One Fabulous Fagola Run-In Blind ViceHere is the link to the original Lloyd Boy-Toyed Blind Vice from September '08, including a full list of who has been eliminated.
It was so delicious. Better than Angie getting her gal-flirt on at the Globes. Far better than whatever Mickey Rourke did with all those easy chicks at the after-parties. Call it showdown of the down-low dudes! (You do know what down-low means, right? Uh, it's when superficially macho guys, often in the black and Latino cultures, but not always, like to screw with guys on the side while they've got the babes out in front.) So here we go: Like the good little showman he is, Toothy Tile went to the Golden Globes this past weekend. And where was a camera when you needed one 'cause boyfriend ran into Lloyd Boy-Toyed, one of our other closeted Hollywood actors, just not as famous. Jeez, wanna hear what happened? They met. For the first time, I do not know, but I'm pretty sure it was. And even though both stars live to get their boy-flirt on, big-time, these guys are nearly a generation apart, so I highly doubt they mingle at the same gay gatherings. But what's really interesting is how very sad Lloyd acted with Toothy, almost as if he saw before him the chance he'll never have: the possibility to come out of the closet and still have a career. Boy-Toyed never will out himself (although others sure as hell keep trying), not just because of his age, but because of his family, trust me on that one. But Toothy? Everybody knows he could still have it both ways; he's sure young enough. So what did Lloyd and Tooth discuss? "The awards, the show, politics—it was a total come-on," insists my Toothy/Lloyd interloper. Am I quoting myself here, I wonder, and being very sneaky? Hmm. "It's how Lloyd operates. It's all in the eyes." Yes, that much is true. Very true. I know firsthand. But let's get the point, already: Did Lloyd and Toothy hook up? Not there, they didn't, although I do believe digital info was exchanged, a dynamic that never would have gone down had T.T.'s standard chick date been around, which she wasn't, at least not then. Where could she have been? Stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress in the ladies room? Oh, and Lloyd. You might as well throw that number away. Toothy so is not calling. Sorry. (He's taken, a few times over.)
And it ain't: (no one)
And here is the link to the most recent LBT BV from October '09.
Top suspect for LBT: Alec Baldwin
(For Toothy, follow the label link for our many posts about him!!!)
I wonder if this is Alec Baldwin.
Alec Baldwin for Lloyd, He of course means Jake G for Toothy. I don't really believe any of Teds BVs anymore though..
I feel like Alec Baldwin would have been a better guess pre-30 Rock. He's never really been "gone," but that's definitely raised his profile with younger viewers.
This may be waaaaay off (and would they have even been at the Globes?), but what about Emilio Estevez/Charlie Sheen? Emilio in particular hasn't worked much over the last few years.
I wanted to say one of the Wilsons or the Afflecks, but they're too young, right?
I watched the Globes(and the pre-shows) and i didn't see Charlie Sheen- but, he is on a nominated TV show so maybe he was there? Alec Baldwin definitely was but is it someone not in the spotlight?
What about one of the Wayans bros.??
Jim Carrey
Was Jake G at the GG's? I will have to study all the tabloids and mags this week to see if he is pictured. Does anyone know if he was out of town filming?
as for LBT, I thought Jeremy Piven fit. however, the biggest clue in the previous post on LBT was when Ted said that LBT has famous siblings. It really does point to Alec B.
Yes, Jake was a presenter,he introduced the film clip for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The weird thing is,I saw on another site, that the girl who helped Kate Beckinsale with her dress was Zellweger....who is not dating anyone to my knowledge.
LBT = Robert Downey Jr..?
He says Toothy Tile's standard chick date was stitiching up Kate Beckinsale's dress, here is the link which says Renee Zellwegger stitched up the dress:
Is Ted playing with us, does he want us to stop thinking TT is Jake??? What am I missing??
Jake is NOT T.T. - For sure
For Lloyd, everyone seems to think he is Alec Baldwin, according to the other post... I don't see it.
As for Toothy and Renee Zellweger... I don't know. Maybe Renee/Reese being similar spelled is a hint? Or is Renee Zellweger the beard, and Toothy is someone completely different than we all think? I really don't know right now.
Ok, maybe I'm reaching too far here. But I just saw an ad for Renee's new movie, "New in Town," and the ad described the movie as the new "Sweet Home Alabama" (starring Reese, of course). I looked into Renee's new movie and reviewers are saying it has a lot of similarities to "Sweet Home Alabama." The movie posters are kind of similar, Renee plays a "high power Miami consultant forced to move to a small Minnesota town that eventually wins her over." Could Ted be making a link between Renee and Reese here?
Could be. I don't think he is making a direct link between Toothy and Renee. Also, Maggie G. was also at the Globes-maybe there was a connection between Renee and Maggie.
Oh my gosh. If Renee was the one with Kate Beckinsale, TT is Clooney.
Clooney wasn't at the globes. Jake was. Reese wasn't there, either. And come to think about it, why wasn't she there? I read "vacation"?
Outside of the great connections people have made between "Reese" and "Renee" spelling-wise, I'm flummoxed as to what he's alluding to with that line...
TT has to be Jake at this point...he was so under the radar the The Globes though which was odd.
He said "Where could she have been? Stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress in the ladies room?" with a question mark not a statement of afct. I think Ted was just making a joke about where she was. The true clue is "had T.T.'s standard chick date been around, which she wasn't" so Reese fits in here still.
I'd agree maybe Alec Baldwin - that message he left on his daughters voicemail awhile back seems pretty catty to me.
Hey Anon 7:37...TT is most DEFINITELY Jake. This is not even disputed anymore. There IS no question as to who TT is...JAKEY G. Move on and help us decide who Lloyd is.
What about Mark Wahlberg as Lloyd? Or Matt Dillon? Or Rob Lowe? All have famous sibs...
If you think of the Scientologists as a "family", Lloyd could fit Tom Cruise who was there without Katey Holmes. She joined him after the show.
Renee is a clue to Lloyd Boy Toyed being Alec Baldwin. There is a rumor they are dating:
Also Renee only has one letter different from Reese. Another clue.
I think Toothy: Jake and Lloyd Boy Toyed: Alec Baldwin.
What about John Cusack as Lloyd Boy-toyed?
--he and his sister are both famous
--one of his most famous characters was Lloyd Dibbler.
Dont forget that Kim B has the knives out for her ex. I would not be surprised if she is spreading rumors about AB that are false.
You guys have brought up some good alt. Lloyds - can we narrow it down?
As much as I hate to say it, but maybe Lloyd is John Cusack. He is so private that may say something about his oh-so private life and we know TT is Jake! Who doesn't???
Cusack wasn't at the Globes. My guess is Ralph Fiennes.
Ralph Fiennes likes old ladies.. not men. LOL sorry. i couldn't help it. truthfully.. what if we're NOT that way off with "Baldwin" but we're thinking of the wrong Baldwin. The blind says that TT is more famous than LBT.. I DO NOT think that Jake is more famous than Alec. Alec has been around forever! IMO
Well, John Cusack being Lloyd looks good to me. The Lloyd Dobbler comment makes sense. In reference to the movie Say Anything, he is famous for holding the boombox over his head. What song was playing? "In Your Eyes". Look how it says "It's how Lloyd operates. It's all in the eyes".I think there could be a possible hint there. What do you guys thing?
I meant What do you guys think, sorry.
Are we SURE that John Cusack wasn't at the Globes? I read (from Lainey? Ted?) that James Marsden was at the Globes, but since he didn't walk the red carpet and he wasn't nominated, you never saw him in the glossies or on TV.
And I love me some James Marsden, so if anyone had shown him, I would have seen it for sure. :)
Kate B is also a hint toward John c, they costarred in a movie a few years ago that was actually pretty good, I forget the title.
also JC is about 20 yrs older than JG. Ted says that Toothy is a generation younger than LBT, so that could fit.
Maybe the "stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress..." implies that TT's beard is gay as well?
excellent point! i def agree it is Resse.
About the "Toothy Tile is more famous than Lloyd Boy Toyed", I think it means that Toothy Tile as a BLIND ITEM is more famous than Lloyd Boy Toyed, not the actors. Toothy Tile is Ted's biggest and most famous blind item.
Agree, could mean better known to be a closet homosexual.
Can't find any evidence of Cusack at the Globes. Like Marsden, no photos, but unlike Marsden, nothing on google at all.
Wait - was Reese at the Globes? Becuase Ted doesn't say she wasn't completey absent - he just says she wasn't there "at least, not then." To me, that says she was at the Globes, she just wasn't around for that exchange. So if Reese wasn't at the Globes at all, then I can't see how this points to JG and Reese.
BTW, I think the John Cusak guess is a very good one.
it is hard to believe that ted meant tt was a more famous blind rather than actor. that's really twisting it. but it makes it really hard the other way. in some ways, is jake g. really "famous"? yes, he's known, but except for brokeback mountain, many of his movies were unseen by lots more people than saw them. that's how i see it...
Cusack isn't gay, and I've never heard of him having a bad temper. I do however know for a fact that he's a total womanizer. He's dated 2 girls I know. He's a total pig.
How about someone like (and I'm not really guessing it's him, but someone like Erik Stoltz. It's someone who is less famous than TT, and is a generation older.
Did Lainey do another Semi-Reveal today with the star who's in denial about her real size and the costume dept changing the numbers for her? Sounds like she's outing the blind as Jennifer Love Hewitt. What do you guys think?
"Dear Ted:
Your friend Lloyd Boy-Toyed sure sounds like Aaron Eckhart. Could he be good friends with our beloved Toothy?
Dear Two Face:
Our boy Lloyd is no big superhero. Maybe more of a villain?"
this is a curve ball! None of the guesses fit into a villain description.
But Aaron Eckhart played Two Face, the villain in the Dark Knight. Ted's response doesn't make any sense, unless he's agreeing that it's Aaron Eckhart.
Maybe Ted's not talking about a movie roll, but how the person is in general? Perhaps he's saying not that Loyd isn't a villian in a movie, but in real life? If that's the case, I don't think it is Aaron Eckhart - as I've heard he's a nice guy.
We are back to Alec B. He's got famous siblings and has been known to be in the media in some feuds (look back to original LBT post).
eric roberts...batman villain...julia sibling
I'm kinda feelin the Eric Roberts concept. Always plays the villain.
Ohhhhh...Eric Roberts. That's a very very good guess. I'm going with that one.
This may be way out there, But how about Jeff Bridges - he has very soulful eyes, I think, and he was the villain in Iron Man. It would have been impossible for him to come out because of his father, and he is a generation older that JG.
He was one of my first thoughts, along wih Eric Roberts.
Maybe I am alone but anyone think Ted tells crap???
I believe Jake is gay , hidding a boyfriend and a child with a freshly divorced mum like I believed Affleck and Damon were a couple long long time ago !!!( I swear Ted said it even if some have forgotten !!)
Jeff Bridges is more than just a generation older than Jake...he's more like 3 generations older.
Eric Roberts has soulfull eyes.
Maybe I am alone but anyone think Ted tells crap???
I believe Jake is gay , hidding a boyfriend and a child with a freshly divorced mum like I believed Affleck and Damon were a couple long long time ago !!!( I swear Ted said it even if some have forgotten !!)
Then seriously, find something else to do instead of boring everyone else to death.
Some of us like Ted's gossip and think there's some truth to the BIs. We come here because we like gossip. What's your excuse, lol!
"Dear Ted:
Is Lloyd Boy-Toyed John Travolta?
Dear Tricky Travolta:
We'll let John catch a break this time—he needs one, with the year he's having so far. Keep guessin' for LBT. Close, though. Right everything but marital status."
I'm on the Eric Roberts train for LBT.
I'm liking the Eric Roberts guess, because the other LBT item said that Lloyd had more "cherished" and "known" family members... like his sister and his daughter!
Plus, he does tend to play villainous characters.
However, I'm not sure how he would be considered "close" to a Travolta guess. "Right about everything but the marital status," says Ted.
"Dear Ted:
Why are all your gay Blind Vices about young pretty boy actors?
Dear Why Not:
Because the hottest ones are always the ones you can't have. Isn't life just totally fair like that? (And for the record, remember Lloyd Boy-Toyed? He's definitely not one of the youngsters, babe.)"
Update: Ted semi-revealed this in his last week of the column. It's Alec Baldwin. See comments under most recent post for details.
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