Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Page Six- Just Asking: 12.17.08

December 17, 2008 --
WHICH Olympic champion smoked pot for the first time recently at a Michigan hotel? The stoned athlete broke the TVs in his room, but later bought exact replicas so he could replace them before anybody at the hotel was the wiser . . . WHICH lifestyle diva used a hand model for close-up shots in her latest book? She deemed her own hands too wrinkled . . . WHICH still-sexy actress, who has a daughter now getting ingenue roles, is facing reality? She finally had her first face-lift last week.


duffgrl said...

#1 Michael Phelps
#2 Martha Stewart
#3 Susan Sarandon

(my guesses)

Anonymous said...

duffgirl nailed it. Same first thought I had on all 3. Question - who the hell breaks tv's after smoking pot? Reminds me of when kids have a first sip of beer and think they're drunk. Pot doesn't make you do things like that phelps!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 1 & 2, but I really think that 3 is Goldie Hawn. . . she's been really great about staying away from the knife, so I can believe that she's just experienced her first procedure.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Duffgirl Goldie definately has already had procedures and Kate Hudson would no longer be considered an ingenue as she has several starring vehicles under her belt. Susan Sarandons daughter Eva Amurri is just getting started in film, definately "ingenue" material.

Anonymous said...

what about meryl streep? that would be the SHOCK of the century. the only clue that points to her is that her daughter, mamie gummer, is now an actress. but we also have demi moore's daughter rumer getting a great deal of attention...

Anonymous said...

2 & 3 are definitely Martha Stewart & Goldie Hawn.

GuiltyPleasure said...

#1 Phelps... dah. He's been whacking out all over the place lately, but seems decent enough to replace his damage, but skeevy enough to play it like they wouldnt know.
#2 Martha seems obvious- could be Rachel Ray.
#3 My first instinct was Demi Moore, but let's face it. She is one facelift away from Michael Douglas. Susan Saradon is a good guess. Afterall, Her L'Oreal contract is up and she's "worth it!"

Anonymous said...

With respect to Susan Sarandon, I have read that she and Tim Robbins are swingers, and are particularly into threesomes involving males. Anyone else ever hear that?

kanonymous said...

Susan Sarandon has been having (good) plastic surgery for years, so it isn't her.

It's Meryl Streep. There was actually an article out recently saying that she looks like she just had a face lift in her new film.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that #3 is NOT Goldie Hawn. Kate is not an ingenue and Goldie is no stranger to mangling her face. Although she looks darling now she went thru a period of too many face lifts and toooooo much Botox. I thought SS but now think it could be Meryl.

GuiltyPleasure said...

Cant be Meryl... She has been out and about promoting Doubt lately. A perennial nominee- she wouldnt get a lift right before award season.

duffgrl said...

I like your name GuiltyPleasure! Wish more anons would pick a name.

Anonymous said...

Totaly Rachel Ray for #2-- she just seems that insecure about her looks anyway-- and I think #3 is Lisa Bonet who is only 40 but her daughter Zoe Kravitz is quite the little hottie now. Not that Lisa is so relevant these days but she is definitely "still-sexy". Hmmm...

And, ITA about smoking pot and breaking the TVs-- who gets high and starts breaking stuff?!?

Anonymous said...

Number 2 could also be Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice), who had a lifestyle book come out. She was the first who came to my mind.

sistah2 said...

I guess the M Phelps guess looks right - in light of the pic that hit the tabloids today.
