These are the things you get from your mother. Our perfect parent found a permanent way to keep the weight down – with a lap band installation a few years ago. At the same time, she thought she’d help out her little girl too. By pretty much forcing her teenage daughter to have one put in as well. The child protested but to no avail. And better still, instead of paying out of her own pocket, she insisted that the surgery be funded out of her precious’s bank account. Well in hindsight, no wonder.
* Update 1/12/10 - Lainey has eliminated Demi Moore, Christie Brinkley, Debra Messing, Heather Locklear, Teri Hatcher.
Off the bat I'm thinking maybe Melanie Griffith or Teri Hatcher-not sure how old their daughters are though. Hmmm...
Pretty awful mother.
Gotta be Courtney Love.
I thought demi Moore but the payment details make me think courtney love.
Totally Courtney Love and Francis Bean- the whole comment about using the daughter's bank account gives it away. And Courtney wait loss a few years back was so extreme . . .
excuse me- weight loss. Oops!
Courtney Love and Frances Bean
Wow! I never get these, but this one SCREAMS C-love and Frances Bean. Horrid.
I am going w duffgrl: Mel Griffith and daughter with Antonio Banderas.
Daughter Stella seems plump for HW standards..
Courtney Love is a great guess...and funny that she is mentioned in today's Page Six article about blind items (see post)..."all the answers are Courtney Love" Funny.
How bout Sharon and Kelly Osborne i know it was probably 15 years ago that Sharon had the surgery but that was my first guess before i saw the comments
Melaine also has a daughter who was 'miss golden globe' a few years back.
She is really skinny.
Im not a fan of the Courtney guess
Francis is a perfect weight dont get me wrong
But I would imagine if she had the surgery she would be slimmer
Ok celebs with teen/20ish daughters
Kyra segdwick
Meryl streep
Demi Moore
Robin wright penn
any more?
I have never left a comment before, but when I read this, I thought of Christie Brinkley and her daughter with Billy Joel, Alexa. They have been in the news with Alexa's recent problems. Those reports contain a common story that Christie "urged Alexa to stay slim at all costs." (NY Post). When Alexa was 10 her mother chewed a brownie and spit it into the trash can, telling her daughter "that is how you eat a brownie without gaining weight." (NY Post). Alexa, I am sure, has more $$ than Krisite, with all of her divorces, since Alexa is Billy Joel's only child.
I immediately also thought of Sharon Osbourne... she had a lap band a long time ago. Not sure if Kelly fits as a teenager anymore, not really... but financially, this makes sense... how at the bottom says, that in hindsight it makes sense. (The Osbournes have had financial problems)
Anyway... I also like the Demi Moore and Christie Brinkely guesses.
INteresting about all the celebs getting the lap bands. Remember Debra Messing was another Lainey riddle about getting a lap band? I guess a lot of celebs that aren't really obese are getting them.
I think it is Christie Brinkley and Alexa Joel.
I think it is Christie Brinkley and Alexa Joel.
I like the Christie Brinkley/Alexa Joel guess if someone can explain what money problems Brinkley's had.
If it's not her, Courtney Love and Francis Bean--it fits the money clue, but I thought CL's problem was drugs, not food (not that she couldn't have both).
I remember that BI about Debra Messing Blurry. It must be the new it procedure to lose weight but how stupid...
Didn't Frances just legally separate herself from Courtney Love? I think it happened very recently. Def. seems to be them.
Clearly Courtney Love and Frances.
lisa marie and riley
doubt it's Kelly Osborne, she's pleasingly plump
From Lainey's intro:
The Good Mommy is not Demi Moore or Christie Brinkley. Also not Debra Messing.
Courtney Love has never had problems with being too heavy, so can't see any reason why she would have a lap band installed. I'm going with Sharon Osbourne and Kelly.
I was thinking of the Lohans, but we all know Lindsay keeps slim with the Powder Diet. The Courtney Love-Frances Bean guess makes total sense...
Once again, interesting that Lainey once again eliminates the exact people that we are discussing here!
Christy Brinkley was eliminated. It has to be Courtney Love and Francis Bean.
Dina & Lindsay Lohan?
I vote Courtney /Frances
My first thought with this one was Melanie Griffith, but after reading everyone's comments I see where Courtney Love/Frances Cobain is a good fit too.. Interesting. I wonder when we will get more hints from Lainey on this one.
100% Courtney/Francis -- the "In hindsight.." gives it away after all that's been happening between them
Courtney Love was plump a few years back then radically lost weight - Frances Bean has a trust account. She's also recently put a restraining order on her mom. This is a daughter with her own money and the "in hindsight no wonder" comment leads me to believe that this is the hindsight that explains recent events.
I actually really like the Dina & Lindsay Lohan guess...Dina seems that crazy :S
Courtney Love did seem to inherit the kind of genes that make you heavy. I remember an article where she says that she made more money stripping than when she lost weight. She was never thin until after Kurt died.
As for being a terrible mother - forcing Frances to have the surgery would be good cause for a judge to take custody away from her.
I think it's Courtney. The "in hindsight, no wonder" makes me think of the restraining order thing.
It totally seems like Courtney and her poor daughter.
BUT I remember when Courtney showed up in Hawaii super skinny a few years ago, and everyone said she had had Lap Band. She looked like she had dramatically lost weight (loose skin) but I didn't see scars on her abdomen. I have a Lap Band and I have three scars on my abdomen (ie rib area), including one that is about an inch wide. After a year they are still bright pink.
I think the Courtney/Frances guess is the winner. As I said above (and isuckatblinditems did too btw great name)good reason for court to take away custody...
Nicole Kidman and Isabella Cruise.
Courtney ftw....
Not that making your daughter have lap band surgery isn't bad...but there's no way a court is going to take custody away from a mother (and an the only surviving parent to boot) for just that. There has to be something really bad going on (more than likely, there were lots of really bad things going on) for that to happen. If this Courtney/Francis guess is right, that's just the tip of the ice berg as to what made her loose custody.
The Nicole/Isabella guess is reasonable too, which could explain why the kids don't live with her, hardly visit etc. BUT, I am not sure how Tom Cruise would feel about that. Thoughts??
Definitely Courtney Love, no question. Courtney was always a little "pudgy" by hollywood standards until after Kurt died and she wanted to do movies. Like everything else she does, she goes WAAAAY too far. Courtney is also having all kinds of financial problems, (AmEx suing her for hundreds of thousands that they say she charged on her cards) while Frances has a trust fund. I'd divorce that bag of crazy pills if she were my mother as well.
Agree that Courtney Love is a good guess. The wording of the BI suggested to me that the daughter must have an independent source of income - so, either a young actor/singer with their own career or someone like Frances Bean who would have trust funds/inherited money. I actually was thinking originally of moms who are not celebs themselves, like nasty Dina Lohan or Miley Cyrus' mom. But since Lainey's notting all celebs, I'm thinking y'all are right on the money with Courtney Love.
Side note: sadly, just because WE don't think any of these women or their daughters remotely needed lap bands doesn't mean anything. Hollywood is a f*cked up place. We might have thought they looked fine - envied them, even! - but it wasn't enough for them.
Also (same poster from 1:31 p.m.), agree with Scarlett Pumpkin - I think Lainey is saying that in hindsight, this would be just one example of why Frances Bean would want to cut loose. Regardless of whether our BI guess is right, that poor girl has been subjected to a world of instability and crazy her entire life. She seems remarkably grounded; I hope she's able to distance herself and find happiness.
When I read this the very first thing that came to my mind was Whitney Houstton, and her daughter, Bobby Christina. I remember a few years back, she was rather plump. In recent years she seems to have slimmed down considerably.
I agree with the Anonymice and Lollapalooza. It sounds to me like Lindsey Lohan and Dina. Nowhere does the item say that the mother is a celebrity.
I think everyone's logic as to why it would be Courtney & Frances makes a LOT of sense, but my gut is making me doubt that it's the right answer :\
I agree with the poster earlier who mentioned that Frances would probably be much smaller if she had this surgery done. In my opinion she doesn't need it because I think she has a nice womanly body, but if she'd had the procedure I'm pretty certain that she would be a few sizes smaller. She is definitely heavier than Hollywood would like us to believe a woman is supposed to be (even though we know thats bullcrap, ladies!).
I know Courtney is a big bag of insanity but I'm having a hard time picturing this from her. Don't get me wrong, I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything the nut case does but she's always been the poster child for female rebellion and going against the mainstream. She was very involved in the Riot Grrrl movement in Seattle back in the era of Grunge, which basically revolved around women doing & looking however they wanted to, instead of what was "expected" of them. I suppose a lot has changed for her since Kurt's death though, and she did get more active in trying to be involved in Hollywood's elite club of the famous & infamous. In spite of her being crazy, I'm having a hard time picturing Courtney telling her daughter to get major surgery just so she could please the world by being thinner. Does Frances even seem to have aspirations of being involved in Hollywood? I didn't think she did, but I could be wrong!
From a psychological standpoint, I see this vice being woman who clearly has an overwhelming compulsion to be in control and someone who is trying to fit herself into some type of "perfect little box". Courtney certainly wouldn't fit that type considering she's one of the most out of control women that I've ever seen. I'm also pretty sure the her weight fluctuations have come from battling drugs more than anything else. I know she has had some plastic surgery though (rhinoplasty specifically) but I'm not aware of her having anything done for weight loss. Again, I could be wrong.
The poster above who mentioned Whitney Houston makes more sense to me, although I doubt her as well since she's never had an issue with being heavy, and any weight she has lost was the result of her addiction to cocaine & crack. I think Bobbi Christina is just one of those girls who grew up, hit a growth spurt, and lost some weight in the process.
When I read the last line "Well in hindsight, no wonder" I think I'm interpreting it differently than most posters. I know some have read it as meaning that it's "no wonder" the mother would do this sort of thing, but I got the impression that it meant the daughter is better of as far as finances go than the mother. If that's true then I don't think it would apply to Courtney and Frances since she isn't 18 yet and therefore has no access to her trust fund left by her father. I get the feeling that the mother MIGHT not even be a celebrity herself, but has gained certain notoriety through her daughters popularity instead.
Eh just my thoughts on the matter. sorry if i went on a little long, i tend to ramble :\
Literal, about Frances not having lost weight, it's possible she does not have the band very tight. I have a Lap Band and within a month after I had surgery, I was able to eat pretty much anything. It's only after you get it tightened (most people need to 3-8 tightenings over the next year (to get the right restriction) do you start to lose weight.
Also, Lap Band is easy to cheat if you're not truly committed. If you drink your calories (alcohol, milkshakes, Frappuccinos) you can easily gain weight. Or you can eat junk food by taking very small bites and chewing it to mush.
However, any doctor who performed a Lap Band surgery on Frances should lose his or her medical license. There's no way she was medically obese, maybe just slightly chubby. She would have benefited from a good workout plan and healthy eating.
Thanks Anon for the information about the lapband :) I'd never heard of this until I read the first Lainey blind featuring the procedure. I couldn't agree more about the medical license!! It's horrendous that a doctor would perform an unecessary surgery on a teenager who doesn't possess the health risks that qualify them for it. Whoever this is, it's disgusting. I'm sure with a crazy mom like that, I'd put on a few extra pounds too from all the stress eating I'd be doing :\
Money money money...
It's definitely Courtney Love and Frances Cobain. Poor child.
I got one
I suggested one earlier
I think I got it
Kim Basinger/Ireland
It screams it!
I agree that "in hindsight" it's Courtney and Frances. Until the hindsight comment, I was thought of Teri Hatcher, too.
Coutney and Frances
Kim & Ireland
Whitney & Boby Christina
Those are my guesses in order.
HAS to be Courtney Love.
There was a reason she lost custody this late in the game.
it cant be courtney love and francis; the BI says that the surgery took place a few years ago and that the daughter was a teen ager when it happened - FB is only 15 now, so unless it was when she was 13 years old she wouldnt have been a teenager...
In addition to France's young age a few years ago there is also the fact that she has had a very good support system as she was growing up. How could Courtney Love ever be able to coerce Frances into doing anything she didn't want to do? She simply doesn't have the organizational skills to force anyone to do much of anything.
I'm going with Dina Lohan. It would certainly explain why Lindsay is such a train wreck of a human being. The girl hates herself.
I just read that Frances is 17; not 15. (unless I read false information) so.. the blind could still be her, if based just on age.
I just thought of this... what about Miley Cyrus and her mother???
I'm very surprised that more people haven't guessed Sharon and Kelly Osbourne. When I first read the blind, that's who immediately popped into my head. Mainly because of Sharon's well-known weight-loss procedure and because Kelly is now much smaller than she was (I realize she's not "thin" by Hollywood standards, but compared to how she was in the past, she's obviously smaller now). Also, just because a person has had a lapband installed doesn't mean they will have a dramatic weight loss. As the previous poster mentioned, it's easy to cheat the band, and it takes several adjustments before the patient hits their prime weight-loss zone. It's definitely not as dramatic as a gastric bypass (think Star Jones and Carnie Wilson).
I have to admit that I was ruling out Courtney/Francis simply because Lainey used the words "Good Mommy" and "perfect parent".
I do now believe that it is Courtney/Francis. I found news articles stating that Francis' medical records have been sealed as of 12/09. The medical records hold proof of abuse, which would cover a forced lap band.
Here's a link to the medical records being sealed:
what about hayden panetierre from heroes? Her mother looks like a plastic surgery freak and it has been reported that Hayden paid for the rest of the stuff she had done.
Lainey basically revealed. It's the Miley...
Not depressed enough this week?
How about watching a video of 10 year old Noie or Noah whatever Cyrus, JailBait v 2.0, miming Ke$ha’sTik Tok ... and somehow this found its way onto YouTube. Don’t bother asking what the f-ck her folks are up to.
It’s not as offensive, I guess, as the time she worked a pole, or dressed like a working girl for Halloween, and I’m sure she’s not the only 10 year old to lipsynch to pop music. That’s not what’s uncomfortable about this video. What’s uncomfortable about this video is The Want.
She wants it so hard.
Check the way she has mastered the upclose to the camera technique, how intoxicated she is by the camera, the expression on her face when the beat slows down and she’s staring down the screen.
It’s BEYOND precocious. It’s something else entirely. It’s living through being watched. ********And still these people continue to support this family.********
PS. I can’t figure out her name. Is it Noah or Noie? I bet you it’s Noie.
^^Um... how is that a reveal. It says nothing about Miley and her relationship with her mom that would give away this blind. That's about her little 10 year old sister, who I'm pretty sure didn't get a lap band.
I agree w/ is that a reveal for Miley C? dont think so.
OK I am sure this is Courtney, or at least that Courtney has had the LapBand put in. I posted above about how I didn't see any scars when she was in a bikini. It's possible she had makeup over them, because she just posted a closer picture of herself on Twitter showing off her new tattoos. She has two tattoos on her abdomen EXACTLY in the same place I have scars from my LapBand surgery!!!!! (I think the tattoos look way worse than the scars.)
I agree that that was not a reveal. Once again, I will say it a million times here. You can take what a colunist says at any time at a hint. But it is not a "reveal" or an "elimination" unless it is stated clearly, understood by all who read it. Not when it's a matter of opinion of what the author means.
At least that's my opinion, ;)
I feel this screams CL and Frances, Kurt would role over in his grave if he knew all that the child has been through. I still think CL killed Kurt to get to his money since he was about to leave her anyway.
As for Mel Griffith daughter, hasn't she always be super slim? I thought you had to be at least a bit overweight before they'd put a lap band in. I know that Frances Bean is still not tiny but at the same time maybe it takes a little while for the weight to come all the way off and she does look as if she has lost some weight and the lap band surgery could of been recent and that could be why the daughter petitioned to be emancipated. CL is such a terrible mom anyway, I can't imagine any mother forcing their child to have the surgery. The only other celebs I can think of would of been Kelly/Sharon but that would of been a long time ago since Kelly is not a teen and hasn't been for awhile, but she and Jack both lost weight fast.
Lainey tacitly revealed this one at her SMUT Soiree in 2010--it's Courtney Love. I asked her on the panel whether CLove is Lab Band Mom, she replied "There's no better candidate, is there?"
Dina Lohan and Ali Lohan? Daughter is soooo skinny lately.. And of course Dina is all about money and looks, so guess this fits;)
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