Which sexy socialite happily loaded up on Vita min Water, Tulle, Linea Pelle Vintage Revolution jeans and other freebies at Robert Verdi's "Fashion Weekend Retreat" gifting suite? After getting a free manicure and filling up on snacks, the dark-haired beauty declared, "Give me an eight-ball and a midget and I'm in heaven!"
Alexia Chung?
doubt Alexa was eating all those snacks...
this site listed some celebs there, and some more in pics
khloe kardashian
I don't get it.
My first thought was one of the Kardashians...does anyone know if they were at this event?
Bizarre quote...Khloe Kardashian and Betheny Frankel were both there but I don't think it's either one of them (unless Bethenny said it joking around?) have no idea what it means only that eight-ball is some drug combination...I don't think either one of them are drug-users...maybe some NYers could help us out??? Don't see it being Olivia Palermo either. There were definitely some socialites at that function though whose names I don't recognize...non-reality show, real socialites.
I think this may be Bethenny. She is friends with Robert Verdi (there is an episode of Bethenny Getting Married or whatever its called with Robert on it and he bickers with BF's assistant) and is known for her totally inappropriate one liners. I could totally see her saying that after watching her show. She goes for shock value, that is for sure.
PS to clarify, duffgrl, I think she was probably just saying it to get a reaction, and was joking.
Okay since I work sometimes with drug rehabs I'll define this for you - and 'eight ball' is 1/8th ounce of drugs OR an 'eightball' is crack mixed with heroin http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/streetterms/ByAlpha.asp?strTerm=E
The way the person said it though I think they were joking and not actually serious (I like to give people the benefit of the doubt).
Anyways I'm here cause of a school paper on humours and gossip and conspiracies - am curious what % you believe of what's in columns like Aweful Truth OR Lainey etc. al is truth versus just jealous co-workers gossiping. Thanks!
On the Top Chef reunion on Bravo last week, they showed a clip of Alex (of Pea Puree fame) saying this exact quote. I think it's Bethenny and I think she was joking.
an eightball is coke
In the 80's it was an 1/8th oz of cocaine but it is more common these days for heroin PER SURVEYS of drug users. Definitions do change slightly over time you know!!!
It can also be for heroin/cocaine mixture.
See previous link...
Valerie - thank you for the clarification! I am not down with drug lingo I guess.
Not sure if I can help you with your paper. I do think a lot of the gossip is true... but I also think people start rumors and that some stuff that gets out is false or made up. It's fun to discuss regardless though. What a fun topic to write a paper on!
I don't do drugs, but I've always heard of an eightball being used to mean coke. Not to go against what the pp said, but that's what I've always known it as.
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