Considering recent events between Jesse James and Sandra Bullock, it is possible that they could have been a Blind Vice couple. Reports today indicate that he has been cheating on her for years. Other (questionable) reports have implied they had a 'sham marriage' and it was a 'contract'. I put this question out there under a recent post, and reader The Spie suggested a second look at the Princess Gold Zinger BV from 2007. Please comment - do you think that Sandy is PGZ? Does it fit? If not, any other unsolved Vices that could fit JJ/SB?
Sandra and
Jesse as a BV:
Sandra Bullock (as of 3/26/10, 4/12/10)
Jesse James (as of 4/12/10, was named in a double-blind with Sandra Bullock)
Then on 1/5/11: Ted says Sandra Bullock has never been a BV. (WTF?)
THEN: Feb 25, 2011 - Once again Ted says that Sandra Bullock has been a BV!!!! (Gotta love Ted contradicting himself over and over again!
Princess GZ could def. be SB, but I have a few questions to see if it fits. When did JJ and SB get married? Has JJ ever been in a film? This vice indicates that HH was in a reality show but then a part in a few bad films. anyone know?
I thought that GZ was Kate Hudson and HH was Dax Shepard (reality show being Jackass).
I take that back - just realized that Ted eliminated Kate Hudson as a Blind Vicer. Wow - I thought that one was a slam dunk.
They married in 2005. Seems like such a close match to SB and JJ, but according to IMDB, he's only been in one film and it was uncredited...hmmm.
Having started all this, the only other unsolved BV I can think of that might fit, and might be a better fit, is Sandy as Bored Broomhilda and Jesse as Buzz Thrill.
Sandy's definitely had the lesbian rumors that Broomhilda is required to have, plus she was quite the serial dater over the years prior to the marriage. Jesse has a rep as a bit of a moron, just like Buzz. If it was an arrangement/contract, there could have been rumors in 2007 that the contract was up and she was about to dump him.
My biggest problem with this is that Sandy doesn't have a public reputation for guile like Ted implies Broomhilda has. But what details Ted gives about them doesn't contradict anything about Sandy/Jesse.
The last time a discussion came up with Bored Broomhilda and Buzz Thrill, I suggested that might be Madonna and Guy. It fits them pretty well.
Gail: I liked the Madonna and Guy guess for Broomhilda and Buzz when you made it, as did many others. I'm not denigrating the guess at all by suggesting that SB and JJ might be a fit for this blind. I'm just throwing out possibilities. You have to admit that the Broomhilda blind doesn't provide enough details to cement it down, and Ted's never brought either of them back or done much follow-up in Bitch-Backs on them. The info we have does fit both couples pretty well.
I think the Bored Broomhilda one fits Madonna, more that Sandra. JMO. In re-reading the Princess one, it really fits SB and JJ. He's only been in one bad film(fits) & Ted implied he MAY have upcoming roles (this was back in 07) - maybe they never materialized. Only thing is, it seems like Ted was saying that PGZ were a 'new' couple in 07. If SB and JJ were married in 05, maybe she is not PGZ then.
any other ideas?
When Ted said "a few more likely duds comin out" he meant HH has a few more movies coming out and they will most likely be duds. So HH is not JJ. HH is Dax Shepard. The mainstream flop was Employee of the month - costars Dane Cook and Jessica Simpson. The Shepard was in a bunch of straight to video releases - duds just as Ted suspected. He was on the first season of Punk'd.
Seems like DS could be HH, but then who was PGZ? it wasn't Kate Hudson, that we know.
anyway, could be that Sandra was never a BV - I certainly NEVER even thought of her as one. Its funny - there are probably plenty of these that are stars 'you would never think of'.
I think I will email Ted and ask him - maybe he'll throw us a bone.
sistah2: I agree on both counts. Rereading the PGZ blinds it seemed SO much like Dax Shepherd for HH! Also, when the Tiger Woods scandal broke, Ted said Tiger had never been a BV, I'm thinking maybe Sandra wasn't one either. If she was, it seems like it would almost have to be something along the lines of Roxy Couture, though that seems to be pretty obviously Posh.
To Spie- I didn't take your comments as a criticism. Actually, I just pointed out the Madonna possibility because I agreed with your point that Broomhilda's temperament didn't seem consistent with SB.
As for PGZ, the other issue I have with that as a possibility for SB is that Ted says she has a "royal family". Sure would work for Kate Hudson; too bad it's not her.
Here's the main reason why I kinda like Broomhilda for SB (in addition to PGZ) more than Madonna: The way Buzz Thrill is presented in that blind is almost as an afterthought. Ted would have built up Buzz's status if he had been a successful, famous director like Guy Ritchie. But Jesse James, reality show star and bike mechanic to the rich and famous? On Ted's scale, that would merit only an afterthought.
Also, the words "buzz" and "thrill" can have motorcycle connotations, and Jesse does seem to be the type of guy who's think that his big ol' exhaust pipe could convert a lesbian to the Joys Of Peen.
Of course, like Sistah said, any speculation has to wait until we know that SB is a BV. There's a bunch of questions that we can ask Ted. Is SB a BV? Are SB and JJ a BV Couple? Maybe straight out ask if Dax is Harkness and/or if Guy Ritchie is Buzz Thrill? What other questions would people put on the list?
Great insights sistahs!
PGZ we thought was Kate Hudson for so long but then Ted said she was never a BV.. so yes that was never solved. They could fit!
"Dear Ted:
My neighbor and I trap feral cats in our neighborhood (we rerelease the adults after neutering them and take the kittens to a no-kill shelter). I also have three rescued cats. Can you expose Sandra Bullock's B.V.?
Dear Nice Try:
Not now. It's hideous for Bullock while the world waits to see if she dumps Scumbucket or not. That, coupled with getting cheated on by Scum's myriad flings is enough torture for Sandy, for the moment, don't you agree?"
Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/the_awful_truth/b173481_bitch-back_disney_diva_ditches_bff_why.html#ixzz0jIEzuMHN
--- I guess Ted is confirming here that Sandra has indeed been a blind vice!
Could Sandra be Roxy Couture, and J.J be Stud La Bouef?
The PGZ was in 2007. They got married in 2005. Also in the original blind, Ted mentions PGZ's "royal fam". Sandra doesn't come from a royal family - Hollywood or otherwise. HH sounds like JJ, but I don't see this totally fitting.
I don't think Roxy and Stud are Sandra and JJ. In the blind, Ted says that Stud is extremely good looking, while in the beginning of his new blind, he basically says that JJ is only "quasi good looking."
Yes, and you'll notice Ted says Jesse James is quasi-cute in the intro to the Moisty Mohr blind. I actually had wondered if that was a hint to another blind, before discovering Ted confirmed Sandra was a BV and re-reading the PGZ BV.
Also, the royal family clue does fit - look up Sandra's background.
I'm still not convinced. Her mother was a German opera singer and her father a voice teacher. Although being an opera singer isn't anything to sneeze at, it's not exactly royalty, or Hollywood royalty. Not when compared to Gwyneth Paltrow, or Kate Hudson, or even Drew Barrymore. And it still doesn't fit the timeline.
So she is a BV, Ted said not now. So he want expose it now. I wonder if it has to do with her marriage or her sexuality. I mean, there have been lesbo rumors around her for the longest time. Was that kiss with Meryl Streep trying to tell us something?
Wasn't there a vintage BV everyone thought was Julia Roberts? Something about a woman playing her co-star or something? Maybe Hugh Grant? I'm thinking it was before she was married...
As we all know, Ted is not exactly known for being straight (in more ways than one). Royalty could certainly mean the caliber of stars she ranks with, or could be a reference to her reign as a beauty queen in Miss Congeniality. So we can't count her out as PGZ, and even though they were married in 2005, it is not like they were splashed all over the tabs every day of the week. Does anyone recall if their marriage was a secret for some time? They were so low key for so long, I forget.
To further add evidence to JJ being HH, I would like to add this link:
This confirms that JJ has been known to troll the internet boards/want ads for skeeze. This is not the first account of this, I have read this on other goss sites as well. This little nugget of info definitely points to JJ as Harkness.......
Let's also not forget that Ted was big on alliteration for code names during that period (witness Morgan Mayhem). Jesse James and Harkness Hose could fit into that pattern.
Hey, Gail and Sistah, I just spotted something that's pertinent. According to the master list, Ted said on November 12th, 2009 that Madonna has never been a BV. Therefore, Madge can't be Broomhilda, and that blind is still in play. It could be SB.
"Dear Ted:
What has Princess Gold-Zinger been up to lately?
Dear Oldie but Goodie:
She's been slightly under the radar. Slaying men like usual though, don't worry. She'll be back in the spotlight as soon as one of her next victims is more famous."
- Doesn't fit with what Sandra is going through right now. Plus the timeline doesn't match up. Don't think it's her.
Definitely not Sandra, then. She's anything but under the radar right now. Maybe Sandra is Browhilda Frown-Free?
Ted posted 2 more clues today:
Dear Ted:
Your Blind Vice fan blog thinks Princess Gold-Zinger is Sandra Bullock, but I think it's actually Cameron Diaz. Can you please tell me who's right?
Dear Zing and a Miss:
Sorry, doll, Cammy is an excellent guess. It could be her, actually, but it's not. Think far less talented than either Bullock or Diaz. But just as feisty!
Dear Ted:
You've already told us that Sandra Bullock has been a B.V. My question is: Did Jesse James appear as a named character in it?
Dear Determined:
The Blind was double-sided, yes.
So we know that she is not PGZ and that there is another blind vice name mentioned in her BV.
I don't think she is Browhilda Frown-Free because in 2008 nobody was mentioning her and Academy Awards in the same sentence - that didn't happen until The Blind Side.
forget her for frown-free. Ted states that shes young. my main guess for this was keria knightly (and it helps she was a lesbo lainey blind)
i wanna dig futher into this.. first stop for me is the gay/contract marriage blinds...
He said she wasn't Broomhilda today and to think of a BV that is less decisive.
"Dear Ted:
You've told us that our beloved Sandy Bullock is a Vice; this got me thinking...could she be Bored Broomhilda? Love you, doll!
—Kat from England
Dear Baffled Brit:
Look, Sandy Bullock has probably never been bored in her life, she's too impatient for that stuff—wrong gal, think less decisive."
"Dear Ted:
You've already told us that Sandra Bullock has been a B.V. My question is: Did Jesse James appear as a named character in it?
Dear Determined:
The Blind was double-sided, yes."
Excuse me for a moment...
...okay, I'm back. Except that I think my skull is fractured and the wall definitely needs replastering.
I'm really starting to take this personally now. The problem is, I can't come up with any good BV Couple ideas that might fit them. I think we need to pull some Vintage Blinds out of the storage locker, circa 2005 (when they were married).
If you'll excuse me, I'll go now, make a couple more ill-fitting suggestions for Ewan McGregor's blind, and try to figure out if Kenny Chesney's blind has anything to do with Squinty. After I have a good, but secret since Men Don't Cry, weepfest, of course.
I got on Ted's thing today and someone asked him if Sandra's blind vice had to do with her liking the fairer sex and he said Sandra's about as interested in girls as Anne Heche is women. I am not sure what that means, but maybe her bv doesn't have to do with her liking women.
I take that in meaning that Sandra (like Anne) had a past lesbian thing going on, but is now into men. JMO.
What about Prucella Tight-Tush and Butchy Billfold (1/24/06)? Kinda a boring BV but references Butchy with Johnny Walker and prostitutes (def can see JJ doing that).
"Dear Ted:
So I have had a major girl crush on Sandra Bullock for a while, and I was interested in the sudden peak in questions about her B.V. Does it involve any relations with the fairer sex, or does Sandy love herself some manly men?
Dear Wrong Girl:
Sandy's about as interested in girls as Anne Heche is in women."
snickersmom81 - thanks I will look for that one and make a post for it.
Sandra was definitely interested in women in college before she became the celebrity that she now is. My mother went to law school in Austin (where Sandra is from) and her classmate, who was very wealthy, beautiful and a proclaimed lesbian, dated Sandra for a few years and everybody knew about it.
"Dear Ted:
Heard any rumblings of what Sandra Bullock's next steps are with that loser husband of hers? Being the unforgiving, judgmental bitch I am, I'd leave that jerk high and dry. I feel for Ms. Bullock.
Dear Divorce Court:
The Sandra camp has kept her legal affairs very discreet of late—something Jesse obviously couldn't do with his marital affairs—so mum's the word on what the babe plans to do next. As long as she's happy, right? But I'm told her friends don't want her to remain in the marriage—not that Sandy's ever done anything she didn't want to."
ok apparently no-one checks the website very frequently because I asked a question about Sandy liking "the fairer sex" and Ted basically told me I was crazy. I feel like hers could totally be about sex or drugs although I'm leaning more toward sex. i'm more familiar with the B.V.s 2009 and later, so if anyone knows some from 2006-2008 that could apply? i've asked multiple times for him to tell me whether her B.V. was pre 2008 or post, but he won't answer. i've asked so many questions about her maybe someone else can give it a shot?
Gabby - we are on the website quite often. Part of the reason we dug up so many vintage blinds is to find Sandra Bullock's BV. You are welcome to read up on those and tell us what you think.
"Dear Ted:
So I heard Sandra Bullock is filing for divorce and there's an adopted baby, Louis, that's been in hiding for a little while. Did Sandra learn this trick from our man Toothy Tile himself? Is there a connection somewhere in this weird little Hollywood world, or just perhaps word of mouth through some famous close Texan friends?
—Too Much
Dear Secret No More:
Yep, Sandy has filed for divorce and is a new mama of adorable baby Louis. Sandy kept the new baby a secret 'cause she didn't want to subject him to all the paparazzi that were around her during awards season and then the cheating scandal. SB and Toothy aren't from the same Hollywood breed—at all."
"Dear Ted:
If all the allegations against Jesse James are true—he's a womanizer, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-Semite—how is it possible that Sandy didn't know what kind of man she was married to? It's one thing for her to have been oblivious or to have turned a blind eye to his cheating ways, but surely J.J. would have felt most comfortable using racist slurs around his family—people that he could be himself around without fear of rebuke—and that would have been hard for his wife to ignore. So what's Sandy's story? Did she privately condone his homophobic and racist views? Her timely adoption of a black baby raises my suspicions even more, granted, she managed to keep it hidden from the public for a few months, but the child strikes me as a convenient pawn in the publicity game.
Dear Family Secrets:
People can be über-deceptive—it wouldn't have been too hard for J2 to hide his less than stellar qualities. And you can't blame the babe for falling for a bad boy; it happens to the best of us. But Sandy isn't the type to put up with nonsense. That I can say for sure. You're trying too hard on the PR thing, it's not Bullock's thing."
Sorry blurryvice all I meant by that was that Ted's answer proves that Sandy's B.V. has nothing to do with her engaging in lesbian tendencies. He has said multiple times that the Anne Heche-Ellen Degeneres relationship was totally for Anne's benefit (for publicity and fame-enhancement) and that she was never actually lesbian or even bisexual. I don't remember which posts he said this in but it's definitely in the archives. I'm VERY interested in finding out which one she is and like The Spie, it's driving me crazy!!!
"Dear Ted:
I love that Sandra adopted from the United States! While providing a home to any child in need is wonderful, it seems "stylish" to adopt from around the world, but so many children right here at home need families. I can't help but wonder how Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie would get along. Would Sandra hate Angelina? Sandra seems like a girl's girl while Angelina seems the type who is threatened by other women.
Dear Celebrity Fight Club:
I'm sure the ladies could be in a room without a cat fight breaking out, but I don't think they'll be brunching together anytime soon—and not just because they've got different outlooks on where to adopt. The two are totally different, thank heaven!"
"Dear Ted:
As a gay man, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Sandy Bullock...and Cher. I was so happy that she made lemons out of lemonade. Is it as sincere as it came across to a normal guy like me?
Dear Joe Shmoe:
I totally love her too—one of my H'wood faves, so trust that your love for S.B. is not undeserved, not at all."
gahhhhhhh this one is STILL killing me i've gone through all of the B.V.s posted on this site and none seem to fit her!! We know it definitely has to include Jesse, so that excludes any with just 1 person in it. Is it possible she's in one that isn't posted on this site? Does anybody have more of the old ones somewhere?
Gabby - yes there are more old ones. We haven't had the time to list over old one, but we will, promise!
"Dear Ted:
Everyone at the AT, Happy Anniversary. You guys are the reason I pay my Internet bill every month! OK, the reason I'm writing this is to let you know how completely and utterly pissed off I am at the ex-Mr. Sandra Bullock! So now he screwed around on Sandra because he was abused as a child? WTF? Puh-leeeze! He cheated on her because...wait for it...he could! He wanted to have his cake and eat it, too (damn my dirty mind)! No one had a perfect childhood. He thinks bringing up his past is going to get him sympathy, but it just makes him look like more of a pathetic loser. What did Sandy ever see in that moron?
Dear Love is Blind:
Sandra's a cool chick, so not the stuck-up conniving Hollywood types we're usually used to reporting about. She probably thought Jesse was uniquely different and liked how out of the Hollywood bubble he was. But a Tiger can't change his stripes...and a white trash freako can't become classy just because his wife is."
"Dear Ted:
I was absolutely delighted to hear today's confirmation that our girl Sandy will be on hand to receive her MTV Movie Award. Now I've loved her for some time, and think she deserves the best. Could you give just a small clue as to what her B.V. is?
Dear All-American Detective:
No, no and no! Sandy's had enough trouble lately, not gonna stir up the naughtiness any more with her right now—her schmuck ex has done plenty of that for now. Check back in a few months, 'kay?"
gahhh blurry vice i am indeed "all-american detective"...he has given me quite a few names seeing as I've written to him about Sandy so many times hahah! But at least at the end he gives me hope...I don't want anything else bad happening in her life since it's been so sucky lately, but I am dying to know her B.V.!
Who has given you names Gabby? Ted? Anyway, I am putting up vintage bvs today if you are interested. Preen Pumper and Dare E. Airre is one that may be them. ????
"Dear Ted:
Sandra Bullock seems to be making a stand for lesbians by kissing random famous women on the stage. On purpose or just a joke that keeps coming back? And I kinda expected a small comment in the direction of Katy Perry because of her songs about ScarJo's lips.
Dear Politically Curious:
As much as I heart the totally gay-supporting Bullock, trust me, she's doing it for the laughs, first and foremost. But she's also fully aware (and to answer your second question) this is already a bit old."
Yea blurryvice I meant Ted hahaha he's answered surprisingly many of my questions, but I've noticed whenever they get too specific or it's about something that may be controversial he doesn't answer back
"Dear Ted:
As I watch Sandra Bullock pack her image with as much smiley silliness as possible, it seems clear to me her intent is to not be Jenifer Aniston, right? I bet pity might be one of Sandy's least favorite things.
Dear Apples and Oranges:
Puh-lease. Sandy is in a different league. She's so much wiser. She isn't even remotely concerned about being compared to the blind, wandering prophetess of romantic purgatory that is Jennifer Aniston. Be that as it may be—I heart both chicks equally, really I do."
"Dear Ted:
I think Sandra Bullock has always been a "deal with the devil" type who doesn't love media attention on her personal life but accepts it without whining because it is an inevitability of the job she chose. She also knows that at this moment in time there is no way to avoid more intense media scrutiny. And I think she is responding with grace, humor, modesty, zaniness in front of the cameras. I think all of that is basically honest. But surely she must be grieving. Didn't she marry for love?
Dear Love & Marriage:
Of course she did (but also for being different, she loved that James wasn't the typical mold), and when the world cried that Jesse wasn't good enough for her, she refused to listen. But that's the great thing about Sandy: She isn't turning it into a pity party. She's just so damn classy like that."
"Dear Ted:
Do you think Sandra Bullock and Jesse James are still secretly a couple?
Dear Southern Comfort:
No, T, the divorce between the duo was the real deal. But Sandy is a classy lady, and as she's said before, does want Jesse in her son's life. That's why the twosome will both have homes in the same area. Cordial, yes. Romantic? Hell, no."
So it's been a while...anyone have any new theories?
So this might sound lame but I was recently on a site and a person said they knew 100% that Sandra was gay, as well as Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston. Now don't get me wrong I'm very wary of this person's statements (I don't know who they are or if their connections/ information about this topic is accurate), but what do people have to say about this theory?
We know that Jesse is in Sandra's blind and Ted DID say Sandra's as gay as Anne Heche (which is debatable since she was apparently dating Ellen for the publicity) but who really knows?
I honestly think someone would've seen her with a woman friend or whatever besides her publicist who I would HOPE Sandra is not shacking up with...WOOF
Sorry for the 3rd comment in a row lmao and I may be jumping the gun here since no-one has posted Ted's BB response about Sandra and Jennifer Aniston, but now apparently neither have one? He's just messing with our heads now I swear!!!
""Dear Ted:
Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock are always quoted as the parties behaving with the most "dignity" following a break up or divorce. In my (cynical little)
mind, for dignity read own skeletons to hide. No?
Dear Skeptic:
Sorry doll, not so much. Neither has even been a Blind Vice!"
- WTF?! Ted is completely going back on what was sais in the past. I can dig up the BB where he said she was!
Gabby - I agree, he just messes with everyone. I am sending him an email and totally call him out on this. Either he lied back then (twice) or he is lying now.
"Dear Ted:
My neighbor and I trap feral cats in our neighborhood (we rerelease the adults after neutering them and take the kittens to a no-kill shelter). I also have three rescued cats. Can you expose Sandra Bullock's B.V.?
Dear Nice Try:
Not now. It's hideous for Bullock while the world waits to see if she dumps Scumbucket or not. That, coupled with getting cheated on by Scum's myriad flings is enough torture for Sandy, for the moment, don't you agree?"
Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/the_awful_truth/b173481_bitch-back_disney_diva_ditches_bff_why.html#ixzz0jIEzuMHN
"Dear Ted:
You've already told us that Sandra Bullock has been a B.V. My question is: Did Jesse James appear as a named character in it?
Dear Determined:
The Blind was double-sided, yes."
this is a perfect example of why I dont think you should always take Teds word as gospel on these things. I think he BS's ALOT on this stuff and esp. the 'rules' he sets up - (only one name per celeb) I just dont believe it.
hahahah I called him out too I said verbatim what he told us in March and April and then what his answer in the BB said today. I also said he's either purposely tricking us or he got his information wrong in the first place and is just trying to cover up now. I hope that if enough people write him he'll at least address one of our emails!
I also addressed the celebrity chef thing. Ted previously said that a Food Network superstar had a BV. Now he says that no celebrity chefs are a BV. I asked him to clarify. That is two big contradictions today!
Esp when he said that Jesse James was a named partner in Sandra's BV, and now all of a sudden she isn't one. It is laughable. Ted really loses credibility with his readers from stuff like this.
I´m a longtime lurker but a first time poster. I was also confused by Teds statement that SB was not a blind vice but on the other hand he has been really unclear in his answers. He has stated that he sometimes try to throw people of the track.
Ted did not really confirm Jesse James as a blind vice name. He only stated that the blind vice in which SB appeared was double sided. I got the impression as well that SB was a blind vice name but she might as well have been a person on the side that were not named.
As for the Anne Heche reference I found that obscure as well. Ted stated that SB was as intereseted in girls as Ann Heche was in women. That only says that SB is not interested in girls but it does not rule out that SB could be interested in women.
I know that one should not over analyze Teds vices but on the other hand he has been anything but clear on this one. Many of the things he has said could have many interpretations.
ughhhh Ted really? He answered my question about Sandra that I sent in before he denied her B.V. (mine was the one he answered "Certainly hope she is headed for one with Ryan Reynolds.")
"Dear Ted:
So I posted probably in April 2010 asking about Sandra Bullock's Blind Vice, and you asked me (with good reason) to check back later. Since it's been almost nine months do you think you could give us a teeny tiny hint? We all have our fave celebs who we want to know more about, and she's mine.
Dear The Proposal:
Certainly hope she is headed for one with Ryan Reynolds!"
THis is how ted loses his credibility. this and the viggo mortensen answers.
Seriously its sooo frustrating. He wants people to believe he has all these good sources and that he's reliable but he's showing his readers that the opposite is true.
Primarily posting so I can get updates! Weird about the Viggo and SB contradictions. Hopefully he can shed some light on them.
"Dear Ted:
My crotchety old rescue rat, Lard Ass, and I are interested to know how nervous Sandra Bullock is about Jesse James' rumored tell-all book. And is the book all she needs to worry about?
—The Lardy Ladies
Dear Bad Bullock:
I doubt Sandy is shaking in her boots. She hasn't even made it into our Blind Vice section for frick's sakes. Jesse may be a supreme douche, but he's humiliated his ex-wife enough. I'd be shocked if he didn't play nice to her on this one. He also has future legal battles with Sandy to worry about if he doesn't, no small concern."
From today's afternoon mail:
Dear Ted:
Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock had just one dinner together, accompanied by their publicist no less, and already the internet is buzzing with them dating and being in love. Now I could ask you if there's any truth to these rumors, but I'm pretty sure they're just friends, so instead I'm going to ask you: Have they ever been featured together in one of your Blind Vice items?
Dear Double Blind:
They have Blinds, doll, but not together.
I know right?! HE is all over the place with SB
also, which one is Keanu Reeves??? He seems so boring and I thought he didnt have one...
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