Friday, December 12, 2008

Hugh Jackman and "business partner"

In the Awful Truth today, Ted talks about Hugh Jackman and his "business partner". I think this was a blind item a while back - about the business partner living on the grounds in a bungalow. I know Hugh Jackman was a Blind Vice at some point. Will investigate! For now, here is what Ted wrote:

Hugh Jackman's Strange Setup

What the ef's up with Hugh Jackman, his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, and Hugh's always-around biz, partner, John Palermo? Jeez, folks are talking!

But first, a little background: H.J. recently gave an interview to People in which Jackman himself brought up the "gay, gay and gay" rumors, only to shoot them right back down, saying he's straight. And then, buried in some inedible copy about Jackman's diet (fish, salad, protein shakes), was the most delicious little morsel: Jackman explained to the People reporter the origin of the band he wears opposite his wife's wedding band: "It was given to me by John when we started our production company," revealed H.J. "In Sanskrit is written the basic principles of our company."

In Sanskrit, no less. Very clubby. Very inside. Very mysterious.

And since John's gone from being Bryan Singer's assistant on X-Men to Hugh's publicist to living partner (they all live on the same grounds at some of their internationally located homes) to producing partner, and since they always go out together, I asked around.

Here's what some of H.J.'s buds said:

"Uh, can't the public see that has to be one of the closest business relationships in the world?" asked a biz pal to Jackman. "I mean, John sits right next to him and Deborra on the other side for every awards ceremony. She's years his senior, they have two adopted children, he lived in a bungalow on their property in L.A. There's nothing ordinary about that troupe."

True enough. But one of Jackman's close Australian buds tells me that any weirdness is with John alone:

"Deb has the same ring, it's to commemorate Seed Productions—not his love for Palermo, who I must say is looking more and more bizarre these days. He was in full makeup the other night!"

Another close bud to Jackman simply says: "I don't know what the hell's going on with Hugh. He's his own man, that's for sure."

Which is why we love him, right? And after all, if Angie Jolie can screw with the lot of us as to what's really cookin' down below for her (despite this current clan of all things Pitt), why the hell can't Hugh?

I just can't believe more people aren't talking about it. Probably because Hugh, who I've met socially but never interviewed, couldn't have been more the charmer. He knows how to work it.

Edited to add: We believe Hugh Jackman's Blind Vice is Stealth Stud-Poof from Dec 2005. You can find that item here.


Anonymous said...

Hugh is gay- in case it comes to someone's surprise. He's amongst the many in Hollywood that are in the closet: Tom Cruise, Jake Gyllenhaal Toothy Tile, John Travolta, Will Smith, etc. Keep posting more here!

duffgrl said...

To above poster: we know. We are just connecting past BIs to his current column hints. Comment if you remember the BI.

Anonymous said...

I remember it was something about a married actor's boyfriend getting bitchy and more demanding. I tried to search for it and can't find it!

Anonymous said...

Lets not miss the Angelina Jolie "cooking" comment. Made me think of movies where they show someone cooking heroin on a spoon before injecting... Fake a la Ferocity... Why doesn't he just come out and say it already! Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

IDK, did you read Lainey today?

Could the first one be Hugh? (But Palermo would be an Italian name, right?)


Anonymous said...

IDK, did you read Lainey today?

Could the first one be Hugh? (But Palermo would be an Italian name, right?)


Anonymous said...

the BI was about a married couple who had his assistant with them ALL the time, but apparently the wife was ok with it

blurry vice said...

LOL!!! We are not in the dark here! :)

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Is Toothy Tile Hugh Jackman? If you can't answer online, please let me know if I am wrong by email. Thanks.

Dear No Need:
Wrong vice, babe."

blurry vice said...

sistah2, was is Stealth Stud-Poof?

Dec 2005:

One Overly Cozy Blind Vice

Stealth Stud-Poof has it all. He's got a decent bod; a procreating, talented gal; and a well-respected and sizzling career. Not to mention a great ass and a boyfriend who knows what to do with it. The butt, that is, not the job stuff.

See, Toothy Tile is not (by far) the only homo in Hollywood who likes to push the fruitcake-covered envelope. Uh-uh, no way.

Whereas our loveable, somewhat confused Tooth is constantly trying to figure out just what the hell he wants to do with his life--sexuality being not the least of his concerns--Stealth has known from his relatively flashy get-go what he wanted in life: a glitzy career, a wife and family and--most definitely--a b-f on the side.

And he got it all--plus more money and job accolades than he ever expected. But here's what S.S.-P. wasn't counting on: a lover so bossy Leona Helmsley looks like Snow White by comparison.

At first it was fine and cute. The side-screw was sufficiently content to be relegated to where mistresses usually are: wink-wink, off in a discreet corner, where only certain in-the-know members of Stealth's inner sanctum were aware. Everybody got along. This was before said boy-mistress decided his very convincing reincarnation of Eva Perón was in order. And so, the dictator-channeling upstart began (with Stealth's quasi-reluctant approval) ridding Mr. Stud-Poof's life of all that didn't please the new Eva.

Which meant off with anybody's head who didn't approve of Queen Boyfriend becoming a royal attachment to Stealth's increasingly more visible side, wife included.

And now? The unlikely ménage à tricky trois is living together. Or not. Stealth's got a few pads round the globe. And his Hollywood place? Well, gosh, doesn't seem to be too much room for the missus here, now does there?

So, Stealth's rather horrified friends are now waiting for the wife-unit to blow the cover on the whole mess. Don't count on it. I find in these prickly, often legally complex scenarios, the tryst-seeking tabloids usually beat the crossed housewife to the proverbial punch.

And it ain't: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Will Smith

Anonymous said...

isn't lainey's blind item "cuba" about hugh jackman.

blurry vice said...

""Dear Ted:
Hugh Jackman spends a lot of time telling interviewers (some of whom haven't even asked) how happily married is. What do you make of that?

Dear Happy Feet:
Hugh's not lying—his marriage is working out just fine for what he wants out of it."

"Dear Awful Truth:
Do Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal have a lot in common? Just curious.

Dear Jack Attack:
Sure they do. Wait...what are you getting at?""

Anonymous said...

Quote from the stud proof B.I.

"He's got a decent bod; a procreating, talented gal; and a well-respected and sizzling career. Not to mention a great ass and a boyfriend who knows what to do with it. The butt, that is, not the job stuff."

Fact, Hugh Jackman & his wife adopted kids, not "procreated".

As for the decent bod comment,i would of thought hugh jackman as more than just "decent"... And also he doesn't really have a great ass. When people think of hugh they don't think of his ass nor does he seem like the sort that would be the bottom in a gay relationship. Hugh's alot taller than the assistant guy.

But yes, apart from those points, it does sound like hugh jackman...

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
What's your take on Hugh Jackman and his family? Met them briefly and they seem really nice and normal. Do you think his marriage is the real shiz? What about the gay rumors about him? Much love.

Dear Picture Perfect:
They are very, very nice, and I think they're all very happy, but no family is without its secrets. And the rumors certainly aren't quashed at all, what with the constant presence of Jackman's omnipresent handsome, male business partner."

blurry vice said...
