Blind Vice: Red Hot Strippa Caged By Angry Douche!
Last time we checked in on Strippa Rip-Ya, her sad story was getting worse.
That abusive hubby of hers, Caesar Anchovy-Arse, was causing a drunk ruckus by showing up
to a photo shoot where he proceeded to take his verbal barrage semi-public by pointing out all her flaws in front of work colleagues.
So did Rip-Ya's shocked acquaintances ever say anything to her?
Some tried.
"She's in more denial than she ever has been," dishes a source close to SRY who is familiar with the sad, sad sitch.
Continues the concerned pal:
"Her career is red hot right now, so she just won't hear anyone out. She thinks if she ignores the problem long enough it will just go away."
But it won't, as long as she's with that dude of hers.
Sure, since she's the bigger celeb in the marriage you would think that would make Caesar pipe down and—more importantly—lay off, but it doesn't.
We may not be experts at anything but gossip, but if you ask us the higher Strippa's star rises, the worse her situation will be at home.
Anchovy-Arse is a twerp and an abuser. He's a total loser, so, the only way he feels he can show he's the man of the household (since he's not the money maker) is to show it physically.
It's just horrible—and so Paleozoic Era. Why doesn't he just use his club to express himself, instead of that nasty-ass mouth of his. Not to mention his hands.
It's going to take a serious injury before Strippa gets it through her head this guy is bad news for her and her kids.
But denial is a dangerous place to be in, and right now SRP has set up shop.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Blind Vice: Red Hot Strippa Caged By Angry Douche!
New from Ted yesterday March 7 -
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The worry I have about this blind is that someone earlier on in the week asked Ted if Strippa and Veronica Bee sting shared an ex bf which of course would be Ben Affleck and he said no. Doesn't that call into question who this blind is? Is Britney Spears really Princess Powder puff?? Could this be her in stead? Just a thought...
Dear Ted:
Does Strippa Rip-Ya have any past paramours in common with the lovely Ms. Veronica Bee-Stings?
Dear Blind Vice BFF-ing:
No. Those two share practically nothing in common, especially when it comes to their cup sizes.
Read more:
Britney does not have a "hubby". Although Ted is often OTL I doubt he'd mix up boyfriend and husband. Plus we have no idea whether or not Affleck actually cheated with Blake. At all.
That having been said, I really wish this was not likely to be Lopez! I cannot think of another option yet though.
Can't be Britney - in the BBs he said that Caesar is the father of Strippa's kids.
Definitely JLo for Strippa. Either Ted is playing with us (again), or Veronica is not Blake. But am thinking that he had forgotten about the affair... With today's answer regarding CAA being the father to her kids, this solidifies JLO as Strippa.
That being said, am starting to get anxious with her situation. It's liking holding your breath hoping you won't see any Rihanna-like pictures.
Today is International Women's Day. Hope Strippa gets the message and gets strength to walk on EQUAL ground. Kick his ass to the curb!
Ted also said that Strippa & Veronica "share practically nothing in common, especially when it comes to their cup sizes." Veronica is known to have a full, perfect bust & so is JLo if you ask me! That along with the fact that Ted said they haven't shared the same man should tell us that we are off on one of them. I know it seems like they both fit separately but put the info together and it doesn't work. I personally think we should rethink Veronica before Strippa because we seem to have more solid evidence that it is JLo.
"Dear Ted:
Does Strippa Rip-Ya have any past paramours in common with the lovely Ms. Veronica Bee-Stings?
Dear Blind Vice BFF-ing:
No. Those two share practically nothing in common, especially when it comes to their cup sizes.
Dear Ted:
Guess for Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse: Dianna Agron and her boyfriend Alex Pettyfer? If not, are the reports of his trying to control her and her
career true?
Dear Control Freak:
I think so, but it's not them. They are too young to have the kind of history and situation Strippa has with her man. But Dianna should take note and steer
clear of anyone even semi-controlling. Not worth her career, or her friggin' life.
Dear Ted:
Obviously someone in Strippa Rip-Ya's camp is spilling about the really awful things going on. So why are her friends squealing to a gossip columnist instead
of someone who can actually help (no offense to you, of course)? Why not her family?
Dear Deep Denial:
Strippa's friends have tried to intervene, but the gal is in more denial than ever. Love works in the strangest ways, and Strippa copes by pretending her
sitch just doesn't exist. She had better start listening to people in her life who truly care, and soon, because we sense her story will only get worse.
Dear Ted:
You answered "no" to the question on whether Strippa Rip-Ya and Veronica Bee Stings share a past paramour. Is your definition of a paramour "a lover" or "an
adulterous lover"?
Dear Microscope:
Any lover of any definition will do.
Dear Ted:
Is Caesar Anchovy-Arse the father of Strippa Rip Ya's children?
Dear Procreation Puzzle:
Unless there's something Strippa's not telling us (which is quite possible), yes."
I agree with Rita. Veronica might not be Blake but it does seem like Strippa is J Lo.
In Australia we've had the son of a very famous Aus tv family bash two girlfriends (Matthew Newton). Fortunately Rachael Taylor successfully now has an AVO against him and is going through legsl proceedings. A few media outlets started a campaign for people to whack him if they saw him on the street - now Matthew is crying foul because someone did hit him. Whilst I don't condone violence against violence part of me did do an internal "woo hoo". The silence around this person as well as CAA staggers me in this day and age. I really wish someone would directly call him out on it instead of it trying to be hidden. I do fear for JLo's wellbeing if this happens.
It can still be JLo and Blake because in the 12/3/10 BB Ted says that's as far as he knows Veronica did not cross the line with the married man. She is all about teasing married men but not letting them touch her surgically enhanced goodies. If Blake only flirted with Ben they wouldn't be considered lovers! I say we are still correct on both accounts.
Dear Ted:
I'm guessing that Strippa Rip-Ya is multi-talented. Do Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse work in the same industry?
Dear Overlap:
They certainly cross paths, sure.
Dear Ted:
Wondering if Caesar Anchovy-Arse has a case of short man's syndrome, among other things. Strippa clearly is not only a bigger star but just bigger in height, weight and talent, wouldn't you say?
Dear Size Matters:
Absolutely. Wait, short man syndrome physically or emotionally?
Read more:
Elle, what about when Ted said that "Those two share practically nothing in common, especially when it comes to their cup sizes." Jennifer might not be quite as big breasts as Blake but I wouldn't say they are drastically different sizes...
Unless Ted is referring to Veronica's natural cup size...
Agree with Elle about the paramour issue and with the breasts one too given Blake's are fake. While JLo's boobs are not small, they sit fairly flat against the chest and Blake's are hard and bulbous now lol, so, while they look like they could've started with pretty much the same size boobs, the difference is marked and I think this is the distinction Ted's making. These two are still in the running for me.
If Marc Athony is as controlling as these BV's are making him out to be, I really am worried for J.Lo.
Diddy, her ex, is supposed to be on AI I think this week or next week, so I'm sure we'll see M. Athony lerking in the background somewhere.
So sad.
Still don't think it's J Lo.
Ted's comments about her are always going on what a nightmare and a diva she is.
I wouldn't say her career is 'red hot' either. Her new song-she ripped off Banarama-just got slated by all the music press and blogs. She can't seem to catch a break with a good movie role as she burned so many bridges in Hollywood with her diva antics-which shows how bad she must've been as no one is normal in that town-and people are really 'myeh' over her American Idol role, saying she looks fake for crying all the time.
Is that red hot in your world? If I was J-Lo I went from having a number one album and starring in 100 mill films, to being on a panel for a high rated musical talent show, I wouldn't think my career was red hot.
The lady obv still wants to go back to what she loves and thinks she deserves-music and film.
Also, I would believe this was them if he mentioned that Caeser had a heroin problem, which is Mark Anthony's poison.
Lastly, look at the way she looks at the guy and how she married him, that aint love but convenience. They got married after damage control after that humiliating Bennifer finished her and Bens career.
Do we know how many husbands Strippa has had??? Is J-Lo on her 3rd or 4th?
J-lo's one true was Ben Affleck.
Re-reading the past blinds, it says she's 'really talented', now do we all think J-Lo is talented? Great voice like Whitney? Great dancer like Janet Jackson? Great actress like Nicole Kidman? Nope. J-Lo has never been known as a talent. An attention grabber? Yes. Her outfits? Yes. Her butt? Yep again. Her high profile men? 100%
But talented? Nope.
I thought Megan Fox but he mentions that she entertains us, so this is someone that we are entertained by. Again not sure if anyone can remember each steps or words to a J-Lo song.
@ranters - I think you're reading it all too literally. Obviously no one is overwhelmed by J Lo's current or past talent. She has always been a laughing stock pretty much, but as far as comebacks go, she's definitely experiencing one now - whether or not it's actually impressive to us who know better.
Would like to also add that to Gossip columnists and bloggers, JLO is THE star par excellence. Look at Lainey, she is always stating that JLO is a true star, always also referring to her red carpet presence.
Whatever we think of JLO's talent, she is still considered A-list RECOGNITION, not necessarily talent/career.
Also, I've mentioned this in the other Strippa link, there is a movie that she had done more than 10 years ago, Sean Penn was in it, and there was a sex scene where she was topeless... She has a small chest. Nothing round, nothing obvious. So am thinking compared to Blake, she is small chested.
"It's just horrible—and so Paleozoic Era. Why doesn't he just use his club to express himself, instead of that nasty-ass mouth of his. Not to mention his hands."
This has to be J-Lo and Marc. He owns a piece of the Miami Dolphins - football CLUB.
It seems Ted is trying his best to blatantly out them on this one....
@ranters: You could look at it another way. You could argue that J.Lo's very talented as an "entertainer"...and not specifically as a singer, dancer, actress. If you look at the AIA's, they include (1) a pinup (2) an actress and (3) a singer. All of which J.Lo is.
(Aside: Do you really think Megan Fox is talented at whatever it is she does?)
Also, perhaps mentioning a heroin problem is a little to obvious and would get Ted in trouble.
And finally, J.Lo. being a diva and having a nasty personality does not preclude her from potentially being in an abusive relationship. Ted could easily dislike J.Lo. yet be incensed that she is, allegedly, being beaten up. And, as much as Ted dislikes J.Lo....he could easily still think she could do better than MA.
I mean, as much as you dislike you really want to see them being in an abusive relationship? That's just so horrible.
And, as much as you dislike someone, that person can ALWAYS do better than being with someone who is beating him/her up.
Hi Everyone! Long time lurker here, first time poster though. You guys are awesome, I can't believe how sleuthy you are! I suck at this blind vice guessing game :)
To add to the argument for JLo being Strippa - (and I apologize if someone already posted this bitch-back from March 3rd) Ted wrote "Dear Dream On" which is an old Aerosmith song. Thought I would throw that in there since we all know Steven Tyler is on American Idol.
Poor girl, no one deserves this! Hopefully someone reports Skeletor soon before he starts transferring his anger onto his kids....ugh he is such a douche!
Dear Ted:
I just can't get Strippa off my mind due to the dangerous nature of her situation. Do you think because of her recent career move back into the limelight she may find some new confidence to get out of this unacceptable situation? Maybe her new gig will offer her a safe haven of friendship and support to let this relationship go. Also, could Caesar's recent outburst at her photo shoot have something to do with him feeling she might be slipping away from his control?
Dear Dream On:
Strippa's newfound fame is only going to incur more wrath from Caesar—this isn't going to have a pretty ending.
I agree this is DEF. J Lo.
The connection w.Beestings is strange - but there has not been a definite connection ever btw BL and BA so Beestings may not even be BL> does that make sense?
Jeez JLO should just dump her hubby already. Just heard on Howard Stern that she HAD to take American Idol - she is flat broke. quite unbelievable but Howard heard from a very high up source that her money was pissed away but could not tell the audience why - it would shock. He then told Robin off the air how she lost all her $$ and she screamed in disbelief. So whatever is going on with her, its weird & she maybe needs to make more $$ before she can dump MA.
sistah2, funny you should say that because when I read what Ted said about Strippa in the BB - "Caesar was seriously attached prior to Strippa, let's say that much. But his issues are all his own. Unfortunately, some women choose to make them theirs, too" - I thought I wonder what he means by that. Beyond thinking that maybe this refers to the fact she ignored warning signs from him, could it possibly mean she's taken on his expensive drug habit too? If so, this could be why they're broke and could arguably have warranted the scream of disbelief from the radio DJ. Sounds like a bit of an over-reaction, but still... Anyway, just a thought.
These are all very interesting guesses.
@Clancy: That's very interesting but IF J.Lo. has, allegedly, taken up a drug habit...would it be Heroin? Is heroin expensive like, say, cocaine is? Because I can see a lot of money being blown on coke but, to me, H addicts are those bums you see on the streets. No?
Also, just thinking how people say how often J.Lo cries on AI and how fake it seems. Well, IF J.Lo. is being abused, then it would generally be much easier to make her cry, right? i.e. she would be teary at every little thing. And perhaps the same if she was doing drugs? Just pure speculation on my part though.
I, good point. I actually thought about that after I posted. I have no idea what they cost so maybe it was naive to speculate a drug addiction could bring down a fortune.
I don't know. I think this "But his issues are all his own. Unfortunately, some women choose to make them theirs, too" sounds more like a co-dependent or enabling relationship. His drug use is all his, but she's taken the hit financially, makes excuses for him, protects his reputation, etc. I don't think it means she is doing the drugs, just that she's carrying alot of the burden of his doing them.
Dear Ted:
Are Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy Arse Céline Dion and René Angélil?
Dear On It:
You're getting close, hon. Real close.
Sistah 2 - I thouhgt that when Ted stated that Strippa is making Anchovy's troubles her own, would mean taking on her the money that he owes the IRS (Millions!). Which would certainly explain the money troubles she is having.
I really don't think is JLo...
First of all, she probably wears the pants in this relationship...
Second of all i think JLo is Slink-a-Rella Jiggle because when Ted released Slink's Blind Vice I asked him if Dumbo Pecs was Marc Anthony and he responded that it was a GREAT guess...
Of course he can always change the names right?
link to Slink's post
IF it's j.lo - don't think it's IRS as Howard Stern mentioned scandalous @ that's not scandelous.
@Clancy: building on your guess...what about this?
Heroin AND child porn. Pretty scandalous. And costly...if you're losing.
Enquirer REALLY checks their sources since a few years now...especially for a story like this. It's not a fly-by-night operation anymore like you might think. They break some big stuff and they're not afraid to go to court.
Anyone know the outcome of this case against the Enquirer?
"Dear Ted:
I'm guessing that Strippa Rip-Ya is multi-talented. Do Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse work in the same industry?
Dear Overlap:
They certainly cross paths, sure.
Dear Ted:
Wondering if Caesar Anchovy-Arse has a case of short man's syndrome, among other things. Strippa clearly is not only a bigger star but just bigger in
height, weight and talent, wouldn't you say?
Dear Size Matters:
Absolutely. Wait, short man syndrome physically or emotionally?
Dear Ted:
I'm a huge fan, and have been reading since the early days of Toothy Tile. Anyone who doesn't have that one figured out should be required to read your
archives—it's Ted 101, people! But I digress. Was Caesar Anchovy-Arse married before his marriage to Strippa Rip-Ya? And if so, do you think his current
behavior was unleashed on the previous missus? Did Strippa have any inkling that he had this in him? Do you have any reason to think he might be abusive
toward their adorable kids? It's all so sad.
Dear Many Times Removed:
Caesar was seriously attached prior to Strippa, let's say that much. But his issues are all his own. Unfortunately, some women choose to make them theirs,
Dear Ted:
Are Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy Arse Céline Dion and René Angélil?
Dear On It:
You're getting close, hon. Real close."
I, don't know the outcome. I don't know the mag either as I'm not in the States, all I know is it's a tabloid. I googled them and the first story I saw was 'Is Tom Brady Wearing a Scrunchie?' lol. The story sounds pretty flimsy but it certainly piques the interest anyway. Can you imagine??
Medusa, you're probably right, but I agree with I that the IRS thing isn't scandalous enough to be shocking, to elicit a scream. Sounds like whatever it is it's new news.
This is giving me deja vu about the couple who aborted their baby. Remember the public went nuts when they split up? That blind is littered with people, mostly me, wracking brains over who would get that kind of reaction. Same with the latest Fey Oiled-Tush. I wonder if this is gonna be another one of those. Oh, boy.
If Jennifer is making Mark's troubles her own as Ted says, she's taken on $34 million worth of troubles:
"I" is right, that's probably no biggie considering both of their incomes. I think she's still bringing in big bucks from her fashion line and he must make money from his CDs... but what might have shocked Stern is if they're broke anyway because of his issues -- drugs? booze? gambling?
That's so sad for her if she's taking the financial troubles he created on and getting beaten to boot as thanks.
With respect to heroin being restricted to bums on the street ... Sadly, that's not true.
James Taylor's heroin addiction killed his marriage to Carly Simon. Meg Ryan stuck it out through Dennis Quaid's well-known heroin addiction (before the marriage eventually ended in the fallout of her affair with Russell Crowe). Robert Downey Jr. continued to perform through his heroin addictions before it caught up with him.
It's expensive and addictive -- drugs and/or gambling could well be MA's poison.
Don't know how expensive H is, as I've seen sources saying it's the cheapest thing but others saying it's pricier. That being said, cannot see an addiction to H wiping out a fortune that a $35 million debt would leave unscathed. Unlikely,
BTW never said a $35 million debt is "no biggie"...what I said was that I do not consider it scandalous such that it would elicit a scream from Howard Stern & co.
Also, did not say that H addictions are restricted to street least did not mean to imply that....but, rather, meant to imply that when I think of H addicts...I think of poor people...similar to crack addicts and meth addicts...since I believe those drugs are more affordable than coke which is usually considered a rich person drug.
But, of course, there are rich people like Charlie Sheen, Brooke Mueller and Lindsay Lohan (okay not anymore but she used to have money...LOL) who are known to smoke crack and/or meth. But I cannot imagine that there are street people who use powder coke regularly...can't see them being able to afford it. So that's what I meant.
I see what you mean, "I". I'm thinking, though, that the real cost of drugs for high earners like MA isn't the price of heroin vs cocaine, it's that addicts spend all their time looking for the drug, buying the drug, using the drug, being high, etc...Doesn't leave much time for performing. I could be wrong, but seems to me MA hasn't been doing too many tours lately. Hmmm.
Ted said 'new found fame' - J-Lo has been mega famous for ages so I'm not sure this is her.
He did say new found fame, but his previous BV's about Strippa made it sound like she was already very famous. I think he means that her career stalled for a while and she's now pretty famous again. Which fits J-Lo perfectly. She hasn't been talked about this much since the Bennifer times. She's always on some TV show giving interviews, she's on Idol twice a week and her song is no 1 on iTunes, so she's very much in the public eye again.
As for the heroin thing, it's certainly possible for a big star like MA to be hooked on heroin. I don't know if anyone has seen the movie El Cantante which J-Lo and Marc starred in, but it's about the life of a salsa singer, Hector Lavoe, who was a heroin addict. He started using after he got famous.
Finally, I've seen people on other forums asking about the nickname Strippa. I know that Jennifer Lopez was a kind of go-go dancer as a teenager. She has denied actually stripping, but I've heard a few rumors that she was, and in any case, she was definitely working in some sketchy nightclubs, wearing not many clothes (I've seen pics of her in a thong/fishnet stockings). So this is a possible clue for the Strippa nickname. Also, Ben Affleck famously cheated on her with a stripper, so there's another clue in the name.
@RD: I didn't know J.Lo had a song that was #1 on itunes. I thought she just had the idol this is even more of a case for her.
As for MA...I totally would not be surprised if he is hooked on H, what I meant was that I just don't think this would bring down his fortune...and certainly not J.Lo's fortune and apparently J.Lo is "broke and needs to work"?
So here's the thing....J.Lo is apparently "broke"...not necessarily Strippa (if Strippa is not J.Lo).
And I just can't get my head around HOW J.Lo could be so broke. (And it's supposed to be scandalous). I mean, even IF MA has a raging H addiction (he is super skinny after all)...I can't see that addiction taking out BOTH his fortune and J.Lo's. It must be something else. And I don't think IRS is scandalous.
So I was thinking a scandalous lawsuit they were involved in?...but aside from that arguably flimsy Enquirer article...I got nothing.
Well, MA is also rumored to have a coke addiction and that can be pricey.
Other possible scandals.....well, Jennifer's ex-husband has been threatening to release a home video for years now. He keeps changing his mind about what's on it but it's supposed to show her naked, kissing girls, giving lapdances and various other things. She did win one lawsuit against him but she is constantly having to sue this guy and it must be costing a lot in legal fees. So perhaps there's something scandalous on the tape?
Also, there's always the Scientology connection. Jennifer's dad is a Scientologist and she was rumored to have become one several years ago. That could definitely wipe out your finances. And I can see why Howard S wouldn't want to mention it on air.
Okay, the BB that Ted just posted is a little obvious, non?
An answer to a J.Lo question and then right after answer to a Strippa question.
The Strippa answer is immediately below the J.Lo answer.
Absolutely, he does that often. Post a question about a celebrity, and right away answer a question about that same celebrity's Blind-Vice moniker.
What would interesting be to know, is what is so scandalous about JLO and MA, as per Howard Stern's comments. Personnally, I don't listen to Howard often, but it seems that he flutters around anything sexual. Does that mean that whatever is emptying JLO's account is of a sexual nature?
Anyone listening to H. Stern could try and call in for a question regarding JLO... Get a hint of some sort? That would be nice!
"Dear Ted:
What makes Caesar Anchovy-Arse such an angry person? Does he perhaps have other substance abuse issues in addition to drinking?
Dear Arsy Addiction:
It's believable, but don't know if you can count it as fact. He has definitely been linked to some substance instances in the past, regardless. Think he's just a born creep, it happens."
"Dear Ted:
Regarding J.Lo's recent breakdown on American Idol, it struck me as being so out of character for her. I'll just say that she's never seemed to me to be someone who is overly concerned about others. So I'm wondering, was there more to that breakdown than meets the eye?
Dear Suspicious:
Jennifer is an emosh woman, but my money is on that there is something else going down that is making her sensitivity all the more heightened right now. No woman has tear ducts that active for complete strangers. But, I must say she is looking hotter by the episode. She's fierce in the looks department, per usual."
Right underneath the above letter -
"Dear Ted:
Does Strippa Rip-Ya's mom by any chance live with her and that abusive arse?
Dear Digging:
Believe she's a regular at that crib, if that's any help. Strippa can't handle everything on top of an arse of a hubby."
"Dear Ted:
Are Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse?
Dear Punked:
No way. Ashton hearts Demi more than we all need to know. Ever followed them on Twitter? Kinda sick!"
"Dear Ted:
Did Strippa Rip-Ya ever work as a stripper?
Dear Work It:
Not that we know of. But she's definitely owned a pole or two."
"Dear Ted:
What do you think of Jennifer Lopez? I always thought she was a diva, but she is very sweet and likable on American Idol. Good actress or is she as nice as
she seems?
Dear Judging the Judge:
I feel your change of heart on this beauty. I don't think she's faking it at all. Maybe J.Lo's just a nice person, after all. There's this preconceived
notion that every hot woman in the music industry is a bossy diva. Let's hope she's breaking the trend and stereotype. Turning a new leaf, as it were.
Dear Ted:
Could Strippa-Rip-Ya be considered a goddess? If so, despite the bad situation she seems to be in, do you think she'll decide that she's had enough at some point and ditch the little twerp?
Dear Gracious Goddess:
Strippa could for sure be considered a goddess in some countries. In her hubby's world, however, she seems to be the twerp. As holier than thou as she may seem, she ain't strong enough to get up and leave. There's too much baggage, way too much.
So Jennifer Lopez is currently (and famously) promoting the Venus Goddess razors. Obviously Ted means she is considered a goddess in the countries where the commercials are aired. There's now not even a smidgen of doubt about this. J-Lo it is.
Great one on the Venus razor connection. Whomever asked the question is very conniving... in the most postivie way!
Someone else on one of the Strippa posts had written about the fact that Jennifer is not well admired in Latin America. I think we were discussing if Anchovy (will never compliment douchebag by calling him Caesar)was popular in South America: he was well liked, with soldout concerts, but JLO was considered a complete diva.
Dear Ted:
Could Strippa-Rip-Ya be considered a goddess? If so, despite the bad situation she seems to be in, do you think she'll decide that she's had enough at some point and ditch the little twerp?
Dear Gracious Goddess:
Strippa could for sure be considered a goddess in some countries. In her hubby's world, however, she seems to be the twerp. As holier than thou as she may seem, she ain't strong enough to get up and leave. There's too much baggage, way too much."
Hey guys long time reader, first time commenter! I don't know if this has been mentioned, as I haven't been on this site in awhile, but the nickname 'Caesar Anchovy-Arse', and all the guesses about J Lo and Marc Anthony have me thinking.
Actually, it probably helps that I'm a Shakespeare nerd lol, and that Julius Caesar was my fave play of his. Marc Antony was one of Julius Caesar's closest friends.
Marc Antony - Marc Anthony - Caesar.
I might be stretching, but as soon as I read the nickname I thought of Marc Anthony and J.Lo.
Welcome grey. Actually, it was the first hint that confirmed to us that Strippa was JLo. See first Strippa BV. It was quite the debate!
Without a doubt, Marc Anthony!
Did you see his SHEER DISPLAY of a-hole douchebaggery on Idol last night?
What a control freak! So full of himself! He looked like a little weasel, and was barking at the contestants. The looks they were giving him!
I could see Jennifer telling Nigel Lythgoe to put him on TV, or else.
"Dear Ted:
Are Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy Arse Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon?
Dear Right Tree:
Totally opposite branch, though. But you're getting there. Think more compatible than those two randos."
On Celebitchy there's vigorous debate commenting on the article detailing Marc's "coaching" of Jlo on Idol. Cannot believe how many people are supporting Marc and not believing that this blind could be true,just because they think he is "hot", "sexy" and "supertalented" (their words not mine!). He's an older version of Chris Brown.
I can't believe how much of a control freak Marc is. He can't even let Jennifer do her job on Idol without butting in and 'advising' the contestants. You can tell he thinks he knows everything about everything. So very annoying.
Ted has this about J-Lo and Marc today in his Bitch-Back section, confirming once and for all that he is now rooting for Jennifer and dislikes Marc a lot. And basically coming as close to confirming Jen as Strippa as he ever will, IMO.
Dear Ted:
So, our friend Marc Anthony has now officially joined Twitter. We should all rejoice in the streets, since according to his bio on Twitter, he is "One of the most influential artists of his time and a true ambassador of Latin music and culture." And while I can agree with the ambassador part, I cannot agree on the rest. Seriously? How does J.Lo put up with that crap? Must be a real bitch.
Dear Latin Lover:
Who's the real bitch, J.Lo or her hubby? Don't be quick to bash on Jen. True, she has been known to date a douche or two in her day, but she totally means well. Plus, I would consider her the real ambassador of the Latin music and culture. The babe is most likely a master at handling egos like his, and when that doesn't work, she's always got all that work to run away to. What is he doing with his career, anyway? Must be hard falling short in her shadow, huh?
"Dear Ted:
So, our friend Marc Anthony has now officially joined Twitter. We should all rejoice in the streets, since according to his bio on Twitter, he is "One of the
most influential artists of his time and a true ambassador of Latin music and culture." And while I can agree with the ambassador part, I cannot agree on the
rest. Seriously? How does J.Lo put up with that crap? Must be a real bitch.
Dear Latin Lover:
Who's the real bitch, J.Lo or her hubby? Don't be quick to bash on Jen. True, she has been known to date a douche or two in her day, but she totally means
well. Plus, I would consider her the real ambassador of the Latin music and culture. The babe is most likely a master at handling egos like his, and when
that doesn't work, she's always got all that work to run away to. What is he doing with his career, anyway? Must be hard falling short in her shadow, huh?
Dear Ted:
Are Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy Arse Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale?
Dear Rippin' Rockstars:
Awesome guess, hon! But nope, it isn't that lovely pair. They actually seem to get along well. No need for faking.
Dear Ted:
Is Caesar Anchovy-Arse moving into Strippa Rip-Ya newfound limelight?
Dear Second Place:
Arse is one douchebox that will always be in Strippa's limelight. He doesn't have a strong enough career to stand alone."
"Dear Ted:
Never thought I'd inquire but haven't seen these guesses and my curiosity and little patience has gotten the best of me: Are Strippa-Rip Ya and Caesar
Anchovy-Arse Brooke Burke and David Charvet? Apologies in advance if these guesses were already proposed.
Dear Strippa-sessed:
No, not even close, really. Though a very interesting angle. Think far more star wattage."
"Dear Ted:
I have a couple questions. First, Kim Stewart and Benicio Del Toro? Seems like an F-buddy situation gone awry. Any thoughts? Also, did Caesar Anchovy-Arse
recently get a more permanent gig? I'm really trying to figure out the identity of this creep. I don't want to support an abuser whether it be his TV shows,
music or movies.
Dear Questions Galore:
On the Kim and Benicio situation—agreed. How random and weird. We just wonder if he'll be sticking around and if she's really ready for motherhood. As to
your Caesar question, none of his gigs are ever permanent. No one can stand him for too long, well except Strippa I guess.
'since he's not the money maker' ... Surely Marc Anthony makes a shed load of money... It doesn't ring right. The comment Ted made about Celine Dion being very close makes sence, big star with Svengali manager... Not JLo and Marc... It just doesn't quite fit...
"Dear Ted:
It's been a while since you last mentioned Strippa Rip-Ya. Is this because her husband has quit mistreating her and her situation has improved? Or is it
wishful thinking on my part?
Dear Dream On:
Even though the hubby always make apologetic sweet time with his woman, Caesar's not about to stop his controlling, abusive behavior overall. It may have
slowed, as of late, but Caesar's still just waiting for the next time to explode. Strippa, meanwhile, is a total idiot thinking this guy's going to change.
Dear Ted:
I never thought I would say this, but I am really pissed off at you! I like to get my Blind Vice fix as much as your next fan, but your latest, The Duke of
Schlongsbury was sooo wrong! This guy doesn't need a Blind Vice, he needs a prison cell. You said he routinely has sex with underage girls and then you
proceeded to make light of the whole issue. Shining a light on this disgusting guy was a good thing, but I think your method of delivery was horrible. What
do you have to say for yourself?
Dear Pissy:
Oh, please, I am not the Federal Bureau of Investigation; although, I sometimes do feel like the Hollywood Bureau of Debauchery. As with Strippa Rip-Ya
(whose husband is abusing her), it's up to the people directly involved in the crimes to go to the police, not me. Your anger really should be directed at
those who can do something about the law-breaking, but instead, choose not to. At least, I'm trying to get this crap out in the open.
j lo
Dear Ted:
A while ago there was a rumor that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were trying to do a Latin-based singing contest show. What ever happened to that? And WTF?
First of all, that's Jennifer's thing. Why is he even involved? What are your thoughts? Is she going to leave American Idol?
Dear Salsa Miss-Step:
If Jenny ditched Idol and all the attention it got for her noncareer, it would be the stupidest thing she's ever done—I'll say that. I think she's smart
enough to want to stick with Steven Tyler and company, but the marriage issue could sway this. As for Marc, he never has and never will have a problem riding
her fashionable coattails.
Dear Ted:
I'm a newer reader and I'm sure this question has been asked before, but it needs to be asked again and will be asked until the day we die. Why the hell is
Jennifer Lopez with Marc Anthony? Their couple moniker should be "Beauty and the Awww! Zombie." Is he sporting a blue-veined anaconda that rivals Milton
Dear Coup de Couple:
Less down-south surprises and more boring common-background-in-the-Biz stuff. They've got a lot in common, these two, but I'm sure if you dug around you
could find some more eVIdenCE why this duo defies your H'wood standards.
"Dear Ted:
Does Strippa Rip-Ya have any scandalous Vices herself? Drugs? Booze?
Dear Ya-Ya Vicehood:
Nope. At least nothing serious, but you wouldn't blame the poor gal for having a drink from time to time, what with having to deal with her abusive ass of a husband all the time. Hell, have two drinks, Strippa!"
Dear Ted:
Has Strippa Rip-Ya stopped being in denial about her situation yet? Any sign of her leaving Caesar Anchovy-Arse?
Dear Stripped Down:
Sadly, no. If anything, Strippa is in more denial about her no-good dude than ever. As much as her pals (and I, of course) would like her to pack up and
ditch the a-hole, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Dear Ted:
Still trying to figure out who Strippa Rip-Ya is. Has she been in abusive relationships in the past, or is this the first time? Does her family know about
the abuse?
Dear Strip Ya Later:
No, she hasn't gone through this kind of crap before in her relayshes, which may be why she's so willing to accept what her man is doing to her. The people
around her (some fam included) are in-the-know and keeping their eyes peeled for any problems.
Well, if Strippa is indeed JLo, looks like Ted was wrong when he wrote just a few days ago that she's "in more denial about her no-good dude than ever." Since they've announced their separation.
A lot can happen in two weeks. I suspect that tabs got some dirt on the abuse and trouble in the relationship, and that coupled with J.Lo's family involvement and knowledge of the abuse (which Ted confirmed) led to an intervention and her decision to split with him, probably quite recently.
I know the MO around here lately is to bash on Ted, and I hate it. He is one of the industry standards for gossip reporting and blind items. He doesn't reveal his blinds, but he follows through with them though the BB over time. These other sites, so many other anonymous blind sites out there now, are mostly full of bunk. They make educated guesses and fabricate blinds with several possibilities in mind. Blind Gossip is claiming the JLo split is a confirmation of a blind they ran back in April about a celebrity couple about to split. How convenient to have a celebrity couple split three months later and they can claim their blind as "revealed." It is anonymous hogwash.
I was so happy to read about the divorce! because I'm so convinced JLo is Strippa and, if so, MA just freaks me out. Who knows, maybe the BV woke her up. :D (And even is she's not, he seems so freaky anyway and they're obviously not compatible so divorce is good for her if she's Strippa or not!
Lila - I agree with you 100% So many of those sites claim that stuff all the time.
I'm so glad J Lo is getting rid of Skeletor!
And, with the speculation of trouble in the Affleck marriage... I can't help but fantasize about a Bennifer reunion!! :)
wow! you guys were ahead on this....I m happy for JLo
"As for what precipitated the break – from what I understand, it’s not infidelity. But there may be something there with how controlling he seemed to be, paranoid, and possessive. It was evident on carpets, we saw it ourselves a few years ago at the Oscars. I remember Ben Mulroney interviewing her and Marc standing behind, glaring, on high alert, and I wrote at the time that it felt a little... too intense. She’s over it now. She’s over the accusations, she’s over the jealousy, she’s over giving into it."
From LaineyGossip. I'm sure this blind is JLo now.
Did anyone see Ted's tweet last night. He said 'Finally JLo got the guts to leave that loser' pretty much a reveal imo.
Was so happy for her to finally leave that Loser!
I'm betting because of her past divorces, she tried to stick it out, and he, like any abuser, had promised to never hurt her again. Really hope she continues with the divorce proceedings.
However, do you guys remember when Howard Stern stated on his show that he knows why JLO took the American Idol offer? He wrote it on a piece of paper and showed it to 2 people on his show and they were blown away by the reason. We know that Caesar Anchovy (from now on Marc A's nickname) owed something like 3.4M$ to the IRS, and had entered an agreement to pay all in monthly payments, meaning he could not pay all in a lump sum, and that even with all this, he keeps spending and buying real estate, and sports teams. We all know he has a cocaine consumption addiction, but am very curious to know why JLo finally took AI's offer. Wish Howard Stern reveals soon. And hope she stops playing the diva and signs on Idol again.
It's good that they broke up- though a lot of the latina papers are reporting it is due to an affair with the telenovela (sp?) star she put in her video, he coincidentally just left his wife before this announcement. I do however, share trow125's observation that ted just commented on her ignorant tolerance. I do admit I have lost some faith in Ted's source relevance.
wow almost a reveal
Dear Ted:
What is with Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's divorce? Is there a Blind Vice in there? Please do tell.
Dear One of Many:
Do you know how full my inbox was today? And it was all about these ex-lovers, too. So ‘bout their Viciness: Well, they're both B.V. superstar material, but
only one has had the starring role. Does that make sense? Their Vices didn't exactly push them toward love and happiness, darling."
This reminded me of when I read this item--
"Dear Ted:
What's the latest on Strippa Rip-Ya? I just hate hearing that someone is being abused like that. Any sign of her leaving Caesar Anchovy-Arse yet?
Dear Excellent Question:
Never thought I'd say this, but things are looking up. Stay tuned.
Dear Ted:
My Boston Terrier rescue sweetie and I would be interested in knowing if Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse are as close as they used to be.
—Cupcake and Liz
Dear Surprise, Surprise:
They're a lot closer than people expect, babe. But with all the things the pair has going on, they sort of have to be."
What's up with Ted messing with us? Is he just talking about their reality show? Of course he put this 2nd question above a Possum Santana question to throw people towards that. Whatevs.
"Dear Ted:
I enjoy the Blind Vice guessing you torture us with! I have a question about Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse: Are they undergoing a divorce just now?
My rescue kitties Lizzie and Ollie would love to know.
—Carmel in Minnesota
Dear Not to the Rescue:
Let's just say they're having their toughest time ever."
"Dear Ted:
Still need clarification on the B.V. name situation. Let's just say Strippa Rip-Ya has an entirely new Blind Vice with someone other than Caesar. Does she
get a new moniker? I have to try and track Srtippa's activities as they are so about to heat up. Also, did Strippa have a different B.V. in the past under
another name given how she loves those high-profile relationships?
—Strippa Stalker
Dear Ripped a New One:
Unless I out Strippa (or, possibly, she decides to out herself), then she gets one name and one name only, no matter what she's up to with whom. So Strippa
(and her fellow Vicers) only appear under one moniker. Got it, babe?
"Dear Ted:
Were you basing your moniker for Caesar Anchovy-Arse on the fact that most readers of E! Online probably don't read Shakespeare?
Dear Book Brat:
No, doll, it's just what I thought of when his greasy ass came to mind. Who am I to assume that my goss-lovin' readers don't spend their free time brushing up on their sonnets or tragedies?"
"Dear Ted:
Any updates on Strippa Rip-Ya? How are things with her these days? Is she any closer to being safe?
—Wondering in Seattle
Dear Ripped Off:
Closer? A bit, actually, but she's still making some seriously stupid decisions. Hopefully she'll wrap her head (and luscious locks, too) around the fact that she doesn't have to do everything other peeps tell her. Then she'll truly be better off."
Dear Ted:
I love your take on everything Hollywood except maybe the whole Angelina Jolie thing since I'm a fan. I believe people can change even if some Vicey stuff
remains. But what I wanted to know is if Strippa Rip-Ya is Megan Fox?
Dear Outfoxed:
Nope, but not a terrible guess. Strippa is more A-list than even Megan, though their talent levels might be equally bitched about. Plus, Megan has a much
better sitch on the home front than Strippa does. And I mean much better."
Dear Ted:
A coffin that he sleeps in when the sun rises? LOL RT @theawfultruth: What Could Marc Anthony Possibly Be Hiding?
Dear Truth Slayer:
Marc may be hiding a coffin that he tucks away somewhere on the 10+ acres on Long Island but we know there is (much) more. It doesn't that a genius to see
that he is not telling us the whole truth."
"Dear Ted:
Jennifer Lopez was photographed hanging out with Marc Anthony and the kids in Miami this past weekend. Is it possible that it really was an amicable split
and that they're still friends, or as friendly as they can be, considering they're going through a divorce?
Dear Block Party:
Hardly, doll. It's all plastered-on smiles for the paparazzi these days. And while they can be cordial for the kids (and the biz), they're not friends.
Things are definitely not amicable."
Dear Ted:
Every time I read a story about Marc Anthony and his split with J.Lo, I get this feeling. I don't know what it is, something about the comments he makes and
the way he looks just gives me the feeling that there is more to Mr. Anthony than we know. Am I way off base here or on to something?
Dear On to Something:
He most definitely is not telling all...But neither is Jennifer, for the record. And like all good Hollywood divorces, I'm sure the truth will come out
sooner or later. In Marc's case, I'm sure he's hoping it's later."
I think Ted just outted Strippa Rip Ya as J-Lo and Bradley Cooper as a bisexual BV...
Dear Ted:
What's up with one of my fave B.V.'s Strippa Rip-Ya? Seems to me that another whose moniker I have yet to settle on is pursuing Strippa, so I gotta ask—what's up with that? Strippa certainly wouldn't deem to be a beard would she? Is the one whose moniker I have yet to uncover really that desperate for press and why would Strippa "allow" such an obvious use of her bigger spotlight? Doesn't seem she has much to gain. In my eyes he's so B-list to her A status.
Dear Safe Bet:
No, Strippa wouldn't deem to be a beard—ever—but she is looking for someone safe after being in such an abusive relaysh. Don't forget that (very important). Who cares if the dude is B-list or a little less-than-straight? Strippa's only concern is a gentleman who isn't going to hurt her—for now.
Dear Ted,
Does Strippa Rip Ya have a nickname of "Lola"? Does Caesar Anchovy-Arse have a nickname of "flaco" or "skinny"?
"Dear Ted:
What's up with one of my fave B.V.'s Strippa Rip-Ya? Seems to me that another whose moniker I have yet to settle on is pursuing Strippa, so I gotta
ask—what's up with that? Strippa certainly wouldn't deem to be a beard would she? Is the one whose moniker I have yet to uncover really that desperate for
press and why would Strippa "allow" such an obvious use of her bigger spotlight? Doesn't seem she has much to gain. In my eyes he's so B-list to her A
Dear Safe Bet:
No, Strippa wouldn't deem to be a beard—ever—but she is looking for someone safe after being in such an abusive relaysh. Don't forget that (very important).
Who cares if the dude is B-list or a little less-than-straight? Strippa's only concern is a gentleman who isn't going to hurt her—for now."
"Dear Ted:
How is Marc Anthony handling Jennifer Lopez's new boy toy? I can't believe someone with a rumored controlling and jealous nature is OK with her flaunting him around town, especially that trip to Hawaii with her kids. With their new show to film and a public divorce on the horizon, is there a storm brewing?
Dear J to the Hell No:
I'm sure he's not totally psyched about it, but he's smart enough to know when to keep his mouth closed. And in the midst of "a public divorce" is the perfect time for him to do it.
"Dear Ted:
What's the word on Strippa Rip-Ya and Caesar Anchovy-Arse? Holiday stress is a big trigger for domestic violence; I hope she'll have a safe and happy New
Year. What are the chances?
Dear New Year, New Life:
The chances are good, A, since Strippa has finally taken a stand against her man. Although Strippa and Caesar still have their share of troubles, Strippa is
in a much better place for 2012. In fact, we think it may be her best year yet. After all, girl managed to remain a powerhouse performer while dealing with
Caesar's controlling ways. Now that she has a little more room to breathe, who knows what she will accomplish!"
"Dear Ted:
Was wondering what is going with poor Strippa Rip-Ya. Is she still finding excuses for her horrible hubby or has she finally gotten out? Always wondered who
she was, and how come a diva of her standing accepted being treated like that behind closed doors!
Dear Ripped Apart:
Ol' Strip isn't making excuses for anyone these days. But to answer your second Q: it's complicated. SR-Y was always quick with an excuse to defend her
horrible husband. Sometimes love blinds you to what's actually going down…sad, eh?"
I have had my doubts about this being J Lo and now I can't help but think of Heidi Klum and Seal when I read this. Does anyone know if they already have vices??
Dear Ted:
With some outlets saying Seal's "temper" is the reason behind his split with Heidi Klum, I wondered if she is Strippa Rip-Ya?
—Your devoted, K
Dear Stripped Away:
Nope, thankfully. Actually, there's no Blind Vice monikers to be had in this marriage.
Dear Ted:
I honestly didn't see the Heidi Klum-Seal split coming. That one shocked me. As for the other couples, yes.
Dear Jaded:
You mean Demi and Ashton and J.Lo and Marc, for instance? Hey, I was pretty surprised by Demi and Ashton, as they had already been through a lot together— many hardships and experimentations in the marriage (which can bring people together just as much as it can tear them apart), shared interests, similar make-ups. But, alas, you're more interested in Heidi and Seal, which, I must confess, I'm not as much. Only because Seal's been passive-aggressively power-hungry with Heidi, from what I hear—just like Marc was with Jennifer. I mean, look at all the press time he's giving his separation lately! While classy Heidi keeps it zipped. Very tacky on his part."
"Dear Ted:
Complete this sentence, in your humble opinion: J.Lo and Marc Anthony reconciling is about as likely as…
Dear Good Q:
Me and Gwyneth Paltrow partaking in a lusty romp while swapping Goop recipes."
"Dear Ted:
It really is tragic that Rihanna seemingly chooses to go back to Chris (who really doesn't seem to have grown up much), but many women have unfortunately
done this before. I would like you to call out not only to the female public to take a stand against domestic violence but also the men. It is equally, if
not more important, that men, step forward and clearly state that violence is not acceptable. On that note, Vicers like Coco Bop-It, Sock-It-To-You Sleazewad
and Caesar Anchovy-Arse all deserve to get publicly called out on their bad behavior and suffer consequences thereby.
—End Rant
Dear Air It Out:
Call out? I think you just did, babe. And perfectly. As for the Vice stars, I, more than anyone, would like to slap their names up on the site next to their
crimes, but that's unfortunately not a reality right now. But you can rest assured that kharma is a bitch."
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