Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Janet Charlton-Hollywood Whodunit

From 9/18/09:
Friends are worried because they think THIS star signed up for “Dancing with the Stars” HOPING to be injured! Twinkle toes has long had a penchant for drugs of all kind, and especially painkillers. Rigorous rehearsals often cause amateur dancers to have injuries and back problems that can last for who-knows how long. This dancer may be eagerly anticipating the powerful pills and shots generally prescribed for recovery. Friends predict such an injury will lead directly to another stint in rehab.


Meghan said...

Looking at this season's line up, there are two specific people who have had drug problems in the past: Aaron Carter and Kelly Osbourne. The BI doesn't mention the gender, which would clearly indicate who it is.

I'm leaning toward Aaron, since if it was Kelly, her family would be on top of that so fast and keep her under control.

Charlene said...

Meghan's probably right, but I was sure hoping it was Tom Delay.

Lisa said...

LOL- gotta be Aaron Carter

Leanne said...

What about Ashley Hamilton? Didn't he have a drug problem?

blurry vice said...

Kelly Osbourne probably

sistah2 said...

either Ashley H or Aaron C. LOL on tom delay
