That didn't take long
I guess if you’re going to cheat, you’re going to cheat. It doesn’t have to be after a year, it can be much less. And you don’t have to wait for 5 either. Also, at that age, is it realistic to expect something to last forever? I suppose you don’t know that until you know it. And by then it’s too late.
She’s more famous. And he’s, well, he’s ok at what he does, but he’s certainly not great at it although when it comes to actual talent, I’m not so sure she has much of it either, and definitely not with the last project she pimped. Still, there’s no question that she’s the B+ in this relationship, and he’s the solid D+, which is VERY generous. In another league maybe we’d consider him a C-. A C at most. He’d never be one to wear that on his sweater though.
Anyway he cheated on her. At least once. With some kind of no name, but well connected enough, and the sort of girl who gets off on hooking up with married men, and if the married man has a celebrity wife... well, even better.
The wife, so far, is happily oblivious. So far. But those kinds of girls, they love to step down on other girls. And they love when other people know about it. Not sure how long he’ll be able to keep this contained.
Current top suspects: Hillary Duff & Mike Comrie, Carrie Underwood & Mike Fisher
Young, just married, she is famous, he is barely famous....who is it? I cant connect anyone right now. This should be fairly easy to guess..good clues on this.
At first I thought Katy and Russell but she's def A List and he's def higher than D list. Plus the way it says "project she pimped" makes it seem like its not an actress or singer but rather a reality star or someone along those lines.
Fergie? But she's not that young. I can't guess
Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green?
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom.
Nicole Kidman ?
This sounds like an athlete (C on his sweater). How about
Hillary Duff and Mike Comrie?
i like the Hillary Duff guess! totally fits!
LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibean
Oooh the Duff guess is good! The last project she pimped being the book she "wrote". And they've been married less than a year, and he really isnt that famous at all. Too bad, she seems sweet enough.
Thanks! I wasn't sure about the project she pimped, but I know Comrie did not do well this season. I think he only scored one goal all year and was injured a lot too.
What about Carrie Underwood and her hockey player hubby?
great blind! i don't think i can add much to this - i'm totally on board with the Duff & her hockey player hubby guess.
i think the major penalty in hockey is sitting out for 5 minutes (i'm not a big hockey person - someone who watches, back me up/correct me?) anyway, that would explain the "and you don't have to wait for 5 either." clever, clever lainey :)
I like the Hillary Duff guess. Except Lainey says he's NOT the type to wear teh C on his sweater. I thought that meant that he's NOT an athlete. However, other than that it would describe a couple similar to Duff/Comrie or Underwood/Fisher. The C on the sweater could not only be for Comrie but also Carrie.
Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie. Done.
Carrie is five years older than Hilary. Carrie got married at a fairly standard age (27), compared to Hilary, who many considered too young to be getting married (22). Given those facts, I don't think the "at that age, is it realistic to expect something to last forever" could apply to Carrie.
@blurry As a longstanding hockey fan, I can assure you that Mike Comrie is a terrible player. That's what eliminates him from ever wearing a 'C' on his sweater. Lainey (who is a diehard hockey fan) is referring to a relatively talentless athlete with that comment, not a non-athlete.
Also, the only league sport in which jerseys are also referred to as sweaters is hockey. Definitely a hockey player (hence the Fisher/Underwood guess).
In hockey, wearing a C on your sweater means you're a Captain. Obviously Mike is a terrible hockey player, hence his never wearing a C on his sweater, because he's not even close to good enough to wear one.
I don't think this is Carrie - I can't think of anything she's done recently that's flopped, right?
I'm on board with Hillary and Mike for this one.
@steph I was just going to post the same thing! So obviously a hockey player.
While I've read countless items talking about what a bee-otch Carrie U. is (and Lainey despises her fashion sense), Ms. U. is indisputably talented as a singer, if you like country music. I also think her husband is well respected as a hockey player. Plus, folks who I know in hockey circles describe them both as devout Christians, that's one of their big bonds. Not that the devout don't cheat...but all this combined rules them out in my book. I think the evidence is far stronger for Hillary & Mike.
Katy Perry and Russell Brand, photos appeared of him on set holding hands with some blonde, and she's extended her tour until the end of the year?? Not exactly what newlyweds in love would want to do.....
Totally think its Hillary And Mike unfortunately, for all those reasons above, I think Carrie and MIke should be taken off the top suspects list esp since Fisher currently wears an 'A' on his sweater, so he could totally jump to 'C' given the right circumstances. Plus Carrie is definitely A/ B+ list, not C
Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie.
@alpineheights, really? Khloe, talented at all? That sounds like one of those bad guesses DListed would make.
Ditto ;) Even though Carrie (reportedly) loves stepping on other girls, I just think evidence is far stronger for the other two. Also, Mike Fisher can play.
I'm liking the Hilary/Mike guesses, since it does imply her talent is also questionable- "She’s more famous. And he’s, well, he’s ok at what he does, but he’s certainly not great at it although when it comes to actual talent"
Which leads me to believe it's not just the last project. Carrie may not be a great actress, but no one can deny she's one of the best country singers (female).
Definitely Duff/Comrie. Fisher actually made the Predators a better team, which I'm know even though I'm far more up to speed on the Eastern Conference than the Western, while I didn't even realize that Comrie was a Penguin this year. Pittsburgh had lots of injuries, and he still wasn't good enough to get on the lineup for the playoffs.
Besides, I don't think that someone who asks to be traded to Nashville because his wife doesn't want to live in Ottawa is going to then promptly turn around and cheat.
Blech, that's what I get for changing sentences around and not proof reading, forgive the bad grammar in my last post.
I meant to say, "which even I know, even though I'm far more up to speed on the Eastern Conference..."
i think fox and austin green
I believe this is Mike and Hilary. I am friends with a few pro hockey players and there have been whispers about Mike cheating on Hilary this year. Wasn't sure if it was true, but I do believe this is about them. Poor Hilary. Mikes always been known to be a jerk and he slept with a teammates wife (before Hilary).
I just don't see Hilary Duff being a B+ celeb! She is C list at best. I like the Megan Fox guess better.
I am with duffgrl. This fits Hilary and her hockey hubby EXCEPT she is NOT a B+ List celeb. This would be someone practically A list - very close to A list. She is NOT.
She is a C lister all the way!!
She may be a C-lister when it comes to talent and influence, but she's still got really good name recognition.
Def duff and comrie.. Remember how sneaky Lainey is? She has randomly been including duff links in her tingles section.. Plus duff may seem c now, but she is one of the queens of tween... Before Hannah Montana and all that garbage there was Lizzie McGuire hahah I'm so embarrassed for knowing this much info. Not much to do on my train ride home though! :)
Has anyone thought Nicole Ritchie and Madden? They are newly wedds, and in her own lign of work and recognition, she is A-list.
Although, if concentrating on the 3rd paragraph, last sentence, if he won't ever wear a C on his sweater, THAT MEANS HE WOULD NEVER PLAY FOR THE MONTREAL CANADIANS!
And remember how Lainey reported on Carrie dissing Montreal? see here, Country Bitch Hates Montreal link:
My vote is for Carrie & Mike.
Duff was in tingles again!
The ''C' on the sweater' comment could conceivably refer to the Montreal Canadiens, but it's most likely referring to never being team captain.
That's what I'm saying Steph, it could be either Captain, either Montreal Canadians.
Only thing is, lately, in the past year or more, Hilary Duff has become more of a B-.
Only Carrie is A+, although like Lainey, am not a fan of her songs, and would not pay to see her shows. Which does not take away from the fact that sells, she is popular, she is at the top of her career.
Can't be Carrie and Mike. Carrie is definitely an A list and the people in Canada (or whatever team he used to be on) were furious he betrayed them and moved to the Nashville Predators. It was all over the news. I think if Mike Fisher were a horrible player, they wouldn't have cared. Comrie, never heard about him...ever.
Mike Comrie cheated alot when he was in edmonton. He slept with a few of his teammates wives. Very common knowledge up here. Tommy Salo left the team and went back to Sweden after his wife's affair with Comrie became public.
I agree with Marie. Duff is not close to A as Lainey puts it.
Has to be more in league of Underwood, who in her own right is A+ with her country music success.
Also, back to Carrie's unfortunate phrasing of hating Montreal, I think she would dump her hubby's ass if he accepts a transfer to Montreal's Canadians hockey team.
Lainey posted this today in tingles with a pic of Hilary and Mike:
How many legs can he balance on his lap? (Popoholic)
Seems like a lock for them.
Agree Rebecca - I think it is a MAJOR clue from Lainey today. - it was a link to a pic of Hilary standing on Mike's lap
Oh this makes me sad. I actually like Hilary. The girl deserves better.
@Rita, she deserves a better career, no? I always thought her acting was a litle bit underrated. And the fact that twats like Miley and Selena are more popular than her is just insane - no tween in their age will ever be as big as Hilary was when she was in Lizzie McGuire.
Good job, everyone! To me, Duff/Comrie sounds like the likeliest guess. B+ is very generous for her, sure, but her name recognition is still pretty strong for the 25-and-younger types. *shrug!*
But yeah, the dude is clearly a hockey player. Which I love! More hockey blinds! More! If only anyone else cared.
Just yesterday or the other day anyway there was another link to a Hilary Duff article in Smutty Tingles and it was nothing to do with her marriage but what Lainey wrote to accompany the link to the article said: "Hilary Duff. Married almost a year." Again emphasizing the similarities to her wording in this blind. I think with this and the other Smutty Tingle link she gave to Hilary and Mike recently she is kind of giving this one to us!
Possibly Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler since they are top suspects for a similar blind (awful truth's greta gatsby and taller baller).
Have a look at this earlier Lainey link... Comrie cheating with Salo's wife in Edmonton... Big stink about it caused a massive rift in Oiler organization. Comrie's a D+ hockey player....but an A+ Player...
Hillary Duff announced today that she is pregnant
Lainey basically outed #1 as being Mike Comrie and Hilary Duff. In today's column intro, she said, "A couple gets papped every day leading up to a pregnancy announcement - coincidence or conspiracy? Do babies make a man faithful?" Given that the only major baby announcement recently was Duff's yesterday, it's clearly them she's talking about.
Yeah, I'm sold on Hilary/Mike.
It sucks though, because Hil seems like such a sweet girl who deserves better.
Steph - very true. When discussing Hilary's pregnancy, here is what she had to say:
'A couple gets papped every day leading up to a pregnancy announcement - coincidence or conspiracy? Do babies make a man faithful?'
Here is the link - check 3rd paragraph:
Another one solved!
I agree...strong hint from Lainey today that this is Hillary Duff.
Also got a hint about the Ben Affleck cheating in 'Come Spend the week-end' post on Emily Blunt and John Krasinski.
Read it carefully, then notice the 3rd paragraph, last full sentence:
'Hypothetically, if you knew all kinds of secrets about your husband’s best friend, would you have a hard time hanging out with his wife?'
Here is the link. I don't however remember to which blind it applies. Not the new one though.
rita- the new clue refers to the 'Cuba' blind vice about matt damon:
Those blind items are about Matt Damon and George Clooney.
Matt being the star with the Cuban lover.
George being the one with chocolate preferences, and of course, getting beaten-up, which turns him on. That one is not about Affleck. Timeline, and Lainey hints have proven to be George after all. Even if the Italian Queen came afterwards, and struck a good deal.
I understand that. Lainey is referring to the friendship between the Afflecks and Damons. Seems like Jen Garner is uncomfortable hanging with Luciana knowing all about Matts preferences.
"So you know who hasn’t come to visit the Damons in Vancouver? Not that it means anything but the Afflecks haven’t come to visit the Damons in Vancouver or in New York. Or Miami. At least not in a while. They used to couple-trip all the time. Of course they all have kids and it’s harder to move them all around and break up a routine. Still, their approach to down time is rather different. Hypothetically, if you knew all kinds of secrets about your husband’s best friend, would you have a hard time hanging out with his wife? "
Seems more like a hint about the Cuba blind, rather than Hil's.
Hmmm, I took it the other way around. Like Matt's wife is uncomfortable hanging with Jen Garner. But you may be right Mike, this could be a confirmation about Matt's blind.
But then again, Lainey repeats often, whenever talking about Matt, that he could not be any nicer. A hint to his Cuban boy blind.
However you put it, it's a confirmation of one or the other's blind. Have to try and understand who's.
To Mike and Rita:
Sorry Mike, but Rita is right in saying that Lainey was talking about Lucia Damon perhaps being uncomfortable around Jen Gardner. Lainey had a Blake Lively/Ben Affleck printing frenzy in June and July 2011. And there has been blurbs all over the Internet this year about Ben Affleck cheating.
If gossip all year had hinted at my husband cheating and I knew my husband told his best friend everthing, I would try to get the skinny from the best friend's wife. That would undoudtedly make the best friend's wife uncomfortable--not wanting to lie, but not wanting to betray her husband's confidence either.
Also, Lainey described CUBA as being 'a happy father, settled down and reformed.' Well what exactly is Matt Damon reformed from? And he was never a huge party hound who loved the ladies overly much, nor did he abuse alcohol and drugs to the point of giving them up in order to be 'reformed.' Until someone can say in what manner Matt Damon was or has reformed, I for one won't believe that CUBA is him.
Looks like this one got figured out a while back, but thought I'd throw in some additional evidence in the event they show up again: Comrie's from Edmonton, and even if he weren't a hockey player (and a crap one at that), he'd absolutely hate the Calgary Flames, whose logo is a flaming C (and is most certainly on their jerseys).
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