Tuesday, March 24, 2009

NYDN Gatecrasher - 3.24.09

Wicked whisper

Which TV heartthrob had to wait until a young starlet’s mom walked away before he could hit on her at a party?


CaffeineKiddo said...

Chace Crawford/ Taylor Momsen?

crila16 said...

They work together on set. I'm sure there are tailers they could sneak into. Chase doesn't need to wait to hit on her at a party. Also...Chase is "supposedly" a subject of one of Ted's vices...and that vice doesn't include a like for women.

A young starlet I think would maybe be Dakota Fanning maybe.

BD said...

This might be Bradley Cooper. Read this link to an article from the Academy Award after parties. Sounds similar, but maybe it was too long ago to be this BI?


BD said...

Crap, it cut off the link. Trying again - just leave off the space after everyone:

http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2009/02/everyone _studiously_avoided_th.html

Hannah.Malkah said...

Whoever it was, they were probably hitting on Hayden Pannetierre...her mom goes everywhere with her...

Unknown said...

Hahaha oh wow I read this totally wrong. I thought it said "Before he could hit her at a party" haha

I was gonna guess chris brown and riri.

Unknown said...

Hahaha oh wow I read this totally wrong. I thought it said "Before he could hit her at a party" haha

I was gonna guess chris brown and riri.

Unknown said...

Hahaha oh wow I read this totally wrong. I thought it said "Before he could hit her at a party" haha

I was gonna guess chris brown and riri.

kanonymous said...

This is a stupid blind. I would understand if the starlet was underage, but it doesn't say that.
