Friday, April 15, 2011

Blind Vice: Girl-Thirsty Star Denied Tasty Lady Dish!

New from Ted today...

Blind Vice: Girl-Thirsty Star Denied Tasty Lady Dish!

We're on a lesbian roll, love it! We've always thought girls know better how to have a really sexy time (guys are just too damn bam-bam-oriented, right?), and Butter Pussy and Cookie Muncher are proving us right.
Their Eyes Were Watching GodTake Sheila Horn E., for instance. Now, they just don't come any more gorgeous than the luscious, exotically beautiful Sheila. Ms. Horn E.'s also pretty gifted in her chosen profession. But what Sheila's fans may not know (in fact, we're sure they don't), is that Sheila also has a knack for making other chicks quiver and quake:
But not always for the right reasons!
Just like Butter is wont to do, Sheila lives for taking a chance on gals who may—or may not—be interested in having a good time with her. For the record, most babes say yes to Sheila's advances. Not only is the multi-talent strikingly beautiful, but usually the women are so overwhelmed by Sheila's charm and fame, they pretty much just do whatever the Industry-respected honey asks them to.
Such was not the case in the Hollywood Hills at a recent A-list party, where Sheila—she ironically is in yet another happy "straight" relationship—put the moves on a striking, slender brunette with vibrant green eyes.
Those eyes darted, dug and may well have blurted, I don't care who you are, get the ef off me, bitch, which is precisely what a very shocked Sheila then did.
It was a major set-back for Ms. Horn E., who's always gotten what she wanted in the past—at least, as far as her lesbian love-life goes. Sheila's heterosexual romance history, on the other hand, is an entirely different subject, and one that's been covered to great extremes in the media, which is always so busy singing some poor-me song for the beautiful broad.
Well, if all these ass-kissing reporters knew Sheila loves to get it on with girls (maybe more so than she does with guys?), then maybe they'd a have a different approach next time they file one of their inevitable break-up stories on the star?
Oh, yeah.
AND IT AIN'T: Reese Witherspoon, Blake Lively, Taylor Swift

Update 7/7/11 - Ted has eliminated Reese Witherspoon, Blake Lively, Taylor Swift, Chelsea Handler, Anne Hathaway, Dianna Agron, Chelsea Handler, Shakira, Rihanna, Uma Thurman, Eva Longoria, Rosie Huntington-Whitely.

Current top suspect: Halle Berry


Unknown said...

Well all the AIA's are blonds, so that's a start. Someone in Ted's comments guessed Drew Barrymore, which I thought was a really good guess. In a new relationship, and she's been in tons of other high profile ones. Yet seems kind of kooky and into women. And is a power player in Hollywood.

When I was reading it I kept thinking of Sharon Stone b/c years ago Ted would always hint she was a lesbian. But I don't think the blind really fits her. Has she ever actually come out? B/c I saw some recent pics of her with her mother and a very butch looking woman.

Also probably not right for this but maybe someone to remember for the future - Kate Walsh. Ted recently mentioned that she was hanging in a gay club and she had that very brief, almost beardlike marriage. Just a little suspicious on her.

But so far I'm liking Drew the best for this one!

blurry vice said...

Jennifer Aniston or Scarlett Johansson?

Also like the Drew Barrymore guess.

Unknown said...

I was thinking Scar Jo too. But, would she be considered "exotically beautiful"?

Unknown said...

Salma Hayek.

Anonymous said...

This one HAS to be Rihanna! Ted said today in the BBs that she was one of his most beautiful women (he even threw in nonwhite = exotic). She is a huge star in music I would say she is gifted. I know that all the AIAs are blond but I think that contradicts itself saying exotic and blond. Rihanna for the win.

Cecilia00 said...

Drew Barrymore is out as bisexual. Has been since 1995. So, not her.

Leanne said...

Screams Jennifer Anniston BUT isn't she already a BV?

Unknown said...

I thought of Jen An at first too. BUT there's nothing exotic about her. She's about as all-American as you can get!

Unknown said...

Padma Lakshmi from top chef! Gorgeous and exotic, a multi-talented cook/actress/model, and it makes sense she would be denied a "tasty lady dish"!

FrenchGirl said...

i like Drew Barrymore guess even if she's not exotic but the "ain't" girls are blond haired and she's known as bisexual

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yes! I love these juicy vices! Also I think we need to go non-white with guesses, such as Latina, or Black, or mixed race. I know I am not liking the guesses over at the E board. Multi-talented, exotic beauty, luscious, gifted in chosen profession, industry respected, love life covered to great extreme
AIA's are actor, actor, singer so I think we are looking for an actor, someone that has just started a relationship, gorgeous woman.

hmmmm off for more research

talia said...

i didn't see the aia as a hint for the look of the blind, but more as an elemination of the "usual suspects"...
i like the padma lakshmi guess.

Serenity_Now said...

I like the Padma guess. What about Halle?

teri said...

hmm exotic and multi talented - i though shakira? but i actually know nothing about her - not even if she's in the country...

Rita said...

Finally, a well-written juicy Blind.

I thought Jen Aniston too, but she is more the beautiful all-american girl next door. In ted's eyes anyways.

Luscious, exotically beautifuL, AND multi-talented. AIAs: oscar-winning Oscar, TV actress, Singer and/or beauty products pitcher.

Can't be Jen because she is not (that we know of) in publicised heterosexual relationship.

What if this is the same (one of) top guess for Sheila Yabos:
Halle Berry?
My other guess would be Scarlett as well.

Must ask Ted if any of the Sheilas have kids.

Jessi said...

I don't have a good guess but I figured I'd throw in there that Ted has said before the AIA will either steer you towards or away from the person... so the fact that AIA's are all blonde and he says Sheila is "exotic" is probably telling us she isn't blonde. just a thought :-D

shevy said...

yes padma!! though it doesn't seem to fit with the aia's, on the top chef finale reunion show she totally hinted to being lesbian- asked who she would go on a date with, she named 2 women...

HKCCRCLC said...

So far I really like Shakira for this. She's from Colombia (exotic!), a beautiful blonde (matches the AIAs), and now has a new 24-year-old boyfriend after dumping a cheater.

Padma Lakshmi is another great guess, but I don't think she has a current boyfriend. She's involved in a nasty custody battle with her most recent ex.

I'd like Halle, but haven't seen too many pix of her with Oliver Martinez, and think he may already be an ex-.

Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore and Kate Walsh are too All-American for this one IMHO. There's been lots of gossip about both Drew and Kate being bi- or gay.

Gemini850 said...

Rihanna she is exotic.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks this is Rihanna who has been rumored to do this exact thing for a while now...

Anonymous said...

it's Nicki Minaj, and the brunette is Katy Perry (aka Strawberry Snort-em)

PrincessTiff said...

I don't think it's Shakira because if I'm not mistaken, she was with her ex for a reeeeeeally long time and the way Ted days "yet another" relationship to me implies she bounces around from relationship to relationship.

elladoubleu said...

Kim Kardashian- (ass-kissing reporters)
Jessica Biel
Eva Longoria

Lele said...

Sounds like Halle Berry. She is definitely gorgeous and exotically beautiful. As an Oscar winner, she would be considered pretty gifted in her chosen profession.

At first glance I wasn't sure about the multi-talent, but Halle Berry is both a model and an actress. Her "yet another happy straight relationship" with Oliver Martinez is well-documented by the paps. (This sends out the vibe that this is a recent relationship, not a marriage or long term one)

The clincher for me was this: "heterosexual romance history, on the other hand, is an entirely different subject, and one that's been covered to great extremes in the media, which is always so busy singing some poor-me song for the beautiful broad."
She does portray herself as victimized in her heterosexual relationships. I'm not stating an opinion about whether her exes physically or verbally abused her, but she has made these claims that were covered in the media.

Sorry if this was too long a post, it's my first time posting. Love your site.

childeroland said...

Amanda Seyfried?

Kapellmeister said...

What about Alicia Keys ? Singer,composer and actress (= multitalented). Very exotic background. Now, I'm not sure that her relationships with guys are very highly publicized and that she appears as a victim in the media. I'm not sure anybody would be very surprised either to learn that she's bisexual.

Jill said...

I think we can eliminate Drew Barrymore, since Ted seems to emphasize the "beautiful" and "exotic" here, and she is more of a girl-next-door-cute (at best -- she usually looks greasy to me).

Padma is very believable, except I don't think her relationships have been "covered to great extremes in the media." If she's in a tabloid, it's usually just a spread on how beautiful her house or kid is.

Of the guesses here, Rihanna probably fits the best -- exotic (from Barbados), Chris Brown relationship "victim" (although I would totally believe that girl hits back... or hits first), and she's always struck me as a tad butch, too. Not that all lesbians are butch, but in this case, it would all fit together. Rihanna has never struck me as especially beautiful, so I definitely notice when Ted makes a big deal about how gorgeous she is. So far, definitely the best guess.

Anonymous said...

I like the Rihanna guess. Someone else I thought of..Ashley Greene. She just started a new relash after being a frequent beard. Was she ever confirmed as Julie Bone Jumper?

HKCCRCLC said...

Great comments, as always!

As a result, I've moved off the Padma train and am torn between Halle and Rihanna, for all the reasons above.

I think it's got to be someone who isn't necessarily "out" in the sense of talking openly about being attracted to women at times. It's also got to be someone with a current bf. To me, that eliminates Nicky Minaj and possibly Halle -- does anyone know if she's still with Oliver Martinez?

Also, I'm wondering if Ted's wording -- that the media "is always so busy singing some poor-me song for the beautiful broad" implies that she's in the music business.

So far, it's looking like Rihanna for #1 choice, Halle for #2.

FrenchGirl said...

Ted C on twitter gave a clue:Sat #Vice clue: #SheilaHornE. Had a few guys in past who also play both teams

Leens said...

Penelope Cruz?

.debbie. said...

Ted says the striking brunette is not a star, just a civilian.
I love the Rihanna and Halle guesses - I would be on board for either of those, but I'm leaning more towards Halle just because of the last part of the blind talking about the inevitable break-up stories. I feel like we hear a lot more about Halle's relationships than Rihanna's.

Einstein DeGeneres said...

Today Ted said that she is more in movies than TV, so that eliminates Padma.

I think she's blond coz of the AIAs. I vote for Scarlett or Amanda.

Jolly Green Girl said...

Halle Berry fits to a tee. Exotic, Stunningly beautiful, gifted. In highly publicized relationship with OM which I totally don't get. 5 years ago OM. Yes. OM now, No

And string of break-ups with relationships that never really last long including marriages.

FrenchGirl said...

is Amanda Seyfried not Polly Luscious Locks in a Ted C blind vice?

FrenchGirl said...

Dear Ted:
OK, here are my guesses on your leso-trio: Cookie Muncher=Brooklyn Decker, Sheila Horn E.=Chelsea Handler, Butter Pussy=Fergie. Am I close on any of these?

Dear Sexy Threesome :
Wow, if those guesses were correct, what a lesbian troika that would be, huh? Alas, excellent as each of your hunches may be, they're ultimately wrong. Particularly the latter two (much as Chelsea is flattered by your guess, I'm sure). Think more movies, not TV, for the former, and TV, not music, for the latter.

Dear Ted:
Hope you are well! When you said multi-talented, strikingly beautiful for Sheila Horn E., could you be referring to Anne Hathaway? It would be fun to think of her as not such a goody two shoes! I think she might enjoy it as well.

Dear Get Real:
Firstly, Anne is no striking beauty. Secondly, she doesn't date to enjoy, she dates to advance. Hope you're well, too, babe!

I loved the Sheila Horn E. Blind Vice and I have my thoughts about who it might be, but for some reason, I am more intrigued with the brunette with vibrant green eyes and I feel she was the actual star of the BV. Was she just a random hottie invited for her looks or an A-lister as well? And if she's an A-lister, might she actually have a BV moniker of her own? This BV made my somewhat crappy day!

Dear Oh, Shiela:
Sorry you're having a bad day, sweets, hopefully this won't make it worse: the brunette is not a star. Just a very good-looking civilian who wasn't at all amused by the massively famous Sheila's touchy-feely come-on.

childeroland said...

I forgot about Polly Luscious Locks?

And OTT, in what universe is Anne Hathaway not striking as Ted said??

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
OK, here are my guesses on your leso-trio: Cookie Muncher=Brooklyn Decker, Sheila Horn E.=Chelsea Handler, Butter Pussy=Fergie. Am I close on any of these?

Dear Sexy Threesome :
Wow, if those guesses were correct, what a lesbian troika that would be, huh? Alas, excellent as each of your hunches may be, they're ultimately wrong.

Particularly the latter two (much as Chelsea is flattered by your guess, I'm sure). Think more movies, not TV, for the former, and TV, not music, for the


Dear Ted:
Hope you are well! When you said multi-talented, strikingly beautiful for Sheila Horn E., could you be referring to Anne Hathaway? It would be fun to think

of her as not such a goody two shoes! I think she might enjoy it as well.

Dear Get Real:
Firstly, Anne is no striking beauty. Secondly, she doesn't date to enjoy, she dates to advance. Hope you're well, too, babe!

Dear Ted:
I loved the Sheila Horn E. Blind Vice and I have my thoughts about who it might be, but for some reason, I am more intrigued with the brunette with vibrant

green eyes and I feel she was the actual star of the BV. Was she just a random hottie invited for her looks or an A-lister as well? And if she's an A-lister,

might she actually have a BV moniker of her own? This BV made my somewhat crappy day!

Dear Oh, Shiela:
Sorry you're having a bad day, sweets, hopefully this won't make it worse: the brunette is not a star. Just a very good-looking civilian who wasn't at all

amused by the massively famous Sheila's touchy-feely come-on.

sistah2 said...

After reading all your comments I am board w. Halle Berry

Anonymous said...

Was Ted saying in today's BB that Sheila is more movies less music? Sometimes he is so hard to understand. If so I think Halle is looking pretty good for this one.

If it could be a musician I would say Rihanna could be it. I swear I saw a tabloid pic of her a while ago hjolding hands with a girl in a more-than-friends kind of way.

Unknown said...

Definitely Halle Berry, IMO. The clincher for me was the similarity between the last names. The second syllable of "Berry" emphasizes the "E" sound. And the BV's last name is "E.". I thought just using an initial for the last name was weird, but then thought this might be one of Ted's clues.

Love this site, btw. Been reading for awhile now :-)

Savannah said...

Is there any way to figure out what Ted considers exotically beautiful? Has he considered other BVs exotically beautiful in the past?

I like the Halle guess, but here are a few other possibles:

Keira Knightley. Beautiful, acts and also models. There have been blinds that have hinted she likes girls in the past. Just started a new relationship with a musician who I have heard is 100% gay.

Charlize Theron. Blonde, South African (exotic)

Penelope Cruz. Oscar winner, exotically beautiful. Dated Cruise and McConaghey (guys who may "play for both teams). Rumored to like girls have had a thing with Bono's wife. Top suspect for an old lesbian BV but Ted recently said she hadn't been a BV

Ashley Greene. Not sure if she'd be considered exotically beautiful but she's dark-haired and very pretty. Dated a bunch of guys who are rumored to be gay or bi. Rumored to be dating a new guy.

Scarlett. New relationship with Sean Penn. Released a CD a few years ago would make her a multi-talent.

If it weren't for the "exotically beautiful" bit this BV would scream Jennifer Aniston. Just a few days ago I saw that she's dating Bradley Cooper now.

HKCCRCLC said...

@Savannah, you raise a good point. For me, exotically beautiful means NOT the stereotypical blond All-American cheerleader. But Ted's AIAs are Reese, Blake and Taylor -- all blonde and arguably All-American cheerleader types.

I still like Halle for this, but if it's a blonde, that could open up a lot of other possibilities.

However, I don't think Charlize and definitely not Scarlett for people whose breakups are "poor me." I have the impression they've been the ones in the driver's seat for their previous relationships. (All bets are off for Scarlett & Sean Penn, though -- they could have met their matches, control-wise.)

SpaCat said...

Ok so here is my question:

Is Sheila considered A list as well? He says she went to an A list party, but does that mean she is too?

Unknown said...

Definitely Halle Berry! The moniker is hint based on the fact that she recently presented a lifetime achievement award to Lena Horne! She also gets sympathy in the media for her break ups a lot of times, like when some of her ex's cheated on her.

P!LL said...

It is Halle Berry ! I remember a blind vice reviled a few years ago that she did not put out with her then male partner ! She fits this to a tee .
PS long time lurker 1st time poster :)

medusa said...

"the Industry-respected honey" - Halle Berry was in R. Kelly's video "Honey Love."

Rita said...

Like I've said, there is an eerie similarity between:

Sheila Horn E. and Sheila Yabbos.

For Sheila Yabbos, if I remember correctly, we were stuck on 2 guesses: Halle Berry and Scarlett Johanson. Both have publicized relationships, are great actresses, the only difference is Halle is an Oscar Winner AND an Emmy Award Winner (TV movie).

I think we must ask Ted to hint a bit more about the difference between the 2 Sheilas.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ted's comment "Think more movies, not TV" could still refer to Rihanna - she's making her acting debut in a movie, but as far as I know hasn't acted on TV (so out of the 2, she's "more movies"). To be multi-talented, most common combo would be that Sheila does both acting and music.

Moreover, the moniker Sheila Horn E makes me think of the (darker-skinned percussionist/R'n'B singer) Sheila E. This perhaps could be a link to Rihanna, also because Sheila E + Prince covered Rihanna's Rude Boy, and Rihanna has performed Sheila E's "Glamorous Life" at a concert.

And could well be that Rihanna is the "Girl" in Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl", that's why they so like each other's company :)

Rita said...

Sent a question regarding Sheila, let's hope he answers tomorrow!

Tamara said...

I immediately thought of Angelina Jolie. Megastar, certainly exotically beautiful, industry respected and her relationship with Brad is, of course, on every tabloid weekly. Plus, the name thing: "Horn-E"..."Jol-ie". But, I think her dalliances in lesbianism are pretty well known, yes?

Unknown said...

Yes, Jolie I thought was Fake a La feroce or something like that. Plus it's no secret she likes the ladies!
I liked the Penelope Cruz guess and the Holly Berry guess, however I havnt given up on Rihanna yet! I think we need to ask Ted to narrow this down

lsbd4 said...

Sofia Vergara

Rita said...

Movie, not TV, per Ted's answer today :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Did anyone else see this article on "Evan Rachel Wood dates both sexes.",,20483036,00.html

Could it be her? I'll be glad for Ted to rule out some people and give clues. We haven't had much to go on so far.

Dr.DuckyDuck said...

I can't imagine anyone being "overwhelmed" by Evan Rachel Wood's fame, but I could see it for Halle Berry. I think Rihanna is out because of the movies-not-tv response.

I think the BB today that Sheila Horn E. is not as into movies as Reese Witherspoon is important. Maybe it means she hasn't been in much recently, which points also points to Halle Berry since she took a break after having her kid.

Savannah said...

@Rita, Good point about Sheila Yabos and this Sheila being so similar. He even gave their monikers the same first name!

@Stacey, Ted says Sheila's fans would be surprised to find out she likes girls and Evan Rachel Wood has an edgy persona so I don't think her fans would be that shocked. Sheila sounds less open with the public and more of a tabloid staple that Evan is.

FrenchGirl said...

Dear Ted:
Hoping am not completely offending her but can't help but wonder if Charlize Theron might be Sheila Horn E.? Hope you're feeling better. Be well.

Dear Not Horn E. Enough:
Good guess, as Charlize is just as beautiful as Sheila, but in a very different way. Thanks for the love, feeling much better. Bronchitis is so for the birds.

Melissa said...

But Ted also refers to Sheila as a "multitalent." Has Halle done anything besides movies?

Unknown said...

Rihanna for the win.

She hooked up recently with Ryan Phillippe - Reese Witherspoon's ex

She's a singer like Taylor Swift

On the cover of Vogue, like Blake Lively

Everything else fits; 'exotic', 'multi-talented' and media sympathy for her love life

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
I've got it! Sheila Horn E. is Dianna Agron. Hit me while I was cooking last night. Tell me I finally cracked one of your Blind Vices!

Dear Keep Guessing:
Hope dinner came out better than your detective work! Way off, everything-wise—age, look, career, all of it! Thanks for trying, babe.

Dear Ted:
Hoping am not completely offending her but can't help but wonder if Charlize Theron might be Sheila Horn E.? Hope you're feeling better. Be well.

Dear Not Horn E. Enough:
Good guess, as Charlize is just as beautiful as Sheila, but in a very different way. Thanks for the love, feeling much better. Bronchitis is so for the


Ahem said...

today ted just notted rihanna. so halle berry?


@theawfultruth Ted U gotta give some REAL clue about Sheila Horn E. I don't even know where to begin with her! :-( XX

@GiasGirl sure: she's often called a horrible actress but she's not at all

Savannah said...

So Rihanna has been notted... @Babywoman that clue is very interesting. Halle has been in some bad movies like Cat Woman but I don't think people call her a horrible actress. She won an Oscar after all.

It's a weird clue of Ted to give since in the blind Ted said Sheila is pretty gifted in her chosen profession and industry respected.

I know Sheila is probably older but what about Megan Fox? She's exotically beautiful and often called a horrible actress.

I know Ted said she's already a BV but Natalie Portman comes to mind. She's beautiful and has an Oscar but when Star Wars came out she was called a horrible actress and still gets mixed reviews sometimes.

Unknown said...

I started thinking Kim Kardashian until he said "Industry respected"...

Kels said...

Can't be Scarlett Johansson. Ted has said numerous times that scarlett DOES NOT like girls. Not as friends and certainly not as lovers.
Disappoints me, but what can ya do?
Rihanna sounds better. extreme relationship coverage? done. hot and respected? done. multi-talent? rihanna has that Battleship movie coming out soon, so done.

Ahem said...

it is not rihanna. Cat woman and halle berry make sense. Megan fox is called horrible but didn't ted say sheila had kids?

lisamedia said...

I don't think the line "singing some poor-me song for the beautiful broad" could apply to Megan Fox.

Also, I doubt that Halle has been called a "horrible" actress; I think that the Catwoman concept/script was what was claimed to suck, not Halle herself.

I think we need to get some new ideas, folks!

Cait said...

I know JLO is supposed to be Strippa Rip Ya but she would fit perfectly....

lisamedia said...

Actually, Cait, that is an awesome guess. Fits perfectly!

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Is Sheila Horn E. Shakira? Love the blog!

Dear Not Even Close:
No, and you're way off. Sheila and Shakira have very different careers, looks and romances. Keep the guesses coming!

Dear Ted:
I hope you're finally feeling better! It's been a sad spring for me, since my BFF's daddy (who practically raised me too) had his cancer return and likely

won't make it to her wedding in May. Thanks so much for your gossip, it's been a great distraction. So maybe you can help me with my guesses for your recent

Blind Vice ladies? Cookie is Fergie, Sheila Horn-E is Rihanna and Sally Pearlsmyth is Xtina. All singers, I know, but maybe thinking out of the box is good?

Dear All Wrong:
Sorry to hear about your sad spring! And I'm extra sorry because none of those guesses are correct, but keep up the good Vicing. It's almost there, just

think totally different professions for each and every one of those dolls!

Dear Ted:
How are these for guesses: Cookie Muncher is Rebecca Romijn and Sheila Horn E. is Uma Thurman. Did I get it right? Or am I thisclose?

Dear Not Even:
Thisclose to this close! Sorry doll, you got it all wrong. Don't get to ahead of yourself. It's never that obvious."

blurry vice said...

Ted says different preofession than Rihanna. So not a singer. I still like the Drew Barrymore guess.

blurry vice said...

Cameron Diaz? Kate Hudson?


I thought called a horrible actress could be Halle... I mean she won a Razzie for Catwoman, but she is hardly a horrible actress... Although that's what Ted said, called a horrible actress but she isn't, so maybe he refered to Razzie AND Oscar? But she's not multitalented... he said Sheila is multitalented, right? Hmm....

christophe said...


Erin Brown said...

Cameron Diaz: beautiful, talented, exotic (she's cuban), blonde and in a hetero relationship with A-Rod. Also Drew's BFF.

Caz1310 said...

what about Lucy Liu? Her acting talents aren't stellar and I quite like the Charlies Angels link to Drew.


I can't at all see it being anything to do with Drew. I mean, there's no way ANYONE can call her strikingly beautiful and as gorgeous as they come and as gorgeous as Charlize... No, not even her fans can say that... I am totally lost with this BV. Completely lost!

Molly Harrington said...

I like the Scarlett Johanssen guess..she could be considered exotic in some ways (very curvy, luscious lips, big least more exotic than someone like Jen Aniston or Drew Barrymore).

And she has had that highly publicized relationship with Sean Penn recently, and before that Ryan Reynolds. And there were always rumours of his 'indiscretions'.

She's the type that I could see getting it on with another girl.

Savannah said...

Dear Ted:
I think I've got it: Sheila Horn E. is Eva Longoria!

Dear Girl on Girl:
Very close as to the gal who doesn't mind getting it on (in public) with another gal! In a lotta regards, just not the right actress. Think more beloved by her community.

Savannah said...

I think that was Ted's way of misleading us into believing Sheila is Latin... I still think Sheila is Halle Berry, who is beloved by the African-American community.

Rita said...

Still believe Sheila is Halle as well. Must know if Sheila has kid/s.

Anonymous said...

What about Penelope Cruz? Ted notted her for Cookie Muncher today but commented that it was an "amaaazing" guess. Makes me think she has a similar Vice. I believe shes been rumored to be a lesbian in the past with Selma Hayak. Could she be Shelia? Or Selma for that matter?


How about Penelope Cruz or Salma Hayek? It dawned on me yesterday... what do U guys think? Aren't both of them into directing as well? Multitalent, exotic...


@LMS Yes, my top runners with Halle are now Penelope or Salma. I always thought they were both bi or lesbian.

J said...

Halle Berry FTW-the emphasis on her beauty, poor me in relationships, exotic /black, well respected, super famous, dating Olivier, many people think she's a horrible actress despite her success and it would be shocking to hear about her lesbian ways...never has any such thing been said.

Also, Rihanna, Drew, Cameron Diaz & Lucy Liu have all admitted to being bi so this would not be shocking.

J said...

Inevitable breakup stories = Halle can't keep a man. It is her theme song.

PrincessTiff said...

Today's BB either confirmed it's Halle (obvious reference to Catwoman and he refused to answer) or he just didn't answer the question to make us think it's Halle. Tricky trick Ted.

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
I think I've got it: Sheila Horn E. is Eva Longoria!

Dear Girl on Girl:
Very close as to the gal who doesn't mind getting it on (in public) with another gal! In a lotta regards, just not the right actress. Think more beloved by

her community.

Dear Ted:
Regarding Shelia Horn E. Is she a highly acclaimed actress? Even with her success in front of the camera, does she also have some not so purrrrrrfect roles

on her resume?
—Fame Gamer

Dear Fame:
Do you have a fur-ball in your computer or something, can't quite understand what you're saying?"

blurry vice said...

Tiff - doesn't confirm anything AT ALL. Typical Ted. He was asked that question obviuosly by someone who thinks it is HAlle Berry. He chose to publish it and pretend to play dumb. Does not mean a thing. Take it with a grain of salt.

cincinnatikate said...

Halle is NOT multi talented. She is an actress. This HAS to be JLo. Puffy is as gay as they come...

Anonymous said...

It's not JLo- she already has a BV - see Strippa Rip-ya, as well as the fact that she was adder to the BV Superstar Gallery before this one was even writeen.

caitlin375 said...

What about Renee Zellweger? She may not be everyones idea of beautiful, however, she did make the 50 most beautiful list. Her father is from switerland and her mother is norwegian (exotic?) she's blonde, she is multi talented (acting, singing, dancing) she is industry respected (academy award anyone?) She was at the time happy with Bradley Cooper, she has had the high profile relationships where we all felt sorry for her...jim carrey, remember she almost missed her award so upset was she in the bathrooms. Jack white, kenny chesney who broke her heart, then bradley. For a while the lesbian rumor has been dogging her....just a thought.

caitlin375 said...

Do the AIA's all have a southern accent like Renee also?

Nina said...

Jessica alba??

Ahem said...

i still think it's halle.

poor me- i think of her. she's been in bad relationships. david justice, eric benet, the model guy (although i think she is most certainly not a victim in that one).

and now when i look at pictures i get a sense of "toughness" and

EnglishBarb said...

This is someone who seems to have short-lived relationships/constant break-ups.

Two names who sprung to mind:
Halle - I can see her getting it on with girls.
Jennifer Aniston - Rumours of girl flings.
But it's someone who is multitalented.
Also, for some reason I just thought of Kate Winslet. I know she's been married x2 but she had a fling with that model guy and they broke up. Can so see her indulging in girlongirl action. KW also sings, didn't she sing the theme tune to some animated cartoon some a few years ago.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Love all the attention the lesbians have been getting lately, especially Sheila Yabos and Sheila Horn.E. But do these two celebrities have anything in common

other than their sexuality and one-half of a moniker? My puppies send their love!

Dear Interesting Try:
Not really."

blurry vice said...

I updated the current top suspect to be Hally Berry for now. She seems to fit best... keep the guesses coming though... still could be a lot of people.

SpunkyPR said...

I think Halle too, as for multi-talented, she was the producer as well as the star of the Dorothy Dandridge movie, so maybe Ted is referring to that?

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Could Shelia Horn E. be a model with a foreign passport? Like one with blonde hair and long, long legs? Maybe even sporting a longer-than-usual name?

Dear Horn E Huntington:
I take it you're hinting at Transformers star and new A.T. regular Rosie Huntington-Whiteley? You already know that Rosie isn't an angel (well, she is a

Victoria's Secret Angel but whatever), and you've got quite the clever guess, but it isn't right. Rosie's Vice doesn't involve any lady-on-lady loving."

Anonymous said...

Halle Berry was confirmed as a Blind Vice today!

EV said...

Yep! Halle Berry. Fits the timeline.

Lyn said...

How come we're considering Halle for this rather than Sheila Yabos? Is it the timeline? And could Drew Barrymore be Sheila Yabos if she isn't this one?

julie said...

Could this be Demi? I know he has her for another, but Halle really isn't around that much right now.

Dear Ted:
How is Sheila Horn E. doing these days? Is she still up to her Vicey ways? Congrats to kicking the nasty habit. Life without cigs is so worth it.

Dear And Then Some:
You must have a good Vice radar, Cherry, 'cause Sheila is blowing up the tabloid scene lately. In fact, I must admit I'm actually a bit worried about her lately. Anyway, thanks for the congrats, babe!

BalmCakes Bakery said...

With Halle being all over the media lately with engagement rumours and the highly publicised custody lawsuits with her ex (I think he has just been accused or charged with another over the last few weeks) I'm on board with Sheilla being Halle

Only thing is not sure how the above is a sign of worry? She is no longer with her ex if the charges turn out to be true and an engagement is good news? Unless Olivier cheating pass makes Ted think Halle may end up being a victim in a relationship again.

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
How is Sheila Horn E. doing these days? Is she still up to her Vicey ways? Congrats to kicking the nasty habit. Life without cigs is so worth it.

Dear And Then Some:
You must have a good Vice radar, Cherry, 'cause Sheila is blowing up the tabloid scene lately. In fact, I must admit I'm actually a bit worried about her lately. Anyway, thanks for the congrats, babe!"

blurry vice said...

I think with the above comment we need to consider other women for this besides Halle Berry.

Women Ted may be worried about due to recent breakups and/or rumored drug issues: Demi Moore, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, Heidi Klum, Vanessa Paradis ... ?

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
What is the real deal with Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry? Their (former?) relationship seems really intense. Is she as crazy as she seems? Or is he really a

gold digging deadbeat? I know one of them has to have a Vice, right?
—Janey :)

Dear Courthouse Coupling:
Intense is an understatement for these formerly in-love hotties...even by H'wood standards where everything is a bit more dramatic than normal. Your
character assumptions aren't quite accurate, doll, but you are on to something with the Vices. Halle has one, a really juicy one at that—one that she'd
probably love flaunting in France, actually."
