Both are acclaimed actors. One’s an actor you find super cute. He’s popular and adorable, like dimples and old fashioned dresses. The other’s an actor I find super gross. And dramatic. And full of his own sh-t. He fronts like he’s dark. He’s difficult. The work is often beneath him. The work is often taken away from him because the attitude that it is beneath him is so often intolerable The two had a torrid affair. Which is nothing unusual, of course not. Except that dimples broke up with drama and drama practically had a psychotic break. There was a month-long spiral. A couple of times he came close to really hurting himself. He also threatened to expose them both, though no one is taking that seriously. As a result, his heartbreaker is trying, ignorantly, to go back to the other side of his bisexuality.
Lainey has eliminated Jake G, James Franco, Matt Morrison
At her smut soiree, Lainey revealed this to be about Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Pitt.
Lainey has eliminated Jake G, James Franco, Matt Morrison
At her smut soiree, Lainey revealed this to be about Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Pitt.
Drama guy sounds like Jouquin Phoenix as someone guessed on another thread. Anyone else?
Lainey has already notted James Franco, Jake Gyllenhaal, and raymond... forgot his last name.
Dimples: Zac Effron
Drama: Emile Hirsch? Sean Penn?
Not really thinking they could be gay, but rather concentrating on the fact that they often think that everyone is beneath them, and are generally considered brooding douchebags.
Meant Ed Redmayne for the 3rd notted guy. So was Matthew Morrisson.
I also immediately thought of Drama being Emile Hirsch. But Joaquin is a good guess too.
No clue on Dimples
Could Drama be Johnny Depp? Lainey has been hinting he has major problems lately, bad stuff's been swirling around him...fits with the timeline (his film had to be delayed due to his 'personal life'). She placed Depp in her column today.
Could be... However, he is going through some sort of midlife crisis and hooking up with girls left and right: Eva Green, and now that Olsen twin. He could be bi too.
Speaking of Bi, if we go with the fact that Lainey and Ted DO communicate and exchange gossip, couldn't be that one of Ted's BV superstars made it on Lainey's blind? So, maybe dark and brooding is King Schlong, aka Leo DiCaprio?
Oh Lord! Leo DiCaprio and Zac Effron... I would like to watch that.
Adding Adam Brody for Dimples list. Because while checking out Lainey's history, she says that Adam is very very cute, and that all the girls are screaming for him (Jennifer's Body premiere) and his dimples.
Who does Lainey find absolutely gross and super dramatic? I don't think Jonny and Leo fit, given that I don't think she finds them gross. Leo is #1 on her list (not the Shame F*ck list).
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Dimples?
you are right... Forgot about the gross part. Johnny would fit lately, but not Leo.
Got carried away there with the imagery of Effron and DiCaprio...
Reading the blind again,
1- Both acclaimed actors. So Effron is out, for me, he's not an ACCLAIMED actor.
2- There must be a hint there in "popular and adorable, like dimples and old fashioned dresses": Hugh Jackman?
3- The other is someone that Lainey, personally, finds super gross. He still has to fit though the "acclaimed" part, so Sean Penn, Joachim Phoenix, Emile Hirsch, but she also finds P.Diddy very very gross, and lately, he has become acclaimed (yuck), there is also spittle himself, Gerard Butler.
4- Dark Drama practically had a psychotic break. So someone gross, yet acclaimed actor, had probably disappeared from the public's eye to have his breakdown over the breakup.
Back to Spittle.
I found this on Lainey
Could it be Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler?
Just throwing guesses out there.
I could get on board with Dimples as Gordon_Levitt or Jackman. I thought Jackson had a non platonic relationship with his business partner. I guess they don't have to be exclusive.
Himmmm, this is a toughie!
I'm going for Emile Hirsch, with the work being 'beneath him' line:
If you've read any of Lainey's comments about Michael Pitt, he is the perfect match for Mr. Gross/Super Dramatic. As for Dimples, I like the Joseph Gordon-Levitt guess.
what about Daniel Radcliffe for dimples?
Taylor Lautner & Peter Facinelli. PF is known for being an asshole and definitely feels like Twilight is beneath him (it's not, he's no A-lister) TL is definitely adorable, popular, and he has dimples (though the blind just said adorable 'like' dimples, not that the actor necessarily has them). TL & PF also have buzz going about them being the answer for other blinds and PF has plenty of blinds about him cheating on Jennie Garth. Though I can't picture PF actually trying to expose them, but it was a threat, so I guess there's a good chance he could've said it with no intention to actually do it.
Anyway, long time reader, first time poster. Love the site sisters! I think I'm gonna speak up more often now, lol
Neither Taylor or Peter are "acclaimed" actors.
@Bo, Welcome!
Unfortunately, I don't find your guess of either actor fit, for neither is "acclaimed", and Lainey has other descriptive for Lautner. She usually calls him Tom Cruise Jr. or any other Jr. to Tom C.
As for PF, I thought everyone found him very nice and lovely to work with... Never thought him to be dark and brooding. And really not "super gross".
I really like the Joseph Gordon Levitt guess for dimples. He certainly fits! So does DanRad.
We definitely need more hints. I am very sure there has to be something in "like dimples and old fashioned dresses". Just don't know what yet.
Hi there. I'm new here.
I like JGL as Dimples. The "old fashioned dresses" bit seems like a reference to his friend and co-star, Zooey Deschanel!
Leo for dimples. Ted already told us in the last king schlong item that he was giving up guys for a while.I don't have a guess for drama. Wich actor gets fired a lot?
When I'm drawing a blank, I like to do a Google search. Here's what came up for brooding actors:
Joaquin Phoenix
Robert Pattinson
Guy Pearce
Dominic Cooper
Daniel Day Lewis
Jeremy Renner
Clive Owen
The only one I can see as completely "gross" would be Joaquin. Granted, I haven't been following Lainey for that long, so I'm not well versed on her tastes yet. I do like the Emile Hirsch guess as well.
Joseph Gordon Levitt, Leo DiCaprio and Colin Firth are the only acclaimed actors that showed up in my search for actors with dimples.
'Hes popular and adorable, like dimples and old fashioned dresses'. Could that be Eddie Cibrian, from The Playboy Club?
Edward Norton? notoriously dark and difficult and seems to have disappeared completely.
Vincent Gallo for drama? You can hardly get darker and grosser than he is. But has he really been in anything since that Brown Bunny abomination?
What about Michael Pitt for the gross guy? Lainey talks about how disgusting he is...
People, don't forget to add "acclaimed actor" first, really gross for Lainey, second, for the Dark Drama guy.
I'm going with Spittle's Gerard Butler, Sean Penn, or Emile Hirsch. Hirsch has lost movies because of his shitty attitude. He did that wonderful movie, Directed by Sean Penn, Into The Wild, and was supposed to hit it really big afterwards. But no one could stand him. Writing this though, I am thinking he is not dark and broody, but simply douchey. Same for Butler. So no go on both.
Back to Sean Penn. Joachim Phoenix. Wonder if Batman's Christian Bale could fit though. He does get into character too well. And he is dark and broody. But I find him hot.
As for Pattinson... She did't say Dimples sparkles did she?... Just kidding. He could fit too, but does not fit really "acclaimed actor", only by crazy Twihard standards, not by Lainey's.
I wonder if the "gross" one is Ryan Phillippe? IMDB has a handful of awards for him, including two SAG wins. Whenever he shows up on Lainey's radar, it's negative--he's a douche, preys on young girls, tv's below him, etc.
As for "dimples," I have no idea.
I like Butler for Drama - just b/c he did go away for a while, Sean Penn really hasn't nor have I seen a downward spiral, although he is gross. Emile Hirsch is an ass, but I don't see lainey calling him gross. The other person would be Joaquin if this blind was not recent but actually from a while back. He's totally full of his own Sh-t.
Dimples could be Chase Crawford.
on the chat I asked if Dimples was TV or Movie, but she never answered it - grrr
You can't get any grosser than Mickey Rourke for an acclaimed actor. Plus he is very difficult to work with and work has been taken away from him because of it.
Not sure it would be Mickey Rourke though.
But for the super cute, dimpled, acclaimed actor, the best fit up to now is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He also fits the old fashion dresses clue (he wears bow ties at certain events).
I agree that Mickey Rourke could be the 'gross' actor. Have no clue for the 'dimples' actor though.
Ok, so first time posting...
But when reading that I though of Christan Bale as the dark and drama guy.
As for the cute one... no idea
Wasn't Bale in The Dark Knight?
Wasn't Bale in The Dark Knight?
Wasn't Bale in The Dark Knight?
@Mellybean, welcome.
Christian Bale was my guess too just because of Lainey's distaste for him. He is also difficult on set, because often he gets too into character. Like for The Fighter, he really got into character and did not interact with the other actors on-set...
But has he lost roles?
I've been re-reading everybody's guesses so far (Hmm, new comers, would be nice also if you could do same too), I think for Dimples, it all depends on personal tastes. I think we can all agree that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a great guess, but also because he fits the first attribute, which is "Acclaimed Actor".
But I'm having a hard time imagining him in say... Mickey Roorke's arms... just ewww. But I'm projecting. Maybe Mickey Roorke is kind and loving with his lovers... Just ewwww.
However, Joaquim Phoenix, I can see him with JGL.
I was thinking Val Kilmer for the dark arrogant difficult actor.
This is definitely one of Lainey's easier blinds. Joseph Gordon Levitt (Dimples) and Michael Pitt (Emile Hirsch as a distant second) for Drama!
The trick is to figure out who Lainey finds super gross. I don't think she feels that way about Joachim Phoenix. He used to be no. 1 on her freebee 5 list.
Besides which, I don't think Joachim is a difficult actor at all.
Going with the premise that the cute acclaimed actor is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, then perhaps we should be looking at an ex-cast member?
How does Lainey feel about Lukas Haas?
Hi! First time poster! Love the site!
I definitely think JGL is the best guess for Dimples. Hands down. He was the first person I thought of.
I think Emile Hirsch is still a good match for the other guy.
Lainey has called Emile gross. "Apparently Emile Hirsch was originally cast in Jim’s role. Gross. Kiki is lucky producers decided Hirsch is irrelevant. If Hirsch was looking for me I’d hide forever." She hates him so much and has said it some many times. As opposed to Joaquin who she has recently said is looking better and healthier and used to be on her Freebie 5.
Plus, she most definitely thinks his attitude is awful, he's dramatic, ugh he hung out with LOHAN, I mean, that's DRAMA in and of itself, he's up his own ass, and "fronts like he's dark" could be a nod to some crap movie he did called The Darkest Hour. Oh, and he was critically acclaimed for Into the Wild.
Sorry for the lengthyness! I just really think it's him!!!
Oops... forget my Lukas Haas question. I can't imagine anyone would find LH anything but lovely including Lainey.
So we all agree that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is best guess for dimpled acclaimed actor.
The super gross actor is a toss up between Michael Pitt and Emile Hirsch as Lainey seems to find them both equally revolting.
Love your guesses.....but I am intrigued by the Daniel Radcliffe guess for dimples. Lainey needs to do some elims!
Well, I'd believe JGL hooking more with a Michael Pitt than a Mickey Roorke (eewwww).
But is Michael Pitt an "acclaimed actor"?
He was really great on Boardwalk Empire. Really good, loved him! But what else has he been into. And does he have a rep of being difficult? For all intents and purposes, he was not in any way fired from Boardwalk. Even if his character was killed off. Which was the logical thing to do in the story line.
@Mena, I did not know Joaquim was on her Freebie 5!!!
How about Spittle again? Just remembered his Machine Gun Preacher was "critically acclaimed". Emile Hirsh is definitely someone Lainey has said to be super gross. Especially around Sundance.
Daniel Radcliffe isn't gay - he dated a female friend of mine for a while. Definitely straight.
Oooh this is a good one!!
I was picturing Jason Segel and James Franco. LOL! I know that James Franco was eliminated, but the description fit him. :)
@DenaStroll - Daniel was caught french kissing a guy a few days ago. I think he is bi... for now.
Can't believe nobody has guessed Gosling for dimples!!
I was thinking Shia Lebouf for the super gross one.
I think I'm on a very different tack here but my first thought was Phillip Seymour Hoffman (acclaimed; dark) as Drama and Robert Downey Jr (acclaimed; old-fashioned dresses; adorable; but married, although that's never stopped anyone). Daniel Radcliffe crossed my mind too, as did Jude Law.
I think DanRad's the hot ticket though as he's more acclaimed than Joseph Gordon Levitt, right?
I'm not sure what kind of rep PSH has but he was mentioned in a recent Lainey post on Death of a Salesman and when I Googled him a link came up to him revealing how he's become America's greatest character actor. The story is gone, but I wonder how it transpired in print.
That's all I got.
I am rethinking Emile Hirsch. Is he really that "acclaimed"? Maybe he was, but he certainly isn't now. Probably cause of his shitty attitude. I don't know, maybe that is key.
I think Michael Pitt and Joachim Phoenix are currently more acclaimed that him. Joachim might have been on her Freebee 5 List, but that was before he "quit acting" for a rap career. She definitely finds both to be gross. And I think both of them could be unstable enough.
JGL, as dimples is definitely someone that her readers dig and "find super cute".
@StacyLS83, you may be right!!!
Today on Lainey, on the Diane Keaton post, her To Do List:
"Ryan Gosling.
It’s really, really cute."
Too broad of a hint, but could still be interpreted as one.
Ryan Gosling is definitely on my Dimples list now. Also, he would fit
"As a result, his heartbreaker is trying, ignorantly, to go back to the other side of his bisexuality."
Enter Eva Mendes?..
This would probably fit Sean Penn for Drama.
It's not Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling is straight as confirmed by Ted Casablanca many times.
Dimples - Jesse Eisenberg? based on Lainey's post? DOn't think its Gosling, he's one person both Lainey and Ted are adament that he is straight - very straight.
looking back at past couple days - another guy she calls really gross is Fez from 70's Show, maybe he was in a relationship with Joe Jonas, and after Joe dumped him he got with that Minka girl she wrote about.
Jesse Eisenberg is in a photo post on Lainey today. Could he be dimples?
OH see someone beat me to this!
I know Jake is top suspect for Toothy and Lainey notted Jake for this blind but do you think it's possible that Ted's blind today is related to this one? And we perhaps have been wrong about Jake?
How about Robert Downey Jr. for Dimples? He is certainly acclaimed, and he wore an 'old fashioned dress' in a few scenes in Sherlock Holmes 2. I think that's one of the keys to this clue - it's such a random turn of phrase to use, it must mean something. RDJ is the only acclaimed actor I can think of that's worn an old fashioned dress recently.
Just googled "RDJ bisexuality" and found this: "Tropic Thunder star Robert Downey Jr. sat down for an in-depth interview with London publication The Sunday Times and confessed that he believes many in his social circle believe that his sexuality is somewhat fluid.A lot of my peer group think I’m an eccentric bisexual,” Iron Man confessed. “That’s okay. Being relaxed about sexuality is something you’re born with.”
Also this on RDJ: "
On “The Late Show With David Letterman,” Downey was asked by the host:
“Now, from what I recall, there was always the suggestion that there was a different level of relationship between Sherlock and Dr. Watson.”
Downey: “You mean that they were homos…”
Letterman: [Laughs.] “Well…”
Downey: “That is what you’re saying?”
Letterman: “In a manner of speaking, yes…that they were closer than just out solving crimes. It’s sort of touched on in the film, but he has a fiancée, so we’re not certain. Is that right?”
Downey: “She could be a beard. Who knows?”
Paul Shaffer: “What are they, complete screamers? Is that what you’re saying?”
Downey: “Why don’t we observe the clip and let the audience decide if he just happens to be a very butch homosexual. Which there are many. And I’m proud to know certain of them.”
'It's not Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling is straight as confirmed by Ted Casablanca many times.'
I don't think that dimples is ryan. But he still can be bisexual. Ofcourse ted will say that he isn't. If he is, ted will only say it in a blind item. And why does it matter if he is, there's nothing wrong with being bi or gay. It doesn't make a guy less actractive for me. Or more in this case because I don't find ryan actractive.
@Sheba, well said!
You have to look at things from Lainey's point of view not Ted's.
And besides Ted says that Jake G is gay, Lainey swears he's straight.
Ted says George Clooney is straight, Lainey has a blind on his that says he isn't.
Lainey says Bradley Cooper is super straight. Ted has a blind on him being gay.
So looking at it from Lainey's perspective, she is here trying to minimize the importance of either of these "acclaimed actors" being gay, with "The two had a torrid affair. Which is nothing unusual, of course not."
And don't forget that she ends it with Dimples trying to go back to the hetero side of his bisexuality.
Ryan Gosling could be a hint. But not a definitive one. Although, he did a movie with Emma Stone "The Gangster Squad", where she was pictured with him everyday in "cute old fashioned dresses". And that movie has also Sean Penn starring in it.
I'm just saying, keep options open, when guesses fulfill the blind requirements:
- Acclaimed actors (not teen-boppers)
- One is adorable and popular.
- The second LAINEY finds super gross.
- The second has lost jobs because he finds everything beneath him. He is dark, and dramatic.
- The first one has gone back to the other side of his bisexuality, after his gay affair went sour.
Do Lainey's clues to the blind ever appear in Duana's posts? I hope not because they're horribly long and boring - I can't stand to read them.
Super Cute - Jeremy Renner
Super Gross - Colin Farrell
@Cristina, I try to read them as well... Except that some of those shows I do not watch at all! Like Breaking Bad, etc. I do watch The Walking Dead, House of Lies, and a bit of Mad Men.
Up to now though, no hints whatsoever in Duana's posts. And yes, they are f-cking lonnnng. And at times, delusional.
It's one thing to keep options opened, it's quite another to be on a wild goose chase. It's not Ryan Gosling.
And I don't even like Ryan Gosling so it's not like I'm saying this to defend him.
'And I don't even like Ryan Gosling so it's not like I'm saying this to defend him.'
I don't think he needs defending even if he's dimples. Being bi is not a crime.
Super Cute - Jeremy Renner
Super Gross - Colin Farrell
To expound a bit...
Renner is heavily thought to be in the closet (I think he lives with his "business partner"...the bus tour guide from "Under The Tuscan Sun"). Farrell is thought to be bi (and a bit slutty). They worked together and bonded on "SWAT." Remember Farrell busting his chops at the Oscars a couple of years ago when Renner was nominated for "Hurt Locker?" Farrell mentioned a story about waking up in bed together in a Mexican hotel room (or something like that).
@Sheba - I agree--no defending needed. However, there has been zero indication over the years that Ryan Gosling prefers anyone other than the ladies. Neither Lainey nor Ted have ever hinted towards him being anything other than straight, that I'm aware of. If I'm mistaken, please let me know.
Regardless of his preferences, he isn't really just cute either. Whether he's your cup of tea or not, he oozes sex appeal. I get the sense that Lainey feels the same way.
I wasn't saying he's bi. I was just saying that just because ted or lainey never hinted about him beeing bi doesn't mean that he can't be bi. Maybe he is and they are only finding it out now and start writing blinds. Never say never. And that counts for every celebrity.
Still I don't think he's dimples. And not because I don't find him cute, because i understand why some people would find him cute.
I still think he has something to hide, something else than being bi or gay.
I thought Ted used the phrase, "straight as a handmade arrow" to refer to Gosling (or is that somebody else I'm thinking of).
Handmade arrows aren't always entirely straight.
I don't know if he said it about gosling, he did say it about leo.
And I agree handmade arrows aren't entirely straight. So I think that's Ted's way of saying someone is bi without writing a blind item.
I didn't mean to say there is anything wrong with being bi or gay. I just meant that I wasn't insisting on Ryan being straight because of me waiting him to be straight.
In any case when Ted wants to hint that someone isn't entirely straight, he does find ways of doing it without it being black or white. In Ryan Gosling's case, Ted has been very clear on this just as recent as yesterday with this answer to an email:
Dear Ted:
I have noticed that you have clearly stated that some actors are absolutely straight; for instance, Ryan Gosling. As for others, you never say a word one way or the other but have the habit of answering suggestive questions about them in a very ambiguous way, which I think is fun. My question is: roughly, what percentage of the former category is in fact bi or gay?
—Vice Struck
Dear Playing Straight:
I wouldn't lie to ya, dear. So when I say dudes like Ry are straight, they're straight. K?
Also I don't think Lainey is trying to say the cute actor is bi. She is trying to say that he's pretending to be bi or trying to make people believe he is bi.
Which in this case also fits Joseph Gordon-Levitt because he was recently being cutsey with Zooey Deschanel thus leading readers to think they were an item.
Oh and one more thing playing in favour of Emile Hirsch ... he did an episode of 3rd Rock. That might be when he and JGL first met?
I know you didn't mean to say that being bi is bad, but a lot of other girls and woman stil don't like hearing it when a actor they find cute is gay even though the never have a chance with him anyway.
And like I said before there is always a posibility that ted or lainey think that someone is straight. And only later find out that that person is gay or bi. The other way is also ability. That people think someone is gay or bi and later find out that person is straight.
And lainey really is saying that dimples is bi.
I'm also starting to think that JGL is dimples.
I don't hate the Michael Pitt guess for Drama, if Lainey does in fact think he's gross. I haven't been reading her as long as many here so I don't know. But a case could be made for him being "acclaimed" depending on what she means by that. Didn't Michael Pitt get his start in that same movie that Ryan Gosling broke out in (with Sandra Bullock)? He's worked with Bernardo Bertolucci and has had a lot of indie cred for years before he got more popular on Boardwalk Empire and I think is generally considered a talented actor by critics (although I do admit, I find him super creepy, don't know why!). But again, those who've read Lainey longer would have a better idea who is on her hit list :)
One thing I keep coming back to, is that she says Drama has lost jobs in this past due to his attitude. Could this be something we've heard about, where somebody was replaced in a role? I am racking my brain..Terrence Howard...? I don't know..? What does Lainey think of him?
I know Michael Pitt has lost jobs in the past. His own agency fired him sometime within the past year, if memory serves. He's notorious for being a prick. Such a weirdo too. I mean, nobody should be jerky or have an attitude. But some loser like this (not a big star by any means)? WTF?
My immediate thought for the 'super gross' one was Shia Labeouf. He's got an attitude problem for sure, I haven't heard of him losing roles but he's a total tool. And she says 'fronts like he's dark' basically pretends like he is. And she says he's come close to hurting himself really bad a couple of times? The bar fights, I think he broke his foot/hand a while back, etc. And the threatening to tell? He blabbed about him and Megan Fox. Plus he just oozes with attitude of thinking things are beneath him, plus he's never had much of an upfront gf (besides Carey Mulligan) and that was more beneficial for her because she was up and coming. As for dimples, I think Ted's Billy Bend-Over is Channing Tatum and I think Lainey could be talking about Channing too. But Jesse Eisenberg DEFINITELY has dimples, but old Hollywood style? Eh. Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Definitely dimples. Def. Old hollywood, and hasn't had much of a gf since Julia Stiles so I could see him being 'fluid'
Butler is gross but not gay.....not even bi, just mucho gross.
LOL, I will refrain from posting other guesses so as not to be accused of going "on a wild goose chase". Rolleyes
@StaceyLS83 - I read back through the comments and I didn't see anything that directly accused you of going on a wild goose chase. Some disagree with your Gosling guess, myself included. That usually happens when we have too few clues to go on and many different perspectives and opinions.
I didn't accuse you either. But i'm sorry if you felt accused. I just think that there is always a posibility that ted or lainey find out that a celebrity is gay or bi even though before they thought that person is straight. And they can always make mistakes. One example is that Ted thinks Jake G is gay, while lainey says he isn't. So one of them is wrong.
no idea
If you google "Michael Pitt fired", there are a lot of hits about his being let go by his agent last fall. The agency even issued a statement that he was "difficult on set and otherwise." I would imagine if your own agent has that perception of you, it has to have affected your ability to get roles. There could be a lot of projects "taken away from him" that we don't know about but insiders are privy to.
Michael Pitt is definitely known for his bad attitude but can he be considered an acclaimed actor?
Returning to why Ryan Gosling could be considered a hint from Lainey: It was rather the POSITIONING of the sentences, rather, than simply the big very cute hint.
"So she goes on about the long list of men she’s been with on screen. And then she ends the segment by revealing the only name on her To Do List:
Ryan Gosling.
It’s really, really cute.
I’d be really into it if Ryan Gosling and Diane Keaton hooked up. Most of his fans would be really into it too. For some reason, his fans despise Eva Mendes. Like, they’re actively campaigning for a breakup. What’s the problem?"
Why is the sentence "It's really, really cute" on its own. That rang a bell. And put Ryan Gosling on the forefront of Dimples guesses, along side JGL.
And if anyone watches eTalk, Ryan Gosling is often referred to as really-really cute by the ladies of eTalk who had interviewed on the red carpet. Yes, he is hot. I am the first one to lose my cool, but the girls from eTalk find him shy and cute. Yes, shy an cute.
So notwithstanding Sheba's eye roll at my goose chase, even if most of us often are able to discuss guesses in an accepting and allowing manner, I am still hooked on that Lainey hint. The first one that could be considered as much, and the first ever in relation to her blind.
Now I think someone had mentioned it above that Ryan Gosling and Michael Pitt had known each other since "Murder by Numbers" with Sandra Bullock?
And Michael Pitt as @Medusa has done the research, has been known as difficult to work with, had lost jobs because of his attitude, and had even lost his representation/management not long ago (thanks M!)
I'm liking the Michael Pitt for Drama a lot!
I was not eyerolling at you. Like I said before Ryan is not my first guess but i wasn't making fun of people for guessing ryan. I can understand that people find him cute.
I like Joseph Gordan Levitt for Dimples.
As for drama, I thought of Ezra Miller. I googled him and he's not working on much these days. I also found this article:
He was such an ass to Lainey, seems like it could be him.
@Rita - Sheba had nothing to do with the eye roll. StaceyLS83, made a snarky point to roll her eyes at Mena's wild-goose-chase comment; which, by all appearances, had to have nothing to do with anything StaceyLS83 said.
I do think we're all divided when it comes to Ryan Gosling as Dimples. I think that there are better, more dimply, options: JGL, Zac Efron, etc.
@Cristina - To answer your Michael Pitt question: Yes, I think he was acclaimed at one point. Specifically following the movie he did with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling. Was it Murder by Numbers? I believe his performance in Boardwalk Empire also qualifies as having been acclaimed since, by association, the show is highly acclaimed and he was known to have been great in it.
@Sheba, oups, meant Mena! Sorry did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable chica! Simply felt Mena's dismissal of my agreement, and provided support, of the Ryan Gosling guess. I've been on this site for quite some time now, generally discuss guesses, debate, but never simply dismiss one's guess.
My problem with Zac Effron guesses and the like, is that I don't think Lainey considers him to be an "acclaimed actor". JGL is though, absolutely. But going on what Lainey has provided so far, I am still adding Ryan Gosling to the Dimples list.
Thanks Rita! I appreciate your response and at least thinking my response through, especially since it was my first post here! I did feel dismissed although most were respectful about it.
@kadixonlaw: if you have a problem with my comment, you can ask me next time not to be snarky instead of name-dropping me in your post! I did feel that the goose chase comment was directed in part at me since it was my original guess. So there you have it. (Was that snarky also? Not trying to be).
@Sistah2 - I don't know if you saw my top post, but Ed Redmayne was notted as well during the live blog.
@Stacey, no problem, this is a great place to debate BI guesses, and the Sisters have done a tremendous job at compiling data on stars and BIs. You can check out "Our list of Blind Vice reveals etc." under "hot links". Helps to keep track of stars notted, confirmed, as well as dates. Sometimes, I think Ted and his team check this page as well!
@StaceyLS83 - If your eye-rolling comment had been a thoughtful, pleasant one and I had "name-dropped" you, I doubt you would be complaining. There was some confusion over who eye-rolled who and I think that credit should be given where it's due. Hence, my "name-dropping." I am not the comment police and I am not going to ask you or other newbies to play nice. Your words are your responsibility; not mine.
Wow! Who's being snarky now?
It's ok. You didn't offend me.
@Mouse - Big difference: Any perceived snarkiness on my part hasn't come out of left field. I was engaged. Rolling one's eyes at another person, either in writing or in person, is always rude. In this case, I think it was not only rude but, if I read Mena's comment as I believe it was intended, it was also unfair. Maybe you're okay with that kind of behavior, but I'm not. I'm truly sorry if that offends you or anyone else.
I think I've said enough on the subject and I'm sorry for any disruption that I may have caused.
What does Lainey think of Michael Fassbender? Would he fit Drama?
There was an article today about Fassbender and McAvoy, and wondered if these two might fit. A bit out of left field, but they might fit. Thoughs?
KaDixonLaw, I'm so sorry you got caught in this maelstrom and thanks for understanding where I was coming from.
There were no intentions on my part to offend.
Neil Patrick Harris as dimples
Never herard her call him major gross before (Fassenbender that is) in fact i think she has called him hot before, just thinks all the talk about his "size" s getting old.
She is having a chat today at lunch - My comments never seem to make it through, good place to ask questions though if anyone else wants to try
Mine made it through only once. But I'll try.
Kind of jealous of this "Guest" person who gets their questions in regularly... And is a fricking Twihard!
Thanks for the Fassbender info. I couldn't remember where she stood in regards to this guy. I know she hates his pants problem...
woopsy - live blog is tomorrow - SORRY
@Mena - Thanks! I had a feeling you didn't. : )
Didn't Lainey just write a 'did he or didn't he' article about Fassbender and his ex-girlfriend re: the alleged abuse that occurred? I remember it because she was saying that she didn't want to call the ex-girlfriend a liar. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of the other details.
If he is guilty of abusing her, I would say that certainly qualifies as "super gross" behavior. Abuse, in any form, is disgusting.
I just read through all the comments and guesses for this blind-wow things got heated on this one! Look at what one little blind can do to us all, just cause its vaguely written! Lol.
(not trying to be a smartass at all, just trying to lighten the mood a little :))
Anyways, when I first read this blind, the first name that popped into my head for the dark dramatic one was Jared Leto. This could be completely ridiculous, but he does fit at least some aspects. He also hasn't really appeared in much of anything lately that I know of, but I know he's busy with that shitty band of his, 30 seconds to mars, so this could easily be just his personal choice to pursue music over acting rather than an inability to find work because of his attitude. But he does seem to fit the overall discription, at least in my opinion. Thoughts?
I actually think that Ryan gosling is a really good guess for the cute one. Like someone else said, maybe this is the first bit of non-straight gossip that has surfaced about him? Remember, even toothy tile had zero gay whispers once upon a time, they all have to start somewhere! :) but I also think JGL is a good guess. The problem is that this blind is so vague and broad that it could be half the guys in Hollywood! There are tons of actors that could fit the description of the cute as dimples guy. We need more clues!!!!
Anyways, these are just my thoughts! What do y'all think, especially about my Jared Leto guess?
I like the Jared Leto, guess, but the only problem with it i would Lainey really consider him an acclaimed actor?
@KaDixonLaw:the ex-girlfriend dropped the charge and even they started to date again(before they broke because now he's with SHAME's black co-star)
the big deal here seems to be DRAMA and it's always pretty vague
@EggHead - I like the Jared Leto guess too, but...
@Michelle - I would say formerly acclaimed fits him better. Remember Prefontaine and Requiem for a Dream? Both acclaimed but both from many years ago.
@FrenchGirl - Thanks for the clarification. Fassbender is definitely attractive, but he's always struck me as creepy. Now it makes sense.
The line, " As a result, his heartbreaker is trying..." Heartbreaker was a 2011 French film starring Vanessa Paradis, Johnny Depp's babymomma and ex.
ewan mcgregor as dimples ?
Any thoughts on Robert Downey Jr as the super cute one?
- he's an acclaimed actor
- we all find him super cute
- he's popular
- he has dimples
- wears an old fashioned dress in Sherlock 2
- has said that many of his acquaintances think he is an 'eccentric bisexual' in interviews and is very open that he has no issues at all w people being gay or bi
Just wondering what you all think about this guess as it sounds to me like it fits the clue pretty darn well!
On CDAN there was a commenter called "Himmmmmm" and it's rumored that this commenter is actually Robert Downey Jr. Himmmmmm's posts on CDAN include the following:
"And all I'll say about another old topic? I am NOT a cross-dresser! My wife happens to collect vintage clothing and it's tough to surprise her when you share a home and office. But I admit I DO look good in pumps and a dress,:-) "
I would have a thousand guesses, if Lainey hadn't said they were "acclaimed". She doesn't use the word "gross" to describe a lot of people. I've been reading for a few years and I can only remember her using it to describe:
- any reality star (not acclaimed)
- michael pitt (acclaimed somewhat)
- emile hirsch (acclaimed somewhat)
- ryan phillippe (not acclaimed)
- gerard butler (not really acclaimed)
- sean penn (acclaimed)
Dimples might be JGL but you never know with Lainey. She has her obsessions (Ryan Gosling) sometimes and seems to think her personal viewpoint is the popular opinion.
@kadixonlaw, I couldn't decide if Jared Leto would be considered an "acclaimed" actor...he definitely hasn't done anything lately that would earn him such a title, but then thinking back to the time of requiem for a dream (which happens to be one of my favorite movies actually!), I would consider him to be acclaimed at that time. I think you put it pretty perfectly with "formerly acclaimed" actually. So it's a toss up I guess. Whether or not he's still relevant enough for Lainey to write a blind about him is a whole other discussion lol. Idk I'm definitely not 100% confident that it's him, hes just who came to mind while I was reading it the first time.
@md1979, I actually think RDJ is at least a decent guess for the cute guy. He fits pretty well. Idk if this "himmmm" characters comments would be the best evidence though, cause I'm definitely not convinced that himmmm is RDJ, in fact I think the chances that it is him are slim to none. But with that being said, I'm definitely not knocking your guess, I actually think its a pretty good one!
Hmmmm...Jared Leto and RDJ perhaps? Actually a kind of hot sounding couple!! Lol :P
I LOVE the Himm/RDJ "old fashinoned dresses" connection! Brilliant.
I thought that was a specific clue Lainey gave - BINGO you nailed it MD1979.
I am on board with RDJ as the dimples and the other guy Johnny Depp or Michael Pitt.
Has Lainey mentioned any clues for this lately? I have not seen her liveblog.
@MD1979 - RDJ has described his sexuality as being fluid and I think you're spot-on in saying that most of us adore him. I certainly do!! Here's my only issue with your RDJ theory:
"As a result, his heartbreaker is trying, ignorantly, to go back to the other side of his bisexuality."
RDJ is married (with a newborn), so he hasn't really left that "side of his bisexuality." Right?
Found this article titled Old-fashioned bromance with RDJ during promotion for Sherlock Holmes...nothing interesting to it other than the title though.
The thing is, RDJ is 100% loyal to his wife- Ted and others have spoken about their unusal monogamy! He'd never have sex with anyone else, man or woman, so I don't think he fits. Im loving Joaquin Phoenix for brooding though!
Dimples: Zac Efron
Drama: Joaquin Phoenix
@KaDixon Law - My thought is that a gay affair (however temporary) would qualify as a departure from the straight "side of his bisexuality" - so RDJ could be trying to back to his straight side by returning to wife.
Also the fact that he has a newborn actually leans me towards RDJ. The late stage of pregnancy and the months after childbirth can be a dry time sexually for many couples so that could give him a reason to stray....????
Also even if he is really loyal to his wife, "loyalty" seems to be a fluid concept in Hollyweird. Like Hugh Jackman's male business partner is supposedly really his lover but he's been married for years to his wife and they've raised kids together - so on one hand he's "loyal" to his wife as a life partner and parent, just not sexually. Not saying that's the case with RDJ and my guess could be totally off base, but it doesn't seem all that uncommon.
I like the Joaquin Phoenix guess for brooding!
Wondering if it's not Jared Leto for Drama:
Read especially at the end of Lainey's text, the link provided on how Jared Leto is disgusting.
@Rita - I saw that article too and, yes, it made me think that EggHead was right about Jared Leto.
@MD1979 - I see where you're coming from; although, I disagree. Perhaps I'm reading the line too literally. However, in light of the now extremely high liklihood that Drama is Leto, we have to ask ourselves: Would RDJ be likely to go there? Where Paris and LiLo have gone before? I hope not.
Oddly enough, I can see Ewan McGregor and Jared Leto together. Not sure why...
Leave My McGregor alone!
I know, I know, he's kind of a ho. And could fit.
But I think Dimples should be someone not married. Because the last sentence, IMO, means that he is trying to give his heterosexuality a shot, i.e. going out with a new girl.
The hot McGregor is married. Albeit, an open marriage by many accounts.
@Egghead, you slightly broke my heart calling 30 seconds to mars shitty and, by suggesting Jared Leto is Drama, you are implying he is gross. But *sigh* alas, it does seem to fit if you go the "formally acclaimed" route(don't remember who said that, but I like it). It also struck me when it said "he fronts like he's dark" because it is the frontman of 30STM. But, don't know if someone already asked this, was he ever dropped from a show/movie/whatever for being difficult?
And, I just realized I have a slight claim to fame, my friend got to interview him once and said he was really nice. But, that's one person's opinion.
Don't hate me for this Rita :) but what if "going back to the other side" means more of him (McGregor)trying to make his marriage work?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Like that would ever matter. Snort.
The McGregor is a really good guess for Dimples @KaDixon. Lainey likes him a lot, his fans like him a lot, I like him and scream for him a lot.
I find him to be on the same level of hot/cute as Ryan Gosling. Let's hope Lainey does a Live blog soon and answers some questions.
@Rita - You aren't alone--I adore Ewan too! I do get a little bit of a man-ho vibe from him, though. But he and Leto would be H-O-T-T!!!!!!
@PrincessTiff - Thanks! I thought formally acclaimed fit him perfectly. He will always be Jordan Catalano to me, but he really showed a lot of talent in some of those earlier movies. P.S. I love 30 Seconds to Mars! : )
Oh, I forgot to mention. I didn't find anything on Jared Leto being fired from a movie, BUT I did find this:
He's been sued by his label for failing to produce music/albums that he was contractually obligated for and he threated to use a baseball bat on critics who gave his band bad reviews.
I found this in Lainey's FAQs section:
"Q: What is a blind riddle? How do I find the answers?
Gossip columnists use blind items to report scandalous, dirty smut without the threat of a lawsuit. My riddles contain clues pointing to the celebrity in question and follow up clues are usually embedded elsewhere in subsequent columns which means you have to read every word. As irritating as that is though, once you find the embedded detail, it pretty much gives away the answer. Unfortunately, I am not able to answer guesses via email. Please forgive…would be happy to spill in person!"
I think we have to go back to the day her riddle was posted, and make sure to re-read all her posts... I'm sure we missed something...
Anyone see the Bale + Bentley post from Lainey a few days ago? Got me thinking about this blind item. Perhaps the Bale is right but the rising star is Bentley? He was just in Hunger Games and his fame is just now exploding on the scene. Just a thought- they look quite cuddly in these pics!
Bentley was notouriously difficult post American beauty...I am sure he was fired from Monsters Ball and something else (cant recall what)...does Lainey find him gross?
@Blah I was thinking Wes Bentley was the nice one and Bale was the dark brooding type. I thought Wes' issues were substance related and he ended up going to rehab after (his friend) Heath Ledger died. I also was under the impression that Lainey hated Bale, and even made a remark about how nice it was to see him looking happy in these pics. I never knew he was difficult from back in the day!
Ella Bee - I think your right - Dark Knight - 'He Fronts like hes dark' and Bales tantrum on the set of Terminator 4...
i never thought Lainey hated Bale or she despised him(she hates Nicole Kidman and she seems to despise Brangelina for example) but she is more "he lives his life" with him and doesn't know how to categorise him.
i guess one of guys is enough young around 30's so Emile Hirsh is Drama (he was in DARKEST HOUR)and JDL or Zac Efron is Dimples
what about Joaquin phoenix & casey affleck?
Joseph Gordon Levitt & Emile Hersch for the win - they first met on Third Rock from the Sun.
I still kinda like Bentley & Bale, but....Does anyone think that Lainey's double use of the word "Super" might be a blatant hint towards Superman? Like Brandon Routh or Henry Cavill?
I feel like the "dark" character has less to lose than "dimples", with his threat of exposure and all. To me that says there might already be huge gay rumors out there about him (like a Kevin Spacey-type). Hmmm....Lex Luthor and Superman? Juicy. J/k. Sorta;-)
I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt for the sweet one. Dimples? Check. Likes to wear Old Fasion stuff? Check out his twitter pic. Cute? Check. Acclaimed? Yes. For the dark, I think Christian Bale's the obvious choice. And while I don't watch anything he's in, my impression is that he's "acclaimed" and is definitely a tool.
I am almost 100% sure dimples is JGL ( and i can never guess these blinds). ryan gosling is attractive but he is being MARKETED as a "hunk" type, regardless of whether people find him attractive. his people definitely aren't trying to brand him as cute ("crazy, stupid, love", anyone? his character in that was definitely sexy,e not cute). JGL is very attractive but he is marketed as more of an old fashioned guy, he is not trying to work the whole sex god thing, and i feel that lainey was trying to direct us in his direction with that "old fashioned dresses comment" but letting us know he was still pretty young by calling him "cute". JGL would also be considered acclaimed since he is really artistic and is getting major buzz right now for directing his first movie soon. not to mention he has been in the business a while, i have never heard of any of his movies getting bad reviews. he has been in a longterm relationship with a dancer named lexy hulme but he is very private and can easily be bisexual. i have no idea who drama could be, but i like the christian bale guess since they both costarred in the new batman movie ( even though lainey did have a blind that suggested that he and anne hathway had an affair onset). i am not convinced that RDJ is either of these since i feel that the two people in question have a slighter younger or more hip audience than RDJ would have. maybe drama would be slighter older than JGL, and I can't really think of anyone besides James Franco that is constantly known for thinking that work is "beneath him", and he was notted.
I'm with you, mizpoet.
I am disappointed in myself that I didn't already know that JGL was going to be in Dark Knight Rises! I concur, it seems the best choice for this to go with him for Dimples and Bale is an obvious choice for the dark tortured guy. I love JGL--so cute and seems so sweet! I def don't mind if he's gay but wish he would choose someone with a little less cray;)
Just to go with a little less obvs, I just want to throw out there that Tom Hardy (Bane in the new Batman) is openly bisexual. If the two hooked up, he has less to lose reputation-wise if he chose to reveal it because everyone already knows he swings both ways.
Now that would be pretty juicy.
@Ella Tom Hardy has never come across as gross or dark imo. He seems rather sweet in his interviews.
I'm thinking the other guy may be Bruce Willis. They're costarring in Looper. Kevin Smith called him an "emo bitch" lol!
Lainey does not find Tom Hardy gross at all, on the contrary, she finds his hotness almost bothersome, and often gifts us with a gif of him continuously winking at the camera during an interview while talking about sex.
how does she feel about leo dicaprio? i remember her posting a blind about an actor not being good in bed that everyone thought was him, and now ted is implying that he is bi
personally i find leo attractive but i think he might be a bit smug and pretentious in real life, not to mention he goes through women left and right. they also co starred in inception....
@littlemiz... My first guess for drama was Leo, but as someone pointed out, Leo has been on and off on fave 5 for years now.
But in my own defense, Lainey has often admitted that she likes them dirty. And personally, I do find Leo gross.
However, he has never lost a role because of his shitty attitude, not that I know of anyways. And that takes him out of the equation for this blind, IMPOV.
maybe they are referring to leo's never ending quest for an oscar. maybe there is a real reason for him not winning, that might be about him pissing someone off. idk who else it could possible be, i think we need more clues about drama.....
I just wanted to clear one thing up after reading this loooong thread,lol.
To the comments regarding Himmmm, I can tell you with 100% certainty he is NOT RDJ, he is infact a man named Talley Griffith and while he does have some minor hollywood connections, hes not that well informed.
Im not going to get into how I know this, b/c its would be too long a post, but I will tell you that im certain its Himmmm, and I hope the sisters dont recieve a c&d for my comments since Tally trolls the net to find places that he is named.
Hope that helps in a small way.
She just outed JGL as dimples:
For some reason this reminds me of the Boy Sh-t he got into with Michael Cera a few years ago at Sundance. Click here if you missed that. The ones with dimples can be super precious too, you know
You beat me to it T-Swizzle!
I was wondering also if this was outing JGL as dimples.
Now who is drama???
AAAAHHHHHH!!! You guys are so good.
if Joseph for Dimples, than Drama, the guy who keeps on losing roles for his shitty behavior, and that Lainey finds super gross, must logically be Emile Hirsch. What do you guys think?
I thought she was talking about matthew McConaughey and Alex Pettyfer on the set of Magic Mike.
Someone on another forum said that Lainey revealed dimples as Chace Crawford at her Smut fest this week...iif this is true (the acclaimed actor part must be fabricated) then would drama logically be Ed Westwick? I beleive Lainey has alluded to finding him gross in the padt, but I dont see him losing roles or having an attitude. Also surely Gossip Girl would be beneath him.
Also off subject how many blinds has Lainey run on Chase Crawford now? Its kind of boring that its actually him if this is true....
Chace Crawford, an acclaimed actor? Jee-yaah, d-okay. I will need to see a link, or hear an audio, or read a transcript from Lainey actually stating this, if it is true, Lainey needs help to call Chace Crawford an acclaimed actor, all of his movies have gone straight to video, so if this is by chance him, she needs to re think her blinds. But until then, what else was said at the Smut thing? Is there anywhere to read actually what was said, and talked about instead of what people wore?
I was trying to find the smut reveals and saw the Chance Crawford/scared straight one on gossip rocks..I honestly thought it was Michael Cera.....I just dont see how CC can be acclaimed - whereas i fits JGL/Michael Cera pefectly
There has to be a better confirmation. I just don't see how Lainey can call Chace acclaimed? AT ALL. Could be someones PR team (jgl) etc, I dunno. Someone has to have a rundown, of the Smut, and what was said, or someone asked her when she live blogged. If it is true, she needs to stop with the pop culture for a minute, she is a bit over reaching with the acclaimed actor bit for Chace.
Lainey revealed Dimples as Joseph Gordon Leavitt and Drama as Michael Pitt (Boardwalk Empire, Dawson's Creek) at her party in Toronto last night. She did it indirectly - by naming 500 Days of Summer and Boardwalk Empire - but it was easy to figure out from there.
Sarah, what else was revealed?
I have been only checking in on the blind gossip every once in a while here lately, esp since Ted has been on some sort of extended vacation (???)-so I never even knew my Jared Leto guess took off like it did! That's a first for one of my guesses LOL. But I am very sorry about the heartbreak, especially since it ended up being unnecessary, as Drama turned out to be Michael Pitt! It actually broke my heart just a bit to guess him, because however douchy I may find him to be now, I looooved him in Requiem for a Dream. But oh well, I guess he's at least somewhat salvaged now for both of us!! Lol :)
aaaargh! this just broke my heart! Robin is gay! :s
Lainey revealed this one today:
"I saw JGL several times during TIFF at other screenings. Also at Soho House. Where at one point, briefly, ahem, he was talking to Michael Pitt. Pitt seemed to be more engaged in their conversation. To the casual observer, JGL was the one who exited that discussion as soon as he could."
@Hollywood Snoop!!!!
As soon as I read this, I thought, DAMN, A CONFIRMATION!
Wonder what the conversation was like.
Hmm anyone see today's post about JGL avoiding answering questions about his sexuality? I take it that this blind is still about him, but Lainey has now become less keen on outing people.
Drama is Jared Leto and Dimples is Colin Farrell.
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