Blind Vice: Strippa's Abusive Relationship Gets Worse
Last time we checked in on poor Strippa Rip-Ya, the usually outspoken babe had told her close pals that she was staying with that abusive man of hers, Caesar Anchovy-Arse, because he only beats her occasionally and it's "not that bad."
So sad, because Strippa's friends have been too scared to tell her to leave the schmuck.
But is there hope? Now more Industry acquaintances of SRY's have now taken notice of her weird dynamic with Caesar...
At a photo shoot for S recently, we're told by sources on set that they were "incredibly uncomfortable" when her husband popped in for an unexpected visit.
Controlling much? You bet.
See, Caesar rarely lets Strippa go anywhere without him. Anywhere. Notice the watchdog pattern developing here? No relationship with that kind of dynamic is healthy—as you don't have to just hit somebody to abuse them.
Apparently Mr. Arse showed up to the photo shoot when it started, around 7 a.m., cracked open a Pabst Blue Ribbon and started getting drunk.
"He would shout horrible things at everyone, including [Strippa]," our insider tells us. "He was brash, rude, and it made everyone awkward."
Dude's clearly super jealous his career remains stagnant while Strippa's is super hot again. Meanwhile, Strippa just stood there silent, taking any jab he threw her way, which is pretty much what she always does these days.
Hopefully her team, who witnessed this, has the balls enough to say—and finally do--something. At what point will her "friends" start worrying about her very well-being, already?
It may be unpleasant to bring it up, but isn't her life more important?
And it Ain't: Lea Michele, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey
Please see our post here on the previous SRY and CAA BVs for a full list of who has been eliminated.
Top suspects: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
This is sad! Here goes CAA's raging ego now that J-Lo is now hot again. Was probably better when she was lagging a bit. Funny though, can't exactly picture him popping open a Pabst, but hey, he has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. I hope he is called out on this.
I was thinking the same thing about the pabst. Are we in the wrong direction with marc anthony? maybe someone more of a beer type? LOL
I feel like he used the PBR just to paint the 'trashy' image more vividly. Doesn't make me think it's anyone else.
Well, Ted did say that SRY was a pop diva. No one else really fits.
2/17 -
"Dear Ted:
What was going on between Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony at the Grammys? They were totally awkward onstage while presenting Record of the Year!
Dear Latin Lovers:
Awkward, very. The teleprompter did go out on J.Lo in the middle, though, so that's why they stumbled there for a bit. But their interaction after was a bit odd, yes. And we're hardly surprised. Lotsa family secrets there. Lopez looked phenom, though!"
I honestly cannot see Marc opening a Pabst! That is a tough sell for me. The Pabst aside, I did notice on American Idol that Marc popped in while the three judges were ready for the next person to come in and gave JL a kiss...seemed a bit odd, if for no other reason than Randy and Steven Tyler looked a bit awkward instead of thinking it was cute or whatever. They said some cute like things, but the overall feeling was a bit off to me. JMO.
Looks like the people eliminated are definitely clues pointing towards Jennifer Lopez.
Lea Michelle- On Glee which airs on Fox network just like American Idol.
Lady Gaga- Randy Jackson was on Jimmy Kimmel and rated J-Lo's singing as a 7 compared to an 8 given to Lady Gaga.
Oprah Winfrey- American Idol judges appeared on the oprah show.
I'm not very familiar with this. It does sound like J.Lo & MA but I read somewhere that MA is super hot in the Latin music circles. So that may mean his career isn't "lagging". Otherwise it does sound like them.
Ted does sometimes make up fake movie and TV show names... maybe it wasn't literally a PBR and he was just using that for effect?
It would be weird if he was drinking Michelob, but PBR is the hipster beer and has been for over a decade. It's a major sponsor of NPR music programming, for one thing.
People drink it ironically, people drink it to look like they're in the know. But if Marc Anthony is drinking it at 8 AM, and people are fussing over the brand, then people are missing the point.
@I, yes he is definitely one of the top Latin artists, but I really can't remember the last time he had a hit in America. As far as US goes, he is her bitch boy (in the public's eye, not really the case obviously). She is bringing home the bacon and everyone goes crazy when they see her and all that, no one cares about him right now on her turf.
@DC I didn't realize it was a hipster beer--I likened it more to Keystone or Natty (IE cheap, has a "trashy" connotation). IMO, it is difficult to see him drinking it because he seems like he thinks he is better than everyone else. It doesn't surprise me that he drinks at 8 am, because he is a wife beater; nothing is too low for this scuzz.
@Tara, it certainly is a cheap beer with a trashy connotation, but for whatever reason it's the cheep beer with a trashy connotation that hipsters have decided to call their own. (For what it's worth, it actually scores very well in blind taste tests, but then I'm a bit of a hipster myself!)
I'm not ruling out Marc because of a beer choice. Ted seems to want this one outed IMO, making it easy. @DC, you are right. PBR has made a huge comeback on the scene at many "now" places especially since 2006.
Also, I got the feeling they are at a shoot, where he probably grabbed what was available or stocked by someone else somewhere in the studio, not thinking he brought his own..
I think I figured out the Marc Anthony/PBR link. I did a google search on it, and "Mark Anthony" is a type of beer - - I think that may have been the hint Ted was trying for.
Like any other relationship that starts with the man only shoving from time to time, and then apoligizing and making efforts to go back to a honeymoon-ish phase, it has escalated and now we are at the CRAZY control and stalking phase.
He UNDERSTANDS that he deserves to be dumped, that is why he stalks her, and treats more like shit for making her responsible for feeling like a peace of shit. while she gets further deep in denial, and tries anything to appease him and please him.
I simply hope, that the world won't see any Rihanna-type beaten-up face pictures all over the internet, to finally make her do the right thing.
For remember guys, P-Diddy around the end of his relationship with Jennifer Lopez, was also treating her like shit. He was sleeping around not too discreetly, JLO was caught knocking and screeming on his hotel bedroom doors while he was in there with some other chick. The final straw was the shooting in that bar. Her wake-up call to the world she had entered and was then becoming part of.
Also would like to add, in the saddest possible way, that when Rihanna's beaten-up face hit the internet, it was the best possible thing that had happened to her. For if you remember, there were only rumours that Chris Brown had roughed her up, but no proofs, and at that point in time, she was meeting him at P-Diddy's villa in Miami to kiss and make-up. Remember all those celebrity friends of Chris who were stating that they are young kids in need to work out heir issues together? THEN THE PICTURE hit TMZ, and Rihanna was forced to save face, and act accordingly with the gravity of the situation.
Sometimes, the internet helps. Sometimes, Ted needs to put it out there louder that Strippa Rip-Ya is in a dangerous situation WITH VERY YOUNG CHILDREN.
Ouf, my two cents on this. Abuse pisses me off!
LOL DC, good call. My younger sis DOES have a PBR tattoo (yes, you heard right), so I get that hipster/trash thing. And good point @Adrienne, he probably did not wheel his own cooler o' Pabst to the set;)
Anna, that is an interesting connection--way to sleuth that out. Like Blurry said, no one else really fits like J. Lo, so I guess any contradictions are likely Ted's way of very weakly trying to veil for legal purposes, but really just trying to out Anthony for what he is.
I just watched the behind the scenes on the GUCCI photoshoot, trying to spot Mark Anthony in the background w/ a beercan in the hand (MWUHAHAHA, as if.. :)), nothing, of course.. :)
The kids are supercute, though.
But weird, that at the end of the ad campaigne shooting, J.Lo and MA are driving away together in a sportscar - and the kids are left there somewhere (w/ a nanny, probably).. about a staged behind the scenes video.. :))
I definitely see Marc Anthony being controlling, could very well be about them, but, I see what you guys are saying about the beer thing. And NOT that it's PBR,specifically. (Yes,I'm very aware that it's a hipster beer- more reason this doesn't sound like him-MA is SO not a hipster!)But, whatever, it's a small detail,he's drinking in the morning, messed up. If it is JLO hope she dumps him soon.
I don't think the PBR is particularly relevant other than that it's a trashy brand and that getting drunk on it at 7am is trashy.
It couldn't really be any more obvious that this is J-Lo and Marc. Yes, he is huge in Latin America but he hasn't put out an album in a while and he doesn't get anywhere near the amount of attention his wife gets. Did anyone see their red carpet interviews at the Grammys? He kept interrupting her when she was asked questions and making jokes and not letting her talk. He is obviously extremely annoyed that people are more interested in her than him. And his look of pure contempt during their scripted on stage 'banter' was chilling.
I find it hard to believe that Jennifer would let this happen but Ted has also expressed his shock by acknowledging that Strippa is usually outspoken and in control. As someone else pointed out, P Diddy treated her very badly for a long time before she finally left. I can also see her 'friends' and employees being afraid to speak up because she is known as being a diva and she is likely to defend her husband and tell them to mind their own business.
I'm also sort of concerned about the effect of these BI's, I think it's naive to think Caesar Anchovy-Arse is just going to stop if he thinks people are onto him. He obviously doesn't care about other people witnessing his verbal abuse. If he thinks Strippa has been telling people about what's going on, it could make things even worse. I wonder how serious the abuse already is and if Ted is being dramatic by suggesting (twice) that Strippa's LIFE is in danger. Scary.
@RD... I just watched the video of J.Lo/MA presenting at the Grammy awards and, you're right, my jaw dropped when he made that evil face and then rolled his eyes (for the whole world to see!!). He clearly isn't concerned about masking his behavior and I have no doubt that her behavior (e.g. being publicly affectionate and loving towards the monster) only fuel his feelings of power and invincibility.
Okay I just saw their Grammy interview/Chris Harrison & presentation at Grammies and it looked fine to me. The Grammy/Chris Harrison interview - Jen wasn't letting Marc talk at all...she was totally dominating. And at the presentation for record of the year - it looked totally scripted and badly at that. And I would think MA was high as a kite. The way he moves his jaw and those dark shades....
They are definitely awkward together and there is definitely something odd happening in that marriage but I didn't see any signs of abusive personality in those two vids. JMO
I think PBR became the Hipster's ironic beer of choice because Frank Booth (played by Dennis Hopper) drinks it in Blue Velvet.
There's this:
"The Grammy/Chris Harrison interview - Jen wasn't letting Marc talk at all...she was totally dominating. "
You're right. It's not a simple 'abused and dominated wife' dynamic. If he is beating her, she's doing a damn good job at resisting. Publicly, and probably privately. You could almost believe that she was the one in charge. Marc's ex-wife, Dayanara, came across as a much easier 'target'. Still, it seems that JLo is trying very hard to mask whatever is really going on and I don't think that look of pure contempt could have been scripted. Their banter was probably supposed to have a cute and playful vibe and it just fell flat. And it's not even clear what was scripted, given that the teleprompter went out in the middle of the presentation.
If Jennifer is being will only end if/when she decides to leave. The brand of beer is irrelevant. The shame and embarrassment of having to admit to it is overwhelming and is just one of the barriers to leaving. Being a hugely public person would have additional pressure. The blogger who made the relevant points about Rihanna is spot on. Some one needs to out this scumbag, as per Chris Brown.
I definitely buy that it's Marc and J'Lo. On the red carpet at the Grammy's when Ryan was talking to her he was joking about being her boss, and Marc said, "No, I'm her boss." It was all "joking" but it was awkward, and he said it like two or three times. My antenna has always been up about these two.
I definitely think he's trying to dominate her, whether it's working or not. It's creepy and he's creepy. I hope she gets help before it's too late.
@I, that is a good find. I don't rely on Star's information, but it does line up with Ted's BV. Here is the excerpt from Star mag from I's link (old mag, think 2009-2010):
Screaming. Pushing and shoving. Throwing things. Jennifer Lopez’s marriage to Marc Anthony is exploding — and she’s run back to Diddy for help!
In the Jan. 26 issue of Star — on newsstands now! — we report that after months of fighting the couple’s fiery marital brawls have escalated to a whole new level. Sources close to the couple say that the twosome’s emotional war of words has now crossed the line and become physical.
“They love hard; they fight hard — and sometimes that has led to pushing and shoving,” reveals an insider close to Marc. “They throw things and scream and just go bananas. It’s been war in their house!” And while Jennifer is known to let loose on him, another source says Marc “can be really mean. He’s a macho guy with a horrible temper and can say awful things.”
What triggers these blowups? A number of things — from various women calling their home to speak with Marc to his comments about Jennifer’s “chubby” post-baby body. And it’s not all him, another source insists the physicality of their relationship is just Jen’s way of getting her husband to pay attention to her.
Mark Anthony --> Caesar wow Ted, that might be your most obvious name connection ever.
"They are definitely awkward together and there is definitely something odd happening in that marriage but I didn't see any signs of abusive personality in those two vids."
I work with victims of domestic violence and I can tell you that the persona that is shown in public is very different from the persona at home. Most abusers are very aware of how they look and act in public. It's how they act when no one is watching that they're the most dangerous.
"I work with victims of domestic violence and I can tell you that the persona that is shown in public is very different from the persona at home. Most abusers are very aware of how they look and act in public. It's how they act when no one is watching that they're the most dangerous."
Absolutely. Having been a victim of verbal/emotional abuse some time ago, it used to drive me crazy that my boyfriend could scream in my face and make my cry over some minor imagined slight, then turn on the nice act not two minutes later if we ran into a friend. There is nothing worse than everyone else thinking the person abusing you is such a nice guy.
Perhaps I'm projecting a little but during those red carpet interviews, it seemed to be annoying Jennifer that everyone was laughing at Marc's jokes and thinking he was so sweet and funny, having no idea what he's (maybe) like behind closed doors. She sort of made a point of not laughing at his comments, or just sort of ignoring them. And most of the 'jokes' were really jabs. That her dress was too short and looked like a T-shirt, that she never tells him he loves him, that he's her boss, not Ryan Seacrest. The fact she wasn't laughing along is really telling to me and fits in with this latest BV about her 'standing silently' while CAA shouts mean things.
Besides the fact that JLO has been in an abusive relationship with P.Diddy (although it was never revealed to what extent), she also comes from an abusive home.
Does anyone remember when her mother accused her father of abusing her, the father denied it, but JLO had spoken very little about it, and I think, made him go away. i.e. paid him to shut up.
Cycle of violence is sad, for it is dependently repeatable.
And RD, very good point, and good for you for getting out. Have said it a bit earlier in a post, the first phase is the verbal and psychological abuse, followed by some shoving. Truly hope you got away before the second phase. Also, you are not projecting, it has been proven that women who have been through abusive relationships, can easily spot an abuser, but still unfortunately for many, would still date one in hopes of changing him, thus, redeeming what they wrongly perceive as past mistakes. Hope you can now spot the a-hole a mile away and stay at least light years away!
Who didn't think that JLO was an idiot for choosing Marc Anthony, because even through your tv set, he sets off your weird alarm, and yuck factor?
One thing about JLO cutting off CAA during interviews, if you read Lainey, you know that Jennifer CRAVES attention. And whenever she is amidst a crowd, she expects to be the center of attention.
I think, because of her ego, JLO will get out of this relationship soon. Without being pushed into action by others. Am keeping my fingers crossed for Strippa, whether she be JLO or anyone else.
@FS: Props to you. Brilliant.
I, too, have some experience with abusive relationships (for e.g. have volunteered in a shelter for abused women for years, etc.).
Sorry to sound fatalistic, but I don't believe Jennifer's (most likely Strippa) situation will get better. Even if she leaves MA (most likely Ceasar), she will find a replacement abuser. Why?
B/c she probably equates abuse with love i.e. "If he didn't love me he wouldn't get so angry. He gets angry b/c he loves me so much and what I do bothers him more than if others would do it b/c he loves me and not them. I make him feel.
Similar to how some people equate jealousy with caring i.e. "He gets so jealous b/c he loves me so much and doesn't know what he would do if I found someone else. If he doesn't get jealous it means he doesn't care" That's why one of the "tricks" written in those horrible dating books is to make your woman/man jealous.
That's why I posted the Star article. It reads true. J-Lo is a diva. She craves attention. I could see her provoking MA specifically to get a reaction out of him so that he would get angry and pay attention to her...whatever that attention may be. And what does a real man do when he gets angry? He gets physical (in J.Lo & MA thinking). I don't think J.Lo would respect MA if he went off into a corner and cried, or started drinking, or went to see a therapist. She likes macho men. She likes men with a temper. I just think it's too ingrained in her and to change that type of personality will take YEARS. Personalities are set early in life. I mean, to change J.Los personality - she would have to lose some of her diva-like & attention-craving behavior and I don't ever see that happening. (This is JMO, of course).
And also: I read a while ago how J.Lo said she would do anything to maker her marriage work (before she had the twins) b/c she's had a lot of failed relationships and she knows what it looks like to people and she wants to have a successful relationship for herself and to show others that she can have a successful relationship. (This was in some fashion mag, not a gossip mag)
And finally, I do NOT AT ALL condone physical violence/abuse but, unfortunately, I don't think personalities can be changed this late stage in the game. I think it's nice to THINK that they can be, but I don't think that's realistic.
I understand that my views may be controversial but that's what I've gleaned from my experiences.
This girl I knew who is a shrink said that she hates having patients with personality disorders come to see her. B/c they are impossible to help. Unlike people with mental illnesses - who can usually be helped by drugs. (Her opinion).
You can't change bad habits with drugs. Changing a bad habit is very difficult - a personality disorder is like a bad habit multiplied by 10000000.
"Does anyone remember when her mother accused her father of abusing her, the father denied it, but JLO had spoken very little about it, and I think, made him go away. i.e. paid him to shut up."
No, I've never heard this. I've only ever heard that her dad was very meek and that her mom ruled the house.
There is definitely more to J-Lo's fam than meets the eye, though. She, for some reason, likes to give the impression that her parents are still married when they actually divorced years ago and both are now remarried. Also her dad has apparently been a Scientologist for 20 years which for a working class man from the Bronx, is pretty unusual. I remember Jennifer admitting in an interview that she had daddy issues but it seemed that it was more to do with the fact he wasn't around a lot (he worked nights and slept every day) than that he was abusive. Perhaps I missed something?
Bennifer #1 (JLo & Affleck) copped an incredible amount of flak, including a roasting for Gigli. If she is only about the image/diva/ fame then keeping up happy families would be a priority. Im not going to even guess as to her potential psychological makeup. I've been in an abusive relationship and fortunately saw the light. Her and Marc's body language screams problems. They are absolutey keeping up an appropriate image so she can continue to make mega bucks.
The latest Bitch Back states that CAA has done music, film and TV (but has one professional focus) and has been married before.
"Dear Ted:
Strippa Rip-Ya's story is so sad. It's so heart breaking; I don't even consider it juicy gossip. Would you be able to give us more clues on Caesar Anchovy-
Arse's identity? Is he in TV, films or music? Is his marriage with Strippa his first? I'm sure many of your readers would like to know his identity so we can
stop supporting this abusive man's career.
Dear Worried:
He's done it all, although, he does have one primary professional focus. He has tied the knot once or twice maybe, but nothing this serious. Strippa's way
too good for him, and you can see that from miles away. That's all I can spill for now, hon!"
Dear Ted:
I have an idea who Strippa Rip-Ya is. My question is this: Do you think she stays with the Arse because she's embarrassed by her past and what people would say if she left him?
Dear Beat Some Sense:
Definitely think that's a part of it. Also, when you are married to someone who is so verbally abusive, it takes its toll. She is probably starting to believe she can't do better, which is so, so not true.
The latest Rihanna pictures are released, a day after Chris Brown is allowed to breathe the same air as her.
Strippa should take notice, for is she has kids (a question we must ask Ted), imagine what they would go through if they see their mother's face looking like this (very REAL photos, so beware of emotional reaction):
How Chris is allowed to walk free is beyond me.
Ted didn't answer the question about kids, which suggests that yes, she does have them. That's what's so sickening about this whole BV. This volatile environment must be horrible for them.
"Dear Ted:
I have an idea who Strippa Rip-Ya is. My question is this: Do you think she stays with the Arse because she's embarrassed by her past and what people would say if she left him?
Dear Beat Some Sense:
Definitely think that's a part of it. Also, when you are married to someone who is so verbally abusive, it takes its toll. She is probably starting to believe she can't do better, which is so, so not true."
Rita, I was rollerskating with my daughter at the local rink on the weekend and a Chris Brown song came on. Well, this group of tweens were squealing saying "he's so hot etc etc" and I just wanted to say "um do you know what he did. So not hot". Sigh. I know nothing about CAA - does he have a big fanbase and would they care about this or would they still like him anyway?
Hey Caz - do you sometimes look at the new generation and think: «what the hell is wrong with you little ignorant fools? You're shitting on all the hard work your feminist ancestors had slaved over so you could have rights and an all over better life!» But here they are our young ladies, wanting to become a porn star, or fighting each other for one sleazeball (hhhm, The Bachelor), and thinking Chris Brown is hot. Who would've thought that with information being so much more accessible than ever because of the internet, would actually dumb people down.
That being said, CAA is so popular in Latin America. All the South America countries worship him. He sings at huge venues, with sold-out tickets. His problem is the spending. He spends a lot more than he makes. You wonder why? Senior needs an entourage. Remember MC Hammer and how he went through 48 Million dollars in 3 years and got broke? Well, there are so many big-screen tvs you can buy, and that would never burn 5 million $ let alone 48! It is the entourage that sucks up your money.
CAA is very much admired in Latin America, not only for his music, but also because of his past marriages. In certain latin countries, it is still considered a man to be very manly when he has produced so many children, and had married and dumped such beautiful women (his ex Torres was a beauty queen, Miss Universe or something).
Please understand that I am in no way trying to insult any of our Latin friends here on BlindItemsExposed, but the truth is, in certain countries, virility still maintains old-time standards such marrying beautiful women, and producing children. And for all her independence, Strippa still falls into that old-fashioned mentality, where you stick by your man, no matter the bad treatment.
Speaking of a-holes, has anyone seen a blind on CDAN insinuating that Marc Anthony was sleeping with a back-up dancer? Will try and find the link.
hee hee and to think I thought he was only JLo's handbag! Yes it infuriates me that young people idolise the likes of the Kardashians etc etc. Get some serious role models girls. Did MC Hammer really go through 48 mil in 3 years...cue do do do do do do can't touch this. Yes we skated to that song too. I still like the cool dancing in the video.
Caz1310, I didn't know roller-skating rinks were still around. Cool!
As for role models for young girls, it disgusts me too. They're bombarded with images through music videos that can only be described as soft porn - at the least! These poor little girls think they have to don short skirts and skanky tops to be attractive to guys. Through these videos where the barely dressed girls are fawning over the 'bad boy', all vying for his attention, they're learning they're lucky to get attention from a hot guy and should sex it up to maintain him. It's particularly disturbing these girls are swooning over Chris Brown! That makes me so sad.
The other day I heard my young niece and nephews singing along to the radio that had Rhianna's song with the line 'Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it' and I'm like WTF? Why do they have to be so blatant when they know there will always be young kids listening? You could excuse that, given kids don't know what the meaning is a lot of the time, but then you follow it up with these explicit video clips - it's insane. And with the growing popularity of people like the Kardashians, what kinda hope is there for young girls?
When you mix the 'air' of celebrity with the power of the media you get a potent mix. Pop songstresses like Rhianna are just puppets for the heavyweight music industry and their mantra that sex sells. It's really irresponsible. Grrrr!
"Dear Ted:
I just can't get Strippa off my mind due to the dangerous nature of her situation. Do you think because of her recent career move back into the limelight she may find some new confidence to get out of this unacceptable situation? Maybe her new gig will offer her a safe haven of friendship and support to let this relationship go. Also, could Caesar's recent outburst at her photo shoot have something to do with him feeling she might be slipping away from his control?
Dear Dream On:
Strippa's newfound fame is only going to incur more wrath from Caesar—this isn't going to have a pretty ending."
Here it is, the link for a blind that hints of Marc Anthony stepping out on JLO with a back-up singer, not dancer as I have stated before.
How sleazy can you get, controling, spending your woman's money, violent, and a cheater. Does that guy have any redeeming quality?
'With her now busy schedule on that very very popular television show and him having lots of time alone to ponder how he likes being the bigger star, it was pretty inevitable that he would start stepping out on her. She might want to talk to that backup singer of his. Just saying.' Any doubts this about JLO?
Marc is widely rumored to be cheating on Jennifer. It's not surprising. He cheated on his ex-wife (and ended up being accused of fathering a child) and he slept with Jennifer while still married to his ex.
Redeeming qualities? He's a likeable guy. He's very funny and witty and self deprecating. Most people in Latin America think he's great and hate J-Lo, who is perceived as a diva and a bitch.
In Today's BB 3/7
Dear Ted:
Does Strippa Rip-Ya have any past paramours in common with the lovely Ms. Veronica Bee-Stings?
Dear Blind Vice BFF-ing:
No. Those two share practically nothing in common, especially when it comes to their cup sizes.
soooo either we are wrong on JLo or Blake because this will rule one of them out. I wouldn't say Jen has a small chest. I am still thrown by the PBR comment. I just don't see marc cracking open a beer at 8am and getting drunk at a photo shoot for all to see. This makes me think it's someone younger and if we go with Blake being VBS then somewhat flat-chested.
Well, if this ISN'T about JLo and Marc, then Ted is an appalling human being, because he knows very well that everyone thinks they have this figured out, and all his clues point more and more towards these two. I still think it is them, though, having seen more of their weird interactions over the last week, as well as heard non-blind rumors from various sources, so I'd be inclined to think that Veronica Bee Stings is not Blake. And I do think JLo is quite flat chested. Not as much now as she used to be, but she has always been known for her big butt, not her breasts.
BTW there' a new BV about Strippa today. No new information, though, except a hint that CAA is broke (and indeed Marc has been in the news for the 5 million he owes in back taxes). Just more of Ted C's opinion about how the situation will get worse if Strippa continues to remain in denial.
This is possibly out there. When I started to think about flat chested stars who have done stage, movies, music, tv recently Gwyneth Paltrow popped into my head. Hear me out. She is outspoken: Goop. She is recently back in the limelight: country music, glee, her movie Country Strong. She has suffered from depression which would make her possibly prone to low self esteem and being pushed around in a relationship. She has been rumored to be on the rocks with Chris Martin. So when I googled (I know so reliable) Chris Martin and anchovies you get a ton of references to how Gwynnie makes him fried anchovies. Ha ha. And then if you start to look into Chris he is all over Public Broadcasting Radio - PBR - Pabst Blue Ribbon.
At least 2 problems with my theory.
1. Gwyn also had a relationship with Ben Affleck, albeit years ago and that seems to be the kindof thing Ted forgets about when he is trying to throw off track from someone else if he is thinking we asked the question with JLO in mind without specifically outing her.
2. I never considered her a show stopper, although she did win an Oscar.
But she is really flat chested and an option I don't recall being discussed. If it isn't JLO then who else could it be?
read new bv update plus just saw he said she is a pop diva. So scratch everything I just said. I would like to revise my previous comment to GET OUT JLO!!
Michelle - JLo does have a small chest. There was a movie out about 10-15 years ago, Crossroads or something like that and JLo is naked in a sex scene. So compared to what Blake Lively has, especially when she puts them out there, JLO is small chested.
So basically not only Ted is saying that JLO and Blake have nothing in common, meaning, JLO is a superstar, Blake still trying very hard, and JLO was a faschionista way before Blake ever hit the scene, and is multi-talented, which Blake clearly isn't, with even those comparisons, JLO's breasts are much smaller than Blake's. and they are. This proofs to me yet again that Strippa is Jennifer Lopez.
On CAA news, he had signed today to be a regular on Jada Pinkett Smith's TV show. Hopefully, this will take him away from home often enough, for his wife to wake the hell up and kick HIS ass to the curb.
Michelle - I understand now your point: if JLo is Strippa and Blake is Veronica, then how come they have NO LOVER in common, i.e. Ben Affleck? Great point! Does that mean that Blake did not sleep with Ben, or that she's not Veronica... Or Ted has forgotten about Veronica and the common link she has with Strippa? Must ask him to clear things more. For sure Strippa is JLO, as for Veronica..? Was his answer in today's BBs misleading?
Maybe the rumours were circulated about Ben n Blake when it was really Rebecca he was on with...?
So Veronica Bee-Stings might be Rebecca? She does have bigger boobs then average, but then again, that girl is an amazon: when wearing heels, she is taller then Ben!
Back to Veronica's blind... am sure Ted had stated that she was mostly small screen...
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