Watching how he copes
It can be hard to breathe when you’re as young and as famous as he is. He copes in public situations not unlike many of his counterparts in the industry – as alarming as this sounds, a bump here and there is pedestrian in Hollywood. H
e’s been known however to lock himself in the bathroom and blow until he can face the world. But a word of advice to our fresh star – people know, and they are watching, and they are offering money to those around you, some friendly, some unfriendly, to catch you in a compromising position. So be careful who you trust. Fortunately, for your sake, so far they’ve refused to sell you out. But everyone has a price. People with children and mortgages have a price. And eventually someone will cave. And if you’re still hiding out in the toilet and rubbing your nose in it, suffice to say that photo can set them up for life. Careful now.
Update 1/14 - Lainey has eliminated
Justin Bieber.
Our top guesses:
Rob Pattinson, Adam Lambert
Robert Pattison - lainey always notes how he's a mouth breather re: "hard to breathe"...
Robert Pattinson
Yeah - I think Robert Pattinson, too..."hard to breathe" may also be a nod towards being almost strangled by that craZy fan.
"as young" and "our fresh star"
Neither of those descriptions sound like RPattz to me.
I thought of Robert Pattinson too.
hate say...RP came to mind right away. After Twilight movie success, he had been *hidden* ... can be seen only. Summit, his handlers and childhood friends had been so protective. His families are not photographed a lot either!
His STAR Power is the brightest right now... reason ALL is curious.
Too sad if it is really him...I love the young man
BTW...had not seen Tom Stu since last JULY..whats up w that!
*hate to say*
Is she saying that Robert Pattinson is on drugs? surprises there.
what about micheal cera?
Then it Robert??? The word, "fresh" kind of threw me off. FRESH is not a word Lainey would use to describe that twilight guy. He's anything, but that. Maybe it's Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl???
RPatz admitted he has panic attacks when he is in a crowded place. Has he been self medicating w drugs to cope nowadays?
RPatz came to mind. I heard that he takes Valium for his panic attacks. If it is RPatz, this would be a shame.
To Anon @6:18 - blasting cocaine is not really the best way to avoid panic attacks. :)
My first guess was RPatz, my second was Justin Timberlake.
Justin Timberlake is a good guess as well.
Justin Timberlake is an awful guess. He's been famous for over a decade now so I don't think it qualifies him as 'fresh'.
I agree with Brittany @ 6:47pm. Unfortunately, I think it is RPatz:(
This is sad if true. I thought of RP also when I read it.
Hmmm I didn't know who go guess for this. Could be anyone. But looks like R-Pattz is the top guess for this.
I was thinking younger, like Zack Efron or Justin Biebier or a Jonas Brother. I am sure I have spelled all of those names wrong, sorry!
Taylor Lautner, perhaps?
Ted (from the awful truth) says it's not RPatz. I guess we have to wait and see if he gets eliminated by Lainey.
Ted's weighing in on Lainey blinds? I love this!!
@sistah2- he said a lot of "sillinss" is written about RPatz.
*fresh* as in the *IT* factor in HW terms.
RobertP was 21 (young) when he started Twilight. He became POPULAR starting late 2008 and went phenom early 2009.
It is so him...but.. I hope not.
Will Lainey eliminate him?
Love love Laineys blinds :)
I think it's Chase Crawford, even though he's not really that famous.
It's no secret RPattz does drugs. He's always drugged out in all of his interviews.
Robert Pattinson didn't come to mind for me until I read all of your comments. He makes sense though. I think if Lainey doesn't eliminate him, he's probably it, because I bet a lot of people are emailing her about this one.
And if it's not...for some reason, my immediate thought was Shia Lebeouf.
"suffice to say that photo can set them up for life"
This young star is HUGE if the payoff is a significant amount!
its totally shia lebeouf. lainey just mentioned him in that "his and hers rising stars" with gf carey mulligan. i think its a clue.
not sure if this is RP but my "magic 9 ball" predicts said person will end up dating Emma Roberts...
shia is a good guess also.
one thing though...he is constantly out and about being photographed. so much has been written about his family life and misdeeds. he is not sorrounded by his handlers and friends all the time.
RPatz. Lainey is good at giving clues throughout her posts. If you do a search of his name, his name links to this one.
Rpatzz is the first person that came to my mind the second would be Shia but hes not so "fresh" anymore.
Possibly Robert Pattinson,
the comment about a 'bump here and there is pedestrian' may refer him being apparently clipped by a taxi while filming in New York.
Im going to guess Shia.
I thought of Taylor Lautner too...but she eliminated Justin Beiber, does that mean that its a young singer? In which case the youngest Jonas.
Someone on facebook pointed out that "careful now" is used by the Gossip Girl narrator, and that it may be a clue.
She also mentions in this blind "rubbing your nose in it," referring to the cocaine, but after RPattz got attacked, she had a story about him being kept in a secure trailer between takes and saying, "Robert Pattinson is my puppy." I think it's him.
Seems to me Ted C says this isn't a Twilighter, folks.
Dear Ted:
My heart just sunk a little, mostly caused by disappointment...Lainey Gossip has a blind item up why I think she is talking about Rob? Can you tell us if this story is true? Thank you so much.
Dear Worry Wart :
A blind item about a Twilight star? I'm sure Lainey would do absolutely nothing of the kind, as we've been doing exactly that for, like, ever. Lainey's cool, she's no copycat.
This time..the..Twats going to stone Lainey for sure!
Her blind is about a drugie NOT a homo/lesb actor:)
Did not know Ted owns the right to the Twilight cast.
I like the Michael Cera guess.
I wonder if by "pedestrian" she is trying to hint that this person is too young to drive, or has had their license taken away? Eek. I googled "fresh star" and one of the first images is of Chris Pine...? -- Emmabear
I agree with Rob Pattinson. I know he's done coke with a friend of mine before. His girlfiend, Kristen, is a huge enabler and drug addict, too. Lol at these Twihards thinking "She only smokes weed". Keep telling yourselves that. There is pretty much nobody in Hollywood that is sober.
Kristen Stewart is a huuuuuuuuge pill popper. "Hey Kristen, you need something to go up now after you took that noise to go down" ?? Watch her salivate. lol.
I first thought Rob Pattinson, but I hope like hell it's not. She definitely made her blind subtle. No mention of crazy fans. She'll probably eliminate him after a few days of increased traffic to her blog. LOL.
"Did not know Ted owns the right to the Twilight cast."
I know, right? Like no one else can do a blind on a Twilight star? Even if it is Robert Pattinson, I wouldn't classify it as a TwiBlind, just straight up smutty gossip. They're fair game.
On another note - I wonder if Ted has read the blind. If he has and he's telling her not to worry, he's saying it's not Pattinson. But Ted and Lainey frequently differ in their gossip. For example Jake G - Ted's basically outed him, but Lainey doesn't seem convinced. She also denied Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were dating loooong after Ted had said they were an item. I sometimes wonder who is more accurate.
The "Careful now" made me think of "Be safe" which I think Edward wrote to Bella.
Can I tell you how much I despise myself for writing that first sentence?
It occurs to me that the reference to "hiding out in the toilet" implies a British connection. North Americans don't say toilet, but the Brits do.
Robert Pattison. Seems right to me.
I'd say Pattinson for sure, but she calls him a star, not an actor. This makes me think someone more musically inclined. I'm going to go with one of the Jonas Brothers.
No, Canadians say toilet too.
It is definitely rpattz. the "bump here and there is pedestrian" comment. He got hit by a cab in NY last summer.
pedestrian means common. Bump here as in a cocaine bump. It wouldnt surprise me if it's pattinson. Its common knowledge tht him and kristen get high and take pills (which he turned her onto).
feels like lainey already saw a pic of said star doing something or knows that it has been stopped from being published, she must like said "star"
really? I'm Canadian and I say washroom. :)
Lainey calls the subject a "fresh star", but the thing is Robert Pattinson is not a fresh star, as he's been semi-public fodder since Harry Potter 4, which was years ago.
Taylor Lautner. Gay as all hell. Fresh faced. Taylor Swift was a very unconvincing beard.
Taylor Lautner? Really? This blind is about drugs not about bearding.
I'm starting to believe now that this one is Robert Pattinson.
From the Awful Truth today -
"Dear Ted:
My heart just sunk a little, mostly caused by disappointment...Lainey Gossip has a blind item up why I think she is talking about Rob? Can you tell us if this story is true? Thank you so much.
Dear Worry Wart :
A blind item about a Twilight star? I'm sure Lainey would do absolutely nothing of the kind, as we've been doing exactly that for, like, ever. Lainey's cool, she's no copycat."
@Anonymous 1/14 1:25, 1:27, 8:59 So predictable. Kristen bashers would love to drag her into this. Glad Anonymous comments aren't allowed anymore.
I think Michael Cera is more fresh than Rob.
Ted's Gossip also romanticizes the real relationship between Rob and Kristen, which isn't as healthy as he would lead us to believe.
oh really meghan? then what is their relationship like and how would you know?
this is rob pattinson. he is barely seen out, he hides in hotel rooms...the only time you see pap shots are him on set or him walking into a hotel.
No, we are not accepting Ted's comment as an elimination for Lainey's blind. This is Lainey's riddle and Ted does not have any say who it is.
darn right you are blurry!
This BI is RPattz!
When I read this on Lainey's site, I also thought it was Pattinson. And Lainey and Ted's gossip does contradict each other sometimes. They are probably getting fed bogus info from their moles at times. I tend to believe Ted over Lainey on the Jakey being gay thing though...that whole Reese showmance was fake as anything.
I hate to say it, but it sounds like RPattz. Ugh, I hope he gets help!
RPattz because that explained his look very "grunge" and his "booze" face!
Strange - for some reason my first thought was Adam Lambert. The eliminated was a singer and he recently did a photo shoot with Adam. Also, the song in the finals had the line "Every breath it's harder to believe."
It's Nick Jonas.
I really like the Adam Lambert guess!
I was reading the infamous Details interview with Robert Pattinson yesterday, and right there in the article was the phrase "How he copes" explaining how he deals with all the stress of newfound stardom. Seems like a pretty weird coincidence. I'm sure one has nothing to do with the other, but as soon as I read it, my mind bounced back to this blind. My gut is still leaning towards Robert.
Bieber was born in Canada, which was also where New Moon and Eclipse were shot. Also, he plays the piano and guitar as well as sings (according to Wiki, I've never heard of this guy before myself), which is also something Rob is known for.
But the Adam Lambert guess is really good too! I don't know much about him aside from what I read on gossip sites. I don't see Adam as having too much of a problem in dealing with his big rise. He seems to be comfortable with it and seems like he sought it out when he joined the cast of American Idol, whereas I don't think Pattinson was prepared at all for the insanity he landed himself into with Twilight. But the Lambert guess does make some sense!
Adam Lambert is not a good guess. He is flambouyant...enjoys too much into your face publicities.
RPattz it is for me ;)
Adam Lambert isn't young. He is 28 or 29. I mean that is young, But I have a feeling its someone younger.
If you know anything about Lainey and her feelings for Pattinson, you would know she would never ever refer to him as fresh. She's said a million times that she loves getting hate mail from Pattinson fans and Twilight fans so this is what she's doing. She's purposely not disqualifying him cause who do you think gives her the most hits? These fans.
Also, it's common knowledge that she was fed a bunch of BS from her then buddy Nikki so anything Twilight related, no one believes from her. It's why she was so late to jump on the RK bandwagon. And why she no longer salivates over Nikki.
I'm going with a Jonas kid for this one. I highly doubt it's Adam cause everyone knows he does coke.
Robert Pattinson.
This appeared on Lainey today in an article about Robert Pattinson:
"LA is filled with young garbage, sycophantic wannabes who’d rip off their friends, sell their sisters for a good table at the right club. Kristen Stewart seems to be smart enough to know this without compromising herself. He [Robert Pattinson] had to learn the hard way."
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