Producer After Producer
He has been sleeping with producer after producer - mostly females, any age, any shape - offering himself in exchange for opportunities. Any opportunities. While it's rather competitive among famewhores in the project he's best known for, it turns out he's the one who's most aggressive, most desperate, most willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. Hilarious because it hasn't exactly been working for him until recently, a surprise gig.
Still, after so many tries, and other boys on the side in the city, and so many nights with much older lady executives, you'd think he would have gotten further ahead than where he's come to now which isn't all that impressive. Maybe that's why he decided to switch sides. Besides, it suits his true preference anyway. He'll do both, but men are what really make him happy. So he must not have minded when he laid himself out, twice, for a very high profile male producer with an impressive resume mentoring some huge names, recently, in the hopes of perhaps crossing over, straddling several different portfolios at the same time. If Jennifer Lopez can be multihyphenate, with one of those hyphens being a music career, I suppose it gives others hope they can too, him included. Never mind that there's an over 25 year age gap between them.
Top suspects: Chace Crawford
no idea...
Justin Timberlake! The producer is Bryan Singer. JT was announced as star of Singer's "Battlestar Gallactica" This totally fits, JT is a famewhore, Bryan Singer is gay....although I don't think he is THAT much older than him...maybe 20 years?
OK, not sure on the casting of JT in battlestar galactica, but if it's true then it fits.
Hmmm, I almost wanna say Chace Crawford (based on him possibly being Crescent K.)
Desperate for success, hasn't done anything recently, apparently willing to do guys and girls, but seemingly prefers guys. "Other boys on the side in the city" - Crawford in NYC
Comes from GG, which certainly has its fair share of fame-hungry stars- Blake and Leighton have done well, though.
Landed role with Katie Holmes in new movie- Responsible Adults
Not sure about the multi-hyphenate, though... not sure Crawford wants anything but actin gigs. Or the older producer, so it might not fit. And not mention of the supposed Herpes he contracted.
JT has been working too much to fit this description.
"Hilarious because it hasn't exactly been working for him until recently, a surprise gig. "
JT doesn't fit. He didn't win an Oscar or anything but can't really say "it hasn't been working for him" considering he starred in the Social Network
Kellan Lutz?Lautner Taylor? Maybe sb from GG...
Henry Cavill
Chris Hemsworth? He's in producer Joe Roth's new Snow White.
"If Jennifer Lopez can be multihyphenate, with one of those hyphens being a music career, I suppose it gives others hope they can too, him included. Never mind that there's an over 25 year age gap between them."
J.Lo is 41. Does this mean he's younger than 16? To sleepy to think straight,hope sb enlightens me...
Bryan Singer and Taylor Lautner. There's been talk of the two at various all-gay parties.
People it is not Taylor Lautner. Yea he very well may be sleeping with Bryan Singer but this is about someone who hasnt had a great deal of success yet. Taylor could be in basically any movie he wants. And to be honest, i highly doubt he's sleeping with females for parts...
I say Chace Crawford is an ok guess.
How about Kellan Lutz obviously a fameho and desperate to get more work and according to IMDB he's been cast in some drivel called Guardians of Luna.
This person is most likely a huge-already singer/dancer/performer, since getting a big acting gig could catapult the dude into multi-hyphenate superstar....getting ANOTHER acting role wouldn't propel Kellan Lutz or Chase Crawford or any other other pretty-boy actor into a multi-hyphenate star. This is most likely JT, Justin Bieber, Joe Jonas, etc.
Lainey always talks about JT being a famewhore & even though he has had success...he hasn't had a huge, starring role yet.
its gotta be someone young - younger than JT I think - I'm liking Joe Jonas for this
The Bieb? Age gap would be right. The trying-to-branching-out part fits. He's also the only 16-year-old male celebrity I know. Also, maybe the Jennifer Lopez reference means it's someone from American Idol? Just throwing that out there.
I'm changing my mind and going with Chase Crawford. I've just visited the Lainey Blind site, she often uses the term 'in the city' in relation to C.C.
Yeah, I like Chace, too...
But I can't figure out the producer.
Given the stated age difference, the producer would need to be somewhere in his 50s (Crawford is what? 25? 26?)
I looked up the producer of his latest film (Michael Roiff), and can't find an age, but did find a picture, and the guy definitely doesn't look to be in his 50s.
As for multi-hyphenate.... Crawford was going to do Footloose and supposedly was taking singing/dancing lessons, but he certainly hasn't been talking about wanting to branch out, has he? Supposedly he sang on Fallon, though... I dunno, I dunno.
It could be someone younger, too.
it's def not kellan lutz....ted says he is straight. the end. and he doesnt seem to have an issue getting work bc of his looks an action star look.
chace crawford is a good guess but i don't think he's been getting a lot of work besides the recent movie with katie holmes.
justin timberlake is a good guess. he expected to get a nom for his role in social network and didn't. but before that no one has really liked him in movies...just on snl. yet he still gets roles. and he is a known douchelord. eh...i dont know if he prefers guys...
who else...
"it's def not kellan lutz....ted says he is straight. the end. "
Right,'cause if Ted says something then it MUST be true lol...
I guess Lainey was talking about the age diff.between the actor&the producer,not J.Lo. Otherwise it just doesn't make sense,even Bieber (17) isn't more than 25 yrs younger than J.Lo. I mean,if that's what she meant then who's left? Will Smith's kid?
OK I took the 25 year age gap comment to mean between the blind riddle dude and the producer, not the blind riddle dude and J Lo.
Also, Lainey is in Cannes, and so it's reasonable to assume this bit came from Cannes. The Chace Crawford Flick with Katie Holmes was announced at Cannes - Lainey blogged about it last week. Is there a clue in that post?
Matthew Morrison... Did some broadway, Glee, and now just released an album.
Oh just looked at Lainey Blinds - this is def. Chase. He's a repeat vicer "boy in the city."
um no....i believe i made other points as well. and other blogs say that he is straight...why cant he be straight? everyone isn't gay or sleeping with men to get ahead...he has a nobody gf who he seems to be content with.
anyway chace crawford does make sense if out of nowhere he starts popping up in new film projects.
"While it's rather competitive among famewhores in the project he's best known for"
taylor momsen, blake lively, leighton meester.
i remember there being a story ab leighton getting her music on gg and taylor was pissed.
also blake lively and leighton susposedly argue about wardrobe on the show. and blake lively = famewhore
plus a lot of the reaction to chace's new film project with katie holmes was, "how did this happen?"
Another vote for Chase. And please, this is NOT Timberlake. He is WAY past the point of needing to sleep with producers in order to get his foot in the door. Hate him all you want, but people come to HIM at this point for music help. And he's working with huge film directors.
Chace is looking good, but what about Zefron?
Has his own slate of gay rumors
Hasn't been in much, recently... he had that string of movies a while back
HSM is what he's best known for, and there are certainly some fameho's out of that (I think?)
Definitely has the singing/acting/dancing chops, but I think, if he wanted to be a "triple threat" he'd already be out there doing it, since he seemed to want to focus only on acting after HSM.
One of the Glee guys?
With what people have pointed out, I'm liking Chace too...esp with that movie costarring Katie Holmes announced at random...
Okay, never mind... just checked out Zac's IMDb, he's got plenty on his plate...
Must be someone multi-talented. Chace is not. Klutz is definitely not multi-talented... not even an actor (decent one), does the modeling count as multi-talented. Bieber is far from desperate, if anything, he go down a notch or two in the ego department.
The surpirse gig could be related to the Hunger Games. And if we are talking about the age gap, why not go the other way around? why not 25 years older than the Bieber, Lautner, and all those other kids getting everything. And hey, multi-talented, could not only singer, but also yoga gury.
Woody Harrelson? Does it make sense to anyone?
This is not JT.
I like the Matt Morrison guess. He's on glee, rumored to be BI, trying to work his way up the Hwood ladder..just got a record deal..
and yes, the 25 yr age diff (I took) refers to the guy and producer (not JLO)
However, it seems Laniey likes MM, and it seems she has some smarmy contempt toward this guy - who else could it be?
but the actor is best known for a project that has other famewhores....
this doesn't sound like an actor who is has been in a lot of films
but he doesn't have to be a singer, it could mean modeling...
and it also doesn't specify he is an actor sleeping for roles. it's much more generalized. "opportunities", any
chace does get invited to a lot of parties still without having a breakthrough role in a film or in tv for that
It has to be someone who is an actor and also sings. The only thing that throws me is Lainey said that the guy is about 25 yrs younger than J-Lo. J-Lo is I'm assuming it's someone in their early 20's. I was thinking Zack Efron. Although I do agree that Justin Timberlake is a total famewhore. He should stick to his music and leave it at that. He's a horrible actor.
Taylor Lautner is getting 6 million a film, pretty amazing for someone with zero talent...and he's def gay...he also has work lined up..
This actor is young and the producer/directer is 25 years the director could be anywhere from his mid 40's up..
very hard...very..
i was thinking RObert Pattinson - he's famous for Twilight [the project with famewhores], has had a few post twilight movies but they have not done as well as expected, there have been rumors of him and Tom Sturridge dating, but he's also dating Kristen Stewart and... he sings!
I'll go with him
forgot to mention that he had one of his song included in the first twilight movie soundtrack and he tried to drum up interest in his music career back then..
I immediately thought JT from the first line, but she has mentioned Chase, and the 25 year difference in age that she points out is telling. Can I just say that I love the way Lainey puts her Blinds out there. Not sordid, not too obvious
there might be a "Glee" connection here with the JLo thing...she has just been rumored to have a guest starring spot on Glee coming up...
Could it be Mark Salling? He has a music background and produced his own record recently...
I read a suggestion that it's The Situation from Jersey Shore. And the producer is LA Reid.
@Kayleigh- Love the Henry Cavill guess. I could go for that.
Im going for Chace, everything seems to fit.
Also, Robert Pattinson doesnt need to sleep with anyone to get anything done. Def not him.
I like the Matt Morrison guess.That one could work.
Pulling for Chace! GG's gonna end soon, he needs more work.
I'm not totally against the Robert Pattinson guess. Just because he has a million teen fans for Twilight, doesn't mean anybody in the music business respects him enough to try to cut him a deal/help him launch a music career.
Do a Google search for Robert Pattinson and music career, and quite a few things come up about his aspirations. I figured this blind was about someone pathetic (Kellan Lutz, ahem), but this could be about someone who's fairly successful in his current career but hustling to bust onto the music side. With the JLO multihyphenate mention and her specifically saying that "one of those hyphens being a music career," this is definitely someone wanting to get into music.
And if the Twilight folks aren't the biggest famewhores out there with Kellan and Ashley and Nikki and Taylor and blah blah blah, then I don't know who is.
I'm kind of confused about the Matthew Morrison guess. He already has an album out and he is performing live. He HAS a music career. Why would there be a blind about him WANTING one.
New to this, but the JLo reference could make it something Twi-related; isn't Nikki Reed dating an American Idol contestant? So if it was Twilighters, why ignore Jackson Rathbone? Doesn't he have some music thing going on? A quick google says he just got signed in some Warner Brothers teen thing called 'Aim High'.
Otherwise I'd go with the Matthew Morrison guess (Glee is FULL of famewhores), but he's already older...the producer would have to be pushing 60. I can totally envisage him sleeping with older women to get jobs though.
Chace Crawford would work cause he'd want roles/would appeal to cougars/'in the city' ref/GG famewhorey, but I don't get the JLo/music reference?
What about Ashton Kutcher for this one? Surprise? Two and a half men?
Matthew Morrison Joins NKOTBSB Tour!
The way I read it she's talking about an actor hooking up with a *music* producer ("in the hopes of perhaps crossing over") so looking up people's upcoming projects on imdb could be pointless. Now, who's the producer, I have no idea. The only
"very high profile" one that comes to mind is Dre lol.
It sounds like he's not a multi-hyphenite yet, but hopes to be. So I don't think it has to be anyone with a musical background or known talent.
I'm going with CC.
The JLo link in this blind could be her connection to Benny Medina. He's the one who has somehow managed to get her a singing and acting career despite the fact that she is mediocre at both.
Matthew Morrison comes from a Broadway background and is already considered a viable 'triple threat' in that world, he doesn't need anyone's help becoming a 'multi-hyphenate'.
To me, Chase Crawford seems like a very reasonable guess
Rob Pattinson can get a music deal on his name alone right now. He doesn't need to sleep with anyone.
Ted has hinted Kellan is bi. He has never said he is a 100 percent straight.
I actually watch Gossip Girl, and Chace looks slighty worse for the wear. Ted claims Chace has the herp so it's pretty irresponsible to sleep with so many others.
He kinda grosses me out...
Robert Pattinson has said over and over again that he won't do anything with his music right now because he knows it won't be taken seriously. He is not in any way trying to make that happen. And if he was, he could get a contract tomorrow. ScarJo and Hugh Laurie have albums. Pattinson could get one out easily if he wanted. As for films, he's working with Cronenberg right now and his current film is doing fine.
Timberlake, Pattinson, Bieber...these are ridic guesses. This is obviously someone who is struggling and looking for their big breakthrough. You need to be looking at B/C/D-listers. Personally, the more I read this, the more I think it's probably an American Idol alum, which makes it an incredibly lame BI.
Definitely the Situation dude from Jersey shore. Famewhores, modeling, 'acting', and surprise gig was dancing with the stars.
Not Chace Crawford. On the famewhore project - GG - there's no way Lainey would class him as more willing or desperate to get ahead than Blake Lively. No way. Have you read her blog about Blake?! It's all about how desperate and fame hungry she is.
"While it's rather competitive among famewhores in the project he's best known for. . ." says "model" to me, and the male model that comes to mind when I think of struggling actors does fit this nicely, especially after three appearances on Vampire Diaries so unexpected that even IMDb didn't have them listed until AFTER the fact. I'm calling Trent Ford on this one.
If we are talking model and multi-hyphenated, that why not ASHTON KUTSHER? didn't he just surprisingly get the Two-and-Half-Men gig?
This is Alex Pettyfer in the new Film that's just been announced based on Channing Tatum's past life as a stripper/exotic dancer. Steven Soderbergh is directing/producing (very important and established) and he is 48 and Pettyfer 21, 27 years. It's a surprise gig because no-one thought he would work in Hollywood again after his comment in that recent interview. I can't believe no-one has mentioned this yet :)
The film is called Magic Mike
Matthew Morrison is my guess.
Jack - another great guess. But on Alex P. Lainey is quite snarky and would've said something about him being ungrateful, not desperate... my 2 cents:)
Hope there is a live chat soon with Lainey, she tends to eliminate fast and give hints. Would like to know the age bracket.
If older, I'm sticking with Woody Harrelson. Younger, Chace makes sense.
@Rita - I was on board with the Chace guess (especially with the in the city reference) but there is no way that the producer Lainey's talking about is Michael Roiff.
He looks about 35 in his pic and he doesn't appear to have done anything before 2007 meaning if he's 50+, he started his career at 45-ish...
Also he hasn't had an impressive resumé. I've only heard of one of his four films (Waitress) and the closest he had to any big names in them are Meg Ryan and Kerry Russell(??).
I still think this could be Chace but the producer has to be someone different. Another producer or exec producer on the same film or another film entirely that we're missing.
We need projects and producers for all of these guesses.
Lainey announced Alex P's film here where she says:
This makes me laugh.
But it's probably just me. Because Steven Soderbergh is not a nothing director.
Chace and Alex are the two best guesses IMO but I'm going with Alex.
Just realised my italics make me sound like I'm stressing or being sarky... I think I'll use quotes next time.
No offence intended :)
Sarah knows much more about Pattinson than I do. I'm okay with that.
I'm not getitng the Alex Pettyfer guess? What's the multi-hyphenate? People are guessing people by completely taking out the most important/obvious clues....
The JLO link is the fact that she's one of the most famous/successful "multi-hyphenates"? It's quite simple. Kind of overthinking it.
@Jamee - The blind says he wants to become a multi-hyphenate. It may be a small stretch but "exotic dancer" might qualify after all the training he'll have to go through. Meant to mention that earlier.
Le Asencion - That is exactly who I thought of! Matthew Morrison seems so desperate for fame (that whole thing with one of the Olivias (Wilde/Munn??) and other famewhore girls) and it's obvious that he wants to turn the surprise success of Glee into a singing career.
He has been on Broadway but was never a household name until Glee came out but I've read a lot of gossip that says that he wants to move on from that. He would definitely fit the multi-hyphenate clue as well with his new album.
OK, my full guess is Chace Crawford slept with many women producers, including Julie Yorn. She got him the job in Responsible Adults.
He's now moved on to men, including Benny Medina, who started J-Lo's career.
To The Sisters.
Don't know how reliable you find CDAN, but here is something interesting in yesterday's Random pictures:
Scroll down to a picture of Marc Anthony hugging Jada Smith, and that Lopez dude with the late night show. Above the picture it states:
The guy on the right buys sex. The woman in the middle has sex everywhere, and the guy on the left has sex with a surprising number of women considering how unattractive he is.
Do you find any of this helpful to sometimes nail a Ted bv guess? I mean, both CDAN's Enty and Ted live in LA, granted, one says he's a lawyer... Let me know if I should stop freaking out everytime Enty outs one of his blinds... thanks!
Okay I'm really not trying to be contemptuous, but this is NOT Matthew Morrison! He has an album coming out with Mercury Records, one of the biggest labels in the country. He is on a pretty hit television show right now. He is already there. Why would he sleeping with people for something he already has? If Lainey worded it like "this is how he got there," then absolutely. But it sounds like it's something someone is trying to do/get into right now.
Jack Ford: So are you saying you think Alex Pettyfer will want to become an actor/stripper? I would enjoy that tremendously, don't get me wrong, but... :)
Rita: I saw that! The Jada stuff is nothing new, but the George Lopez comment with buying sex! Whoa! I knew the cheating/affair stuff, but hookers? Juicy.
My guess for consideration...
Man-whore: Liam Hemsworth
Movie fought for by famewhores: The Hunger Games
Producer: Jon Kilik (of Lions Gate, and producer of many Cannes favorites). May also be Gary Ross himself, who has worked a lot with Tom Hanks.
Liam just turned 21. He has been in Hollywood for a while (3 years) and has dated some stars, most popularly Miley Cyrus. His only real "hit" is The Last Song, which was critically and commercially panned.
It would make sense that Lainey is writing about this along with the Hunger Games fad. And there's something about Liam... he looks like a male jailbird. There's an intensity and sexuality underneath the youth.
Plausible? ;)
To add: I'm thinking of possible rationales to the clues "crossover" and "multi-hyphenate". What I can think of for Liam is:
crossover = Australia to US, or TV to big-screen (he has mostly been TV)
multi-hyphenate = actor-action star-heartthrob-tabloid target
Rita - LOL dont even mention CDAN on this site! One of the sisters recd a nasty email from him recently and they are "banned" from here.
Another site had an interesting guess: Mark Ballas from DWTS. what do you think?
sistah2 - more clues pls, but this is a good guess :) What is his new project?
Rita: interesting picture! but i find myself un-fascinated with these three. CDAN should have done something like that to, say, pictures of Steven Spielberg with other actors in Cannes.
sista2--elaborate! What (ish) did he say? Curious!
Does Lainey ever eliminate? I like my Alex P guess... it feels like my baby as I guessed it first AND I've been reading this site/Lainey/Ted for 2 years now and I hardly ever comment... I'm obviously too close lol :)
@Jamee - I too would love to see Alex P have a successful career as both an actor and stripper. I don't know if you were joking but I'm not :D
And I know he was a dick in that interview but it seems every gossip blog is out to slaughter him for his comments... I wonder why they hate him so much(?)
I read the Mark Ballas guess too. "While it's rather competitive among famewhores in the project he's best known for" soooooo says Dancing with the Stars and he just had an album released this March by Sony. Dancer/-singer is the multi-hyphenate. Rob Chiarelli was the one I've heard of but he definitely worked with a lot of high profile names. Seems to fit...
LOVE the Mark Ballas guess...but not sure my gut feeling is on board. BUT ignoring that for a minute, I'm a big American Idol fan and this season the very well profile producer Jimmy Iovine has been mentoring the top 12 every step of the way - he's on every episode. He is married, but he is 53 years old...about 30 years older than Mark Ballas, which fits the "over 25 year age gap between them". That also explains the JLo tie-in as she is, of course, an American Idol judge. And American Idol tapes across the hall from Dancing With The Stars. Just sayin'. :)
Oops - very HIGH profile producer Jimmy Iovine :)
Anybody like my Liam Hemsworth guess?
@jack ford - Lainey has eliminated Oprah from one of her blinds ;) About Alex P. - something tells me he's not very open-minded or whorish... ?
Another one for Mark Ballas here. And for his AI tie-in, he very recently began dating that Pia chick who got kicked off Idol a few weeks ago.
Lainey has total contempt for reality stars. I don't think she would ever write about them and if she did, she sure wouldn't bother to make it blind. She doesn't consider them to be real celebs worthy of gossip.
Alex P. doesn't fit with either the multi-hypenate part or with being from an ongoing project with other famewhores.
Liam H. doesn't fit the multi-hypenate, and with THG, I think his career is doing quite well.
I REALLY like the Matthew Morrison guess. Being one of the neglected leads on a tv show that's losing buzz by the day is not having already made it. He's had to cancel tour dates. I doubt his album will do well. He's had to stoop to opening for NKOTB/BSB. He's not one of the Glee stars who are landing movie deals. I think he and Chace are the two best guesses so far.
Jack: Totally serious! He's sexy. Google Alex Pettyfer and Ellen Degeneres Show. He takes off his shirt. :) Doesn't mean I want to hear him talk, though. One of those who should be seen and not heard...kind of like David Beckham.
I agree with Sarah about how Lainey wouldn't write about a reality star on Dancing with the Sh-ts (her phrasing). If she did, she would say something about how the blind is not A-list, less than a big deal. It pains her enough to write about Twilight nobodies, but at least they've been in movies. Mark Ballas is no doubt another step down.
@Sarah - The blind says the project he is best known for (not on-going project), which would be I am Number Four. I think he's fame-whorish as he really thought of himself as the next big thing before IAN4 - everyone was singing his praises. Another fame-whore on the project would be Dianna Agron. If we're to believe she's Sally Pearlsmith, then she definitely cares about fame more than anything it seems.
I'm English and although you can watch American Reality TV over here, I don't bother as it's really f-ing annoying. The British stuff is bad enough. That was our gift to you. Stictly Come Dancing > Dancing with the Stars; Pop Idol > American Idol; Wife Swap and loads more all started here in the UK... we're not classy at all :(
Anyway if this is a reality star, to me it'd be boring...
Tips - Suspect that the 25 year gap is between producer & talent, not talent and J-Lo. Cross over would be from reality, music, TV to film?
Possible producers would be Brian Singer, Roland Emmerich, David Geffin, Joel Schumacher - who apparently discovered Colin Farrell, and some dozen others...
Wouldn't it be easier to ID who got ahead without paying a 'price'... just sayin.
@Sarah, you're right, we're definitely pushing too far for Liam in the multi-hyphenate clue, and crossover could mean anything. It's just that I can't erase the bad taste of famewhoring with Miley, and frankly he hasn't been in a lot of movies or had much success before THG, so that made me think that the latter was his, um, "payment". ;P
@Jamee - I'm still a no for Alex Pettyfer. He comes off really bitchy in his interviews, so he must have some standards to support that abrasiveness. And between him and other guesses here, Alex will need the casting couch the least. :)
About Lainey - she has relaxed her standards in the past. Good examples are Mario Lopez and the American Idol judges.
Other guesses:
Kellan - YES. But more clues please :) Didn't he recently book a job as Mandy Moore's love interest?
Chace - doubt it. not much fire in that guess.
JT, Matthew, Henry Cavill - too old
Bieber - not impossible. More clues pls :)
Kirby: I don't think this is Alex Pettyfer! At all. Jack and I just have a mutual likeness for his body...that's all. Side conversation! Sorry. :)
Jamee - see the most recent CDAN post for a comment which summarizes his email. Oh but then he wrote back denying that it was him. Just someone who reads the column. But signed it Peter Something, Los Angeles who was very defensive of CDAN, condescending and made sure to throw very nasty insults our way. Either it was him or some psycho CDAN fan with way too much time on their hands. That site sucks anyway so no loss on our part. If anyone wants to discuss his blinds - not gonna have a post on it here.
@Sistah2: Are you serious? One of the sisters got banned? What, she challenged one of his blinds or many contradictions? Doesn't he owe money to many of his 'faithfull followers'?
As for Mark Ballas, don't know much about him, except the obvious. Also, if you go for Mark Ballas, you will have to go to all the other male dancers as well...
Hope Lainey will be doing one of her Live Blogs soon, the guesses are all over the board!
Although I think Lainey dispises anyone from reality shows, this blind is snarky enough to be about a reality star.
As for Matthew Morrison, am not really on this one: he's on Glee, has an album out that not many would be bying, and is not getting that much attention. But no surprising role, or offer that we heard of. No matter how much he hangs around Goopy!
The snark makes me think of KLutz. She's always saying nasty things about him and Ashley Greene.
@Jamee: Okay, my friend. ;) He's still hot, 'tis undeniable.
I also noticed this site doesn't post CDAN guesses, unlike the AGC page. What was the ban about? Was it nasty?
Even though there are other good names here, my guess for now is still Liam Hemsworth.
blurry--Seriously?! I do read the site every once in a while for the blinds. I like the guessing game, but take it all with a grain of salt. Either way, that site sucks. I don't get the obsession with Enty. His writing (or whoever writes his stuff now) is so bad, and his fans just worship him, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one of his followers was sticking up for him. He was gone for a week or two about a month ago, and people were making comments on his last post just asking when he's coming back, where is he, they need their gossip fix, etc. And some of his worshippers were talking about how they CANNOT go to "that other blogger's site" to get their gossip, ie Michael K/D-Listed because he's so vile, they hate him, be loyal to Enty, etc. I was just thinking, Michael K is so entertaining and he actually puts thought in his posts, when I find Enty to be...boring. So yeah, no loss whatsoever. Whoever Enty is. And don't even get me started on the Timmy/Shimmy nonsense. Okay, rant over. :)
Jamee, Looove DListed... although I must admit, am embarrassed to read it at work!
Michael K's snark is unbeatable, always ready to pee myself laughing when he starts with his Lady Caca. His guesses for the blinds are spot on though!
Let's hear it sisters, what did you post to have Enty ban you!
Let's just say he(enty) is probably just sour grapes we don't post his stuff.Enough about him...
OK- on this blind- the JLo mention was to explain "multi-hyphenate"...meaning an actor-singer-dancer etc. (NOT action-star/actor). So I doubt it is Alex P., Kellan L, or other actors who aren't already a star in the music business. So Matthew Morrison IS a good guess, Zac Efron, and YES, JT!!!! JT is dying to have a star-turn in a huge Hollywood hit. It doesn't matter that he is a working actor and superstar singer, he is not yet on the same level of an actor than he is a singer.
The age difference refers to the diff between this actor and the producer. So, if it is someone like Bryan Singer, JT and Matthew M fit.
um Justin Beieber and Mark Wahlberg? Justin is going to be in a movie with Mark and Mark is also a producer?
I don't know, just throwing some thoughts out.
@duffgrl, am doubtful JT needs the casting couch, even for movies. He's working on a new album now, something he's best known for. Also, JT and Matthew are quite old; think more post-2008 young hollywood.
@Edie, not between Bieber and Mark (Mark is way too alpha male), but I positively LOVE the way you think :) You checked almost all the clues ingeniously. Please keep guessing!
@Rita, haha, well, the bottomline truth is that Michael K really is a vile exaggerator in need of a life. I used to laugh a lot with his posts, but lately it's just too much and too random. Also, picking on Lady Gaga's music = not funny.
Anybody digging deeper on that Mark Ballas guess? If it's not Liam Hemsworth, can I throw a Jonas brother in? :)
Haha Kirby--that's one of the reasons why I LOVE Michael K. I know I'll get reamed for this, but I'm so sick of Gaga and the way people just worship at her feet like she's the second coming. MK calls her out! And calls her Lady CaCa. Ha! Love him forever. Of course he's an exaggerator, but he's funny as hell and so irreverent. And well, I love a dirty mind. That is all. :)
Well, she's become a target for you and there's nothing I can do about that, but I still think Lady Gaga hate is so unnecessary. This girl lives what she believes in, unlike so many other twats in the business right now, and she makes great music too. And don't get me wrong: it's not that none of us don't occasionally enjoy Michael K's nastiness. It's just that that time when people just lambasted stars must pass already, you know? Look what the press did to Britney, or for example what Michael K is doing right now, lambasting Amy Winehouse who is taking rehab seriously this time. That crosses the line of comedy for me, and I just thought... there are funnier blogs out there.
@Kirby - I do agree to a certain degree, but still read Micheal K. because of his balls to say out loud what I'm secretly thinking, although his is with a twist, or Twisted, sense of humor. That being said, you have to put his comments into context: for example, Britney Spears had started high-dialing, not drunk-dialing, paps, every time she was ready to go out of her house, and when she needed privacy, all of sudden she expected PAPARAZZI to leave her alone. Same goes to a lot of stars. When you put the PAPARAZZI on your speed dial, they're there at all times, the fabulous, and down-right ugly.
That being said, has anyone found anything on Lainey's Live blogs? I've scrolled through them twice, and all I see is talk about Hunger Games and Blake Lively... Is no one asking about her blinds?
@Rita - Mostly agree. It's just that when I think of how mercilessly and narrowly he lambasts, it's a bit wet-towelly and pathetic. At least Lainey and Perez (before), even though they can be mean and funny, don't miss out on the redeeming parts of their targets. Michael K is still intrinsically very funny, but just a little bit more sensitivity could help his case for me ;)
As for the the blind here and subsequent queries; I also don't recall any question raised/approved in the two Liveblogs. Perhaps there is too much flux right now in gossip for blind discussions.
I was originally gunning for a Liam H. answer to this, but I like your Kellan guess more now :)
Well, I wouldn't call her a "target" for me by any means. I don't really like her act, you do. Oh well!
But I don't like gossip out of hate and spite. I take comedy for what it's worth and what it's there for--laughter. Michael K. makes me laugh at what he says about the Lady Gaga character. I don't think he is attacking anyone unfairly. When Gaga goes out in a bra with shoes only fit for giants, he calls her on it. She is putting herself out there for praise as well as criticism. And unfortunately in the end, everything always offends somebody. For you, it's what's said about Gaga. For someone else, it's Madonna or Robert Pattinson or whatever. There's always something. But I don't think she's living her life in some unchartered, groundbreaking way. Come on. She was in a bra getting smashed at the Yankees game in Seinfeld's box not that long ago. She's no saint, yet people think she's this messiah. We can agree to disagree is all I'm saying. :)
"When Gaga goes out in a bra with shoes only fit for giants, he calls her on it."
- what's sad about Michael K is he is up with the propaganda. Few people doubted Gaga's fashion sense before, plus the real aim of this getup is not at all to get called for looking like someone else, so there's something fishy about it. Like I said, it's OK to laugh as long as you get the deal and respect the craft. Michael K chooses not to redeem Gaga (and a lot of other artists) for their amazing work or try to understand them, and that's why he is not worth reading. Seriously, there are better blogs out there! ;)
"And unfortunately in the end, everything always offends somebody."
- There are some things not worth offending. Also, in my honest opinion, no artist has ever been offended in such a high degree until now.
"She was in a bra getting smashed at the Yankees game in Seinfeld's box not that long ago."
- See, this is where we differ. People like you would rather use and then throw this girl away, while people like me actually am impressed with her unabashed full living of her music. She is amazing, with an inert beauty that I guess I'd rather not bother to describe. Go fig.
"I don't think he is attacking anyone unfairly."
- LOL.
In the AGC pages, the guess is Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. Sounds... pathetic, but I can't deny the fact that the shoe fits. Anybody like this guess?
Re: Jamee, can we still remain good co-posters? Somehow I noticed that, even in other articles, you couldn't leave any comment of mine behind. Do you harbor any lingering angst towards me? Have I embarassed you somewhat, in any stand? Please say it ain't so (shoulder rub). ;)
Kirby--I see you are a Gaga fan. That's clear. So let me just say that I think she is truly talented. I really do. She's a great song writer (if she writes her own songs? I really don't know), she can sing, she plays piano, etc. I'm also a fan of other musicians, but when they are subjects of a post on a blog, I don't take it so seriously. I think Michael K. is an equal-opportunity offender.
As far as that last comment, I have no idea what you're talking about. I respond and disagree with comments when I see an interesting conversation to start or be a part of. There are comments all over the place (this site, others) where I have no desire to respond, whether it's because I don't care or I have nothing to contribute, etc. I don't remember when I last commented on one of your posts. If I personally attacked you, then I get why you would be bothered if I comment on your posts a lot. But all I'm doing is disagreeing with you or making comments to start a conversation. If you take disagreement personally, like I'm after you or something, then I won't even bother. I just live in a world where disagreement that leads to dialogue is a good thing.
It's kind of like how I always respond to Rita or Tara (Tara, where ARE YOU!?)--they make comments that I feel are worth taking time to address, agree with or disagree with. I never thought that was a bad thing.
@Jamee, okay, so no bad blood alright? Because interesting conversations are not only rebuttals, and that's not good.
All over this site, there are suggestions and counter-suggestions, and that's what I muse as the best type of post here. Looking back at my first post on Michael K - I was merely agreeing on what Rita mentioned were sentiments by other posters on Michael K, and then subtly chimed in on my disapproval of his obviously overblown and unfair treatment of Gaga and other artists. You reacted in an amused way, saying you love Michael K "forever" for this.
If you don't mind me saying this, I think you have to finally admit that Michael K has always crossed the line of equal-opportunity offensiveness. I'm willing to accept - if you're wiling to accept - that you enjoy regarding Lady Gaga, in a way, out of hate and spite. You can't deny the implication, but I repeat: this is just okay! Gossip 101, in fact, so let's just admit it.
And so let's bury this discussion oficially, okay? I believe, from solid evidence, that she makes her music AND lyrics, and she rocks it quite effectively. If you want to call me an uber-fan (even though I'm just musing on the obvious contradiction), then fine, I guess I am a Lady Gaga fan, and there's no reason at all to be ashamed of it. :)
If you have other opinions, then granted that if I was in your shoes I would leave the defense behind and let it be judged quietly. Right, Rita and Tara? :)
Kirby, I'm never on here (and I do not care enough) to respond to all that. I think you need to accept different opinions and the different ways people present those opinions and just move on. If I did something to offend you, then it's understandable. But the fact that you're going on about this because 1. I don't love Gaga like you do, and 2. I find a certain blogger funny and you don't...I've got nothing. LATER.
"I think you need to accept different opinions and the different ways people present those opinions and just move on."
= Just like I said. My first criticism wasn't even addressed to you. Please read my last comment again, I'm not... holding it against you. Okay.
"But the fact that you're going on about this because 1. I don't love Gaga like you do, and 2. I find a certain blogger funny and you don't."
= And now you have to drive it again. Seriously, I was willing to end this rebutting with my last sentence...
= Mean much? :(
@Smith, I know, right? That blog is way too vapid, even for gossip taste. And the Gaga lies = disturbing.
I didn't mean for that to be mean, Kirby. I'm sorry. Moving on... :)
Jamee and Kirby: we always defend our opinions strongly on this site. The thing is, blogging and chatting had become the new way of conversational socializing, and hidden behind our screens, we tend to too strongly defend what we think is right. It always surprises me though how strongly people defend their idols, which reminds of when I was younger and sooooo in love with George Michael (yep, I am older). I mean, when anybody attacked him, I very strongly defended his honor (I was 11 back then), so need at times to put things in perspective and remember, that at a time or another, I was more idealistic then accepting of other people's choices in life.
This site has evolved from a little group of people who quite seriously had taken to task to resolving blinds... sometimes less accepting of new comers' views... to becoming one of the most welcoming sites of international participants, hungry for clues solving their favorite Blind vices.
And as for Tara and I, am not going to talk for Tara, although we had our share of opposite opinions, I believe that we now respect our diverse minds, but with same passion for gossip. And that only comes with time and accepting that others are allowed to think differently.
Would like to highlight though that I admire your politeness in your little opposing opinions, love the cool language and always, the offer for peace. Keep it up guys, this is a site that grows on intelligent bickering, not rude and crude commenting.
I found this on Gleeme, which is an anonymous Glee meme:
"He has been sleeping with producer after producer - mostly females, any age, any shape - offering himself in exchange for opportunities. Any opportunities. While it's rather competitive among famewhores on the project he's best known for, it turns out he's the one who's most aggressive, most desperate, most willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. Hilarious because it hasn't exactly been working for him until recently, a surprise gig. Still, after so many tries, and other boys on the side in the city, and so many nights with much older lady executives, you'd think he would have gotten further ahead than where he's come to now which really isn't all that impressive. Maybe that's why he decided to switch sides. Besides, it suits his true preference anyway. He'll do both, but men are what really make him happy. So he must not have minded so much when he laid himself out, twice, for a very high profile male producer with an impressive resume mentoring some huge names, recently, in the hopes of perhaps crossing over, straddling several different portfolios at the same time. If Jennifer Lopez can be a multihyphenate, with one of those hyphens being a music career, I suppose it gives others hope that they can too, him included. Never mind that there's an over 25 year age gap between them."
He has been sleeping with producer after producer " mostly females, any age, any shape"
"While it's rather competitive among famewhores on the project he's best known for, it turns out he's the one who's most aggressive, most desperate, most willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead." REFERRING TO GLEE, JAB AT LEA MICHELE.
"It hasn't exactly been working for him until recently, a surprise gig." THE NKOTBSB OPENING SLOT.
:So he must not have minded so much when he laid himself out, twice, for a very high profile male producer with an impressive resume mentoring some huge names, recently, in the hopes of perhaps crossing over, straddling several different portfolios at the same time. REFERRING TO DAN SHEA, AFFILIATED WITH NKOTB, BSB, AND JENNIFER LOPEZ.
Ok, I know this is kind of from a wee while ago but I think that Lainey revealed today that this is Kellan Lutz? It all fits with the famewhoring and that she describes him as "hilarious". Hes a massive douche and if you look at the link Lainey says "that secret is not a secret anymore"
Saw it too Fifth year and absolutely agree: Lainey just outed K. Lutz for this BI!
Apparently she revealed this as Chace Crawford at her smut soiree.
@thanks Sarah. Was wondering who this is, Chace Crawford then it is.
Did she reveal anything about her Kellan Lutz blind?
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