Friday, June 17, 2011

Lainey - Locker Room Duties

Don't hate us cause we're late with this.  It was a crazy week!  New riddle from Lainey yesterday June 16 -

Locker Room Duties

This has nothing to do with how John Travolta behaves at a spa. But I love that your first instinct was to go there.
For Seych who graduated from SFU yesterday and was reading LaineyGossip under the regalia through the boring bits – a riddle by request:
You want to know how spoiled celebrities are? Every morning when he goes to the gym and opens up his locker, he expects to find inside a vacuum sealed package containing a set of clean workout clothes. He leaves the used clothes inside the locker after the training session. An employee is then required to come to the gym later and replace the dirty items with a fresh vacuum pack option for the next day. The clothes have to be vacuum packed. They can’t just be laundered and folded and placed gently on the shelf. And in LA, for the stars, a request like this is considered commonplace.


Top suspect


tori tee said...

We could never hate on you guys! This is the best blind item blog on the net. As for the blind, no idea.

.grad student by day. said...

practically fell asleep while reading this on lainey yesterday. it's hands-down the most boring blind she's ever posted...

FrenchGirl said...

the guy looks hygienist

stupikitty said...

Boring? IMO, all of Ted's blinds about every closeted actor in LA are getting tiresome, too. No?
Nonetheless, my guess is Colin Farrell since all Lainey's recent posts have been about their meetings at the gym.

Rita said...

What's the big deal? let me tell you, if I had the money, and you provided the service, I will never have to worry again about packing my own gym clothes OR washing them. Bring on the vaccuum packs!

Kirby said...

Zac Efron came to mind for some reason, but the Colin guess is OK. Anyone up for Zac?

Amanda said...

I'm thinking this could be P Diddy

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest tweets about going to the gym all the time. Maybe him?

FrenchGirl said...

it might be funny if he's Colin Farrell because he's not reputed clean or in love with his soap

Jessica said...

what about Howie Mandel? He's a germaphobe.

Kirby said...

@pomme, but wouldn't that be a game-changer? ;) Maybe Colin is not the self-effacing alpha male we are forced to picture.

jennydrama said...

Confirmed by Lainey to be Jeremy Piven at her Smut Soiree

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who said Ted's closeted blinds are getting old.

cp said...

Maybe it's just a laundry service and they vacuum pack (shrink wrap) the items so they don't get mixed up or lost or so they take up less space for deliveries. I found websites for shrink wrap laundry services. Maybe all his laundry is done this way.

duffgrl said...

I can totally see this being Jeremy Piven. Need to go to that Smut Soiree next year!
