Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Other hints from Ted's letters 2/12/08

two letters in Ted's column today provided hints to recent blind items:
#1: Is Über-Cool Unzipped from One Pigskin-Poked Blind Vice Kevin Spacey? Randy Thousand Oaks, California
Dear Unusual Suspect:Kevin Spacey likes to think his love life’s an enigma to everyone...but we know for certain Über-Cool ain’t this American pose—or rose or whatever—although they have worked together on a past project.
-This backs up my guess of Bryan Singer- he directed The Usual Suspects, w/ Kevin Spacey.

#2:Dear Ted:My first time emailing you. I'm thinking I may know who Bravado Boom-Cocks from One Remind Us Never to Sleep Over There Blind Vice is: Benicio Del Toro? Fits your descriptions. Diana Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Es Nada Del Toro:Benicio’s not one of the usual suspects in this Blind Vice. Try a different sort of accent other than Benny’s Puerto Rican one.
-This confirms our suspicion that BBC is probably British... Simon Cowell, Ricky Gervais, Sacha Baron Cohen, Or Craig Ferguson(he may be Scottish but is L.A. based) ????


blurry vice said...

Yep I updated in comments! Reaffirms a few of our guesses :)

Anonymous said...

Gordon Ramsey for the BBC one? (not exactly beloved, British accent, mentions of "devilish" could hint at Hell's kitchen - although I know next to nothing about him and I'm not exactly sure he's multi-talented or award-showered)
