Sunday, November 1, 2009

Janet Charlton- Hollywood Whodunit

This singer has been losing weight for an important TV role but she’s doing it the dangerous way- with cocaine – and now she’s addicted. Friends can’t help but notice. During a two hour dinner at La Loggia in Studio City, she went to the bathroom nine times and barely ate a thing. A few weeks later she and her husband ate at Nobu, but she barely touched her food and drank instead. After six trips to the bathroom she practically had to be carried out the door by her husband. She’s convinced she’ll gain weight if she stops using, and her family is frantic.


* Our top suspect: Ashlee Simpson


duffgrl said...

I'm thinking Ashlee Simpson who is on the new "Melrose Place"

Simply~Jaded said...

Me too..

Anonymous said...

i think Fergie

Anonymous said...

But hasn't Ashlee been let go from Melrose Place?

Anonymous said...

courtney cox?

Anonymous said...

The item said "singer," so I don't think it is Courtney Cox. Ashlee Simpson is the first person I thought of, also.

Anonymous said...

Mariah Carey. I remember rumors from a long time ago she'd use coke to lose weight.

duffgrl said...

I'm pretty sure this BI was written before Ashlee Simpson was canned from Melrose (which just happened late last week)-I'm pretty sure it was her because there are pics of she and her husband leaving that restaurant.

Anonymous said...

I think its Ashlee Simpson. Not only does it sound like her, but she and her older sister, Jessica Simpson are pretty competitive, and her sister was kind of fat for a while, so as a younger sister, I'll bet she'd do almost anything to stay thin and so therefore 'better' then her fat sister. . .even if it means snorting blow to the point of addiction.

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...

But Ashlee has always been anorexic. Even after she lost the baby weight. She's also been fired, so there's no show for her, or important role any longer. Is this maybe an old BV? Is there any other singer who's going into acting?

duffgrl said...

Crila: read my post above(from Nov 2); I do think the BI was written shortly before AS was kicked off the show. I think it is about Ashlee. However-read the BI closely! It's about drugs-cocaine-NOT just her being anorexic.

Anonymous said...

ashlee knew her role was temporary though, so why bother?

Anonymous said...

Aslee is on the down road cause she was let on from her show. So, she is just trying to lose weight for the next show, which won't happen.

Lola said...

I think the "Whodunit" points to Ashlee as well, the new Melrose Place opened as a murder mystery.

Anonymous said...

It can't be Ashlee. She isn't even on tv anymore, and she had planned tto only be on Melrose Place for a short amount of time then do Chicago.
