Tori Spelling says that everybody hates her from 90210. No doubt. But more people probably hate this other bitch who has virtually alienated all of her former costars and is widely known to be a pain in the ass but for some reason enjoys a popularity and a paycheque usually reserved for much more accomplished actors. So she’s rich now, yes, but that doesn’t mean she’s generous. And she’ll gouge you while she can, so aggressively that she was reprimanded by executives recently for trying to wrangle cash money out of the budget to pay for her hotel suites. Not an expense account, but straight up CASH. Apparently she was so belligerent about getting a free ride, and using her free ride cash money in other shady ways, so relentless with the demands, the people on the receiving end were emotional wrecks by the end of her tantrum. This was abuse. But there’s a history here: she’s already been rejected by her former bosses for insisting that they contribute to the furnishing of her personal residence and for inexplicably requesting that they cover the cost of her mother’s car. Every time they said no, she would call it an injustice, adding to a long list of perceived injustices that she claims affected her performance. People have been trying and trying to excuse her f-ckery. There is no excuse. She is not kind, she is not gracious, and she is cheap as sh-t.
Top guess - Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl???
Katherine Heigl?
Lainey mentioned Katherine Heigl in her intro, could that have been a hint?
sounds a bit like Ted's latest blind - could it be Amanda Seyfried?
This isn't another former-90210 person?
Lainey wrote this in her intro yesterday -
"I’m already preparing my notes and reveals. Don’t forget to ask me about Katherine Heigl."
Lainey always calls Heigl the "Princess of Ass Talk" in her columns. Here, it's "Cheap Ass Ness". Also, the clues really point to her... She talked a lot of smack about Grey's and her costars when she was trying to get out of her contract, because her ungrateful ass thiught she should exclusively be a movie star.
Yep... Lainey had said she was going to talk about K Heigl in her intro and then hasn't in the past two days. The riddle had to have been about her.
No elims yet.
I will not see any movies of hers then in protest to her cheapness...I hate that. People who have so much yet don't help out those who don't have anything..what goes around comes around!!
Agree that this is KH. To think that she is cast as Stephanie Plum in the upcoming movie (Janet Evanovich's beloved detective series) is an insult and I'm boycotting her movie on principle. There, feel better now!
Oh no...please say it's not true...she's not Stephanie Plum...noooo...bad casting choice.
It's Katherine Heigl. Lainey very obviously hinted at that at the July event she hosted in Toronto (which I went to). Learned a ton of interesting stuff there (from folks other than Lainey... she had a Getty Images celeb photographer and someone from MTV there too... eg. James Franco is indeed closeted and gay as Ted C always hints in his blinds, Lainey can't reveal the folks in the mogul, two starlets and his wife blind because of bigtime threats of lawsuits from the mogul. That's the one everyone thinks is Harvey Weinstein, his wife Georgina Chapman, Blake Lively and either Kate Beckinsdale or Gretchen Mol.
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