Don't Shoot The Messenger
Which middle-age Lothario famous for playing a small-screen love interest has been using his renewed fame to land very young women? One recent hookup was all of 16 years old.
??????Guesses in comments.....
Join four sisters as we read gossip columns and guess who the subject of blind items may be.
I would say Jeremy Piven but the clue says "small screen love interest" meaning he is mostly known on tv as being a husband/boyfriend character on a show-and "renewed fame" makes me think it is someone who has been more famous in the past. Andrew McCarthy? He was in the Brat Pack and is a boyfriend character on "Lipstick Jungle"....or, Rob Lowe, C.L.'s bf on Brothers and Sisters???
Patrick Dempsey. Small screen love interest, renewed fame sounds like him.
I don't think it's him. He's not primarily known for being a love interest. He's been Grey's bf but his role is independent/a leading role on the show.
Patrick Dempsey is married though... cheating with a 16 year old? I don't know. I say Rob Lowe.
Sounds more Rob Lowe-ish -- wasn't he famous for that sex tape with a 16 year old, too, back when he was younger
Totally - back in 1988. It almost killed his career pretty much until The West Wing.
It's Andrew MCarthy or someone we haven't thought of yet. Rob Lowe really isn't having "renewed fame"-he's on a show now but was on West Wing for a long time and before that, Austin Powers etc.
Could be someone who was a famous love interest on a show a while back and now has fame for another reason(reality show etc)
What about Chris Noth? Renewed fame on Law & Order, love interest history?
Chris Noth has steadily been on TV since 1990 or so...was Det Logan on the original Law & Order in 1990s, then SATC, now L&O again. Really no "renewed fame", just sort of back to the same old character. Would be a good guess if he was now on "dancing With the Stars" or something.
It's NOT Rob Lowe.
I'm going with Andrew McCarthy.
I think Chris Noth has a GF and they just had a baby or got preg or something. She is young, though, but not teen
Andrew McCarthy isn't famous for playing a small-screen love interest (he's almost exclusively known for teen movies from the 80's). I think it's Scott Baio. He was pretty much only known before as Chachi, a minor boyfriend character on "Happy Days". I tried to watch his new show - he's as pathetic and skeezy as they come.
You're right-even though he(AM) does play a love interest on Lipstick jungle, that's not what he is famous for. It probably IS Scott Baio. EW
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