UPDATE: The lost information is restored to the post. No thanks to blogger... we put the information together on our own. It's a little unorganized but bear with us. Thanks for your patience. See the label below to find a link to our "list of ted's reveals" post.
Hi readers!
As you know, we have been keeping list of Ted's Blind Vice reveals, along with lists of who he has said has been a BV, and who has been confirmed was never having been a a BV. This is helpful to refer to when making our guesses (if you follow Ted's rules that is)!
Well, I was updating the post the other day with recent info, and saw that a huge chunk was missing. It is a large portion of the bottom list (people who have never been a BV). It seems as if it's cut off the info from August 2010 on. I have contacted blogger and they said that there was a blogger crash last weekend and a lot of people lost information. Not sure if it will be recovered, but I have requested help and am waiting for a response of some sort.
As you know we all have other jobs and busy lives. It would be a HUGE task to take on to repair the lost info from the list. And even if we did, I no longer would trust blogger to NOT lose that info again. It's not worth to keep a meticulous list of something if it can apparently be erased at any time by blogger.
So, unfortunately, we can not repair the post at this time. If it is repaired we will do our best to keep updating it. However, if it is not repaired and the info is lost, then it will not be updated anymore because too much info has been lost.
We hope our readers understand. We will still post blind items and eliminations but can no longer be "anal" about Ted's info. Thanks for your understanding!
You can try to search that list on Google using the post's title and retrieve it again on Google cache - if it is cached, of course.
is this what you are looking for?
Thank you, goodshame. It would be a shame indeed to have lost all that info!!!
Also, thank you for the link. However, that is how it looks now. As you can see on the bottom is stops at Aug 26, 2010. All of the people on the list after that are gone. The blogger crash supposedly happened sometime last weekend (May 13 or 14.
Caz not sure what you are talking about... those are not our real names nor do we use our real names.
Thank you ladies for all of the hard work you have put into this blog. It has always been such a fun place to come and 'play'. There have been some amazing discussions and I have silently listened in and loved every minute of it. I do have to admit, I am pretty much over Ted. I may have lost a bit of interest but want to thank THE Sisters for their hard work. I try to remember to click on the ads (it helps them keep this going folks) as frequently as I can. I would also like to thank those who have offered such great insight. Sadly it seems, some of them seem to have disappeared. Best of luck to all - and hooray for all of the vicers!!! :) Thanks again SISTERS!!!!
Yes, I have also noticed the absence from our friends, Tara and The Spie. I miss their input and insight into all things gossip!
Sisters, thank you! Fabulous blog, I love it. One idea, if I may add it: perhaps, instead of relying on a random site to cherish, and hold as dear, your hard work and deductions...perhaps, before posting to Blogger, you might type it into, and save as a word doc on your desktop or mydocs? Then, if by chance, after saving it on Blogger, it disappears, you would have an easy back-up with which to replace it?? Just a thought. I am a mom of three girls under the age of 8.5, with a husband in Special Operations who is gone often, so I understand not having time to maintain this blog! But you have all done such a wonderful job...I offer up my sincerest of kudos and pats on the back. Keep up the great work, Sisters.
We are moving to Okinawa, Japan in a few months, so I for one, will be LIVING for this blog for the next three years...please don't abandon ship! Thanks, ladies. And...please, if there is anything I can do to maintain the blog, or help keep, or file info, please let me know...Happy to help!
Sisters, thanks for all the hard work you've put into this site! I really appreciate it. I completely understand if the task is too daunting to go back and fix everything and you don't feel like updating the list anymore.
But perhaps some enterprising, longtime, trusted commenter will volunteer to undertake the task... or maybe a few volunteers can divide it up... and help get the list back.
But I'm not sure who has the time/inclination to do that, I know I don't, but either way thanks for providing this rich source of entertainment!
thanks for the comments all!:)
Ross family, best to you in Japan. Please continue to pop in here!
I also have wondered what happened to the Spie. Did we do something to piss him off?
goodshame, thanks for the link!
Kate thanks so much!
and Dyana, yes that would be great, maybe even someone on the E boards would have a similar list too. We'll see..
Also remember to follow us on Twitter, we're trying to tweet more often, and not just about Blinds! I am also tired of Ted!!!
Thanks everyone. Keep in mind, the list is not entirely gone. Jus tthe poeple who TEd has said are not a BV since August 2010. The reveals and people who are a BV are tup to date except for this past week or so, since I dont want to update it or do anything to it and save it right now. Waiting to hear back. The info is not all lost either. If anyone wants to read the comments section under the "List" post, I copy and paste all the info there. So if anyone has time then feel free to cruise thru comments to read that info.
As for saving it on a word document, yes that is a good idea and I had thought about starting to do that just a few weeks ago but did not.
I'm sure ted is very happy about this. he is thrilled there is no evidence to call him out when he breaks his own rules to CYA anymore.
Try www.waybackmachine.org, I have found missing items there. It's a place you can find stuff that's disappeared, kinda like a web backup log.
The point made about clicking the ads is a good one. I need to remember to click the ads more often. We all should. However, to the sisters-I did notice that several of your ads came up with a "404 not found" error when I clicked them.
@Adrienne - Ditto! Ted's blinds are so obviously made up these days. You kinda doubt if the first ones were any more true. I especially feel for the ones that have been affected by his blinds, like Jakey.
Adrienne - no, if you read what I wrote, I said that I copied and pasted all of teh bitch back questions and answeres pertaining to who goes on what list - for referecne all of those are under "comments" under the "list" post. So not all of that info is lost. We have the info. Just not the time to sort it out on the list right now. It's all tehre and I will continue to copy and past them there.
I have a nasty headache so I'm not following along very well. Are you saying that you want someone to go back and look through the Bitch Backs from August 2010 to track who Ted has said is not a BV? I would be happy to do that. I have some free time to dedicate to doing that. Just let me know and I'll go back and collect that info.
thanks Tonya -
blurry do you want to answer her?
tonya - no thanks you dont have to do that. I am actually watching the bachelorette and putting that together myself actually... not sure when it will be done though.
You're welcome ladies. And I too want to thank you for putting all of this together. I'm not a big commenter here but I have read the entire site and I love it. Thank you!
The post is updated. Bear with me. There are a lot of repeat names right now. They will all be sorted out in time. It was a lot of reading the copied bitch backs and just listing them again and copying that onto our list. It will be better organized within a few days. And we will keep a copy from now on. Screw blogger.
I agree with the "Screw Blogger" thing. I lost a lot of comments on a post I did memorializing a friend who just passed away.
Tonya, sorry to hear.
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