Monday, January 11, 2010

Page Six- Just Asking

Which married record label executive got caught by his bosses having an affair last summer with a 22-year-old waitress? The company investigated, but he kept his job and then hired a lawyer to intimidate the waitress into keeping her mouth shut . . . WHICH famous football figure doesn't want to marry his much younger girlfriend of several years because she wants to have kids? He has grown children.


Anonymous said...

Second one sounds like Eliza Dushku and rick fox.

Brittany said...
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Brittany said...

...if only Rick Fox played football

PDQ said...

Brittany - Rick Fox dribbles the ball, he doesn't punt it.

duffgrl said...

To PDQ: I think Brittany knows that...she was responding to the 1st commenter(anon) who suggested Fox.

Anonymous said...

I vote OJ for the second one. That dude seems to always have some idiot famewhore girlfriend, even in prison.

jittacatgirl said...

I feel like #2 could be true of... 80% of retired football "greats." Where's the big news?

duffgrl said...

I like the OJ guess for #2! Was thinking of announcers but OJ makes sense. He has a young gf.

jittacatgirl: this BI was posted because people email us when we miss a page six it was posted. If it doesn't interest you don't comment.

Unknown said...

the label guy works for warner brothers in nyc, he ended up getting blackmailed by the girls bf for money, that's when the guy fessed up to his bosses and to the fbi...
