Her kids were watching
Film set. Recently. She’s shooting a sex scene. Walking around set in her bra, no shirt on, panties, standard attire, nothing unusual about it...
Except that her children were there that day. They were visiting. And it was no thing, you know? That was her costume. They saw her in his costume while they were there. And then she sat them behind the monitor so that they could see her work and they watched while mom worked with another actor - she rubbed up against him, he returned the rubbing, she made love for pretend, for the movies, to a man that was not the father of her children, in front of her children.
I’m sure over 90% of you are all huffy and tutty about this and have been since the start of the 2nd paragraph. “It’s so inappropriate, it’s so bizarre, these people are sick f-cks”, etc etc etc. Me I’m still trying to decide. Part of me understands the huffing and the tutting. And the other part, well, it’s worth huffing and tutting over in real life, for civilians, because that’s simply not part of that world.
But take Kate Winslet for example - and this is NOT about Kate Winslet - who’s already been naked on screen several times, and her kids go to school with other kids whose parents have seen their mother’s breasts, and you realise, theirs is a totally different reality. And, given that that is the reality, if you are the subject of this riddle, do you prepare your children for it by bringing them with you, by showing them that this is not real, that this is what happens in filmmaking, that this is part of the process, that this is part of what’s considered their craft or their art, or whatever fancy word they’re using for it these days, that this is not dirty, that there’s nothing shady about it, in the hopes of removing or addressing in advance any stigma/embarrassment that might arise later...
Mommy is an Actor and this is what Acting is...
A part of me doesn’t disagree with that either, you know?
Anyway, I look forward to reading your emails.
Top suspect: Gwyneth Paltrow
This was under the intro for today - for those that like to dissect clues -
"PS. Today’s blind is my new favourite. Will be posted before noon PT. "
I don't know. But a few clues for British?
Gwyneth? 'Mommy is an Actor'... made me think of it - also Lainey is always talking about the fact that Gwyneth was raised to be part of a different world - different social rules etc.
We know that she likes Gwyneth too and the tone of this blind is not quite critical - how often does she spend time trying to translate that person's actions for us.. and it's her 'new favourite'. Gwyneth is always her favourite.
I think you are right Lins. Lainey does like to write about Gwyneth, which is why this could be her favorite blind.
and Gwyneth is filming Thanks for Sharing which I believe is a movie about sex addiction.
I definitely am thinking Gwyneth. She is shooting in NYC right now and her kids are with her.
I think this could be Kate Hudson. She's filming now, and I seem to recall that her entire family used to walk around naked.
Oh, and Lainey's ruled out Uma Thurman.
There is no way Lainey would ever refer to Kate Hudson as an Actor with a capital A.
Tilda Swinton. Lainey just posted a new article: Uma vs Tilda: Tall-Off!
Her clue "it's not Uma" indicates Tilda, who has twin sons (I believe).
Totally Gwyneth. Not only is it Lainey's favorite blind, but she defends this behavior, like she does almost everything G does that's eyeroll-worthy. Plus, can't you just see her doing this with a condescending attitude toward all the plebians who find it inappropriate?
I would guess Gwyneth. Tilda Swinton is not shooting right now. According to IMDb, production of her next project, still untitled, will start next year...
Also, GP is WAY into her own bod and strutting her stuff. She unabashedly shows it off at every chance, breast implants and all!
It sounds like Gwyneth, for most of the reasons already mentioned, and for between-the-lines stuff as well. She's got this super upright prudish perfectionist side, you know, with the detox dieting and the upper east side upbringing and the "no cheeze whiz" policy. An I could see her trying to balance that out. I think Gwyneth is always trying to balance herself out. often trying way too hard.
J. Lo- Lainey loves her. She always gets a kick about how j. lo thinks she is above everyone else.
First off, I think the kids MUST be of understanding age about the notion of sex, so anyone under 7 years old, or at least 5 years old is out.
If you bring your babies to set, and they are that, babies, they will never remember what happened that day. So I think JLo and Kate Hudson are out. It did specify Children, and Kate's second child is still a few months old.
I like the Gwen guess, great one Lins! For Gwen is reputed to be cold about sex, and would never think that what her kids would see is anything but work technicalities, and understanding acting, nothing sensual about the experience.
And really, how many times all of us have seen our mothers in their underwear? They get dressed in front of us in the morning while yelling that we did not finish yesterday's homework!
Nothing wrong with that!
Kate Hudson just had a baby, and she's not taken off the baby weight....I don't think she walk around naked at this time.
Definitely think it's Gwyneth.
According to People.com today:
"And with a near-nude scene coming up in her new film, Thanks for Sharing, the actress is feeling more confident than ever. “Now, I’m my own body double,” she boasted."
I like the Gwyn idea, but I also still like J. Lo. Reports of her in Florida with her twins to film "parker" with Jason Statham make the timing work out as well. And that screams J. Lo- my babies should get to see their mommy working stuff she always talks about.
ps- lainey writes words like "favourite", "colour" etc all the time, more the british way than the american way because she is canadian- I don't believe that is intended as a clue towards a british persona (in case people were going british from that), since that is her typical venacular.
@Adrienne - agree on Canadian from of writing, no hints there. Also, Lainey does not work hard on hiding her hints like Ted. She makes it easy for her regular readers to solve her blinds.
Adrienne - my worry with JLO is that her kids are too young to understand what mommy does. How can she explain to them what a sex scene for a movie is?
I still think the kids should be a bit older at least than 5 years old, so they could understand what their mother is trying to explain.
wait, Gwyneth has breast implants?
@SpaCat, yes, very small ones. After her second pregnancy, her boobs completely deflated and were just hanging there (you can do a search on Lainey's site to compare to say, Gwen about 3 years ago, if I remember correctly, when she was directing her first short film), and now, she is just fuller, but still small and classy.
i guess Gwyneth Paltrow because just before to write this riddle, Lainey wrote on Paltrow's last movie
I read this was revealed to be Gwyneth Paltrow at the 2012 Vancouver smut soiree:
"The kids were watching blind (mom does sex scene in front of kids) -- Goop! "
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