Saturday, May 14, 2011

Which celeb is involved in lawsuit?

Brought to our attention by Ted and the Awful team, we've learned about a lawsuit filed this week against a celeb.  Check it out!  Who could it be?  Here's what Ted said about it on Thursday -

Let's Guess the Super Rich Celeb Being Sued for Spreading Herpes!

Get a load of this: According to a seriously salacious lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court yesterday, an "A-list celebrity of substantial fame internationally" knowingly exposed a sex partner to the herpes virus, and that partner is now suing for $20 million.

So who is it? Here's what we know:

The culprit is male, worth in excess of $100 million and lied about not having V.D. On April 1, he lured the person (not ID'd as male of female, BTW) to his Las Vegas hotel room to watch porn and engage in "mutual oral copulation, mutual self-gratification, rubbing and massaging each other, play-wrestling, licking and (unprotected) intercourse."

Also, according to the suit, they did some drugs and, oh yeah, the celeb videotaped the whole thing.

We don't want to get too close to this story, but we're dying to find out which international celebrity is being targeted.

Surely it's not...

Leonardo DiCaprio, who's recently single and has been hitting the party scene extra hard lately? Leo notoriously loves Vegas, and his new film Hoover even had a sneak preview during CinemaCon (the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners) there on an overlapping date. But somehow, we suspect this is not something that helped lead to his breakup with poor Bar.

Also in Vegas a lot would be...

Elton John, but we simply have to refuse to believe the naughty culprit is the knighted, flamboyant singer. The new father and partner to devoted longtime love David Furnish wouldn't engage in such antics! Right? And lucky for this Vegas mainstay and Caesars Palace regular, Elton was in New York performing on Saturday Night Live at the time the accusations went down.

So, then, what, about...

Jeremy Piven, who frequents Vegas clubs and was definitely there a few weeks after the incident occurred, for a Mumford and Sons concert at the Cosmopolitan hotel? Word is Jerm has a thang for kinky sexcapades. But would we really consider him "an A-list celebrity of substantial fame internationally?" Uh, no.

So let's then move on to worldwide superstar...

Tom Cruise, who certainly has the bucks to pony up a payload like that. Not to mention it certainly wouldn't be the first time T.C. had been accused of some weird sexual peccadillo. But the point is, Tom and Katie are hardly debauched Sin City regulars, and besides, Tom sues faster than Scarlett Johansson asks Sean to smooch with her, and everybody knows this, so any loud legal action from somebody trying to get revenge: highly unlikely.

Hmmm, Vegas act and Caesars Palace cash cow....

Celine Dion is super wealthy and well known worldwide. We knew there had to be more going on than meets the eye with that grandpa hubby of hers! Open marriage? Conservative front for a kinky couple? Celine! Who knew? Oh, wait, the suit did say it was a guy, so, never mind. Too bad, it actually would have made us like you better!

But look, like we said, we don't think it's any of the folks mentioned above. CinemaCon and the Academy Country Music Awards both took place in Las Vegas around April 1, leaving tons of wealthy, raunchy A-list candidates.

So who the hell is it?!

Tell us who you think!

Then, Ted posted this update Friday, and gave the celeb a BV-like nickname: "Schmuck-Wad Stupid-Ass" -

Did a Blind Vice All-Star Give Someone $20 Million Herpes?

UPDATE: We'll admit—we may have gotten our gay panties in a twist on this one. 'Cause we initially pegged the herp jerk as one of our fagalicious BV fellows, but it seems there's a clue in the lawsuit that most prying eyes overlooked—that the screwed-over someone is a chick! After pages and pages of trying to hide the Plantiff's gender, the unlucky clerk wraps by demanding "her claims" go to trial. Whoopsies! Clerical error? Or not?
In that case, our money is on previous long shot Saucy Bossy and his sometimes-womanizing ways. Or possibly Crescent Kumquat, who likes to boink a babe from time to time and isn't a stranger to STDS (or the Vegas party scene).
And we can't forget Super-Duper Cooper, whose sleazy sexcapades make us want to barf every time. This kind of gross-out garbage is the stuff that made him infamous behind closed doors.
Either way, it seems the lying lothario is quickly dishing out the dough to cover his scandalous tracks. Ha! Like something this scandalous will just get swept under the carpet. Lawyers may be trying to throw us off this perv's trouble-making track, but we think we've got him nailed. So who's your best guess?

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Blind Vice to weigh in on yesterday's scandalous celebrity lawsuit.
(We were planning on telling you Shellack Attack has already ditched that dude she was two-timing her much more famous bf with, because the guy was just too plebian, poor Shellack's climbing as fast as she can!)
Which megaceleb is getting slapped with a $20 million lawsuit because he gave his sex partner herpes, and videotaped the whole unsafe-sex act as it was going down?
Hmm. We're just going to call this guy Schmuck-Wad Stupid-Ass, and we might add, he sounds an awful lot like some contenders from our Blind Vice Hall of Fame, right?
At the top of our guessing game would have to be...
Seymour Plow-Me More, the Hollywood A-lister who keeps on (time after friggin' time) flagrantly putting his homo out there in semi-public places, all the while maintaining an ostensibly heterosexual life for the media.
I mean, this guy has plane-loads of dudes flown all over the world—by straight pilots who talk! And this is just one example of how Seymour lives to take chances, as is clear from the lawsuit itself, if you read every little dirty detail.
Now, also known to take dumb-butt chances, once in awhile, would have to be...
Toothy Tile, who we're simply praying isn't this arrogant Schmuck-Wad creep. Come on, there's a difference between wanting to just get your sex on in a dark alley, say, and filming it while giving somebody herpes! Now, Toothy's made some pretty moronic moves in his life, but not even he's this dim—or full of himself.
Probably not quite this insanely risky, either, would be...
Fey Oiled-Tush, who just lives to set up his elaborate flying harems (what is it with closeted gay actors and planes, what, they think it's not going to get back to anybody because it happened up in the air?). But he also abides—just as vigilantly—on having all his tracks covered. In other words, all these witnesses must sign non-disclosure agreements, not that that crap actually stops people from talking, but it does succeed in creating a certain chill somebody like Schmuck-Wad Stupid-Ass has no desire to create.
A less obvious choice, too, might just be...
Saucy Bossy, who even though he does prefer the down-low company of other men, does—from time to time (and certainly more often than Toothy, for instance) actually date and have sex with other women. And there's something peculiarly plausible, if you read the details just right, about this lawsuit that leaves the possibility the "mutual self-gratification" that went on, prior to the unsafe intercourse, etc., could have been between a man and a woman.
But we still guess it's between two men. And who shows up more often in the Vice annals that that combo?
Tellin' ya, we've probably written about Schmuck-Wad before.

Then Ted posted this newer update June 22, 2011 -

Poll: Who's Behind the Priciest Herpes Eva?!

Remember that mystery A-lister getting sued for giving someone herpes?
Well the STD host/big-time celeb quietly settled, for $5 million. Yes, $5,000,000. Let's drool over all those zeroes. The plaintiff even wanted $20 freakin' mil, but we're thinking "she's" pretty happy.
Anyhoo, TMZ, the gossip blog that broke this fabulously sheathed (just not penis-sheathed) item, is steering clear of even saying who they think might be the culprit:
Not even a friggin' hint! What the hell's up with that, babes? Much like the Awful Truth has done, don't ever recall Harvey Levin's TMZ outfit holding back when they had a celebrity opinion—in the least!
Maybe it's because H.L. has some connections with the infected him (or her!)? Maybe it's somebody who's not so A-list, after all—or maybe TMZ just doesn't know? Fair enough.
Or do we just have the ol' boys club network in action here, some slut-dude like Charlie Sheen who's being protected because that's just what guys do for each other?
Hmmm, let's find out:

Top suspect: ?


Caz1310 said...

Jay-Z (rumour that he gave Rhianna herpes) or Fiddy Cent.

My Comment said...

Has to be an actor--so I'll go with most at AT--Charlie Sheen

Jenna said...

It has now been reported that the deed did NOT happen on April 1st, sometime during the few months before that date (lawyer put in "on or before April 1st" so no one could deduce who it is by...well...doing exactly what we were doing! :) At least we don't have to figure out who had penthouse apartments during Comic Con anymore! :)

A-List International Celeb
Worth over 100 Million
Was in Vegas sometime in Jan, Feb or March of 2011
Straight or Bi (not gay, as this is a woman suing a man)

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Your Vicers and real people guessers for the herpes passer are both four. Is this is a slick way of allowing us to play matching the celebrity with his Vice

name? If so, I guess Leo for Seymour, Tom for Toothy, Elton for Bossy and Jeremy for Fey.

Dear You've Lost Me:
I thought you were going to say so is it Alex Pettyfer from I Am Number Four. Which actually would have been a pretty good, crafty guess! Not him, however.

Nor is it Leo, Tom, Elton and Jeremy. Interesting note: But, all four guys have other Vices. Good luck!"

"Dear Ted:
No question today, just a comment. The minute the Vegas herpes story broke, I thought of you. Am betting you had wind of this before it hit the press, and

also betting you have a darn good idea as to who the culprit is!

Dear You Got That Right:
Really, it's kind of funny when I see a story like this break, I think, if only folks knew how damn often dirty dealings like this really go down. And for

that reason, I think the case should go to trial—so people get an idea of how truly entitled these selfish stars can be. But, of course, it never will. It'll

be settled, like it almost always is."

Anonymous said...

Line 48 of the doc says the defendant is male, FYI.

KaDixonLaw said...

@Jenna: Just an FYI re: the date of the incident...

When drafting pleadings, a tactic utilized by many attorneys is to say, "On or about..." even when the exact date of an incident is likely known.

One reason for the use of this tactic is that the attorney is asserting items represented by their client as fact. To cover their own butts, attorneys often submit a notarized Verification (when filing the Complaint) that has been signed by the client to re-assert the fact that the client has presented the information in question (to the best of their knowledge or belief) as fact. That said, it is highly likely that the event occurred on April, 1.

I hope that helps and, more importantly, I really hope I made sense. I'm pooped, so I won't even venture a guess until tomorrow. : )

Jenna said...

Hi KaDixonLaw! I actually read somewhere that the lawyer said he specifically kept the date (April 1st) away from the actual date, which happened up to a few months prior, so people would not be able to figure out who it was. It stands to reason that if people were able to guess, the accused would be far less inclined to pay a large settlement (who would pay $21M to keep it quiet if he were already outed, right?). Who knows! :)

My Comment said...

Nope sorry--"on or about" means just that within days--not months it is a legal document.

Besides TMZ had this up before Ted and if it was not for the fact people actually read the document and corrected him Ted would not have made a correction.

And the aint's are just rubbish to throw people--if Ted keeps doing stuff like this he will get a rep as being nothing more than a person who throws names together with no substance.

Unknown said...

My first thought: Colin Farrell. Lainey was "in love" with him until earlier this year, then suddenly he did something, no specifics on what, and she was disgusted and basically said he was off her Freebie Five for life.

KaDixonLaw said...

@Jenna: That's interesting. It's not a tactic I would employ, especially not in a civil matter of this nature. To admit to holding that information back with the intent of securing a large sum as settlement is bold since the act of threatening to release the true date of the incident and, by association, the name of the Defendant, is extortion. IMHO, of course. : )

Anyway, there can't be many celebs worth that kind of money. To me, a $100 million is indicative of a superstar who has been making the big bucks for a while, e.g. Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. I immediately thought of Will Smith, but I'm not sure that he's a big Vegas player.

Alejandra said...

Maybe looking through the Forbes list can help see who is worth at least 100 million....??

Currently scanning it now...

Anonymous said...

If you read the lawsuit two things pop out. First Section 48 says this: "In engaging in sexual relations with Plantiff without advising him of his infection with herpes, Defendant....." To me this makes it sound like the Plantiff is a man but on page 12 it says: Plantiff hereby demands a jury trial for her claims against Defendants. I don't know if this is supposed to confuse us but the Sec 48 quote makes it seem as if the Plantiff is a male. The last quote says it is a female. Are they trying to confuse us or am I just not reading this right. Anyone else have anything to input on this???

Katie said...

RE the gender, I think the doc is trying to be intentionally misleading with the "his" and "her" pronouns, or they messed up. Bottom line - we don't know the gender of the plaintiff, even though many gay men have commented for whatever reasons that it sounds like gay sex (something about wrestling?)

The obvious guess is Charlie Sheen, but I doubt it. He hasn't much to hide at this point, you know? He doesn't seem the type to lure women into sex - the chase isn't a big deal for him because he's demonstrated again and again that he has NO problem paying for sex with prostitutes. So I doubt it's him.

Sounds more like someone who has a lot to lose. A LOT. Tom Cruise. Will Smith. Travolta. Leo. Whoever this is, they are big.

I think it's cool that Ted put this up and sort of guessed with us. He's being honest - he doesn't know who this is because so many A-listers behave this way! He actually gave us a whole slew of clues to other vices in the process, too.

Juda1 said...

I think the $100M+ narrows it down to a tiny amount of celebs. Those with $100M+ are the Leo's, the Brad's, the Keanu's, the Tom's etc etc ...

Caitlin said...

What about Michael Jordan? He's internationally known, is an actor (does Space Jam count? haha) and his Golf Tournament was in Vegas on April 1st.

KaDixonLaw said...

@Caitlin's Michael Jordan mention made me think of Tiger Woods. I just looked it up and there was a PGA tournament in Houston from the end of March through April 3; however, Tiger wasn't there. He spends A LOT of time in Vegas and regularly drops $1 million on gambling sprees.

lelale said...

How about Ah-nold he is worth at least 100 mill and is internationally known and that may be why Maria just dumped him.

Caz1310 said...

Arnold has a history of cheating on Maria....I think we need to look beyond the typical selection of movie stars. Arnold is a great guess.

Cassiopeia said...

It is not Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan as it specifically says this is an actor.
Also, not that it makes a huge difference, no where in the document does it say that this person is "internationally" says "intentionally".

Viking Girl said...

Now I'm wondering which vice belongs to Jeremy Renner...

Anonymous said...

Obviously Jaime Foxx

Clancy said...

I know Tom C wasn't in Las Vegas on April 1 (April Fool's Day) but if the date isn't the actual date it happened I think he could be a contender. As soon as I read 'play-wrestling' I was reminded of this:

An account in which a male prostitute hired for Tom Cruise recalls their sexual encounter ... but then wrestling could be a part of gay foreplay generally, I don't know.

Thinking out loud: He's worth $100 mill plus and Katie Holmes does sport cold sores often - one form of herpes can spread through simple skin to skin contact like kissing. I can't imagine him being stupid enough to tape the event but if he's got a month-long schedule of playing house with Katie and Suri coming up, he might just stockpile dvds of things like this to get him through the long days of cupcake baking and Anne of Green Gables re-runs.

Would love this to be someone like Tom Hanks.

Viking Girl said...

Is it just me, but why is 'wrestling' considered a man- on -man thing? I suppose it depends on the legal definition of 'wrestling'? In a ring, with a referee? Or just a little rolling around? LOL.

MISCH said...

There are Herpe lists on the web, you'd be amazed who's on it..
Katie was on it before Tom, Brad is on figure most of his women, Jen..Angie have it...
In fact it's easier to list Who doesn't have it.

Caitlin said...

Denise, it says internationally. "A-list celebrity of substantial fame internationally" Also, no where does it say that this celeb is strictly an actor, just referred to as a megaceleb. Singers (Elton and Celine) were mentioned as potentials. So I get the impression that no one knows who it is, and the known facts are he's male, internationally known, huge star, was in Vegas around April 1st, and worth over 100 million.

Katie said...

OK, I'm fairly sold this could be Tom Cruise. Just clicked on the Celebitchy link above. Wow.

Ted is wrong that Tom and Katie aren't so into Sin City. They've been several times together, and who knows how many times apart. Tom and Nicole used to go there all the time.

GMD all the way.

KaDixonLaw said...

@Denise: Are you referring to the actual Complaint or to Ted's write-up when you say that this blind can only be an actor who is "intentionally" known? From everything I've read, I agree with Caitlin. I believe this is an internationally known celebrity. I don't know about you, but I think a celebrity can be anything from an actor to a big-name sports star.

Cassiopeia said...

Caitlin/KaDixonLaw...I am referring to the actual it again, line 22 of the first page.

It says..."celebrity of substantial fame INTENTIONALLY wielded his influence..." Not "internationally"

Also it says that the celebrity "has appeared widely on television and film" I took that to mean he was famous for being a tv/movie star. I think if it were an athlete is would say he was an athlete.

Cassiopeia said...

I am sure this person is "internationally" known, I was just saying that many people are reading the official complaint wrong. :)
TMZ originally misquoted the complaint when they first broke the story.

PrincessTiff said...

I think it's Paris Hilton. She is always partying in Vegas, is internationally known and, for better or worse, has been in movies and on tv. There have also been rumors for years that she has herpes.

Unknown said...

@ Lelale- totally ARNOLD. Lainey just dropped some major hints in her post 'That can't be the only one' about his love child today. "I am so, so, SO rich. I don't have to wrap my sh-t when I'm unfaithful to my wife." Pretty nice clue.

Also, @Ryan, Lainey wrote 'Breaking up with you' to Colin about why she and he weren't going to work anymore. She still thinks he's hot but not Freebie Five worthy. And she's always assumed he had herpes and other VDs.

David said...

These blind items have both been run on BlindGossip, and both times BG has illustrated them with the "Dick in a Box" picture, for no obvious reason and with no other explanation. Even if it's just a guess on BG's part, I can't ignore such a strong hint that BG thinks this is Justin Timberlake...

AndreaIU said...

Lainey also went on kind of suggest the whole Timberlake theory. Her article today about Cameron Diaz, had the phrase 'virus box' in the title and also there was an unexplained picture of just Cameron's shorts included. that plus virus box is obvious, non? Plus the whole article is pretty much about how she got a virus from a place with false advertising...umm, hint much? Also, I KNOW her laptop did indeed get a virus last week, but she already covered it, why go into such detail again, she wouldn't do so superfluously.

Katie said...

What makes people think Blind Gossip or Lainey know who this is? Just wondering.

Blind Gossip strikes me as completely suspect. I follow their blind items and think they're all made up. I could make this stuff up. There is no known person behind it, either, like Lainey or Ted. I think whoever is behind BG is a very good, unconnected gossip follower who makes great guesses as to what might happen or juicy storylines that fill out what we already know to be fact, then makes up a blind about it. Like ScarJo being pregnant, what John Mayer said to friends about Giada, etc. Made up.

Unknown said...


KaDixonLaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

oy vey! this is one big game of "who's on first"! denise was merely clarifying that the legal document says: "an A list celebrity of substantial fame INTENTIONALLY wielded is money, influence and notoriety to attract his prey."

somewhere along the way, a non-meticulous person read the story and misquoted it as: "an A list celebrity of substantial fame INTERNATIONALLY..." and boom, the story had legs.

now, it does state in the legal document that the defendant is "widely known" but for the love of god, it does not say internationally known.

also, one more tidbit the legal document revealed is that the defendant/A list celebrity wants to BEGIN an acting career. that is a crucial clue here and may help to eliminate all of the established actors being considered for the bv.

Unknown said...

oh btw, my guess is with arnold. when it rains, it pours, right? lol

my back-up guess is justin timberlake.

KaDixonLaw said...

@Fanta P and Denise: No offense meant here. This is just friendly debate, as far as I'm concerned. @Denise said a couple of things in her comment on May 16, that I disagree with:

"It is not Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan as it specifically says this is an actor."

I don't see where the Complaint specifies that this is an actor; neither has Ted or any other source that I've heard of. Therefore, all celebrities are fair-game and so I was simply defending my Tiger Woods guess (which I now am not so sure of). In fact, @Fanta P's point about the celebrity wanting to begin an acting career is super interesting and, if true, really opens the field up, IMO.

In the same comment, @Denise also said:

"Also, not that it makes a huge difference, no where in the document does it say that this person is 'internationally' says 'intentionally'."

That's totally true: The Complaint does have a line that says the celebrity in question "intentionally wielded..." However, I believe the original commenter was referencing the fact that Ted, and not the Complaint, says that this is an internationally known celebrity.

In other words, no here is an idiot or is misreading anything other than each other's comments.

The Raving Badger said...

Celine's husband...

Rita said...

hmmm, René is too old to even try and cheat. The dude is like 80 years old now.

And trust me, Céline would have his balls, wrinkled and old as them may be.

Anonymous said...

I did read through the entire document and would like to clarify several things:

1. It is the PLAINTIFF who wants to begin an acting career; the defendant is already known for both TV and movies. That rules out all the athletes that people have been guessing.

2. The document does not say that the defendant is internationally known; someone at TMZ just doesn't know how to read. In any case, if they really are worth $100 million, then they probably are internationally known anyways.

3. While the document clearly states throughout that the defendant is male (so no, this is not Paris Hilton), it is intentionally (not internationally, hehe) vague about the gender of the plaintiff - referring to them as J. Roe (rather than John or Jane) and being called "he" at one point in the document and "her" at another. My suspicion is that if they went to such great lengths to not disclose the gender, we're probably looking at a male-on-male situation, but we can't be sure. Closet cases and hetero man whores are all fair game for this one.

Cassiopeia said...

Thanks Fanta and Cathy for clearing some things up.

@Karen,If you re-read Caitlin's post she directly quoted from the complaint. And she, as well as others including TMZ are misquoting. It's a moot point.

sistah2 said...

Wow totally Arnold!
Good call those who posted that guess on 5/16!!

Clancy said...

Lol Rita, wrinkly balls

sarahdb1132 said...

Simon Cowell?

Kirby said...

Arnold Scwarzenegger. Somehow I don't think Maria will leave him for just one love child.

Jolene Jolene said...

"Arnold Scwarzenegger. Somehow I don't think Maria will leave him for just one love child."

I completely disagree. Or hope. The word on the street is that there's more than one. If that's not enough to leave your philandering, sh-t of a husband...I don't know what is.

Kirby said...

@Jamee - completely disagree? are you processing this right? My point wasn't just about the "one" love child. And you have to open your mind to this: some women actually endure that sort of treatment, even when they're self-sufficient and safe financially. She's also not the first Kennedy woman to conduct herself through such a situation.

cl0udys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lele said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lele said...

Anyone think this might be Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio? I was confused when I first saw those photos of them together. Doesn't Leo only date supermodels? He probably sleeps with other girls but normally he seems to be very careful to avoid getting photographed. Even though Kate Winslet says he's her bestfriend, I don't see any casual photos of them hanging out. So, I wonder if he's agreed to getting photographed together to boost Blake's career. She's pretty but she's not as stunning as the models he usually dates. I thought their photos looked kind of awkward and staged. One last piece of info that supports my random theory, Ted's gossip on King Schlong was that he slept with the "L.A. party chick who has bedded...the bisexual star who gave Crescent Kumquat herpes." So maybe Leo has herpes and owes Blake some favors to keep quiet? I'd love to hear some comments on this theory. :)

Anonymous said...

@Lele - I think that Leo is definitely a possibility for this one (he has the money, was in Vegas around the right time and his split with Bar was announced right when this lawsuit came out). But even if it is him, there's no way that Blake is the plaintiff. First of all, the document states that the plaintiff is trying to get into acting - Blake is way ahead of that. Also, if it were Blake, it would be pretty easy for Leo to call her bluff, as she obviously wouldn't want it to get out that she had herpes. While we'll probably never find out who the actor and plaintiff are (since by now I'm sure they've settled), I think it's pretty clear that the plaintiff is NOT a celebrity.

Alejandra said...


Alejandra said...

Oh wait, nevermind- actually read the entire article and it says it is unrelated to this case. Sorry guys!

Anonymous said...

I think there is a very good chance that this is Leo DiCaprio which may actually explain why he is dating Blake Lively. He may have his own scandal to hide and Blake's scandal could provide a nice cover for his own. I like Blake and Leo together although I don't think they will last. Leo is a womanizer and leopards never change their spots.Like the other poster stated it is highly unlikely that we will ever find out who this blind is.

Anonymous said...

Lainey held a Q&A on fb today and this question got asked. She said that the majority of pepople say it's Tiger woods...

Rita said...

Wow, Tiger has not been doing well. He's been paying women left and right in the past 2 years for their silence. But how tacky to not wear protection, even if you don't have an STD. The way he dispenses it, you would think he'd be doubling on raincoats firstly and foremostly!

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Was thinking today as I took my afternoon siesta that perhaps Will Smith was the one being sued by the "female" a while back for the STD and that is now what is causing his marital "non"-issues…Could that be possible? Whatever happened to that story—seemed to fall off the face of the earth, which seems very


Dear Money Talks:
Not suspect at all, B, the STD suspect forked over some serious moolah to keep the sitch under wraps. So very Hollywood, dontcha think? That said, it wasn't
Big Willie. Something else is brewing between these two that has nothing to do with pesky crotch critters."

Zara said...

Jamie Foxx. Today Ted hinted that Saucy Bossy (Jamie Foxx is the popular guess for this)has a nasty STD.
