Today's new riddle from Lainey. This was in her "Smutty Shout-Outs" section.
Ali! I’m sorry to hear about the pipe, the flood, that beautiful kitchen!!! A riddle for your troubles? How about this? He strayed with an actress on the set of his recent film, and is now desperate to keep it from his wife, who suspected, but who was won over by a family holiday and his new doting attitude. Only now the other woman is upset, threatening to overturn the peace, so he’s been calling in favours everywhere else to get her cast in another movie she’s not actually right for, just to get her to shut up. The favours he’s using up however could jeopardise his own project, and the people who are counting on his participation are getting increasingly anxious that he might f-ck it up for everyone else. Major stress and sleepless nights. Not unlike how it would be to be quarantined to one room with four kids and a dog!
Top suspect:
Reader SMV was guessing Mark Wahlberg.
Mark Walberg was the first thing that came to mind when I read 4 kids and a dog... And his wife seems like the type to be won over by a vacation or a bauble or something...
Didn't Jen and Ben just go to Hawaii on vacay? They could fit.
Ya, Jen and Ben. Lainey was hinting at something about Blake when she posted about them Jan 12. Then there were the holiday photos.
In yesterday's live blog Lainey notted Blake Lively, so it's not Ben & Jen
i was thinking mark wahlberg as well... we have to have a look at his (current) projects to see which actress might fit. i believe her to be single, or else she would jeopardize herself as well!
Just discovered the site!! The greatest one in gossip, congrats!
By the wayI got the same idea. maybe with Eva Mendes? Because his latest film besides the fighter was the other guys, and Eva Mendes could fit in the description, because she's not that important in Hollywood...
How about Matt Damon? Similar to Marky Mark's wife, I could see MD's wife being appeased with a vacation. Plus, they have had three children together and she had a daughter from a previous relationship, making four children total. I've also seen pictures of him running with a dog in Miami.
I'm saying Tom Hanks. The "sleepless" clue, the 4 kids, don't know about the dog though. I think the "quarantine" is a clue too, but I'm new at this, you pros can tell us what it means...
I could see the Marky Mark guess esp since Lainey has been talking about him and thinks his wifey is a total beatch
Heads up Blurry! CDAN is doing more reveals today - Wed. Feb. 2. Some are juicy, some are blah. If you don't mind posting them for us: we can try and match with Ted's BVs!
Thank you!
I may be reading this wrong, but I assumed the "not unlike how it would be to be quarantined to one room with 4 kids and a dog" comment to refer to "Ali" - the reader she directed the riddle to. Like maybe the burst pipe had them all stuck in one room. Oh, I don't know.
@Jenny - That's what I thought too, but I have a hard time following Lainey, so I'm just relying on the people here who know how to decode her hints!
yes that is definitely what lainey meant-she was referring to Ali being stuck in the room with the kids and the dog. On first read i thought because of the four kids this was Mark W...once i read more closely I think is Ben Affleck.
Oh, oops... I'm not as familiar with the Lainey blinds so I saw what I thought was a clue and ran with it. My bad!! : )
What about Ben with Rachel McAdams? They are working on an untitled Terence Malick movie due out next year.
Ben loves to "poop where he eats" doesn't he! Wonder if he had a lil fling w/Mila Kunis in Extract a couple years ago too. How has Ted not continuously been reporting on Ben's philandering? Seems odd.
I wonder though if Lainey would post a blind about Rachel McAdams. Maybe I am thinking too highly of her, but Lainey seems to put Rachel on a pedestal for her green works, and simple living away from paparazzi when in hometown Toronto.
Based on what she had stated about Rachel in the past, I don't know if she would put up a blind about her.
Also, Lainey is not like Ted: Ted might seem like he truly likes someone, when actually it is at times his cover for posting a bv on said person.
Also, Rachel is a hot commodity. Very much in demand lately. I think if she wants a role, she would get it...
I'm really stuck on the Mark W. for this blind. We might get more clues tomorrow during her TV chat.
I kinda hope that this isn't Ben again. He can't be at the center of all of these cheating blinds, can he? If it was just with Blake, it's not great, but it's forgivable. But I don't wanna hear that he's the next Tiger Woods.
^ Completely agree, Kristen...
Though sadly, when I read this, Ben was the first name that popped into my head. I guess he's building quite the 'Blind Item' reputation for playing away from home.
Sarah x
P.S: I just discovered this site today and have completely fallen in love!
And there was I, naively thinking that all celebrities were well-adjusted, sober and faithful... ;0)
^Not saying that being gay is bad, but if you're straight and your crush is gay, it can ruin the fantasy for some.
@Kristin... I couldn't agree more. Crotch Uh-Lastic was a huge bummer for me. LOL!
I meant Kristen. Aargh! It must be time for bed...
Hi everyone! I have been a longtime reader first time posting- love this site! Not sure about this blind but I can get behind the Mark Wahlberg guess... Lainey has mentioned recently in a few different articles how "b***hy" MW's wife is in person especially at the Golden Globes... could that be the "dog" she's referring to? That would be pretty snarky, but I wouldn't put it past her!...
I think Ben, mostly because he slept around a lot in the past and I was wondering how so quickly after J.LO he was able to settle down and have children. I don't buy what he's selling.
@Leila Welcome! Mark is a good guess too, but honestly, I don't really see it. But it definitely could be him.
@Kristen Agreed! I hate that. =(
I'm on the Mark W train. No matter how much acting/directing credibility he gets he'll always be Marky Mark (and the funky bunch) to me. Agree that Lainey hates his wife and refers to her as b**ch face (the video of her doing it is very funny). There have been rumours of him not being faithful for years.
The "actress" is someone who needs help getting good roles...not Rachel, We all know Blake is a Whoha...she'll do whatever she has to for advancement.
Blake was notted as the girl
I had no clue reading it. I think I like the Mark Wahlberg guess best so far also.
It"s definitely Ben, Jen and Blake. Blake isn't that talented or have much versatility as an actress. She's also fairly new to the movie world and needs to beg, plead and sleep her way to get the good roles. I heard she doesn't fit well in the Green Lantern either, but did a "favor" for someone. She begged for that role.
Jen knows Ben cheated on her. She not stupid. She just doesn't want to admit it and is turning a blind eye, because she's in love with him and has 2 kids. I don't know why Ben's trying to hide it. has to be Blake Lively. She doesn't even have any movies in the works on IMDB. If "The Town" being a hit movie (and she did a great job playing a trashy girl) didnt catapult her to the top...then she's got to beg for roles.
People here are saying that Lained notted Blake. Can someone post that please?
One of Ted's recent posts linked to this blind item from the New York Post:
I wonder if it's the same guy.
@Crila16... Apparently, Lainey has already notted Blake. This totally sounds like him (possibly because everyone here is so familiar with the Blake sitch!), but it sounds like we would need to figure out who else he's been boinking.
What about the OTHER actress from "the town"? rebecca hall? Whose to say he didn't fool around with both?
Dlisted had a guess of Christopher Nolan, Ellen Page and the role being Lois Lane in the new Superman which he is producing. Thoughts?
Methinks Ellen Page is gay. Anyone recall her suspected Ted BV name? About female lead bringing her girlfriend to the set, totally open but just not addressing it in the press?
I also agree that McAdams is not in need of work, but if there was something she really wanted but was wrong for, that would still fit this description. It does not say the actress is not successful or needs help working in general, just that he is pushing for someone to cast her in a role that does not fit her. Rita, since I don't read Lainey regularly, I did not know she favors Rachel. Since she does not hide her distaste well, that probably does not make a good case for Rachel. Like @ottovontarpy said, just trying to think of other actresses that could be linked to Ben.
Lainey notted Blake in her liveblog of Tuesday:
around 12:52
Tara, 'Ben loves to "poop where he eats" doesn't he!' made me laugh. Couldn't have put it better!
LOL we just keep hearing things, Clancy! I really want to know why Ted is not reporting it--there is too much talk and with Jen freaking out during The Town....well, you can only deny so many times before everyone starts to just assume some of it is true. I know he has been a BV, but I would like to know if he is a relevant one. Hmmmm...
Yeah, I think he must be one of those grass-is-greener types - never seems happy and in love with whomever he's with, always with an eye on the next prize. Yuck.
if i could jump in... playing 'photo assumption' with pics of ben & jen, they seem to avoid looking or speaking to each other.
still i like marky mark for this. the video of his wife's epic bitchface is hysterical, and he's still building his empire so he would want his image to stay clean.
whoever said matt damon - wash your mouth out! :D this site is so depressing sometimes...
Hi Tara... :0)
You said that Jen was "freaking out" during filming of The Town? I've not heard about this - could you please explain it to me?
Thank you,
Sarah x
@whiterabbit: Could you, by any chance, direct me to the epic b!tchface video of Rhea? I'm so curious!
Ben Affleck: seems like SUCH a dawg. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was him with another woman (not Blake). Cannot believe anyone would think they could change him, let alone marry him. SMH.
As for Matt Damon: heard he is the sweetest guy. Personally, I would never think he would cheat with another woman. Another man, maybe (since I believe I read a lainey blind where he was a suspect for that). And for some reason that I can't even explain, it wouldn't really surprise me if true.
"As for Matt Damon: heard he is the sweetest guy. Personally, I would never think he would cheat with another woman. Another man, maybe (since I believe I read a lainey blind where he was a suspect for that)."
You're referencing the Cuba and Chocolate blind, with Matt Damon as Cuba (in reference to a Cuban lover). Apparently, she confirmed at a party that it was about him. He's my #1 celebrity crush, so I was a bit disappointed at first, but it's not like I had a shot anyway. LOL. I still love him. He's also a top suspect for Corny Beefy. There are three suspects listed for that one, but one was eliminated, leaving Matthew Broderick and Matt Damon, but Damon fits it better. Ted's blind is really sad, though, because Corny Beefy is basically a self hating gay who's kept it so secret, even his wife doesn't know.
@Kristen: Oh really? That's really sad that he can't be himself. It sorta explains the non-celeb wife though. Her not being a celeb means less chance for others to find out his secret. Geez. I loved him in Good Will Hunting.
@Style Souk, hello! Apparently, Jen started hearing the rumblings of on-set flirtation between Ben and Blake and a lot of bonding time and going over their lines.....Jen flew out ahead of schedule and peed all over her property. Here is a little blurb about it:
For anyone wanting to see Rhea's epic bitchface go back through Lainey posts. One of her staff is interviewing Mark on the red carpet and asks him a question on Bieber - it's this question to which the look takes place and she walks away. It's on the basis of this that Lainey gave her this name. You can also sign up to receive daily Lainey gossip emails - they're really good!! Yes I can agree with others who have mentioned Ben cheating with Rebecca Hall also on The Town - this rumour did the rounds too.
This supports the possibility of Rebecca Hall and Ben...can't believe they caught the little hand grazing action here:
And I guess she was also rumored to take part in the split between Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet. That is disappointing, I liked her in The Town.
@Tara: OMG! Pic #4: I'm sorry but they look like a young couple in love. Actually a young couple engaged. And the other pics. And the pic with him and Blake.
Gosh, Ben really hates being married doesn't he? He NEVER looks like that with Jen. In fact, it looks like he can't stand Jen when he's around her. Geez. You know that divorce is going to happen sooner rather than later.
@Caz & Jamee: Thanks for the info but when I click on the link, that vid is gone. Oh well :(
Pretty crazy, huh? I was not even thinking of her since the whole Bee Stings fiasco and what not. He is a hoochie! I would be so pissed looking at those pics if that were my husband. My intuition would definitely be telling me that something was up--even if it were just emotional.
Tara, I just looked at that page again and read one of the comments. Geez, this one person's comment seems spot on. Here's what she wrote (I hope it's okay to c&p this):
I suspect Affleck would have never married Garner had she not gotten pregnant.
Affleck had just been demolished career wise, by the relationship with Lopez. He could not take another beating in the tabloids by refusing to marry a pregnant girl, he had been dating for around than 6 months.
A girl who knew this all too well.
I truly suspect had there been no pregnancy, he would still be single.
And when the tabloids were saying the marriage was on the rocks. Affleck was looking miserable. She got pregnant again.
Tara and I OMG with those photos of Ben & Rebecca! Totally agree with both of you. He NEVER looks at Jen that way. If body language is anything to go by they were so doing it. Karma baby. Peeps if you ever want evidence of an illicit affair search for Ben & Rebecca on celebitcy site and see for yourself.
oops that's celebitchy - got a bit excited there. For what it's worth, whilst I adore gossiping about Ben n Jen and his conquests...Mark & Rhea do have 4 kids. Let's face it, Marky Mark could have pretty much anyone he wants to.
although i dont say that ben didn't cheat with whoever, i have a strong dislike with this whole photo-assumption-thing...
this year i will be married for 10 years, if you would take photos of me and my husband throughout the day in diffferent places you can be sure not to get a photo of me looking at him lovingly or similar. you will de. catch me at eyerolling or worse. And i love my hsuband and ffamily and would never cheat on him. if ben and jen would look at each other like you want them to be, you would accuse them of "acting" just for the paps (see brangelina).
i like gossip, i like guessing blind vices (i think it's fun to look at these photos as well), but i don't like people judging others based at nothing else but photo-assumption. it's also easy to pick out photos that confirm what i accuse someone of.
I agree with Talia. I think Ben is a flirt, through and through. If I had a photog following me around 24/7 taking shots of me with other guys, such as my best guy friends, let's just say I'd be boning every single one of them on photo assumption alone. And I'm not.
Though Ben and Rebecca Hall are pretty darn cute.
And I agree with I, I wouldn't be surprised if Ben/Jen marriage was based on circumstance, ie she was preggers.
Too bad that video of Rhea Durham is gone! It really is hilarious. And she even gives the "pshhhhhh" to the interviewer too. So funny. And so b-tchy.
Definitely NOT Rachel McAdams for the other woman!!! She is with Michael Sheen and doesn't need to blackmail for roles.
I don't see Rebecca Hall blackmailing either, she is talented, although I'm sure Ben Affleck has cheated...I think it's Affleck or Wahlberg, but, wouldn't it be fun if it was Depp or Damon? Need some unexpected gossip!
My main issue with the pics was not how he does or doesn't look at Jen, just that he is looking overly flirtatious, and the hand thing. I would be pissed if I caught pics of my husband like that with someone, regardless. So that would cause discomfort for Jen, even if Ben could wiggle his way out of that.
I agree McAdams is off for this, was just trying to think of another co-star w/repeat offender Ben. So what is a highly coveted role right now that many actresses, even some where the role is totally out of their league (like Lindsay Lohan in talks for Lois Lane in new Superman--HAHAHA nice try Morgan!)? I can think of Lois Lane and maybe Snow White, which we know as of today was offered to K Stew. If we can narrow down the role in question or the likely movie, we may be able to link it to another project w/the main dude of this blind (through production company, director, etc).
Oh no, I LOVE photo assumptions, I won't have a bad word said about them :P. I get so excited when Lainey does one.
I can understand they're a somewhat dubious tool when it comes to accurately assessing the situation - for eg, when I saw the 'hand grazing hand' pic, I actually thought it was just the angle that made it look like that - but let's face it, Ben and Jen have been photographed hundreds of times and even couples who've been married 50 years would look lovingly at each other once in a while, or just look happy to be together.
I actually think, as I might have mentioned before, Ben has a case of the grass is greeners - he looked miserable with JLo and is stony-faced with Jen, yet when he's around these young, fresh, care-free ladies he's all gooey. He just doesn't like to be tied down, period.
PS. Does anyone know a site that lists the current lead roles up for grabs in films?
Okay, my take on it is twofold.
(i) Ben looks to really LOVE being around these young, fresh, no-strings-attached girls. You can see it in his face. It doesn't look like he is pretending to love being around them.
(ii) Ben looks miserable around Jen. Ben doesn't even look happy around his kids.
To me, whether or not he is cheating is actually a moot point (but I think he is). My whole thing is....why be around someone with whom you look so miserable all the time? Okay, around your spouse you are relaxed and can be yourself...but why is that "self" so darn unhappy? Why can't his relaxed self look content? It never does. I don't know...I know married couples who seem happy and they don't display any obvious PDA a la Brangelina, but they look content, relaxed, etc...not miserable.
I have never seen a contentedly married man look as emotionless and miserable as Ben always does with Jen. Anyway JMO.
Has anybody thought about Kate Beckinsale/Len Wiseman for this? They were recently on vacation in Mexico and now poof she is back in Underworld 4 being produced by Len and has subsequently dyed her hair blonde (perhaps a role that is not for her -- though I haven't seen the other 3 and know that she is in them).
Lainey notes that she hasnt worked in 2 years so she would be itching to get anything at this point. In another post it looks like Len is trying to get away from the movie...certainly it would be awkward for him to be around two women he is sleeping with...
"Underworld 4 was announced as a go yesterday, with Kate Beckinsale returning as ass-kicking vampire Selene. Production is slated for March 2011 in Vancouver and Kate’s husband Len Wiseman is producing, but he is currently hunting for a director so he won’t be helming the project. No word on whether Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen, or Scott Speedman will be back."
Have to comment on "Photo Assumption" too. I really believe a series of photos can be telling. A one off photo, yes, can be misinterpreted but with Ben it is definitely a series of looking one way with the young chickees and another with wifey and/or kids. Lainey just scored a recent hit with her Jude and Sienna photo assumption. Before they just broke up (again) she photo assumed that Sienna was bored, bored, bored with him and lo and behold, they are done and a reason for the breakup was even officially that she was "bored with their domestic life"! So, photo assumption cannot be discounted entirely.
Hordac, LOOOVE photo assumption: started with Brangelina! How can you NOT assume that their were doing each other from simply looking at pictures of them standing FEET apart, and her holding her head up high, like saying: homewrecker yeah, but I always get my man.
Ben Affleck has been stepping out on his wife often. The only difference between Blake Lively and Rebecca Hall, is that Blake has the body, but no consistent grey matter behind it (sorry for sounding so mean, but have you seen her in interviews? The woman is bland), as for Rebecca, well that woman has OUmph! tons of it. Have you seen her interviews for Vicky Borcelona?
What about Jude Law? He's filming Contagion right now (quarantine) and he did just split with Sienna...perhaps a result of his unfaithfulness on set?
I agree, Rita, Blake is vapid--explains why her acting is terrible. Blake is super hot, Rebecca has the substance and charm, and she was a model too. So he may just be having a taste of both;) Plus, if Rebecca did have a hand in Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes' separation, maybe she doesn't believe in traditional relationships or monogamy, which could also be very exciting for Ben.
Photo Assumption is very telling, if you interpret it right (my original point on the Ben n Rebecca photos). Also very interesting is the body language in photos between Timberlake and anyone else who was part of The Social Network. They don't appear to like him much. Hadn't heard rumours about Rebecca, Sam & Kate. Interesting.
Very true Caz: poor JT, he got on everybody's nerves, I think that was why he was asked not to attend the other awards.
But remember guys, a lot of actresses sleep with the director so their roles are meatier, or get better lighting, or whatever... Unfortunately, nowadays, this is business as usual.
hmm, i'd never seen those photos of ben and rebecca before. verrrrrrrrry interesting.
Rebecca Hall was rumoured to have had an affair with Sam Mendes whilst he was directing her on stage in London. She was also named responsible for their marriage break-up. Hall is new on the scene and it wouldnt surprise me that she would 'part the waves' to get a role.
The fact that Lively was notted doesn't mean it's not Ben& means it wasn't with Lively. And Lainey wouldn't need to make a riddle about her & Ben because she made it clear in another post that sth hapened between them
It's not about Lively,Lainey wouldn't need to make a riddle about her & Affleck because she wrote about them in quite an open way in another post
This doesn't mean the riddle is not about Affleck. It just means it wasn't with Lively,this time
Am behind the times but have just seen The Town. Blake was such a non-event in that movie. She totally can't act. Yes I know it's acting and they were playing characters but to me Ben & Rebecca did have an emotional connection - they way he looked at her throughout the movie was amazing.Purely on the basis of this (hee hee) I'd say if he was on with both, with Blake it was just sex and with Rebecca there was something stronger. Yes I'm prepared to be howled down in protest.
Blake cannot act for crap, Caz, that is so true. I hated her accent in that movie and I totally think someone else could have done a better job with that. Her Boston accent hurt my ears. I picture someone famous, but not too famous, doing well in that role--like Amy Smart; she would have been much more believeable and less grating. To me, Blake doesn't fit (one of these things just don't belong...) which is all the more suspect, IMO. She is hot, he had his eye on her and heart set working with her so he could tap it, and he ruined a small piece of that awesome movie because he let his penis think on that decision. I 100% agree that he and Rebecca had fabulous chemistry--it seems there is more to that dynamic when you combine it with the "speculatory" pictures above.
January Jones and Matthew Vaughn
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