From Lainey Gossip, Sept 2006-
Grizzly, Grumpy, and High
All one person.
Not that doing drugs is any kind of shocker but a supposed family man? A serious actor? Settled down and severe? Apparently what happens in Toronto stays in Toronto.
So as I’m sure you know, celebrities don’t procure their own happy substances. That’s what wranglers are for. Go-t0-guys and girls assigned to the task of purchasing the poison and getting it into the hands of the stars who want it.
Popular local hot spot, A list actor is itching for some action. His runner is dispatched on the errand and comes back with more than enough to satisfy a five member rock band. But on this night, only one knight is the user, and according to my source – lock tight at that – he did s0 much blow it’s a wonder he hasn’t died from a heart attack.
Which explains the Jekyll & Hyde behaviour. Super accommodating one day, sullen and snarky the next. Method acting perhaps… but still, if I were the woman in his life, I’d probably keep a closer eye.
Just a suggestion…
Heath fit this one because he was filming in Toronto at the time, and the "knight" reference no doubt refers to his role as The Joker in Dark Knight
* Update: Today, Lainey basically reveals that this is him, note the "grizzly" hint:
If you’ve been reading this column awhile, and if you’ve been paying close attention to the riddles, a grizzly one in particular, you should not be surprised. Still…it is shocking.There was also this BI from RadarOnline from Sept 2006:
And it is sad smut.
UPDATE: yes. I'm talking about Heath Ledger. And yes, there is a clue in there about a riddle. Go to archives if you're curious and search.
BLIND JUSTICEThis one was also rumored to be Heath Ledger. The "method acting" reference may point to Heath, who was portraying a drug addict in Candy. He stated in interviews that he got very into that role.
Acclaimed Actor Blows His Lines
Which young actor gives a true Method performance in a recent film? The star, who has a reputation for devoting himself to roles with scary intensity, got into character with the help of regular cocaine infusions, according to a source on the set. In several cases, he was actually high on-camera for scenes in which he was supposed to be strung out. The directors, far from getting concerned over the actor's habits, encouraged them—whether to keep him happy or to enhance the "authenticity" of his performance, the source couldn't say.
If this was him it is very sad. Perhaps his drug addiction is what caused his breakup with Michelle Williams a few months ago.
We'll miss you Heath!
thanks for putting up those items so quickly, sis. You saved me the trouble, I had a feeling he was subject to a few blinds. and all those kiss-ups on Larry King tonite, saying he was not a known drug user, no depression, nooooo....this is a "shocK" not so acc. to Lainey and Ted etc. reporting it was all out there and known - still its sad. also - the knight clue was definitely him, there was a movie a few yrs ago, called "first Knight" or something, that he was in.
Hey there. I missed Larry King. Biggest Loser was on. But yes, it seems that he indeed was a drug user and some people were aware of that.
Yes, he was in "Knight's Tale" and will be appearing in "Dark Knight".
Today in the Awful Truth, Ted says that a close buddy said that he wasn't surprised, that Heath was a "big time druggie" and probably OD'd. Ted also says "It’s no secret to followers of this column, not to mention most every salacious endeavor online these days, that Heath had been feelin’ no pain, as of late, after diving, addiction-first, into a postbreakup babe-tour." He also says he saw Heath go into a stall once with Tara Reid.
Eww. Tara Reid. Also heard he was recently linked to La Lohan.
It does sound like those BIs were about him. So sad.
Ted is getting a lot of backlash for posting stuff about Heath Ledger being a supposed drug addict. I don't think it was insensitive. His job is to report the gossip. We also posted similar information. Not out of disrespect, but to speculate over information that we have read. Anyway, who knows what really happened. The burning question I have is, why the calls to Mary Kate Olsen???
I do think Ted's insensitive about it. He expressed no grief about Heath's passing. Totally cold about it.
"Dear Ted:
Recently I was watching A Knights Tale and it made me start wondering about Heath Ledger, I'm guessing that he had a BV back in the day, is that right? Is it one that is ever talked about anymore?
Dear Ledger Patrol:
It involved both sex and drugs. It’ll probably be in the book."
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