Wife Confronts Colleague
A popular married television personality who’s also a chronic cheater had an affair a few years ago with a woman (also married with kids) who’s now become his colleague. The colleague ran into his wife recently. The wife decided they would have a little conversation. There were no pleasantries. The wife pretty much opened with - who did you have to f-ck to get this new position? How many people have you f-cked to get to where you are now? The colleague, obviously mortified, as they’re actually in a place crawling with parents and children, frequented by their own children, tried to be civil, tried to downplay the hostilities. No, the wife wasn’t interested in having a dignified discussion in public. She kept up her line of questioning about the colleague’s career mobility with pointed questions about how much time she’d spent on her back to get to where she is. The badgering continued, the wife was relentless, until the colleague rushed away. The wife is now boasting about the incident to all the ladies in the circle and beyond, convinced that the reason the colleague is getting so much play on the network these days is because she’s willing to give up so much play for the executives, the way she gave it up for her husband.
This isn’t the first time the wife has behaved aggressively. Her husband has pleaded with her to chill out when they’re in public as it could affect his reputation, like his constant dicking isn’t the major contributor to that. Still, her target right now is his colleague and the colleague’s reputation and she seems to be willing, happily willing, to share with anyone who asks how this colleague is earning all her jobs ...though I wonder if all that casting couching is enough since, you know, Julia Roberts didn’t seem to be aware.
Top suspects:
colleague: Natalie Morales
cheating husband: Matt Lauer
I was really stumped on this one. I had to run to the E Boards to get some idea of this....the Julia Roberts reference was just so strange. Someone over there has solved this one right away..I will post the top guess soon, I dont want to spoil the fun by posting it right away.
This is a good one.
YOu know, if this was a movie set, I would've sworn it's Garner.
But how about the following horndogs on TV, that are still married:
David Boreanaz
Matt Lauer - Major one, and would fit the TV personality.
Ah, Matt Lauer and Natalie Morales... remember the Julia Roberts "who's Natalie" video. Lainey loves that clip so I think Matt is the husband and Natalie is the co-worker who got busted.
There's no way this isn't Matt and Natalie. That Julia Roberts reference is a HUGE giveaway.
I'm not aware of these two people but knowing Lainey I immediately thought of a Natalie, LOL. and because Ashton Kutcher has been in the news for cheating I though if there's a Natalie in the 2.5 men cast.
YES the Julia Roberts reference points to Matt L/Natalie M....good point about Ashton K...could he be working with a "Natalie" now on 2.5 Men?? if so, that would fit..however, the berating wife fits more with that Lauer wife than Demi...Mrs Lauer seems so angry!! Cant blame her.
What reference? I think I totally missed it.
I suggested Matt and David, for they are the only outed horndogs on TV, that are still married. I had no idea how to process the Julia Roberts reference in this blind.
Anyone care to help/explain, please?
Rita, go to the Lainey Blinds blog link on this site. On that site, the have a clip from the 2010 Golden Globes red carpet coverage on NBC. In that clip, Billy Bush is interviewing Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, and Rita Wilson. At the very end, Billy tosses back to Natalie Morales and Julia says "Who's Natalie?"
I agree that this is Matt Lauer and Natalie Morales. Matt has been rumored to be a cheater, and the Julia Roberts comment refers to the incident at the Golden Globes when Julia asked "Who's Natalie?" Billy Bush was interviewing Julia and then said they were cutting back to Natalie, and Julia loudly asked "Who's Natalie?"
You can see video of Julia at the Globes here: http://www.dlisted.com/node/35667
Thanks guys... But I still don't get it: did Julia diss Natalie?.. Because she's friends with Matt's wife? Or is it a simple incident that she said "who's Natalie"?
BTW, how annoying is Julia in that clip? She needs a 'sit your ass down' from Lainey, cutting off people like that.
I think that the woman in this is definitely Natalie Morales, but I'm wondering if the man is Brian Williams. The blind indicates that they're new colleagues and Matt and Natalie have been working together for awhile, however, she just signed on to be a part of Brian Williams' new show, Rock Center. Is he a known cheater? I know he's married.
great point!
Matt's marriage has been shaky for years, I'm surprised they're still together...
I don't care how pissed the wife is she could have found a less public way to make herself know, this only makes her look unhinged.
Hehe good pick up on the Matt Lauer Natalie Julia Roberts connection.
Natalie is also is on 'The Marriage Ref', so Jerry Seinfeld or Tom Papas could be the 'newer' colleagues. Never heard Jerry to be a cheater but I could definitely see Jessica bitching someone out!
Great work! So... Natalie Morales and ?. Either Matt Lauer, Brian Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, or Tom Papas (don't know who that last guy is).
Rita - yeah it was a very short thing at the end of the clip. Lainey and some other people made a big deal of that. I don't think she was dissing her on purpose, just didn't know who he was referring to. Who knows. But seems like that is the big clue.
"A popular married TV personality, chronic cheater..."
The only one I truly recognize as a popular TV personality is Matt Lauer. The rest don't fit as well, for I've honestly never heard of Tom Papas, and Brian Williams was never a "chronic cheater" on my gossip radar.
As for Seinfeld, I think Lainey would've said something about his Iconic turn in TV comedy, for what I've read on her blog, she truly disliked the Ref show thing.
Matt Lauer gets my vote... And I say good for his wife!
Cheaters don't need to get away with it, women knowingly sleeping with married men should be called out. Firstly though, Matt's wife should dump his ass and take him to the cleaners. If she is that enraged as to publicly attack a past lover about her husband's cheating, then I'm guessing the atmosphere at home could not be that great for the kids, with the tension between parents and all. So don't say you're staying because of the kids.
My two cents about cheating.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't want Jessica Seinfeld as my enemy she worked too hard to get Jerry. She was just married and dumped her then husband to trade up to Jerry...shes not going down without a fight.
@MISCH: Jerry Seinfeld was never caught cheating, publicly anyways. So I don't think it's Jessica, although she is reputed to be quite in your face with an entitled attitude.
Everything I've read on Brian Williams makes him seem like a true family guy. He's a guy who goes home at night and comes to work the next day. He's a pretty simple guy. Lauer's not that guy. I think it's Lauer's wife, and when she's asking "Who'd you sleep with to get this job?" she might be talking about the new gig on Rock Center with Brian Williams. Natalie's been on the Today Show for a while now - that's not new. But this show is. And if she's just bitter, and she saw all the ads with Natalie Morales, then she's gonna make a snide remark about it.
Add to that, I think Brian Williams' kids are a little older. Not sure they'd be categorized as "children." In 2008, he had a son in high school and a daughter in college. It's not Brian Williams' wife, or Brian Williams. (http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3749595)
Lainey outed Matt Lauer today!
She says in her Shout outs:
Happy 28th Birthday Heather with love from Megan who says…you’re not excited? Because of the number? WHAT??? How about a little “horn dog” Matt Lauer by request to get you out of your buzzkill? Obviously the first photo is my favourite because, in the background, look, it’s papayas!
TADAAAA, blind solved?
Rita - Can't say I'm surprised. I watch the today show while I work out in the morning and last week was their "where in the world is matt lauer?" thing. A couple of the days, female correspondents would just happen to be in these remote locations as well... this blind made me wonder what happened when the cameras stopped rolling...
Cathy - Same here! I hardly ever have time to watch the show though, but caught that one where he was in Kuala Lampur, and I thought to myself, "oh, he's definitely banging that one!"
But in regards to this blind, some where thinking of Jerry Seinfeld, who was never publicly caught cheating, where as Matt, well I still remember the first stories that got out right after he got married... Lainey simply confirmed the guess.
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