Friday, July 9, 2010

Blind Vice! Terry Tush-Trade Has Everyone in a Tizzy!

New from Ted today -

Blind Vice!  Terry Tush-Trade Has Everyone in a Tizzy!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse SoundtrackWe know we promised you a Twyla Babe-Sucker Vice this week, but we realized that everyone in the friggin' world is already gabbing about the boy-hoppin' babe's business. And with the, um, not so subtle ways of Miss B.S., we might as well reveal her!
But we won't, at least not today...
Now, calm your tortured Twilight-lovin' hearts because we still have vamp juice for ya. One of the franchise's Vicey players has just as many tongues a wagging as Twayla does. Though, when it comes to Terry Tush-Trade, the word on everybody's lips has nothing to do with the hump-happy star's public personal life. Oh no, it's all about the goings-on behind T's closed bedroom door:
Everyone is saying that the bisexual superstar is straight gay, gay, gay pun intended.
Terr isn't too secretive about lusting on the guys ‘n' gals—at least not on the Vancouver set where all the canoodling has gone down.
But lately, around T-town, the suits at the Twilight studio have been gossing nonstop that Terry is just a big ol'...well, that TTT is into sex with the same-sex exclusively.
We say not so fast.
We know T3 pretty well—or at least whose bed the hottie is slipping in and out of—and Tushy's libido is definitely not limited to only those with the same chromosome arrangement as the über-successful star.
If you need a refresher on the Tush-Trade hookup checklist here goes: Terr has had serious significant others of the opposite sex but has also more than dabbled in affairs with the same gender. Remember back when we told you that Terr hooked up with a costar of the same sex? Well, we hear murmuring that T3 may have scored some lovin' from another sexy (and sexually liberated) member of the cast more recently.
If that doesn't scream bisexual, we don't know what does.
Good thing Terry doesn't give an ef what anyone thinks—at least when it comes to bedroom behavior. And that's just the way we like it!

And It Ain't: Xavier Samuel, Michael Welch, Wyck Godfrey

Links to the previous TTT BVs:
The 1st one - 6/5/09 including a full list of who has been eliminated
The 2nd one -  7/31/09

Top suspect: Kristen Stewart


Brittany said...

I'm a little confused now. Ted has made both Twyla and TTT sound like Kristen Stewart. And from all the eliminations for both, who can either be if not Kristen? And she can't be more than one.

blurry vice said...

Sigh... I think TTT sounds more like KStew after this one. I still think she fit very well as Twyla Babe Sucker back with the Michael Angarano/Rob triangle. But now the description of TTT fits KStew a little better. I'm now leaning towards the Ashley Greene guess for Twyla... although we thought Ashley G was Julie Bone Jumper. AYAYAY! All I know was Nikki Reed was eliminated for all 3. Who knows... hopefully he reveals Twyla soon like he says so that we can clear a few things up.

Oh - and TTT may still be a male. He has gone back and forth on TTT's gender.

Heather said...

I've thought Kristen was TTT and Rob was Nevis almost from the beginning. It's not about the clues because Ted contradicts himself so much but it's more just a process of elimination of who could be a certain blind. For example, thanks to how organized this site is, I was able to go through all the blinds between the date Ted said Rob wasn't a blind (Dec 23 '08) and the date he said he was (April 8 '09) and find that out of the 14 listed, only one could possibly be Rob: Nevis Divine. That makes it pretty obvious that Kristen is TTT but it's also obvious when you look at who's been notted. Ted said TTT is "more recognizable" than Justin Chon, "different fame level" than Rachelle Lefevre, "wrong age group" for Sarah Clarke, and when asked if it was one of the Volturi or wolves, Ted said "nice try...TTT has been around from the beginning". Putting all that together, TTT has to be one of the core famous young cast from Twilight. All those people have been eliminated except for Kristen. So, regardless of clues, by process of elimination, Ted has already revealed these blinds.

As far as Ashley, I agree Kristen fits the clues better and, who knows, maybe that blind was originally meant for her, but it can fit Ashley when you realize she had been kind of on and off with Chace Crawford and she has hooked up with her on set "hottie", Jackson Rathbone. At least she has according to Ted.

Unknown said...

Wow Heather you have really done your research! Thanks for the great explanation, I feel like you've figured everything out. So do you think this means KStew and RPatz are into each other, but have an open relationship? It would explain why Ted insists they are the real deal, but have a unconventional relationship.

Brittany said...

Okay I think I understand Ted's train of thought with this one. He introduces Twyla, everyone automatically believes its Kristen, and this is what he wants everyone to think. Then he writes TTT, which actually is Kristen. So now when someone asks if KS has ever been a BV, Ted says yes, and everyone assumes its Twyla, because TTT is a little trickier with its clues (I mean he never even specified a gender). The Twyla BV isn't all that bad (shouldn't be a blind really) and Ted has even said he might do a reveal. I do believe the only reason he wrote Twyla was just so people will choose the wrong BV for Kristin.

Sorry if none of that made sense (it makes sense in my head.) I just really think I understand Ted's little riddle and games with this one a little better.

Heather said...

Tory, well...that's where my expertise ends. :) I often wonder about the "facts" in Ted's blinds so for me it's more about the puzzle than figuring out the "truth". That may also be why what's in them doesn't bother me because I don't take them as gospel. But my personal opinion is... I have no problem believing that Rob used to hook up with Tom or whoever when he was younger. This sentence from the first Nevis blind makes sense: "Pals close to our semicloseted heartthrob claim that N.D. would "fool around" with guys sometimes, but that he considered it "no big deal." But when Nevis switched to having a "boyfriend" and needing a "beard" and not being sure which of those to choose, Ted kind of lost me. But who knows? I also believe Kristen could be Bi and Ted probably caught wind of her hooking up with a girl at one point and ran with it. It honestly might not be any more salacious than that.

Keep in mind with this latest TTT stuff, it's only some suits who were gossiping that Kristen is gay. And as far as the recent hookup...Ted said it "may have" happened. To me there's nothing really concrete in this last installment. Actually I think Ted decided not to do a Twyla one because he couldn't without eliminating Kristen for good. So, it seems like he threw this one together at the last minute because there's really not a lot of info in it.

Sorry so long! :)

Heather said...

Brittany, I actually had the exact same thoughts. Totally agree!!

And even though Ashley could fit Twyla, it is a little of an awkward fit. So maybe Ted's trying to shoehorn her into it? LOL.

free said...

About TTT..."But Terry keeps getting told, 'Pull that one, and you're on the next train to Rachelle Lefevre-ville.' And we all know where that is: totally the wrong side of the career tracks...for now, at least."....Summit would never even entertain the thought of replacing Kristen Stewart. TTT is someone that can be repleacable, NOT anyone from the main trio.

Ted has referred to TTT as "he" on many occasions. In fact, the first time he assigned gender to TTT, it was male.

TTT cares too much about her/his body and was going to the gym a lot per Ted, that was one of the clues. Stewart when was she hitting the gym too much and doing extensive bed hopping?

He said Stewart is only "into boys".

TTT is Kellan.

Nevis Devine is Robert Pattinson.

Heather said...

Sorry, not Kellan. He was revealed to have not had his own vice on Sept. 22, 09. The first TTT vice came on June 5, 09.

Dear Ted:
Why are the most beautiful men gay? Wait, you don't need to answer that. Just tell me if Kellan Lutz has been a Blind Vice. He is gorgeous.

Dear Lusting for Lutz:
Not directly, no.

Kellan is most likely the "hunkier" and "muscled" co-star referenced in the Julie Bone Jumper blind.

JHS said...

Are you people kidding me with the "Ted speak"? The first paragraph of this BV clearly refers to Kristen and Kristen only. There are only two people about whom the "whole world" might be talking - that would be Rob and Kristen. Beyond Dakota and Peter, pretty much no one beyond the fan base knows the names of these folks. In addition, the Summit folk were never, ever, never gonna replace Kristen. She could not be more NOT TTT. Her whole history SCREAMS TBS. Thank you and good night.

Heather said...

Did you miss the sentence just a few lines down where ted says TTT has the same amount of people talking?

"One of the franchise's Vicey players has just as many tongues a wagging as Twyla does."

Obviously the "everyone in the friggin' world" was just a figure of speech. One he applied to Twyla and TTT evenly.

Also, Ted was obviously referencing the the recent pics of Ashley kissing her new man that he had just written an article about. That's what had everyone, including Ted, "gabbing about the boy-hoppin' babe's business". And that's also why Ted called her "not so subtle"...being caught kissing in public.

But if all that doesn't convince you, feel free to tell us who you think TTT is, if not Kristen.

mere said...

But the first BV referred to Robsten and then said TTT is equally sexalicious cast member. Doesn't that eliminate both Rob and Kstew as TTT?

Heather said...

That's what everyone assumed at first...that both Rob and Kristen were eliminated by that sentence. And I think that's what Ted wanted us to believe. But considering "Ted-speak", who is more EQUALLY sexalicious to Rob and Kristen than... Rob and Kristen? Rob and Kristen are the only two who would be EQUALLY sexalicious to themselves. Rather than eliminating them, I think it was confirming it was one of them. And since Rob's been notted...

Also, it's not a coincidence that Ted has never printed the question, "Is Kristen Stewart TTT?" Of course it's been asked but Ted doesn't print questions for two reasons: 1) because it's the answer to the Vice, and 2) because he wants people to believe that person is the answer. I might believe it was #2 here except for the fact that everyone else, who even vaguely fits the description, has been eliminated.

Unknown said...

Kristen was not sinking deperately in booze, she was hard and happy working with Joan Jett on the Runaways at that time. didn't fit Kristen at all

"But Terry keeps getting told, 'Pull that one, and you're on the next train to Rachelle Lefevre-ville.' And we all know where that is: totally the wrong side of the career tracks...for now, at least."
The Twi-trio is untouchable, there's no way Summit would fire any of them like they did Rachelle. TTT is not Kristen Stewart after seeing this.

And I'm not sold on NR being notted. Unless Ted says, "wrong vice" or "Nikki is not TTT" or he flat out answers "no" when asked if Nikki is TTT. I don't think she's completely off the radar. Also, watch the JimmyKimmel special- NR and ER were quite affectionate.

Ashley does NOT fit the Twyla clues. Ashley was never TBS. TBS has had quite the rocky relationship with another dude but the "troubles have completely flown under the press's radar (save for mine)." Ashley didn't even had a official boyfriend at the time that the press was aware of. And Ashley a angsty girl, that is confused, hold me but stop here? NO not Ashley.

Kristen, who hopped from MA to ROB. Click on the link to the TBS BV
Twyla was still with her boyfriend, and Teds last words in this BV were: So what's a girl to do? I say it's time to split from the current on-again, off-again guy and find yourself the real deal, babe. Like, maybe the affectionate hottie who's filming right next to you?

Twyla is Kristen.

Heather said...

He flat out answered "Not Nik" when he was asked if Nikki was TTT in June 2009:

"Dear Ted:
First, let me say that I love you and your Truth, Lies & Ted segment. I am also a huge fan of your Blind Vice articles, and I am hoping you will give us another hint at who Terry Tush-Trade is. My guess is that TTT is Nikki Reed and the significant other is Sage Dill, who she is always photographed with. Can you please give us loyal readers another hint or two?

Dear Scary Close:
Not Nik, sorry! (Good guess, though)"

If you have anyone else who could be TTT besides Kristen, I'm all ears. But here's a hint. It's not Dakota, Kellan, Peter, Ashley, Jackson, Taylor, Anna, Elizabeth, Rob, Nikki, Billy, Sarah, Christian, Justin, Rachelle, Michael or any of the Volturi or the wolfpack. And the person was in Twilight because they have been around "from the beginning".

findingserenity said...

Can u re-post any ashley greene elims? I saw one and it didn't really eliminate her, just the whole guess.

Heather said...

Ashley was AIA'd in the second TTT installment:

And it ain't: Rachelle Lefevre, Ashley Greene, Billy Burke

Anonymous said...
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Brittany said...

Wow. I bet all of you who say Kristen can't be TTT also believe there's no way that Rob is Nevis.

Also, I haven't seen it mentioned here, but Ted did recently give a huge clue regarding TTT. When asked who was more famous TTT or Twyla, he said TTT, "by far." But still after all these comments made by Heather (which pretty much proves this BV), enlighten me non-believers on who can be TTT if not Kristen.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Other clues aside, this has to be Kristen! Bettys for guys and gals? Rob's a total Betty! Kristen is a Betty herself. It seems as if that's her type. Veronicas= spoiled, high-maintenance DIVAs.

Dear Ted:
Does Terry Tush-Trade have a type? Does she go for Bettys or Veronicas?

Dear Comic Times:
Bettys, babe. And we mean that for gals and guys. Laid-back is totally Terry's style.

Read more:

Tillie said...

I see a lot of you feel pretty settled about TTT as Kristen. I'm not. Ted is certainly not the kind of columnist who would eliminate all but one with a juicy BV like this one, so it makes me think that we should throw out the direction folks have been heading and re-examine. Plus, I gotta say, if Twyla and TTT seem so linked, who the heck is Twyla if not Kristen? (And Ted has said that K is not both of these BVs) Nobody besides K, Rachelle, and Peter were dating recognizable Sos at the time of NM. R was notted and P is a guy and Ted has been clear with Twyla's gender (tho not with TTT's - he has been back and forth with gender - not favoring either). And, with the whole R/K story that has since come out, Twyla matches it to a T. Ted essentially suggests that they've outed themselves in the opening to this post.

As far as why I don't think K is TTT has to do with the fact that Summit would never have replaced her (she is the face they've sent out to the whole damn world), the fact that she wasn't falling down with depression and sub. abuse last summer (she has talked on and on about how much she loved the Runaways set and Joan Jett has been effusive with her praise of K's work ethic), and Ted never said that TTT is more famous. He used Ted speak with "former" and "latter" which could just as easily refer to their BV order as to the order in the question.

I actually have a spidey sense that TTT is probably a guy. All the people notted in this post are male. People are WAY less comfortable with bisexuality with men (which is why I think people are so quick to hop on K for this because girl bisexuality is more digestable for many).

Are there any guys from the original cast who haven't been noted?

Heather said...

Because everyone this could be, besides Kristen, truly has been eliminated, I don't feel the need to debate clues but I have no problem doing it because there is nothing in the blinds themselves or Ted's answers that eliminates Kristen.

He has definitely favored a gender with TTT: female. From Sept 09:

Dear Ted:
How's Terry Tush-Trade going in the media? Big on attending all the awards shows and benefits? Or usually keeping it low-key? —Jessica
Dear Dog and Pony Show:
She keeps it pretty low-key while still making the T-town rounds, which means she isn't truly a look-at-me Paris Hilton type. Thank god for that.

What you probably don't realize is at the time of that B*tch Back, Ted had already eliminated all the other females it could be: Nikki (June 09), Ashley (July 09), Christian (Aug 09), Anna (July 09), Sarah (June 09), Rachelle (July 09), Elizabeth (June 09), Dakota (June 09). (some of these couldn't be TTT based on other clues--Dakota, for example--but I though i'd list them anyway).

At that point we had been debating between Kristen and Kellan so that pretty much solidified Kristen as TTT. Whether or not it was an error on Ted's part or he did it on purpose, who knows. But we do know that he felt the need to do major damage control because in Nov 09, TTT became a "he":

"Dear Ted:
This is completely random, but did you know that if you made Tom Cruise a blond, he would look just like Peter Facinelli? It's creepy! On a completely different note, who's Terry Tush-Trade? For the love of all that's holy and good, Ted (I know you're a devout Presby)! I have to know. Your loving, devoted and faithful followers want, need, to know. Please! It's almost Christmas ya know. Spill! —Bubble
Dear Twins:
Um, no way will Facinelli ever look like Cruise. You might be right, but I refuse to imagine it. As for TTT, my lips are sealed until Terry's are not. Or until he gets caught with one of those **** flipcams."

Two possibilities here: he knew he messed up and just flat out lied OR it was a simple typo. There's hardly a B*tch Back or Blind that I don't find typos in. And this is a pretty easy one to make...just forget the "s". Whatever the reason, Ted doesn't usually admit mistakes but he calls it a "simple mistake" here:

Dear Ted:
Terry Tush-Trade is Chaz Bono, right? You just said that you don't intentionally mislead readers in your *****-Backs, but then you suddenly pulled a pronoun switch on TTT. I can't think of any other "she's" that have recently turned into "he's." —StellsBells
Dear Simple Mistake:
Chaz Bono has nothing to do with Twilight, sorry! Easy mistake, though, with all the sexual crossed-wires on in that cast.

And as of May 2010, TTT was a girl again:

Dear Ted:
What's the status on Terry Tush-Trade's "affairs of the heart"? Have they progressed into something more, or simply gone away? —Cece
Dear Good Question:
She's still having two: her career and her beard.


Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...


Everyone seems to bring this up as THE reason it can't be Kristen: "Pull that one, and you're on the next train to Rachelle Lefevre-ville". Not sure what's so hard to grasp here. A movie studio would obviously use a threat tactic to keep someone in line if they wanted. It doesn't necessarily mean they would go through with it but who's to say it wasn't said to her at one point? Plus, if you haven't noticed, Ted embellishes a lot on his blinds. Just like "everyone in the friggin' world" talking about Twyla. He's not being literal. He's writing a story. Even if Summit hinted that to Kristen once, he could put it in the Blind with a good conscience. Also, later (Aug 09) he said this:

Dear Awful Truth:
I am going crazy trying to figure out who Terry Tush-Trade is! Is TTT still working for the Twilight franchise? —Jennifer
Dear Summit Salary:
Of course. TTT's not getting the Rachelle Lefevre treatment any time soon...we think.

Nothing about that whole Rachelle thing nots Kristen.

As for former and latter, Ted would have had to go way beyond "Ted-speak" to mess that one up. He would have had to change the rules of the English language. In this sentence, "I like airplanes and bicycles", the former is airplanes and the latter is bicycles. In no instance would it be reversed. And especially not because bicycles were invented first. The only way to TRY to see it that was is because someone has already made up there mind that Kristen can be no one other than Twyla.

The AIA's for this blind have always been both male and female. I don't think it's a coincidence he chose all else is he going to lead away from Kristen when he's already notted everyone else?

And the answer to your last question is no. All the main guys from Twilight have been notted. But if you want to ask Ted if TTT is Gil Birmingham, be my guest. :)

Tillie said...

Wow, okay, Heather, I see that you're settled and passionate and all. That's cool. I don't necessarily think it so cut and dried. Ted seems way un-finished with this BV, and if the answer is so clear, what would be the point of doing any more? Just my personal opinion - sorry it doesn't match yours. It would seem that there are others who are just as set on Kristen being TBS with few other options. Ted talks about TTT waaaaay more than TBS, so I would say that is one was closer to being settled it's TBS not TTT. Again, just my opinion.

And, as far as Summit threatening Kristen's role, don't buy it. She's the one that said no way to keeping her hair last summer and Summit could do nothing about it. Seems like she has a little more power in this sitch than they do. They seem to be more interested in doing whatever it takes to keep her happy.

Finally, Ted has said that TTT's main relationship is boring. He practically has a heart attack every time R & K are spotted - doesn't seem like he's so bored by them.

Anyway, just thoughts. You're entitled to your opinion. The rest of us who disagree are entitled to ours. Isn't that the point of a BV?

Have a great day!

Heather said...

Just to be clear, I'm not passionate about my opinion the way the Twihards are. They have an emotional investment and, for whatever reason, it would crush them to find Kristen is TTT. Instead of following the clues they tend to say, "KRISTEN IS TWYLA, and block out anything that contradicts that. Even when it's the blatant truth.

The only thing I'm settled on is the fact that Kristen's the only one it could be that hasn't been eliminated.

Of course you're entitled to you opinion and I hope you don't feel shut down by me posting the facts I did. I actually like the debate otherwise it gets boring. And if there's a person you don't think has been eliminated, please share. :)

The point of Ted doing more even when the answer is clear is the same as with Toothy Tile. It doesn't matter that almost everyone knows it's Jake G., it still garners interest and Ted still writes about him. And how many years has that been going on now? And the fact that TBS has only had one installment while TTT and Nevis have both had three tells me that TTT and Nevis are probably the bigger stars and the people Ted wants to focus on more.

And the "boring" thing...if you read his answer again, he says that relationship is boring COMPARED to the "steamy affair" between Nevis and Barrington. I don't think it's a stretch to imagine a gay man (especially Ted) thinking a straight relationship--ANY straight relationship--is boring in that context.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think when Ted said TTT's main relationship was boring, he meant compared to their same-sex shenanigans. He always talks about how "low-key" and "laid back" Rob and Kristen are. That would be boring in most people's eyes if they knew that Rob and Kristen were both diddling with members of the same sex.

With so many other bloggers (like Perez) insinuating that Kristen is gay lately, I definitely think this most recent TTT blind solidifies that Kristen is Terry Tush-Trade.

blurry vice said...

FYI - For everyone who is looking for the complete list of who has been eliminated... click on the link in the post for the FIRST TTT BV. There we have an ongoing list of who has been eliminated. We (the 4 people who run this blog) also copy and past each elimination letter and most letters with hints underneath its relevant post. So, you can find all of the bitch-back letters above in the original TTT post or in the 2nd one. No need to copy and paste them all here... please refer to the other posts and comments underneath them for the eliminations.

Caz1310 said...

Oh no, Twi-hards are hijacking our beloved site! Just stirring... I love Robsten with the rest of you and after seeing Eclipse I'm on Team Jasper. Whilst I agree that TTT is probably Kristen I'm OK with her being bi and am not fussed at all the fuss. I'm more cross at Ted for being so lazy with his BV's of late - back to Jake n Reese, back to Taylor and now Kristen (to coincide with Eclipse's release).

Tara said...

Caz, I was starting to think the same--I stumbled on this site after trying to get away from eonline and other's because of the craziness. I don't even want to put my two cents in here....afraid it might make someone's head explode. I will attempt neutrality on this one, there are quite a few other BVs I find equally or more intriguing. On the other hand, maybe I can go stir up some trouble in the Parrish Maguire comments.....

The Spie said...

Caz and Tara: It wouldn't be the first time that the site's been hijacked by crazy fans. Go into the third Judas Jack-Off BV and witness the massive invasion of the J2 tinhats that took place (and, in a way, it's still going on months after the fact). That's the incident that caused the Sisters to eliminate anonymous commenting. I did sort of warn sistah2 about them in the beginning of that thread, though, for all the good it did.

As for the topic at hand, I think I'm giving up until Ted does a reveal on Twyla, because I'm convinced that Twyla is not Ashley Greene or Christian Serratos; who was the well-known person they were dating during the filming of New Moon? Twyla is the key to determining Terry's identity. If we can figure out a strong candidate for Twyla other than KStew, that leaves KStew more open to be Terry.

By the way, as per referring to Terry with multiple genders, there's only one other time that Ted's done that that I can remember. That was with Jiggly Wiggle-Poof, and he did that because he knew that it would tick off Jiggly massively. This time, he's ticking off his readership massively.

Unknown said...

In a Bitch Back, a reader asked, "Who is more famous, Twyla or Terry?" and Ted responded, "The latter, by far," which pretty much confirmed that Terry is definitely Kristen.

Veronica said...

Dear Ted:
You said that Nevis Divine's relationship with his "girlfriend" is boring, especially compared to his relationship with Barrington. Why? No heat? Is she truly a beard in that sense? Is she untalented? Unfriendly? I always thought he used to be with Barrington and now just uses him when the GF is away...I am so confused!

Dear Good Grief Gal:
It's not boring on it's own. She's definitely not a beard, and sure, she's friendly enough and über-cute, but when you compare it to Barrington there's just not as much passion. But Nev isn't using either of the two, let's be clear. He's just conflicted on who he's into more.

The Spie said...

Vero: Please let one of the Sisters post Bitch-Back letters. It eliminates double-posting the same information and reduces confusion (there are still some people who think that this is Ted's blog and make posts starting with "Dear Ted").

Veronica said...

haha, okay sorry

Caz1310 said...

One of the Aus tabloids this week says that Anna K & RPattz did have a relationship very early on. I don't have the patience to wade through columns of Ted's nonsense... are you sure Anna's totally elimated from the TTT and TBS BV's? I don't take anything Ted says anymore as gospel and particularly now that there's a Twilight movie to jump on the bandwagon on he's milking these BV's for all he's worth.

blurry vice said...

Vero that's OK, I didn't post that one here for TTT... only put that letter in the Nevis Divine post... so at least we didn't double post it.

Heather said...

TheSpie, Ashley had something with Chace Crawford in the past so that could easily be the "pretty recognizable" on again-off again relationship Ted is referring to. (If you search on google images for Ashley and'll find a lot.) Ashley and Christian are the only two left for Twyla (if Kristen is TTT) and Ted's latest comments about Twyla, "everyone in the friggin' world is already gabbing about the boy-hoppin' babe's business", definitely rules out Christian. It doesn't rule out Ashley, though, who Ted had just written an article about because of her PDA with her new boyfriend.

Caz1310, Anna's "not" is posted here:
it's about 1/3 of the way down the page... I'd post it here but I think I already got in trouble for doing that :)

Her "not" is pretty flimsy, IMO, but when you realize Ted said TTT is "more recognizable" than Justin Chon and on a "different fame-level" than Rachelle Lefevre, you know that it can't be Anna. These statements happened in June 2009, 6 months before "Up in the Air" was even released. Anna was definitely not more famous than Rachelle at that point.

Tara said...

I agree that the key to finding out who TTT is would be to find out who TBS is.

Once Ted does the next BV on TBS, then maybe we will get some clarity. I am going to pre-emptively state that it was reported today that Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene are secretly seeing eachother (weird and yet mind blowing for some Twi/JoBro freaks). So I will be keeping that in the back of my mind in case that fits any clues.

The Spie said...

Heather: Now that we're throwing Chace Crawford's name into this mess, I need to ask you something: do you really think that, in the Twyla blind, Ted could have resisted making a crack about Twyla's guy potentially leaving her for another man? The first Crescent Kumquat blind was done nearly three months before Twyla. Remember, this is Ted we're talking about.

Looks like we need to ask Ted some questions that he'd answer: "Has Twyla Babe-Sucker ever been involved with another Blind Vice?" doesn't eliminate either Ashley or KStew, because both of them have. We've got to figure out a question that Ted will answer that will link or deny a link between Twyla and Crescent. If we get a link, then Ashley is Twyla. And, like I said, once we figure out who Twyla is, Terry becomes clear.

Heather said...

Not that this helps much but I once asked Ted if Crescent had been caught (off-set) kissing a female Blind Vicer and he answered "yes". I had Ashley in mind because of that airport kiss-fest they had the morning after some award show. I couldn't find pics of him kissing (off-set) anyone but Ashley... but that doesn't tell us which vice she is.

As far as him not making a "gay" joke, I'm not sure. Maybe he assumed he would do another update for Twyla and he would do it then? I don't really have an answer for you.

I'll think about a good question, though. I think linking Crescent to Twyla somehow would seal the deal. (I hope Ted doesn't read these boards!)

I understand people being wary of Ashley being Twyla because it's not the greatest fit but does anyone have any other guesses for TTT besides Kristen?

Tara said...

Ashley was also linked to Ian Somerhalder (swoon) and possibly briefly saw Adrian Grenier in 2009. I think these pairings are a much more likely fit for a real somethin-somethin, unless CK was trying to fend off the gayness with some hot make-out sessions with a Twi-Hottie. Also, Chace was seen kissing Jessica Szohr from Gossip Girl a while ago if I remember correctly.

Heather said...

Quick google search shows: Ash had her brief fling with Ian in April and if anything happened with Adrian it started in June. Since the Twyla blind was written in March I think that might rule both them out. Anyway, that's what google tells me. :)

If you search for pics of Chace and Ashley you'll find plenty "cozy" pics from a while ago. The reports all claimed they were "just friends" but when we got the airport pics it was obvious something had gone on. And because Twyla's BF is referred to as an "on again off again" and a relationship "that's constantly up in the air"...i think it could fit Chace.

Actually those two things always bugged me about Twyla being Kristen. How could Ted describe a four-year, childhood sweetheart relationship as on and off and up in the air? Anyone who follows Kristen at all knows she had a solid, long term thing with Michael. That is, until Rob came along. ;)

Oh and I hope I'm not stepping on any toes but I wanted to post this from the Bitch Back today. I think it's relevant because some people are saying even though Ted notted Nikki she could still be TTT:

Dear Ted:
Do you ever eliminate people that are the subject of your Blind Vices in order to throw your readers off the scent?

Dear And It Ain't:
I would never. But note this: While the are some Vices I make sure to throw you off of, there are others that I'm dying to reveal...and just might give more clues to than others.

steph148 said...

The Spie and Heather: Perhaps Ted didn't make a comment about Twyla's bf being gay because that would make it too obvious that Twyla is Ashley?

The Spie said...

steph: Given that this is Ted, who seems to think every male star in Hollywood is gay or at least bi, an oblique mention that Twyla's guy might leave her for another man wouldn't narrow it down. It's this pattern in Ted's writing that caused me to think that he'd at least throw in a side remark about Twyla's SO perhaps being more interested in his own gender. He can't resist taking those particular digs in BVs.

As I've said, I'm taking a wait-and-see on Twyla until more info is available, and thus on Terry as well. At this point, the best we can do is build up Ashley Greene's credentials as Twyla (and thus build up KStew as Terry). What I'm doing is playing Devil's Advocate with Heather in order to see if we can build up that case without it falling apart.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara said...

I think anything Chace does relationship-wise in public is for show. Chace is gay....."ish" for now. And that is fine. He is still hot. So, if Ashley were "with" him at that time (Heather kudos on the googling btw), it would be fun for Ted to bring him up in the BV knowing already it was a fauxmance. Chace needed her for the hetero publicity and she (according to Ted) loves the spotlight and probably ate up all the attention it got her.

Spie, I am following suit on the waiting game. I will now withdraw myself from this thread for a minute and focus on other BVs while we wait for some more evidence. I shall cross my fingers that the TwiHards do not further infiltrate so we can continue this debate at a later date.

Anonymous said...

Why does no one believe TTT is Taylor Lautner?

Tara said...

Most of us think Taylor Lautner is Parrish Maguire--he is a shoe-in for that one:)

Brittany said...

No one thinks its Taylor because he's already been eliminated.

The Spie said...

Lautner's been eliminated in more than one way. The first and most important way was that Ted stated that he wasn't a BV in November 2009, months after the first Terry Tush-Trade BV.

In one of the Parrish Maguire threads, I used process of elimination to determine that Lautner's BV was either Parrish Maguire or Barrington Bang-Me, and he doesn't fit Barrington (except in the minds of the Twi-tards, who'd love nothing better than for RPattz and Taylor to be doing it with each other). I'd put the chances of Lautner's BV being Parrish at 99.99999%

Vicky said...

Dear Ted:

This is without a doubt Kristen Stewart. Correct?

The Spie said...

Remember when I said a week ago that there are some people who post here who think that this is Ted's blog, and Vero thought I was joking?

Caz1310 said... nice :) Thanks for the tip on the supernatural boys' BV - my head hurt after 5 mins on that one. I so like this site. All of the contributors have something entertaining, interesting, witty and worthy to read and even when we disagree we are nice about it- keep it up all of you. Only criticism Sistas.... put more BVs on here!There must be tons of blind vice sneaky celebs up to no good out there!! Love ya work.

Tara said...

TeeHee, Spie. I kinda agree with Caz on the extra blinds! CDAN has a whole load from July & June that are not on here!

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
You said, "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are together. It may not be in the conventional sense we're all used to (trust, they're hardly a normal couple), but it is what it is." So...what is it? Care to elaborate?

Dear Unorthodox Lovin':
Well, for starters, do you and your significant other spend most of your time filming on opposite ends of the country?"

blurry vice said...

Vicky - we are not Ted. if you want to email him, send to

Caz - I agree with you. However I am one of 4 people that contribute. I try to keep up with the Awful Truth as much as I can and the other 3 are supposed to help with this and also post other blinds. However, all 4 of us have jobs and/or children and don't always get a chance. I myself just had a baby last week and am trying to get caught up with the bitch-backs etc. I do wish the other 3 contributors would contribute more but what can I do. This all started because we were e-mailing about the blind items to discuss them and needed a place to put them instead of email. It's just hard to cover everything.

Tara - We are aware that CDAN does a lot of blind items but either (a) they are boring, (b) they are made up or (c) as stated above we don't have time. Sometimes we post them if we get a chance and if it's interesting enough.

Heather said...

Wow, blurry vice, congrats on the baby!! I think we can all understand if you miss a few blinds or BB' the VERY least!!

I wish you all the best in this very blessed time in your life. :)

Alejandra said...

From the Bitch Back on 7/9:
Dear Ted:
It seems like there are two sides to Kristen Stewart. She seems kind of wild at times and curses like a sailor. Then this domestic, kind of motherly side. Which is true? Or can she really be both?

Dear Dual Domestic:
Oh, she's for sure both. Just because Kris isn't the typical girlie-girl who watches her mouth doesn't mean the girl can't whip up somethin' hot and special in the kitchen. We're still dying to try a piece of that pie!

Read more:
Dear Ted:
It seems like there are two sides to Kristen Stewart. She seems kind of wild at times and curses like a sailor. Then this domestic, kind of motherly side. Which is true? Or can she really be both?

Dear Dual Domestic:
Oh, she's for sure both. Just because Kris isn't the typical girlie-girl who watches her mouth doesn't mean the girl can't whip up somethin' hot and special in the kitchen. We're still dying to try a piece of that pie!

I think TTT and TBS are the same person: Kristen Stewart

Heather said...

Sorry, Alejandra, but someone had the same idea as you and on 8/27/09 it was shot down...

Dear Awful Truth:
How can Kristen Stewart be both Twyla Babe-Sucker and Terry Tush-Trade Blind Vices as you've been insinuating lately? I thought each person was limited to only once Blind Vice. What gives?
—Corn Nugget

Dear Bella-Squared:
How can she be both? Well, I'll clear it up for you then, buddy—she's not! Oh, hey, look at that, problem solved!

Alejandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alejandra said...

DARN IT! Thanks for posting that

Heather said...

No problem, Alejandra. :)

At one point, I thought TTT was two people, as in "Robsten", and that was shot down by Ted as well.

I agree that Twyla fits Kristen pretty well but, at this point, there's no one else who can be TTT.

Heather said...

Ted calls TTT a "chick" today in the first line of his newest blind.

Unknown said...

I think Ted slipped up. It was originally 'Twyla'(linking to the TTT page) before he changed it to TTT. I screen-capped it:

Heather said...

Hey Sherwin, just to make sure I'm catching your meaning...are you saying he used the word "chick" to refer to Twyla only and not TTT?

I think he printed Twyla as a total mistake when he meant to print TTT. Which is why he changed it but left the word "chick".

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you. :)

Unknown said...

Heather: Ah, I wasn't confused about that. I just don't think it was a simple typo... Did Ted really rule out the possibility that Kristen can be in two BV?

Heather said...

From Aug, '09:

Dear Awful Truth:
How can Kristen Stewart be both Twyla Babe-Sucker and Terry Tush-Trade Blind Vices as you've been insinuating lately? I thought each person was limited to only once Blind Vice. What gives?
—Corn Nugget

Dear Bella-Squared:
How can she be both? Well, I'll clear it up for you then, buddy—she's not! Oh, hey, look at that, problem solved!"

nini said...

I'm kind of new to the Twilight gossip, so sorry if this is old news, but ... Did Kristen and Nikki Reed hook up? Or just Rob and Nikki?

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I know you've said that Terry Tush-Trade is into guys and girls but who is she more into right now? Her girl friends or her guy friend that she's bearding for?

Dear Bi Bi Bi:
Did I ever say that Terry was a girl? I don't remember. Did I? Oh well. And to answer your question, Terry's still equally entertained by both sexes. Always will be, something tells me."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Actually you've referred to Terry Tush-Trade has both a "she" and a "he," but most recently you've, been referencing her as female. Is this person possibly a guy instead and we've just been looking at this all wrong?

Dear Trade-Off:
Terry is just so complex, huh?"

nini said...

Did anyone else notice this? From Ted's Pollapalooza article...

5. Kristen needs to get Tattooed. Now! It turns out you all agree with us! Well, at least a nice, butt-smashing 54 percent agree that K.Stew should take on the sexually uninhibited, asskicking, slightly masochistic genius chick role of Lisbeth Salander from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (now being remade in Hollywood, costarring Daniel Craig.

"Butt-smashing"??? Tush-Trade? I might be overthinking it, but it just seems like a weird term to use.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade ever had an intimate relationship with another female castmember of the Twilight series?

Dear Duh:
Haven't you read Terr's Blind Vices? TTT has had relationships with women and men on the Twi set."

blurry vice said...

Looks like Twyla Babe Sucker is not Ashley Greene from this letter, so now KStew is back to being the top suspect for that one -

"Dear Ted:
My question is about Ms. Twyla Babe-Sucker. You mentioned in early July that you'd give another B.V. update on her, but everyone in the "friggin' world" was talking about it, so you didn't. Did the Blind Vice update involve the dude she's been linked to in the press recently, a past flame or both?

Dear Sucks to be Babe Sucker:
Current fellow, of course. Really the only one she's got—doesn't that make you happy?"

Rita, Montreal said...

Not Nikki Reed either:
Dear Ted:
Recently someone asked if you would ever "not" someone for a B.V. when they were, in fact, the answer to the B.V. You replied, "I would never". As a loyal A.T. reader, I believe you. But there are some doubters out there. Can you do me a solid and reiterate what you've already said...that Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz are not Terry Tush-Trade?

Dear Repeat Offender:
Why can't anyone seem to keep track of who's not a Vice these days? Too busy obsessing about Robsten I guess, huh? Here's a little bisexual cherry with yummy whipped cream on top: It ain't Nikki.

He is obviously outing Kellan Lutz though as bi.

Heather said...

I'm not sure why you think this outs Kellan as bi. Is it because he didn't directly say Kellan isn't TTT? Kellan wasn't a BV as of Sept 22, 2009 so he can't be TTT (see further up the page for the BB).

Also, Nikki has been a BV (she's in the BV superstar gallery) so we know the sentence, "Why can't anyone seem to keep track of who's NOT a Vice these days", doesn't refer to Nikki but refers to Kellan. Ted's apparently not going to not them both again because he knows the people who don't want Kristen to be TTT are hanging on to Kellan as the answer.

Rita, Montreal said...

Doubt Kellan is worthy of a BV. But having read Ted for the past decade, he does things on purpose at times, especially when certain celebrities get on his nerves. Kellan does.

He has already confirmed that TTT is female, so not including Kellan in his answer is quite funny, and makes me think he is sending a certain message.

Anonymous said...

Rita, I don't get that from Ted at all. He says all the time how much he likes Kellan, and has also repeatedly said outright that he's straight, not bi or gay, and also that he has not been a BV. I think he wants you to think he's inferring something about Kellan when he isn't actually. He does that a lot.

Rita, Montreal said...

Ashley - I don't know why, but I always get like if Ted is making fun of Kellan's 'too much try' in everything to be relevant. I know that Perez Hilton salivates over his every action, but not Ted...

I'll try and find in past Awful Truths why it translates to me that way.

At least, this confirms Nikki Reed's BV.

I think no one doubts that KStew is TTT. These kids, even with their supposedly charged careers, have so much time to fool around, and around! Imagine the energy it takes to cover everything up!

blurry vice said...

Kristen Stewart made the new BV gallery

"Blind Vice or not, it never changes our love for this girl! Just because she has found herself occasionally in some sticky love situations makes her that much more relatable don't you think?"

Read more:

blurry vice said...

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Some people are saying Nikki Reed is your source for all things Twi and to pay her for feeding you info, you eliminated her as Terry Tush-Trade. Care to comment?

Dear Reed My Writes:
Please, Hayley. Nikki isn't my biggest fan, she's definitely not giving me any dish. And she's the Twi-type that would have no problem being a Vice suspect, mind you. Hell, she's probably mad it ain't her as TTT."

monika said...

Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade ever hooked up with someone in the Twi cast who doesn't have a B.V. moniker? And is there any good gossip on Catherine Hardwicke's latest flick?
—Lady Lovely Pocket

Dear Vice Stuff:
Yes and yes.

monika said...

TTT hooked up with someone in Twilight cast who doesn't have a BV?
So it's NOT Kristen then...Since she is with Rob (he has a BV) and some people think she hooked up with Nikki (also has a BV), though the latter is just BS speculation.

And that's it, no other hook up with any other Twicast member
Ted has also never so much as implied she got it on with anyone but Rob from the cast, on that he has been consistent, clear and strict.
She was with Angarano for like 3/4 years (she was about 15yo when they got together), then they broke up and KStew got together with Rob. She's not a slut that fucks around. Even Ted will tell you that.

heather_p said...

It's so ridiculous it's not even worth a decent response...

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade ever hooked up with someone in the Twi cast who doesn't have a B.V. moniker? And is there any good gossip on Catherine Hardwicke's latest flick?
—Lady Lovely Pocket

Dear Vice Stuff:
Yes and yes."

Molly said...

This is probably completely off the wall, and may very well have been disproven, but could it be possible that TTT is Robert Pattinson? That could make Kristen Twyla (after all, Twyla is not NEVIS' beard, could be Terry's).

I admittedly haven't parsed out all of the tangled Twilight mess, so this could just be sheer crazyness, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

heather_p said...

I used to think TTT was "Robsten" so your guess isn't crazier than mine!

But, no, TTT isn't Rob. From July '09:

Dear Ted:
Terry Tush-Trade is Robert Pattinson. Correct? Kristen is his lover and they were set up by [Twilight director] Catherine Hardwicke. Kristen has been in pictures with Michael Angarano, who everyone thought she was really with to begin with. My bet is Rob, sadly.

Dear Scorching Hot:
T3 ain't Rob, but you have no idea how close you are!

"Scorching hot", "no idea how close you are", and when asked if TTT was Nikki Ted said "scary close". Nikki was one of Kristen's best friends back then.

How anyone can think Kristen isn't TTT is beyond me.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
What are the criteria for a person to be placed in the hallowed hall of Blind Vice Superstars? Specifically?

Dear Initiation:
Repeat offenders, mostly. Or really juicy Vices that Team Awful loves (ya know, like Kristen Stewart's)."

Kapellmeister said...

To me it seems pretty clear that TTT is Kristen Stewart. As for the girlfriend on the Twilight set, I'd say : Dakota Fanning. What do you people think ?

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I was wondering if Nevis Divine's GF is also bisexual. If she's so chill with N.D.'s swingin' ways, I don't think it would be a stretch if she were so inclined as well.

Dear Lady Divine:
She's no stranger to sexual liberation, that much is true."

- hint for KStew as TTT. (nevis is rob)

katie said...

Kristen makes more sense for TTT. BUT, I will say this about twyla and Kristen fitting the up in the air relationship with MA. Before Twilight even premiered, TEd had been hinting that the solid relationship of MA and KS that was being projected constantly during promo was not exactly an accurate picture. In one Truth, Lies, and Ted, he went so far to say they had a rockier relationship than people realized, that it had been off and on again with breaks, and that Kristen was a known flirt with the boys on the set of the Adventureland.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I am sorry to say but I am done at your board. You say you are Rob and Kris fan yet you do nothing to stop all the crap said about Rob being Nevis Divine and being with both Tom Sturridge and Kris. Or Kris being Terry Tush-Trade. I am sick of the haters on here saying mean and sick things about them and your B.V. do not help and you do nothing to stop it. You really are not a fan of theirs. All it would take is for you to flat out say they are not N.D. or TTT but you won't because it will end this stupid game of yours. You are just as bad as the Nonsten and haters. I really thought you were better then Perez and Lainey. I guess I got played.

PHOTOS: Find some clues in our Blind Vice Superstars!

Dear Angry with a Chance of Hater:
As much as I hate to throw a cliché your way, you must be hatin' the player, the game and the bench warmers. For the record, I'm none of the above so get to reading the Awful playbook. It's not about being Team Robsten or not, it's all about how bad gossip makes the best offense. Plus, I love Robsten almost as much as all my BV victims, who so give me something to babble about.

P.S. Bad goss always comes in first."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Have you noticed that K.Stew never hangs out with any girls? And I am not talking about the occasional meal with castmates, I mean real friends. Does she not have any? She's 20. She should be hanging out with girlfriends at least some of the time when she is home in L.A. Maybe if she spent some time with a group of confident girlfriends she would lose that annoying social awkwardness. What to you think?

Dear Gal Pals:
Hey, who are we to judge the gal for who she chooses to be friend with? But Kris does have gal-pals—just ask Dakota Fanning—she's just definitely a "one-of-the-guys" type of girl. Which is why she's so close with Rob's group of buds, natch."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I was wondering if we could play a little game. I'm going to put some of my favorite Blinds in order form oldest to youngest (based on who I think they are) and you correct me if I'm wrong, OK? Dashed Dingle-Dream, Toothy Tile, Judas Jack-Off, Barrington Bang-Me, Nevis Divine, Twyla Babe-Sucker, Terry Tush-Trade. Am I good or am I good? Love ya!
—BV Groupie

Dear Just a Number:
Almost nailed it."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Who is more solid in their current relaysh, Twyla or Terry?

Dear Twilight Tizzy:
I'd say Twyla and Terry are both content."

Elizabeth said...

Dear Ted:
Can we do a little more comparing between Terry Tush-Trade and Twyla Babe-Sucker? You've already told us TTT would win in a catfight, and that TTT is far more famous than TBS so, my question is: Is there anything that Twyla would win at when compared to Terry?

Dear Sucks to Be Terry:
Twyla is definitely happier than tragic Terr, if that's a competition.

*I guess this eliminates Kristen? After all, Kris and Rob were just seen super happy in Rio sharing cigs between takes.

heather_p said...

How would this eliminate Kristen?

TTT is more famous by far than Twyla (that was just confirmed by Ted today) and if you believe Twyla to be Kristen, which cast member is far more famous than her?

And which one of the Twi cast is blatantly "tragic"? I can't think of one.

Twyla is a girl who was deciding between two guys. It's a very simple, benign vice.

Terry is someone who wants to be "out" but is forced to hide her bisexuality because of her fame. She has also felt so much pressure from Summit on how to behave she has turned to drugs to make it all better.

This is probably what Ted means by "tragic".

And I would consider Ashley, someone who beams her pearly whites in every pic, as happier than Kristen, who is seen scowling about 80% of the time. Just because you can point to some pics where she "looks" happy, doesn't mean that that's the norm for her.

Unknown said...

I get the impression that Ted is deliberately trying to throw us off track on ones that we feel we have slammed dunked. I am not putting too much stock in his BB answers these days. I really believe he is twisting the truth to put doubt out there on those BV's we feel we have solved.

Elizabeth said...

I feel like there are so many half truths related to this vice.

Kristen was in the Blind Vice Superstar gallery along with other repeat offenders. I don't know why she would be in there if she was just simply in love triangle with her co-star.

I am not totally sold on this being her though.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Recently you called Terry Tush-Trade "tragic." But in the last Vice you wrote you said T3 was happily bisexual and not giving an ef what anyone else thinks. So, what exactly is tragic? Is Summit still putting pressure on T concerning various substances? Or is the tragedy simply the fact that fame is causing a semi-closeted life?

Dear Trade Off:
Sure Terr's confident enough to get it on with whoever piques his/her sex drive, whether boy or girl. But that doesn't always make for a happy life—not when T3 has über-fame to worry about, too."

Unknown said...

Yeah, see how he is now backtracking on the whole tragic love life now? More convinced than ever its Kristen. Because he likes her so much he thinks he owes it to her to tone down the obviousness of it all. He`s also now trying to make us think Terry could be male. Ted, you gotta love him. The obviousness of his blinds are directly related to how much he likes or dislikes the person. Observe Eva Longoria Secretia Ohio postings lately.

blurry vice said...

terry tush

"Dear Ted:
What does poor old Terry Tush-Trade have to be so damn unhappy about? My rescue lab Roger needs to know!
—Roger and Me

Dear Roger & Co.:
It's usually the most gifted (and most loved) who are strangely the most unsatisfied. I cannot tell you the reason, as I don't think even Terry knows why."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Is Terry Tush-Trade a man or a damn woman? Tell us Ted, this is really ridiculous! I can just see you sitting there, grinning, as we all try to guess the identity of someone who is quite possibly a hermaphrodite! Unless that is the secret, you have some explaining to do because at this point you are losing the trust and respect of some very loyal readers! Enough is enough!

Dear Party Pooper:
Way to be a total BV buzz kill, P. Since Terr is such a naughty Vice, I figured I'd make it extra challenging for you. And I'm sticking to that, no matter how much you bitch about it. I'll tell you this, though: T3 is definitely completely male...or female. Happy now? Of course you're not!"

Unknown said...

Dear Ted: omg is it tom sturridge??????

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
All snowed in and have time on my hands. Just wondering if when Terry Tush-Trade was being scolded by the suits for image cleanup way back when, did any costars step in to help?
—Weathering the Storm

Dear Trading Spaces:
Not sure exactly what you mean, babe, but I'm going to go with no. Sure, having that "we're a family" excuse with the cast to paint a pretty tabloid picture helped, but TTT is smart and takes this biz very seriously."

blurry vice said...

chickadee - if you want to write to ted casablanca, you can send it to this website is not associated with eonline or the awful truth in anyway.

also, this blind vice is about someone from the cast of twilight.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Instead of asking you a drama-filled question, I thought I'd keep it fun. Out of all the Cullen couples from Twilight, which pair would be the least likely

to hang together in real life and why?

Dear Game Time:
You should have asked about least likely wolf couples. Now that would have been fun to play around with."

"Dear Ted:
First, I hope 2011 is very good to you. Just checking in to see if Terry Tush-Trade and the bisexual companion are still up to their bisexual lovin' ways.

Have either participated in any same-sex action over the past few months?

Dear No Way:
Let's just say Terry and said same-sexin' pal didn't split on happy terms."

"Dear Ted:
Murph, my rescue greyhound and I were just sitting on the sofa and he, being a canine, was wondering if any of the Wolfpack from the Twilight saga (other

than Taylor Lautner) has ever been a Vicer. They do show a fair amount of skin. Murph feels the vampires get too much attention. We hope you had a great new

—Murph and Liz

Dear Howl:
Of course! And to you all, too!"

Savannah said...

Ted's response is confusing... It sounds like the question asker is asking about Terry's significant other, who Ted has said is also bisexual (so Robert Pattinson, if Terry is Kristen Stewart), but Ted says "Terry's same-sexing pal" and Terry didn't split on happy terms. Which means that Robert Pattinson and Kristen broke up recently? OR "same-sexing pal" could be one of the people of the same-sex that Terry had an affair with on the Twilight set (Nikki Reed or Dakota Fanning) and NOT Terry's bisexual significant other? I'm confused.

heather_p said...

I was confused at first too but I'm pretty sure the question is asking if Terry or Nevis (assuming it's Kristen and Rob) have been up to any same sex action recently. Ted responds "no way" (which fits with what he's said about Nevis lately), and the "same sexin' pal" would be any of the people of the same sex that Ted has claimed Terry hooked up with.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade ever hooked up with any other Blind Vicer of the same sex?

Dear Bi-Sex on the Brain:

Unknown said...

Heather, agree with your assessment of Ted`s response. I believe he tries to mis lead when he likes the vicers.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I absolutely adore everything about Kristen Stewart! I think she is a wonderful and talented actress.

One of my favorite things about her (and Rob) is that they haven't let fame inflate their egos like

most celebs these days. I like the fact that they don't prance around flaunting themselves for the

paps. It shows that they are normal people who just so happen to be famous, not to mention the hottest

couple in Hollywood. My question is: If we all knew the identity of Kristen's Blind Vice, would she

seem less lovably down-to-earth? In other words, less like the girl next door? Thanks so much!
—Kloset Krisbian

Dear Rest Easy:
I would say no. Then again, for anyone who would think differently, I don't think they can be called a

true Krisbian."

"Dear Ted:
I just started reading your Vice section and I love it! So I was wondering who has the naughtier Vice,

Rob or Kristen?
—new twi-vice

Dear Perfect Match:
They are both completely equal. It's one reason why they have a special bond."

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
Settle an argument, will ya? Terry Tush-Trade = Nikki Reed?
– SickOfRehashing

Dear Read and It Aints:
Wrong. So who won?"

blurry vice said...

dakota as the costar hookup?

"Dear Ted:
I love the movie The Runaways with Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. There is one thing that came across my mind when watching: How do stars like Kristen and Dakota learn how to act "under the influence" in certain scenes that call for it? I am assuming that Dakota doesn't usually smoke or drink, let alone do drugs, but could she (and other young starlets like her) experiment to get the experience and carry it onscreen? Just a thought.

Dear Drugged out Damsels:
Come on, you don't think they are talented enough to pretend to be über-buzzed? We're sure Dakota is as prim and proper as a porcelain doll—at least she looks it. Still, we know that she and K.Stew have been working rather closely lately, what with Dakota making a few Volturi appearances here and there. We will let you think on that. By the by, rule one with celebs—never assume."

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
We know that Robert Pattinson used to get around, but I'm more worried about Kristen Stewart. Besides Rob, has Kristen hooked up with anyone else in the


Dear Bluntly Asked:

Dear Ted:
I am a huge fan of Kristen Stewart and I read your Bitch-Back for Thursday and you mentioned bluntly she hooked up with another castmember of Twilight.

Please confirm in plain English that she had sex with another member of the cast. She just seems so innocent and not the type to spread her favors around,

and combined with her age, forgive me, but that just seems slutty. Robert Pattinson, Michael Angarano and this unknown person. Don't keep us hanging! Gossip

has been thin on the ground lately.

Dear Worried Krisbian:
Before you fully get your Twi-panties in a bunch, I wasn't saying Kristen is cheating on Rob. Nor was I saying she was having sex. Hooking up for a young

woman can mean a variety of things—clean up your naughty little head, Sin! The point is this has been a long shoot; a lot has happened to everybody,

including Kristen. Come on, don't tell me you buy that the chick is Stephenie Meyer's real-life spokesperson for no premarital anything? She has needs, move

off it.

Dear Ted:
I'm not surprised Kristen has hooked up with someone besides Rob on set. Twi-fans who act like that's the end of the world need a huge reality check. Robsten

are hot together, yes, but it's not like they're actually Edward and Bella. So here's my question: Is Kristen's non-Rob hookup a part of her B.V.?

Dear Nonsten:
Tell all those Robsten fans out there, would ya? Edward and Bella are (obviously) a dream couple, but maybe that's starting to take a toll on the real-life

couple? To tell you the truth, I'm surprised they've endured all the scrutinizing as well as they have—for as long as they have.

Dear Ted:
Everyone always seems so concerned about Nikki Reed and Robert Pattinson's past relationship. I think it may have been a Kristen-Nikki romantic connection

that put the tension into the triad. Am I warm?

Dear Threesome:
I love the way you think. Wish I could say you were real warm, but I don't think Nikki was as big a fan of K.Stew in the beginning as she was the Brit beau

who is now Kristen's. Still, who's to say these three haven't really connected?

Dear Ted:
So you mentioned that Kristen Stewart hooked up with someone else besides our boy Robbie in the horny Twi-verse. Would said hookup be a recurring character

in all five movies, or would he have maybe debuted in New Moon?? By the by, I think you are just fan-freaking-tastic!

Dear Hornball:
Thanks, sugar! But please, you think Kristen is that easy? She's not going to be into any schmuck who comes on the set for an itty-bitty cameo, or even a big

role in one of the movies. We all know she's a big-timer, and so are the people she gets close with.

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
I was wondering if you could let us know when exactly Kristen Stewart's second hookup with another castmember actually happened. Considering she was dating Michael Angarano and was also interested in Robert Pattinson, when did this alleged hookup occur?

Dear Who Cares:
Does it seriously matter? Obviously, the when is the critical part of this hookup, but I'm guessing it happened somewhere in between. Since we all know that Kristen is a loyal chick.

Dear Ted:
It is funny to read your "sort of" replies to Kristen Stewart's alleged costar hookup questions. You actually never reply; we still don't know who, when and how. And you know why? Because it never happened. You created this and don't know how to get rid of questions you can't answer.

Dear Mum's the Word:
You Twi-hards sure know how to get your fangs in a bunch when Robsten are in hiding! They aren't "sort of" answers; it's a straightforward response since Robsten are an item. No point in stirring up drama where it isn't necessary.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
You said in September 2009 that Dakota Fanning hadn't come around to being corrupted by the Twi cast. Well, has she been corrupted by them now? If so, which

castmember was up to the task Kristen Stewart or Nikki Reed?

Dear Bloody Valentine:
Now, that's true love: a bunch of girlfriends who will teach you the devilish showbiz ways. I'm guessing it was a three-way sort of deal."

- Dakota/Nikki/Kristen???

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade's also-famous significant other ever bedded Ed Westwick?

Dear Random:
Uh...not that I've heard."

Jackie DuPlante said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Morning and afternoon Bitch-Back??? Anyway before you said Kristen had a thing with someone in the cast other than Rob, so was it Ashley or Nikki?

Dear Kinky:
Hold up hon! I never explicitly said K.Stew was getting with someone else on set. But, way back before there was any real chemistry with the two love birds

she did have a wandering eye for someone, in our opinion, sexier than even her current bf. Now who exactly that person was and how involved that person was

on set is for you all to figure out and me to yay only when it's impossible to nay. Keep thinking about it. And, you love the double dosage of bitching! Gets

all of your questions answered and then some, right?

Dear Ted:
I've never done this before, but you said that before Rob, Kristen Stewart "did have a wandering eye for someone, in our opinion, sexier than even her

current bf." So I was wondering if that person was Kellan Lutz, it's a far stretch but thought I would give it a shot.

Dear Pre-Robsten:
No, think less such an extreme departure from her ex, Michael Angarano.

Dear Ted:
Besides Rob and Kris, who do you think is the next hottest cast-member from each of the Twilight series movies so far?

Dear Big Question:
Twilight: Nikki Reed; New Moon: Anna Kendrick; Eclipse: Taylor Lautner; my prediction for the next? Ashley Greene.

Dear Ted:
In the opinion of Team Truth, who's sexier: Nikki Reed or Robert Pattinson?

Dear Troublemaker:
Robert. But, not by much."

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
Unlike some I am do not post a lot on here but like to catch up on what is happening time to time. I know several people think that Nevis Divine and Terry

Tush-Trade are from Twilight, and they could be. I have no idea when you came up with them, but I was just wondering if maybe they could be Ryan Phillippe

and Reese Witherspoon?. I was just wondering about Reese fitting TTT's B.V. It seems to work. Again I am not on a lot and don't really know all the B.V.s but

was just wondering.

Dear 180:
Love how cleverly against the grain you've gone with your detective work, sweets! Alas, this time it's not going to pay off. You'd probably do best to pull a

180 and then start anew.

Dear Ted:
So Twyla has "wilder habits" that are hindering her career? I don't seem to remember those from her Blind. Are you sure you aren't getting her confused with

Terry Tush-Trade again? Maybe those two have a lot in common. What say you, Ted? Your loyal Vice readers are dying to get this one cleared up!

Dear Lesbian Loyal:
Yes, Terry was wilder in the beginning, but trust us, Twyla's been catching up, big-time!

Dear Ted:
I have a doubt.. The Twilight cast are always saying just how much they love each other and how much fun they have together on set. But when they are on big

events like the MMA's they barely talk. It seems to me, there's a little bit of jealousy there. Am I right? Is there any bad blood between Robsten and the

rest of the cast?

Dear Twi-lite:
Every cast says they're like a family—but the Twilight crew actually is one big (incestuous, ew) clan. And siblings fight from time to time, don't they?

Wouldn't worry about it.

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you once say that Terry Tush-Trade is more famous than Twyla Babe-Sucker? If I'm remembering correctly and you did say this, I'm wondering if the actor represented by the Blind Vice name is more famous or if the Blind Vice moniker itself is more famous (as it is discussed more)? Could you please clear this up for me?

Dear Famous Two T's:
The B.V. and the person behind it are more famous here, babe. Way more famous."

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
So I am wondering, who is more famous (the person, not the Vice character): Terry Tush-Trade or Nevis Divine?
—Southern Gal

Dear Fame Game:
I gotta go with Terry, this time. But just by a hair—like one of the gorgeous ones atop Nev's head.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Well, the Twilight train is slowing down, but Robert and Kristen's stardom seems to still be rising. But which one of these two cuties' stars seems to burn brightest of all?

Dear Suck It:
You don't honestly think I'll fall for your tricks that easily, do you, Kt? You're going to have to be a bit more crafty than that, but why don't you start your search here and here." (links to their imdb profiles)

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I know Robsten both have Vices, I'm wondering if K.Stew's isn't an eating disorder? Because the girl is never seen eating, she is so thin and even though we

always hear of them going to dinner together, it makes me wonder.

Dear Skinny Stew:
No worries, Kristen is just a natural skinny minny (bitch). But that's def not one of the secrets dangling in K.Stew's closet."

blurry vice said...

close to a reveal?

"Dear Ted:
The Twyla Vice doesn't fit anyone in the Twi-cast but Kristen Stewart, and you've said twice now that Terry Tush-Trade is far more famous than Twyla. I'm scratching my head for any Twi castmember who is far more famous than Kristen.

Dear Twyla-Terry Trumped:
Maybe because there isn't."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Who has the most Vicey Vice? Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner? Thanks, and keep on keeping off the cigs!
—Twilight Fan

Dear Twi-hard:
K-Stew is Vicey, but, R.Pattz is technically the most serious offender. And Tay? He's the whittle baby Vicer.

Dear Ted:
Are Kristen Stewart's and Robert Pattinson's Vices a thing of the past or still on going? If still ongoing, they're clearly nothing big enough to cause a

rift between them no?

Dear Double Trouble:
No, hon, this duo Vices together and stays together. Deal is, K.Stew and R.Pattz are definitely Geminis when it comes to Vicing around, forever and always.

It's what makes Robsten total magnets to one another!

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Does Robert Pattinson think Kristen Stewart's Blind Vice is sexy or badass? I'm thinking Kristen is Morgan Mayhem.
—Sexy Legs

Dear Morgan Wishes:
Oh, doll, K.Stew's got her shiz together much more than Morgan does. Case in point: M's career is nil right now (thanks in large part to her shenanigans and

in little part to her debatable acting skills), whereas Kristen's is booming. As for whether Rob digs the Vice or not? Sure. It definitely doesn't bother


blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Which Blind Vicer's actual identity would most surprise his or her fans?

Dear Vice Lover:
Terry Tush-Trade, to be sure.

Dear Ted:
Interesting to know Terry Tush-Trade's unveiling would be the most surprising of the BV reveals. What about Twyla Babe-Sucker? Surprising or no?

Dear Suck On This:
Surprising? More like boring."

Anonymous said...

I know this is Ted's blind, but I was at Lainey's event recently, and she said that Kstew and RPatz are both straight, not gay, not bi, and their relationship is legit. She also said that Kellan Lutz was biggest slut onset and is hiding a secret. Ted and Lainey have different sources, as Lainey admitted herself on the night, but I can't believe her sources, who are most likely local to the Vancity Twi set (and to her, she's in Vancouver too), would be wrong, or give different info from what Ted's sources gave him. Based on this, it seems to me that Kstew is not TTT. I can't account for how Kellan Lutz as TTT is more famous than TBS, but he seems like the strongest candidate for TTT.

Heather_P said...

Lainey also says Jake Gyllenhaal is

In September '09, months after the first TTT BV, Ted confirmed that Kellan didn't have his own BV moniker.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
After reading this article I think it's time for a Terry Tush-Trade update, don't you?


Dear Careful What You Wish For:
First, what the hell makes you think Kristen Stewart has squat to do with TTT? Second, would you prefer before or after the Breaking Dawn premiere?"

Jackie DuPlante said...

Ted answered my question today about whether Kristen's vice is about her choosing between two guys or about her having an "I don't care what you think" attitude.. And he said it's all about not caring what others think!! I think we can now safely assume that she isn't Twyla Babe Sucker, and that Terry Tush Trade makes much more sense for her. It's nice to finally have that cleared up, but now who is Twyla?? Hmmm..

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I was wondering about the other blind item floating around the net talking about a Twilight dude who wanted to come out as gay this year at promos but was

asked to wait until next year. I remember you having one of your Twilight B.V.'s thinking the same a while ago right? Could you let us know which B.V. this

is if it is indeed the same person.

Dear Itching to Come Out:
Doubt it's anything to do with A.T., especially if this other item's about a man.

Dear Ted:
I just caught The Runaways on TV and I have to say, the physical scenes between Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning were hot! Way more sensual the anything

I've seen from Kristen in the Twilight series (sorry Twi-hards). So my question is (even though I know you probably can't answer it publicly), do you think

any of that Joan-Cherie onscreen steaminess translated to real life?

Dear Cherry Bomb:
K.Stew and Dakota definitely had serious chemistry on and off the screen, but things didn't get as hot and heavy as you're imagining. Sorry to burst your

girl-on-girl bubble."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
In your opinion which of these Vice stars is more likely to end up with a same-sex partner in the long run: Nevis Divine, Terry Tush-Trade or Crescent

Kumquat? And which of them cares less whether or not the public knows about their bisexuality?

Dear Sorry to Disappoint:
Though we would love to see one of our B.V. stars get homolicious for the long haul, it's probably not going to happen with any of these three—with the

possible exception of Terry (but never publicly). Sure, they all play for both teams, but that's supposed to be a secret, remember? And, sweetheart, none of

them could care less.

Dear Ted:
So yesterday you mentioned that a celeb can't have more than one Vice name. Would you mind letting us in on some differences between the celebs behind Twyla

Babe-Sucker and Terry Tush-Trade then?

Dear Battle of the Broads:
Twyla is much more conniving than Terry. She's probably hotter too."

Ana Bastow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
a stargazzer said...

Hi I'm new to the items but stumble upon this one and I think I have a theory. You constantly mention the Rachelle Lefevre treatment and I was wondering if is not Bryce Dallas Howard. I mean she starred in big blockbusters before starring in Twilight so that might make her more famous than Kris and her character has been since the first movie although played by other actress and given that I wouldn't be surprise if they gave her a fair warning about replacing her yet again during shootings if necessary. Warmer or cold as a vampire?

heather_p said...

@a stargazzer

I think if TTT was married with children that would have been mentioned (or at least hinted at) somewhere in the blind.

Plus, in the first installment Ted says TTT and her S.O. "were brought together in the first place because somebody else who possesses major power in the Twilight franchise also likes to get it on, bisexual-style."

Bryce met her husband at NYU and they were married in 2007.

Way to think outside the box though! :)

a stargazzer said...

Thanks Heather!
Like I said before I'm new. I think Kristen is too obvious and too "meaty" to be TTT. I also think the word "power" in the saga could mean anyone probably someone that does the casting for example, but who knows this might be one of those things that is obvious and meaty.
I will keep reading and guessing like everyone else and mine this is a long blind vice.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Before we get to the real question, just want to say that I'm so glad to hear that your colleague Giuliana Rancic is doing so well...bless her. My question is about Robsten: In the past you've made them sound like a couple who are totally monogamous, abstaining from all others...could this really be true?

Dear Robsten Plus One?
I've said it forever and I'll say it again: These two don't cheat on each other. But they're hardly the traditional type and make no secret of their Vicey behavior. That's why they're the perfect match."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Please tell me Chutney Jones is not Kristen Stewart because from the way she is she seems far from vanilla.

Dear Clued In:
And K.Stew is. Far from vanilla, that is. Actually, K.Stew's Vice makes poor Chut seem even more blah."

Unknown said...

Has Terry Tush-Trade ever had any same-sex dalliances with a much older costar? If so, did it occur fairly recently or more in the distant past? Thanks!

Dear Terry's Little Black Book:
Hmmm, good question, Stevie. Triple T has played tonsil hockey with more than a few of her lady costars. But she tends to prefer the chicks she swaps spit (and whatever else) with to be on the younger side.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Has Terry Tush-Trade ever had any same-sex dalliances with a much older costar? If so, did it occur fairly recently or more in the distant past? Thanks!

Dear Terry's Little Black Book:
Hmmm, good question, Stevie. Triple T has played tonsil hockey with more than a few of her lady costars. But she tends to prefer the chicks she swaps spit

(and whatever else) with to be on the younger side."

blurry vice said...


"Dear Ted:
Does Twyla Babe-Sucker or Terry Tush-Trade have the better career right now? Who has the better more settled personal life right now?
—Sincerely, Nosey Nellie

Dear Power Chicks:
Terry, of course. Though that comes at the expense of her personal life, it seems."

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
You've confounded me. You have indicated that both Twyla Babe-Sucker and Terry Tush-Trade are females. Who is more famous right now, as in has the most high
-profile career? Do they both like other girls as well as guys? What do they think of each other? Love ya!

Dear Love Ya Back:
I don't think I've specified sex on both babes, have I? If so, I must have been in a self-involved drool session over Nevis Devine, because both Twyla and Terry have had their, uh…brushes with Nev. To answer your question, Terry is far more celebrated—at the moment."

Anonymous said...

Ted is inconsistent. I use to think he had the goods but I think he just took some twi-fans for a ride.

NyxDeluxe said...

are we discussing the cheating somewhere?!? here is teds tweet:

Ted Casablanca ‏@Ted_Casablanca

everything ur reading about #Robsten is arranged. Let me assure u of this.
