Smack no kids
They’ve been married a while now, he’s still desperately in love with her, and has been patiently waiting to have children…only she hasn’t been healthy enough to get pregnant. Because she loves heroin. Last summer it was a last chance, he took her on extended holiday, cleaned her up, a new positive attitude, kept her busy working on a new project through the fall, away from her regular enablers, and it totally worked out. She was in a good creative space. She was able to fight the temptation.But as an actor, the work ends eventually and if there’s nothing new to do, there’s really nothing else to do. Bored and idle, the old demons have come back. One day last month he came home from a long overnight and couldn’t find her. The dealer called a few hours later telling him to pick her up, she was so out of it even he had to cut her off and she had started harassing his other clients. All the emotional wear and tear, it’s beginning to show on him physically too. But he’s working more than she is and can’t get away for several weeks so he’s hired a babysitter to watch her night and day. Babysitter. She resents him for it of course so the fights are getting worse … and the one benefitting from all of this is a slag bitch colleague who’s been waiting for her chance for a long, long time.
* Update 3/25 - Lainey has eliminated James McAvoy & Ann-Marie Duff, Taye Diggs & Idina Menzel, Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher, Eva Longoria & Tony Parker, Charlize Theron & Stuart Townsend, Sandra Bullock & Jesse James, Enrique Iglesias & Anna Kournikova, Fergie & Josh Duhamel, Diane Lane & Josh Brolin.
** Our top guess: Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart
*** Big hint from Lainey May 15 (AND a twitter June 24) that our guess (above) is correct!
*** Also again August 19, Lainey revealed here that this is indeed about Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart as we have known all along.
The first couple that comes to mind...
Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart..Is 5 years married considered a "while"? Maybe the "slag bitch" is one of his costars on Greys??
OR.. Len Wiseman amd Kate Beckinsale?
lainey ruled out james mcavoy on her twitter
I agree with the first post. That's who came to my mind!
what about freddie and buffy?
Freddie is not near as busy as he??
Buffy's always claimed she's straight edge, not even drinking. On IMDB, both of them having their heads on straight around that stuff was one of the things that connected her to Freddie. But I have no ideas.
I think Dane/Gayheart is a good guess. She's got one film on IMDB listed as "in production" and nothing else.
Also, look at pictures of these women.. Rebecca has the look of "substances" all over her, SMG looks quite healthy to me.
Another thing! Lainey says The husband took the wife on a vacay last summer.. Eric Dane and Rebecca went to ST Barths for a couple weeks mid- June of 08'..
At first I was thinking Eva Longoria and Tony Parker (given the "desperate" in the clue), but I think that it could also be Gayheart/Dane. I agree with Beth, Gayheart looks more like a substance abuser anyway.
Agree w/ the Dane/ Gayheart guess....FYI anyone think Lainey outted Ben Stiller as the husband in "His and Her Anorexia"? As she stated yesterday in the John Mayer post,
"And of course, to borrow from skinny Ben Stiller, what he wrote is all clever-clever in the land of clever-clever land." Thoughts??
Ben Stiller was already revealed as the BI.
To DeygoGrl: this CAN'T be Ben Stilller- he has kids already!
The Dane/gayheart guess is good. we'll see who she rules out...
Duffgrl, I think DeygoGrl was responding to fahtia about the "his and her anorexia BI!" LOL
I thought it was Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green for the anorexia bi?
Dane/Gayheart would be good for this one- last thing she was in was Nip/Tuck a couple of seasons back if I recall...
But what "slag bitch colleague" could Lainey be referring to? She never really says anything overly negative about Grey's (except that it caters to the minivan, etc), but not about the actors... except KH, and she doesn't refer to her as a slag bitch ever...
lainey eliminated Enrique & Anna, And Josh & Fergie.........She still hasn't eliminated my top 2 suspects..(Eric Dane & Gayheart,Freddie & Sarah)
Sarah was a subject of one of Lainey's blind vices a few years ago. Sarah had a coke problem, and Freddie had given her 6 mos. to clean up her act or he was going to leave her...which supposedly she cleaned up her act.
I don't think it's her. Sarah also looks really healthy.
I think it's Eric Dane and Rebecca. Rebecca looks like she's aged a lot and is sooooo skinny...which is a sign that someone is abusing their body. She used to be the Noxzema(sp?) girl with beautiful skin.
I agree^^^ I don't really think its SMG&freddie, they just sound sort of plausible if its not Dane &Gayheart.
Rebecca is definitely who I think it is. To bad for Eric ) :
i think its sarah and freddie and someone posted earlier that smg was a cokehead. not sure if that was ever proven. sarah has always battled weight and chain smokes for sure but doing coke that sounds like a stretch
It was confirmed that it was SMG that was doing coke and Freddy was going to leave her. It was back when Lainey first started giving people the answers to her blind vices. She wouldn't post them on her site, but you could email your guesses and she'd answer you back with a smiley face if you were right. My friends and I got smiley faces for that one. She doesn't do that anymore.
why I think it's SMG and Freddie Prinze Jr:
From wiki for Freddie:
has also made appearances in television sitcoms, including Friends. He is a former member of World Wrestling Entertainment's creative team as the Smackdown brand writer.
1) Made an appearance on Friends as a babysitter. Lainey makes sure you focus on this word in her description
2) Freddie is the "Smackdown" brand writer - "Smack" no kids.
so whaddya think - coincidences or clues?
Hmmmm...Good analogy, but I still don't think it's SMG. She just finished working on a project and even has 2 more projects that are in pre-production...and Freddie doesn't seem to be working at all.
Eric Dane is working on Grey's...and Rebecca hasn't had anything going on since the end of 2008. Before that...hardly anything.
I also thought "Smack" was a heroine or drug reference...henceforce "Smack, no kids."
I could be completely wrong, but I guess we'll know when Lainey eventually gives us the answer...or hint.
I had a new idea for this one. How about Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox? They've been married 3 years,he just took her last name as a sign of his devotion, and her last movie was with him. Maybe he got her the part?
They aren't looking so hot these days. has a headlind today that Freddie Prinz& SMG are expecting a baby... does this confirm or eliminate them??
Good call... SMG and FPJ no longer suspects.
I think Lainey hinted today that this blind item was about Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart. She wrote "PS. Just realised I wrote absolutely nothing about Eric Dane. Didn’t see any photos with his wife. Wonder why."
thanks crila. big hint!
Lainey just twittered "smack no kids" vehicular manslaughter. Definitely Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart - she killed someone a few years ago in a car accident.
if it's ED and RG who is the co-star? everyone on GA is married or Gay except maybe SR but I don't think she'd go for ED
didn't mean to capitalize the word gay. that is no more significant than being hetero; just a typo.
So looks like the case is closed on this one:
Link doesn't seem to be working anymore, but sure it will make the rounds.
Also guessing that Kate and Jon just got knocked off the front page of every rag in town. This is for sure going to be the next massive scandal with HUGE fall out.
Wow-- agreed, Krazykat!!! Just saw the Gawker post myself and immediately came over here to post, but you beat me to it!
Yep - I am back to this one after the news. Apparently RG said she was high on drugs on the tape.
Case closed!
Lainey confirmed this one today as being ED and RG.
Now I want to know who the "slag bitch colleague" is!
Yep- confirmed. Too sad because I used to really like her.
I bet the slag is KH. Ugh.
Here is an old People article - Eric Dane saying he wants a family, this was a month before this riddle.,,20258446,00.html
Just read that Rebecca is pregnant. I hope for the couple that she stays healthy. I am happy for him.
Gee it annoys me when these skanky couples have kids to try and improve their PR image. Gayheart is a horrible person - she did hit and kill a child in a car accident some years back. Why is Dane still with her?
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