Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Buzzfoto Blind Item #357

This B/C list celebrity dad’s coke habit is so out of control, he is now sending his teenage son to do drug runs for him.
Not Michael Douglas.



duffgrl said...

I hope it is not Ryan O'Neal

Tara said...

Redmond is 25, and he is the one with the big drug problem. Does Ryan have other children besides Tatum?

Caz1310 said...

Does The Hoff have a teenage son? Has had trouble with alchohol not sure about any other substances.

Mistress Katarina J said...

On blind gossip, someone noted that Michael Lohan's oldest son is named Michael Douglas Lohan. Might be a giveway thre. ? His erratic behavior as of late might hint at a coke habit (the battery of his gf)

Tara said...

Michael Lohan Jr is just a year younger than Lindsay, so if it really is "teenage", that won't work. And ML is far from B/C list status, he is a bottom feeder. But Cody Lohan is 14......just kidding;)

Anonymous said...

I know you were kidding, but in this day & age AND with that family, I think that Cody is a completely plausible guess. Sadly.

Not Specified said...

actually, you gotta reread it... it says "b/c list celebrity'" not "b/c list celebrity dad".....get it? its worded poorly... but anyways, i hardly consider lindsay lohan b but maybe c list (due to name recognition) but this could very well be mr. lohan. wow. even my reply is worded poorly hahaha hope you get what im sayin ^_^

Anonymous said...

It's T. Cruise... who has a teenage son

Anonymous said...

Christina, it says "B/C Celebrity Dad's" not celebrity's dad. You're reading it wrong. This guy is the "celeb", not his kid. Who it is is beyond me, though.
