great guess!
I have to agree about Lainey's blinds, hers are much easier to figure out. You get the feeling that she would tell the world if she could who these people are. I guess the difference is that E! clamps down on Ted more. Plus, Ted has to face these people all the time whereas Lainey is a bit more removed. I'll go with the consensus being George Clooney, just cause its a Lainey blind, lol. He's gonna end up like David Caradine if he's not careful.
From Laineys The Whitewash is the ''most read'', Tues Aug 3 2010
'Let’s get back to the amazingness that is our Italian Queen who is now giving interviews, who is allowed to speak of their life together, who is publicly discussing their relationship. Sarah Larson wasn’t allowed to even look at a reporter without permission. But Ely gets a lot of rope, non? Maybe because she lets him pull it very tight elsewhere, tighter than any of the ones before her. She really is setting a new standard.'
I'll add to that...
From Lainey's "That's Why She's the Italian Queen," July 30, 2010
Elisabetta Canalis implicated in drug and hooker scandal in Italy blah blah blah...then:
"The Italian Queen used to roll at a shady club for a few rails and maybe f-cked for some cash on the side and suddenly this is news.
This is not news. This is what he likes. He likes it rough and dirty, he likes it not sweet, he pays well but she can’t be well behaved, and definitely not MiniVan. You don’t think he knew? Of course he knew. You have known this for a long time. But the MiniVan, well they didn’t know. They refuse to know."
PS Lainey did not eliminate ONE guess on the LiveBlog today! Boo!
Well I was trying to come up with a couple other suggestions, but after reading the 2 posts with excerpts from Lainey's articles (thanks for posting them!), it seems pretty definite this is George Clooney. I don't follow Lainey too much, Ted is actually pretty much the only gossip columnist I do follow, but she does seem to be a little more willing to reveal things than others. As frustrating as Ted can be, I really enjoy reading him, I like his style of writing, and I enjoy his games, again, as frustrating as he can be sometimes!
Agreed, George Clooney and whoa, he's into some crazy stuff. He better take it easy or he'll end up seriously hurt or dead.
I thought according to Ted that George was gay. I don't get that.
Guess this is pretty much in the bag then. But Beckham would make a great 2nd. He is always hurt. George is into some crazy stuff I guess. I am more shocked by him having sex with women than anything else though;)
Whoaa Jamee! I have read those posts in the past on Lainey's site but never connected them the way you did, great job!
It does look like Clooney, but like others on this post, I am not convinced of this physical plays with the Italian Queen. Plus, the only injuries were after Syriana, but it seems to me, none in the past 18 months... If anyone however has links, plese post them.
Beckham however, he is always injured and Victoria does seem to hold the leash VERY tight. That is why none of them took it seriously when a callgirl a month ago said that she has slept with him a couple of time, for 10k a pop!, and that he was very sweet and gentle in bed, liked his missionary...
Keep your eyes and ears open ladies and gents, although Lainey is absolutely engrossed right now and everything Harry Potter, she is bound to let the cat out of the bag! She most always does.
George it is then! Yep we should look out for more hints/verfication soon.
Lainey had a link in Smutty tingles today which she captioned as: "This doctor looks like Clooney" That could be the hint you've been waiting for, using 'doctor' and 'Clooney' in the same sentence.
VERY good clue today from Lainey in her article about Elisabeth Canalis: "She’ll make him pay for his absence later."
So George Clooney it is !
Heya folks- little bit late to this party, but I did see a photo I thought worth posting...
Here is a comment in Lainey's recent post about Stacy Kiebler and George. It made me think of this blind riddle.
"I try to imagine her saying these things to George Clooney and I wonder if she delivers her lines before or after she puts the tie around his neck."
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