Friday, May 9, 2008

Wicked Whisper - 5/9

From the UK's Daily Mirror...
Which precocious teen keeps telling her famous parents she's never tried drugs? Yet she has a £150-a-week coke habit...


kolls said...


Jgarvey32 said...

Rumor Willis? ... I don't of miley's mom as famous ...

Unknown said...

Rumer's my guess.

blurry vice said...

I think Rumer too. But this is a British mag and they say "150 pounds a week". The Americans are paying in dollars. This chick is paying in pounds. So I think this might be a Brit.

duffgrl said...

If it is someone British I would guess Peaches Geldof-her father is Bob Geldof and her mother was Paula Yates who was famous in her own right. It wouldn't be surprising though because she is involved in a drug-tape scandal right now (on tape buying drugs from Amy Winehouse's dealer)
