Blind Vice! Cookie Muncher Has a Taste for Lady Parts
Last week when we told you King Schlong had fooled around with another male celeb for a bit when he was younger, many of you were shocked. Our King is gay?
Just because he diddled a dude once or twice doesn't mean he's a homo, folks. As if! Sometimes
fooling around with the same sex is a way to pass the time.
Just ask Cookie Muncher. This superstar has everything: a hunky husband, flawless bod, perfect face...and a taste for women.
No, she's not a lesbian. She just doesn't mind doing the girl-on-girl thing to turn her man—or partygoers—on. Babe knows how to a have a fun time, what can I say.
While at a raging Hollywood house party a while back, Ms. Muncher was dancing up a storm on the pool table.
She always has a way of making sure all eyes are on her (as if being one of the most beautiful women in the world had another affect on people).
So, Cookie Muncher decides to strip off all her clothes while dancing, to the giant applause from the crowd.
Another gal at the party thought that clearly looked like a fun idea. So she decided to take off her clothes and get up on the table with Cookie.
We'll let our stunned party source take it from here:
"Before you knew it, Cookie threw the other naked girl on the table and just started going down on her. For a while too! The crowd went crazy."
Now you know where "munch" comes from.
As for her husband, he looked on lovingly as ever, obviously.
If a guy were to give another guy a blowjob in the middle of a similar party, people would freak. Why is it so much more of a big deal for a dude to dabble than a girl?
And It Ain't: Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham
Friday, March 25, 2011
Blind Vice! Cookie Muncher Has a Taste for Lady Parts
New from Ted today -
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"one of the most beautiful women in the world"? I don't know. I had been thinking that Kendra chick up until that point.
Hmm, someone on the E comments guessed Megan Fox. Could be her.
Sofia Vera-whatever? That lady from Modern Family?
Mayb demi moore?
I personnaly like the Gisele Bundchen guess, she's a supermodel with a flawless body, she's married to a hunky football star like Victoria Beckham and she's also famous for being a homewrecker like Angelina and Julia. Plus the "Now you know where "munch" comes from" could be a reference to her name Bundchen.
I agree with Gisele guess, that was my first thought!
Hmmm the Gisele guess is very good, although pretty disgusting since shes a mom.
Bubelle, not to mention she previously dated Leo who is top guess for King Schlong...and he's mentioned briefly at the top of this vice..
Also OT : don't you think that Ted BV has been boring lately. I mean the cookie muncher blind happened " a while back", same for KS latest BV, and does anyone care about Priscilla Desert and She-Devil Dees?
I guess he doesn't have good sources anymore that's why he's only writting about old and boring stuffs.
I like Giselle. I was also thinking Heidi Klum.
Very true Jules, but for some reason people here refuse to believe that KS is Leo. Well "0755" Ted said that this happened a while back she probably wasn't even married when this happened.
This is a toughie. Rebecca Gayheart?
What about Jessica Alba? I was thinking that "one of the most beautiful women in the world" could be a hint that Cookie Muncher made People Magazine's Most Beautiful list...
Wonder why Ted chose to use the term "superstar." I suppose since she's a supermodel and famous around the world Gisele could be called a superstar... Ted also mentions her "flawless body" and Giselle's nickname is "The Body."
My first thought was Megan Fox. I can see Brian Austin Green looking on approvingly.
Seal or that NFL player seem more the type to be pissed off that their wives were making a spectacle of themselves.
I'll go with Gisele.
Meagan Fox
Good call on Giselle. Makes sense for the above I've heard her say before in interviews that's she's very free spirited when it comes to her body and nudity and that she chalked that up to being Brazilian (though somehow I doubt she'd be that free spirited if she didn't have such a perfect body!).
Also - not that I think it would matter for her, but it says that the party was a while it could have been pre-baby.
I was thinking Megan Fox but Ted's comment about her "flawless body" confused me since he's commented on how he thinks she's too skinny.
Gisele good guess. However, I thought they hung out with all the football families now. Somehow I don't see them hanging at THIS type of party these days. Maybe. But I was assuming they were all about the New England football families these days. A different crowd than in this BV.
Gisele good guess. However, I thought they hung out with all the football families now. Somehow I don't see them hanging at THIS type of party these days. Maybe. But I was assuming they were all about the New England football families these days. A different crowd than in this BV.
Hi Blurry vice, the BV says this happened a while back.
I like the Giselle guess, particularly because of how much she used to brag about her open-mindedness about nudity and sexuality and such. As Leanne mentioned, it always came off wrong since she likely wouldn't be as open if it weren't for her perfect body.
That said, when I read this from my phone this morning on the train, I couldn't stop picturing Fergie. I don't think she's been a BV before, and I thought it was odd that CM's "hunky husband" didn't get a name - either he's a no one or he already has one. Not sure the "perfect face" part fits for me, but who knows if Ted thinks her face is perfect.
I like the Giselle guess. I was leaning toward Jessica Alba, but I don't know that anyone would consider her husband hunky
I think both Gisele and Heidi Klum are good guesses, since they are both gorgeous supermodels and have practically flawless bodies.
I don't think Fergie is pretty enough to be considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Megan Fox is gorgeous but she's not exactly a superstar. Ted himself said a while back that her career seemed to be going the way of straight-to-video releases. Jessica Alba is not exactly a superstar either, she's kinda B-List.
Giselle Bunchen still seems the most likely because of the "munch." I have the impression Heidi Klum is devoted to her husband and vice versa, doesn't seem to fit this. Other possibilities might be Claudia Schiffer or Cindy Crawford. I've read that CC has an "unorthodox" marriage to Randy Gerber.
Gwen Stefani?
Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford sound like possibilities. Is Claudia's husband hunky? I wouldn't consider Gwen Stefani to be among the most beautiful women.
The munch part could just be from the name "cookie muncher" and not from Gisele Bundchen. Wasn't she all traumatized about a lesbian kiss she had to do for some movie? Also I don't think she has a perfect face.
My guess is for Brooklyn Decker. She's confessed a lesbian crush for Gisele, flawless bod, perfect face, hunky husband all fit.
Also Rebecca Gayheart is TOTALLY into that wild sh!t. And her man is very hunky. But she's not exactly a superstar.
I'm thinking it's a real in someone known all around the world. The hints that he gave (Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie + Victoria Beckham) all meet that description. Brooklyn Decker is not on that level.
I agree in that I don't think Giselle's face is her best asset but I can't deny that the woman is gorgeous. Did you see the recent photos of her strutting her stuff in a bikini in Brazil for Carnival? Ridiculous. That fact that she's considered one of the most beautiful women in the world is reflected in her salary...she's the highest paid supermodel of all time and has received the highest earnings of any model every after year since 2004. Her looks pulled in $25 million last year:
I'm thinking it's someone on that level of superstardom.
i was think Giselle the whole time, esp when he said hottest bod and flawless face... the only thing throwing me off is the ages of the AIA they are all a little older, but I still think Giselle
where are people getting Gwen Stefani from???? random
Demi Moore?
Actually Heidi Klume has the nickname "the Body" not Giselle. Remember the big model feud between her and Elle Macpherson over the nickname!
This is def. someone older then alba and fox. And Superstar sounds much more like a model. I think all the aia were actually on peoples most beautiful list, also they all have kids.
this sounds like Fergie to me except the part about a "perfect face," lol
Cindy Crawford? If it happened a while ago then maybe it was before she would have cared about what her kids would think
The AIA are all in their 30s or 40s, and not models. Dabbling in modeling when you are 18 is not the same as being a professional model. While Heidi Klum or Giselle are both believable for this, the fact that the AIAs aren't models makes me question...
That said, I say Heidi!!! It just fits.
The AIA's names may also be a clue - they all end in "a".
And they all have kids, multiple kids.
I would have thought Demi but she already has a BV nickname.
Ohhhhh! I got it!! Miranda Kerr!!! She's married to Orlando bloom who obviously is a vice already, which is why Ted didn't name "the hunky husband".... Perfect bod, perfect face, and if orlando's vice has anything to do with it, he wouldn't care too much if his wife was goin' down, as he does himself!!!
Or Heidi!! Haha.. Maybe that's better...
But yeah the AiAs are actresses (except for posh), and big celebrities... I think we may need to think more the acting route... Sofia whateverhernameis, like my first guess?
Or who's an actress you can imagine throwing down and getting wild?
I don't know, I still think Fergie is the best fit for this. She is definitely a superstar and both Heidi and Giselle seem too tame to be dancing on tables and going down on another woman in front of a crowd. With all the wild stuff we already KNOW about Fergie, this would totally be in character.
i dont know, fergie just had an article on e! that was about how her face was a little effed up, so im not going with fergie on this one. the people list seems like a good place to look for clues.
Yup, I agree... Fergie DEF. Doesn't have a perfect face! Love the girl, but her face looks like Carrot Top!
I can't believe some of the skanky stuff that happens in Hollywood. This blind is so feral, it's like some bad college-based porn movie. Yukko!
I can't imagine it being Heidi Klum, she and Seal sound like the nicest couple and Seal, in particular, comes across as deep and soulful. Hard to believe these two would be into this.
Hey guys, I made a rank for the choices here! Take a look:
Clancy, I agree. It takes a certain type of person to be that out there in front of a group. I really can't see most women doing this. And it takes a certain type of man to be cool with it too.
I could maybe see Fergie or Rebecca Gayheart, but those guesses have the issues you all mentioned.
I don't think it's Gisele, because I follow sports gossip and football and I really don't think Tom Brady would be ok with that. He is pretty conservative. I really don't like the guy, btw. He is a cheater, a sore loser, and a poor winner. But I can't see him being cool with Gisele doing that.
Honestly when I first read this I wondered if it was made up. Like, who does that? But crazy stuff does go on out there, what do I know. I still want to find out who it is! Looking fwd to some more hints.
First of al...ew. There are some good guesses on here including Heidi Klum and Cindy Crawford, but I SO don't see this being Gisele. In interviews over the years she was never a big partier/clubgoer-more of a homebody. Not Sofia Vergara-she is not married(has a bf)
Kate Moss would be IDEAL for this, but she's not married. Apparently Kate Moss has done this sort of thing in the past at her private parties. Literally, this exact sort of thing.
Britney Spears would be another excellent guess and she has not been confirmed for Princess Powder Puff. In fact, Ted has hinted it is NOT her.
I read a story a while back about Brit, during her heyday when she would rip her clothes off while dancing on tables and allow everyone to feel her up while she was dancing. This was during the time she was married for a minute to Jason Alexander. So at THAT time she was married, but not now.
Absolutely no way is this Gisele.
Within the industry [fashion] she definitely has one of the biggest personalities but she's also known to be incredibly boring ... & not just since she got hitched. When she was younger she wasn't out partying every night in NYC like her peers, she's always been a homebody & incredibly professional. Kate Moss she's not. I also don't see Tom being down with this sort of thing.
I want to say Charlize Theron ... because she's known to be pretty wild though it's never reported but of course she doesn't fit. As for the other guesses, Miranda Kerr is like Gisele - boring as hell! Fergie would never be considered beautiful, nor would Britney be considered 'one of the most beautiful women in the world' ... Can't think of anyone else.
Someone on another site guessed Rebecca Romjin. I could see that.
alessandra ambrosio?
i read on another column that rebecca romaine was suggested for cookie...that would make sense for the AIAs names ending in "a" but I don't know. I think more hints need to be given so that we can cut down the list of guesses...I just thought the action was disgusting and irresponsible as it could easily lead to a STD.
sorry i botched up the spelling of her name :(
Jennifer Aniston when she was married to Brad. She has always liked to party hard. I do like the Rebecca Romjin guess - she was married to John Stamos and didn't they have an open relationship?
Oh, in support of Rebecca...she is gorgeous, has a Sports Illustrated cover or two and still has an amazing body. Even when it's not painted blue for the X-Men movies. John was and still is a hot-looking man too. Heidi, Giselle, Claudia & Cindy are way too career reputation oriented to do this. Blogger with the strange number & letter sequence as your name...good spotting!!
If it weren't for the fact that she and Jude Law were never actually married, I would totally say Sienna Miller. Her name ends in the letter a and she could be considered a homewrecker a la Angelina and Julia, based on her relationship with Balthazaar Getty.
And in Today's BB, Ted mentioned her "munching."
What about Pam Anderson back when she was with Tommy Lee? It says "superstar" which makes me think it's not necessarily an actress.
Pam Anderson used to have the perfect face & body back when she was with Tommy Lee who was hot back then. She also used to lounge around with her breasts exposed in front of others. She was a total partier.
Another guess is...Jenna Jameson. I don't think she looks good at all never know what Ted thinks. I could definitely see "superstar" meaning pornstar. Tito is ugh though.
I had suggested Megan Fox on the E boards. I think Superstar is pretty vague term and would apply to her. She is going straight to video but she still is a superstar in terms of name recognition. She seems very insecure and attention grabbing. Married, BAG is hunky. She has been called the most beautiful women in the world, etc... made top 10 lists for hottest woman etc....often compared to Angelina, although the other two AIA have got me on her and I can usually tie them in pretty well with my guesses. Also, she has no BV yet, and Ted does like to talk to about her. He talks about her alot. Asked him both straight out if it is her and also in a separate email if she is still a superstar blah blah can't remember 10 minutes ago. However, he hasn't answered one of questions yet. Hoping he will not her if I am totally off.
This one is definitely Cindy Crawford "supermodel".
I'm not sure if I missed something in the blind indicating that Cookie is definitely a model; however, I was thinking about Olivia Wilde. She was married until recently and they were together for awhile. She was listed as Maxim's (or a similar mag) hottest woman in the world. She and the prince (former hubby) got married in a bus in rural Virginia in a sort of hippie fashion.
Anywho, I could totally see this being her.
I know some have guessed Demi Moore, would like to add my support to that guess.
Demi Moore is still considered a superstar wherever she goes, and is timelessly beautiful (no matter the cost...)
But what hits it more on the nail for this BV, is how supposedly the hubby is looking adoringly on while she goes down on the other woman in front of everyone. Cue in how Ashton ALWAYS looks adoringly on, when he is pictured with his wife. Remember how he looked adoringly on during the Snoop Dog show and was filming her gyrating all over Snoop's frontal.
Also, whenever Ted speaks of Demi and Ashton, he describes as Ashton looking on adoringly his wife while she does interviews or is posing on the red carpet. One last point: Ted had often underlined the fact that Demi and Ashton's relationship is very real, not a Hollywood stunt, and goes on to say that by HOLLYWOOD STANDARDS, they are in it for real. H-Town standards are no not our own. Three-somes are Hollywood standards it seems!
NOW EXCUSE MY TWISTED SENSE OF HUMOUR, BUT wouldn't it be funny if Cookie Mucher was going down on Me-Me Dallas:
Sorry! Couldn't help myself. With my innuendo regarding Me-Me being Bieber's first (see Lainey's blind on Bieber), and through the backdoor, then why not doing it in public with Demi?
I like the Demi guess - We need Ted to answer so questions about the "superstar's" line of work to narrow this down
Rebecca Romijn is married to Jerry O'Connell now, not John Stamos.
Doubtful this blind is Demi. She's already got a BV. She's almost certainly mimi kitten. And if Ted follows his rules, that eliminates her.
Besides, no way is Demi Moore a superstar with a perfect face and flawless body. (IMO never was.)
@I - Ted does not neccearily out Ashton Kutsher as Pussy Gabor, but he hints that the guess is very close. Meaning it is either Ashton, or say maybe something closer, like Bruce Willis.
But whatever the guess for Pussy Gabor, his wife in the blind is stated as Ms. Pussy Gabor, as not yet a moniker of her own. Anyway, that is my interpretation. Having read both blinds, I am still sticking for Demi Moore as Muncher.
Also, Ted has been known to change monikers for supporting roles in a blind, until they become a star of one BV of their own. I think that was why we, the BIE, were pretty pissed about a few weeks ago. Would be interested to guess the degree of separation between Pussy Gabor and Cookie Mucher.
As well as cookie Muncher and Me-Me Dallas. That one is pretty dirty and a bit despicalbe. But one must go where no one dares to go before. Can you imagine, the startrek to the nasty universe of h-town. Live long, and please don't let prosper, use protection:)
Ted just left a clue on his twitter - "Hint hint! Cookie Muncher is very famous for something prominent on her face, and it ain't slobber!"
Cindy crawford's mole maybe? Or possibly someone with a well-publicized nose/nose job!
Cindy crawford!! she's famous for her mole
That hint just confirms for me that Cookie is Cindy... I'm surprised Ted said she isn't a lesbian though. What I had heard about their relationship is that it's basically a beard arrangement and that her husband Rande is more than friends with his "good friend" George Clooney.
Rebecca Romjin O'Connell or whatever her new name is.
This is allegedly one of the reasons her and Stamos broke up.
After that hint, I'm sold: Definitely Cindy Crawford. Weird.
@Rita: I'm not talking about Mrs. Pussy Gabor, I'm talking about Mimi Kitten for Demi Moore. Demi as Mrs. Pussy Gabor has been overthrown for Demi as Mimi Kitten a while ago and that is not a supporting vice. Also, Demi & Miley? Come again? Where did you get that odd pairing?
As for Cindy Crawford: I don't believe Rande Gerber & Clooney are exclusive homosexuals AT ALL. Rande Gerber has had well-publicized sexual harassment suits brought upon him by women so I am sure he sleeps with women other than his wife. I wouldn't be surprised if he sleeps with men as well but no way do I believe he only sleeps with men and that man is exclusively Clooney. Please. Clooney has had serious GFs in the past and present. Sure, I bet Clooney dabbles in guys but he also in no way ONLY sleeps with guys. Men like Gerber and Clooney are horn dogs who will sleep with beautiful people period a la David Bowie & Mick Jagger.
Can't see Cindy as a straight out lesbian. She was serious with Richard Gere before that and I have never heard of her exclusively with women. I could see Cindy Crawford for this. She may have done it b/c it was the "cool" thing to do and to impress her husband and his friends or whatever.
Maybe Rebecca Romijn for this though I don't follow her much. What does she have on her face?
I, well aren't you just little Miss (or Mr.) Psychoanalyst of the Stars... For what it's worth, I have heard that Richard Gere prefers men. And that Cindy dated more women before she was married.
Debbie - that is an amazing clue! It would also explain a lot. Although I was sticking to the Demi guess, specially after Ted today answered a question about Muncher, and right after answered a question about Ashton K. That usually with Ted ia a big hint. He tends to give clues on blinds when revealing in BB who the vicer is (re: Strippa, answers questions about JLO right after or before answering questions about Strippa).
But with the prominence on her face, now I am totally on board for the Cindy Crawford guess. Great catch Debbie!
Also, this would definitely explain how come George Clooney stuck by his buddy's side when an ex-waitress sued Gerber for sexual harrassment! Cindy definitely stood by her man. But I think what made the suit disappear, is when Clooney publicly denied that anything inappropriate has ever happened while he was around his buddy as well as the waitress. This certainly explains a lot, and how about the fact that Lainey used to often hint that George, although strongly into S&M, was more into boys then girls. While Ted has strongly maintained that Clooney is very straight.
@Savannah - "I" considers him/herself to be quite the expert on what is going on in the minds of all celebrities - and in the process makes lots of assumptions and generalizations that are often very offensive!
Lets all play nice in the sandbox folks and keep our comments focused on the BVs instead of eachother - huh
I found this old Lainey blind about George Clooney, Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford. I always thought it was weird that she put two seemingly separate stories in one blind but she suggests in this that it's Cindy and George who are doing it on the side
Anyway, I'm not sold on any of the suggestions that have been put forward but of all of them, Cindy Crawford and Megan Fox seem most likely - Cindy because she's a true supermodel and Megan because I can see her doing it and BAG seems so proud that she is his wife. While females may not consider her a superstar, men certainly do and as someone pointed out earlier, she has been on so many of those lists.
On an aside, I read this blind to my husband. It's the first time I've ever done that and he said, "wow, if this was true wouldn't it be front page news?" He's quite clueless about what goes on in Hollywood.
@Savannah: It's nice that you have heard that Gere prefers men. I have not heard any reputable source suggest that. I don't consider CDAN, blind gossip, and some random poster on a message board a reputable source. So I will continue with my opinion thinking that Gere, Clooney, Crawford do not exclusively prefer same sex couplings.
As for my being offensive, that is hilarious. Some people here suggest really nasty stuff which IS offensive. For e.g., Tom Cruise being a pedophile? Completely unfounded, unsubstantiated and "out there".
Demi Moore being a pedophile? (B/c if Demi Moore is "muncher" and she was getting it on "a while back" with Miley...then Miley must have been underage, right?) I mean, those two assumptions right there are ridiculously offensive and based on bizarre shoestring logic (or non-logic really). And my standing up AGAINST it is deemed offensive? LOL. If anything, it is the opposite of offensive.
@I - You know very well which things have come across as offensive (assuming that because someone is a non-orthodox jew, they are automatically okay with abortion, saying that people who are promiscuous deserve to get cancer and most recently, calling Tobey Maquire's wife "unfortunate looking," just because she admirably refuses to give in to Hollywood's standards of beauty by not having a nose job.)
Back to the topic at hand, I'm liking the Cindy Crawford guess. But then again, she might be his red herring on this one.
Sarah Jessica Parker? Some may say Broderick is hunky (not myself included), but I'm just trying to think of someone else famous for something on their face. And now that her mole is removed, maybe it's considered "perfect." Eva Mendes has a mole as well, right?
@PrincessTiff - while I think that SJP is very pretty, her face is very often compared to that of a horse. And I just don't know that anything involving lady parts would get Broderick turned on.
We should try to find out if Cookie Muncher has any kids.
Cathy - could be. I don't know why he sent that message on twitter regarding the facial comment.
Also, oddly enough, even though we are passed 1995, I still consider Cindy C. to be a superstar. No matter where she goes, she is recognizable, and labeled a Supermodel for life! Hope we get more hints soon enough.
In regards to SJP, I was thinking more of a mole being an imperfection and with it gone she is perfect. Sadly, I'm aware of the unkind equestrian comparisons. Lol. And it didn't say the hubby was turned on, but rather looking on lovingly. Maybe, if Matthew Broderick, it was more of a "look how macho I am because I'm cool with a little girl-on-girl." But alas I know it's a bit of a stretch.
How about the fact that both Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie are know for their lips/mouth. Not sure what the connection to Victoria Beckham would be, but I wonder if there is something there.
Princess - also, I believe SJP is already a blind. I believe Ted had confirmed her to to be one as of November 2009.
Thanks, Rita, for shattering my dream of correctly guessing a blind. :)
One thing that all three AIA's have in common is that they've all had nose jobs. But then again, it's hard to find an actress who hasn't had one...
@Cathy. My bad. I just re-read it and saw that the hubby was turned on. Definitely not SJP and MB. Lol. I have a really bad habit of reading the blind once, then only re-reading the second half to make my guesses. Guess that bit me in the butt.
@Cathy: I do not "know very well" which things have come across as offensive...just because they have come across as offensive to you. That is because (thankfully) I don't understand how you think and don't wish to understand you. Why don't you just continue finding anagrams everywhere you look and stop stalking my posts? I find you quite odd and, frankly, this is the last time I am replying to you.
I wish that @I could just get blocked from here... there are a lot of really insightful regulars that that came for good-spirited discussion, only to be driven away by her/his offensive comments. I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way - maybe just the only one who's still around.
Cathy - you are not the only one offended. I tend to ignore.
I usually do not get into those kind of fights that seem to revolve always, in all posts, around the same person.
But in support of Cathy and others who had been driven away from this site, centered on good-natured and easy respect for the sisters and the fun business of laughing at Hollywood, would like to say give us a break already.
Take a chill pill, life does not need to be a constant battle, women are not whores, and promoting your career based on your sex appeal does not make one a whore. Attacking all every time they dare post a different point of view does not make it encouraging to read and reply to.
Please realize that your constant raging and confrontational tone is monopolizing an environment where it used to be fun, to poke fun at those we do not personally know, and are far removed from our reality as can be. Looking back at the last threads, It is clear that it always ends with you pissing someone off.
Just breathe I, and try to take everything with a grain of salt. There is nothing clinical to be analyzed with Hollywood gossip. It is a time to relax, and disconnect from everyday craziness in our hectic lives. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hope this finds you in a better mood, and in all honesty without personal grudge, I hope we could discuss H-town crazy some time soon without hatred and bigotry.
@Cathy, you're certainly not the only one. I won't dignify my several arguments with "I" by repeating them, but I too asked for I's remarks to be removed on one other discussion, and one of the sisters took offense at her comments on yet another discussion. That makes three in additon to this one, and I wasn't even around to read the ones to which you referred. Like you, I come here because gossip is fun. Often the conversations get raunchy or silly, but she's the only poster that offends me.
So anyway, for this blind, I'm with Cindy Crawford. She's got the mole, she's got the body, she's got the face, and she's got the husband who would look on adoringly. Lainey has said several times that George Cloony & his gfs have a special arrangement with Cindy and Rande. This blind sounds like a public extension of that arrangement.
@I certainly doesn't need my help here; however, I believe that he/she has indicated in the past that he/she is in the psychology field (or the like). It seems likely that the same may be his/her basis for the foregoing and for previous comments. I, for one, can certainly relate to that since I tend to see everything through the murky lense of the law due to my career.
That said, I find that I always either passionately agree or vehemently disagree with @I's comments (so I can see where @Cathy and others are coming from). There is rarely an in-between. @I definitely has the unique ability to incite that kind of reaction and, if you look at it objectively, those comments can be thought-provoking instead of inflammatory. To disagree with @I is to introduce a new way of looking at these blinds and it may help lead us to the right answer.
Insightful debate is, afterall, the best thing about the sisters' site. Almost every comment here is intelligent and thought-provoking and, to be perfectly honest, my favorite thing about Ted/Lainey blinds is seeing what all of you wonderful people have to say about them.
Finally, @HKCCRCLC (aka Pot Calling the Kettle Black), I find it strange that you're calling @I out for making inflammatory comments. Your own comments, beginning with the very first one, have been nothing if not argumentative in nature. If we're being fair, you even took your attacks on @I from one thread to another when @Blurry called an end to the argument. From what I've seen, you don't seem to be able to play nice on here and your comments have certainly offended more than one person on here.
LOL @ the lynch mob. I'm holding fast to my opinions regarding guesses for blinds unless presented by reliable information to the contrary. I generally try to present coherent analysis re research etc to bolster my posts. That you feel my posts are controversial and thought provoking is good. Thank you for the compliment.
@Kelly: I posted my response to the troika before reading your post.
I want to thank you for your nice post.
To the other members of my "troika" - thanks for your words of support!
As much as I like Cindy Crawford for this one, I can't help thinking that his twitter clue is just TOO obvious. Like he noticed that she was the leading guess and decided to put something out there that was true about her and the actual vicer just to send us even further down that path.
Looking at the AIA's, they are all mothers (two of them have twins), their names all end in the letter a, they've all had nose jobs (although few women in Hollywood haven't) and they were all born between 1967 and 1975.
Do we have a way to link Cindy Crawford to all three AIA's?
The only link between these 3, is Oscar Winner, Oscar Winner, faschionista and married to a sports star.
Which have no links to Cindy Crawford.
If we are looking at Oscar Winners that would relatable to the blind, i.e. hunky HUSBAND, flawless bod, perfect face... Well none! Hilary Swank could've fit, but no more hunky husband. Susan Surandon, but no more hunky hubby... Dame Julie Dench? naah.
Which brings me around again to Demi Moore: right age group, right strong female profile and actress, an absolute faschionista married to a hunky man (ish lately). Would certainly fit more with the hubby looking on adoringly.
Well, Demi Moore has had a nose job. But is there anything about her face that she's especially known for (per Ted's tweet)?
Sorry I didn't see Ted's exact tweet, but I'm wondering if he could have been referring to work Demi's had on her face???
This would be a long shot, I'm still mostly on the Cindy Crawford train. Does anyone remember the Esquire magazine cover that had her shaving singer k.d. laing?
Now I'm actually leaning more toward Fergie. Hunky husband? Check. Flawless bod? Check. Perfect Face? Well, that one depends on who you ask.
But she was born in 1975, which is right in the age range of the AIA's. And Ted said that she's very famous for something prominent on her face. What's more prominent than a person's eyes? I'm thinking it could have been a cheeky reference to the Black Eyed Peas, which is what she's most famous for.
But Demi won't work either, I just checked in the Ted reveals on this site:
Demi Moore (as of 3/24/10; "not in the last 6 months" on 8/28/10; 3/21/11).
Back to the drawing board. Something prominent on her face?
Ok, way off on the mark here, but what about someone like Tina Fey (not even sure if she is marrier--admittidly too lazy to look it up since I'm sure it's not her). But she is pretty known for her glasses.
Ah, this one Princesse, I won't shut down. She is in fact married, and lately, following her red carpets, I would say she has a banging body. And well celebrated trophee-wise.
But oddly enough, I consider her to be a cute hometown girl, not into 3-somes, and would lead her life however she wants to lead it... But then again, this is hollywood! Let's see if Ted replies.
@Cathy: I LOVE your thought on the cheeky reference to Black Eyed Peas!! And I do believe that the AIA's may only point to an age range. No other connection really seems to make sense.
Then again, @PrincessTiff may also be on the right track. Another actress who is infamous for wearing (sun)glasses is Helena Bonham Carter. She is married...
Woo hoo. And I'm back in the game! Perhaps, the reason the husband looked on so lovingly was because he was proud for people to see his "good girl" wife was anything but? (Totally playing devil's advocate because I also think this is completely out of character)
Oh, forgot about the banging body and perfect face part for a sec. LOL! Forget the Helena Bonham Carter mention. I plead temporary insanity. ; )
I don't think Helena and Tim Burton are married. That's too normal for them
@PrincessTiff: LOL! Too true, that would be normal.
@Princess Tiff (we all seem to have time on our hands right now!), Tina is married, but to a short, non-glamorous (her words, not mine) guy.
But we're losing focus here -- this blind has got to be one of the most stunning women in the world and have a perfect body.
Fergie, one of the most beautiful women in the world? I think she's attractive, but I don't think she's know for her spectacular beauty. Think we'll have to wait for more clues and then go back to the drawing board.
In the meantime, I'm still keen on Cindy for this. Not that it's hugely relevant -- but in that Esquire cover, Cindy was dressed in a skimpy little outfit and was leaning over k.d. laing; k.d. (an out lesbian with a singing voice from heaven) was lounging back in a barber chair with shaving cream on her face, looking thrilled at what was going to happen next.
Oddly enough, Tim and Helena are married, but living in a house with 2 wings, and yep, each occupies an opposite wing.
The amount of information you cumulate during Oscar season.
But I agree Kathy, I would not consider Helena to have a banging body.
But Kate Blanchette, and Kate Winslett do! and none of them are confirmed by Ted to be BVs. However, Kate Winslett is not married anymore.
Kate Blanchette? Right age range, oscar winner, definitely a fashion icon. Husband a producer in the business. Could that be possible?
@Rita, I think Cate spends most of her time in her native Australia, where she and her husband (who I believe does adore her) run a theatre company. In other words, she's in with the Hollywood pack, but not necessarily with the party scene.
Not that this makes it a slam dunk either way, but Lainey considers Cate the epitome of class and grace -- in other words, the opposite of this blind riddle.
Ugh. I always focus on one thing and ignore the rest. Tina is probably out because, although pretty, @HKCCRCLC is right that she is not considered one of the most beautiful in the world.
Does Charliza Theron have a blind? She fits the beautiful, superstar part. Can't picture what her now ex-husband looks like.
Also thinking Kate Beckinsale. Hasn't there been a lot of spectulation about her having a nose job.
HKCCRCLC: True. Except that this one is a Ted blind.
@PrincessTiff: This one I know: Charlize and Stuart weren't married. @Rita: Not at all surprised by the separate wings for Helena and Tim. Normal definitely isn't their thing!
True, but this is Ted. Lainey believes Jake G. to be straight, and Jake is Ted's most famous/infamous blind vicer: Toothy Tile.
Although I'm not convinced either by my guess, and do think the lady is no tramp (but then again, some of the revealed blinds have left speechless!), I'm simply basing my guess on AIAs: Oscar winner, fashion icon.
Better than Helena. Here's winking at you Kathy!
@Kelly: Lame. :(
@Rita: Maybe, the thought of doing something normal like getting married seems so not normal for Helena and Tim, THAT'S why the got married. Shock value. They just mind effed us!
@Kelly, yea, I know it's a Ted riddle. Just thought I'd throw it in there because Lainey actually meets these people and where it's relevant I take her view into consideration.
Kate Beckinsale fits for look for sure. She's made a whole pile of Sexiest Woman Alive lists.
@PrincessTiff: LOL! You're on a roll this afternoon. Mind effed is absolutely right! : )
And I do the same thing, obviously. I get so excited that I forget to think about all of the clues.
Kate Beckinsale is a good guess. She is married to Len Wiseman and I would call him a hunk. I also think she's right up there with Cate Blanchett and Charlize Theron in the looks department.
@Kelly: Aw thanks. :) I think I'm just invested in this blind because it's new and not about teeny boppers taking it in the pooper to trick their virginity.
@PrincessTiff: Literally laughed out loud on that one. People are looking at me like I've lost it! If only they knew how I'm passing the time right now. LOL! Agreed. It's refreshing to have a new ones to hash out. I needed a break from Schlong (King, that is).
Glad I could bring you public embarrassment. :)
Hmm..Demi did seem perfect for this. Too bad! Kate Beckinsdale is a good guess too. I've asked Ted if Cookie Muncher has kids, Cross our fingers for some more clues!
I thought about Tina Fey too as she has a prominent scar on her face but, for all the reasons already mentioned, I don't think it's her.
Women with a scar on their face could be worth looking at.
Cookie Muncher, close to Cookie Monster, blue in colour, Rebecca Romjin was in blue body paint in X-Men. Both her and Stamos were well known swingers on the party scene. Whilst Cindy's mole on her face would seem to fit one of the clues, there's nothing concrete to suggest she & Gere (or Gerber) were part of such a party scene. Unless a supersleuth digs something up to support this, I'm not on board yet.
I just saw the Cate Blanchett guess and had a good chuckle! Cate stripping off and going down on a woman while her podgy (but cute, I have to say) middle-aged hubby looks on with all his well-educated luvvie theatre friends? I don't think so! Funny visual though.
PS. I - don't go changin'.
It's Cindy Crawford guys. Ted tweeted that Cookie is celebrated for something prominent on her face. Then in today's BB mentioned it's thisclose to her lips. It's Cindy all the way
Now I'm back on the Cindy train. I'm thinking that him saying that she'd be more chocolate chip than sugar cookie is another hint to the mole.
But if he is just trying to mislead us, my next guess is still Fergie.
Chocolate chip, this close to the lip, also on board that is pretty close to a confirmation on Cindy Crawford?? Plus Ted answered my question notting Megan Fox, yay! I was off that train after the twitter comment, but still a small thrill. I didn't want to pimp my pooch but whatever works.
Maybe we can get him to answer what industry cookie muncher works in to seal the deal.
It would also be good if we could get Ted to answer a question about whether or not Cookie Muncher has kids - that's a yes/no question, while he tends to be vague when he talks about what industry a vicer works in.
Random, but....
What about Jennifer Connolly? She has a mole, is beautiful, and has been a top actress....
Oh god I think this is gonna turn into another KS endless guess.
I'm still convinced Cookie is Gisele, here is why :
Cookie Muncher is very famous for something prominent on her face, and it ain't slobbe : she had a nose job at he beginnig of her career to make it in the fashion world, it's a well known fact, and needless to say that the nose is close to the lips.
Chocolate chips : could be a reference to her brasilian roots.
Are King Schlong and Cookie Muncher married to each other?
No, but that would be one match made in Vice hell. Cookie's hubby isn't as dirty as she is.
KS is Leo DiCaprio and rumour has it that she dumped him because he didn't want to settle down. And I know nothing about NFL but I think someone here says that Gisele's hubby he's pretty conservative.
okay, the "chocolate chip" reference is making me think of Jada Pinkett Smith.
I agree with Cindy Crawford, that's a great guess. Because he said today that person has a sultry look like Megan Fox...and Gisele I wouldn't call sultry.
Chocolate chips => cocoa => Brazil
Gisele can be sultry too. :)
For Cindy Crawford: ask Ted Cookie's age range ;)
My main problem with Cindy Crawford is 1) It doesn't seem relevent (I asked Ted how long "a while back" was, but no answer) and 2) it seems WAY too obvious. What would be the point of making it a blind if you're going to gift wrap the answer? I know he has done that with some in the past, but it's usually because the person is uber popular at the time. While Cindy is iconic, I wouldn't consider her popular right now.
I agree with Jessica: the chocolate chip comment made me think of Jada. I could see Will standing back and approving. It's a hard sell to say she's one of the most beautiful women in the world, but everyone has been talking about her recent facial work.
MamaKambo and Jessica - I thought that Jada had already a BV, but actually, Will Smith was thought to be Hard Nipple Nick, or something of the sort, and she being Mrs. Nick, until we discovered that Ted had confirmed that Will was a BV before Nipple Nick.
This then leaves the door open for Jada... However, personnally I don't see her as a superstar. A couple of years ago Will and Jada were considered a Superstar couple, and Will is a superstar... Jada however? Also, what would be the prominence on her face?
I was leaning towards Cindy but I really took the chocolate chip comment as an indication that she is black. I would tend to think "brunette" if the question had been about Gisele ie blonde and vanilla, but they asked about Megan Fox. Jada seems like a good guess and would fit the rumours about her and Will, but Ted has stated that hubby is not as wild. I highly doubt that is the case with Will. I can't think of any other "older" contenders for this, who are black and are sultry looking.
Unless she's Beyoncé?
Certainly a superstar, black,gorgeous, perfect bod. Hunky husband, Jay-Z. If I remember correctly, Ted had often stated that none of them are BVs. until now?
Just throwing a wild guess out there...I was thinking Mariah Carey. She is pregnant with twins, Julia and Angelina have twins. She is a singer who is almost more famous for what she wears like Posh Spice. Her hubby definately seems adoring, and she is more chocolate chip than sugar cookie. Her body and face have been criticized, so maybe it doesn't fit.
I don't hate the Cindy Crawford guess, but the chocolate chip comment followed by "if you know what I mean"... Made me think of someone black...
I don't think it's jada because she is far from one of the most beautiful people in the world..
Also as I said before, all the AIAs are SUPERSTARS and 2 of of them are actresses
Um... I was gonna say Gabriel Union, bit she's not married....Random guess, Thandie Newton?
I can't see Beyonce doing this at all, she seems to take everything so seriously, I can't imagine her getting buck wild...
I'm not sold on Crawford, but since I can't think of anyone else right now, I'll go with her... Need more hints though!
"Dear Ted:
In the case of Cookie Muncher, honestly, how is it that stories like this never end up in the tabloids? Yeah, yeah, confidentiality agreements are a dime a
dozen in T-town. But are we supposed to believe that every reveler at that party was actually made to sign one? That just doesn't seem plausible. Or is it
simply that even the tabloids know where to draw the moral line sometimes?
Dear Stressed About It:
My guess is either the partygoers were just as hammered as she was so they couldn't pull together the crucial information, or they are decent (shocking)
human beings. Not everyone wants to spill salacious dirt publicly! Plus, celebs sue, and they have fierce friggin' teams of lawyers that would, and will take
down any falsehoods or truths. So unethical, no?
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Kelly Preston?
Dear Too Sugary:
Nope. Think more chocolate chip, if you know what I mean.
Dear Ted:
My husband and our kitty, Mama Sweet Pea, think they know this one: Does Mrs. Cookie Muncher have a history of doing reality shows on major networks?
—It's the Lips Isn't It?
Dear Not So Yum:
She's more of a classic beauty than anything else, not some kooky TV actress. It's not in the lips, but you're thisclose.
Dear Ted:
You never answer my questions, but I am hoping you can throw my rescue mutt, Charlie, a bone on this one. Is Megan Fox Cookie Muncher? Is she even still a
Dear Question Answered:
No. She's too young, but they have a similar, sultry look. Kisses to your pooch!
Dear Ted:
Are King Schlong and Cookie Muncher married to each other?
Dear Munchy Matchmaker:
No, but that would be one match made in Vice hell. Cookie's hubby isn't as dirty as she is."
I have to say that my first thought with the chocolate chip hint, was HAlle Berry. But she isn't married. I thought Alicia Keys for a minute. Then I got to the thing about "thisclose" to the lips. So it's something on the face. Then I come here and you guys have nailed it! Cindy Crawford FTW.
I`m now being swayed to Cindy Crawford as I see I mixed up my BB answers. He responded chocolate chip in comparison to Kelly Preston, which could mean brunette instead of black. Holy cow.
@Kimstyle-- I also thought Gabrielle Union because the "chocolate chip" answer made me think Muncher is black and the "thisclose" remark made me think dimples.
I think this is an odd blind because, really, who cares that much right now about Cindy Crawford aside from being annoyed at her endless infomercials? Plus, if her husband is really having a thing with George Clooney that is WAY more vicey than this! So to say her husband is not as vicey means that, if this is Cindy Crawford, Ted must have some sort of confirmation that those rumors are not true.
If we're going along the lines that the chocolate chip reference means cookie muncher is about Tyra Banks?
Oh wait, no husband. Damn!
@HayleyHay: my guess would have been Naomi Campbell - chocolate chip -, but she's also without a hubby...
(who's messing w/ my laptop..??)
@HayleyHay: my guess would have been Naomi Campbell - chocolate chip -, but she's also without a hubby...
So, if this is Cindy Crawford, who's the other woman? How about George Clooneys lady, the Italian bird.. can't remember her name. She seems the type who would enjoy this sort of thing.
By her enjoying 'this sort of thing',I mean the attention and the applause.
Elizabetta Canalis I think? Following the latest gossip on Lainey, Elizabetta would be down with that type of partying!
The 4 of them in 2008..?
I was under the impression that Ted meant that Cookie Muncher is black, as well. Cindy Crawford just doesn't strike me as the "go down in public" type. And her husband isn't necessarily hunky, either. I'm thinking this person is much younger.
I'm pretty stumped on this one, but Scarlett Johansson also has a mole on her face if Cookie Muncher ISN'T black.
This is Penelope Cruz. She has a tiny mole on the inner corner of one eye, is sultry & brunette and is beautiful. She and Salma Hayek had a strong fliration on the set of Bandits some years back. "Insider1970" on BG made the connection with the clues...hunky husband Jarvier Bardem is in a movie with Julia Roberts, she is in the new Pirates movie with Depp (Angelina's Tourist movie with him) and when she was with Tom Cruise they spent time with the Beckhams (Victoria). I'm not taking any credit away from someone else...acknowledging some awesome sleuthing and strong evidence for Pene instead of Cindy C.
hmmm, I could definitely see this as Penelope Cruz before Cindy Crawford...and I would put her on more of a level with the AIA's than CC.
I don't know if I ever miss anything in threads this long, but for Cindy Crawford and the AIA. Julia Roberts shot to fame with pretty woman in which she starred with Richard Gere, Cindy's ex-husband. Angelina, not quite sure, but attention to her lips or could be something they have in common about their relationship or that I am just not thinking of, maybe the sultriness. And Posh Spice, is a fashionista and icon like Cindy - to let us know that it doesn't necessarily have to be a big time actress. Also agree that she was tops many years ago, but as for Ted's fresh info lately.... he may have just found a reason to come forward with it.
Devil's advocate: Kate Winslet, same caliber star as first two, from Europe like Posh, a mole and also quite comfortable with being nude after the Reader. But I hate to think it is her as I love her.
I think you can really link any celeb with anyone in the AIAs. That person was in a movie with this person and he's married to that woman and blah blah blah. Anyone can make a path to an AIA.
I think chocolate chip could mean darker hair. And it never said in the blind that the, um, receiver/other woman is famous. It could be anyone.
I reallyyy don't think Clooney/Gerber have a thing, but there was a rumor that they swapped partners, so it's not like Cindy hasn't been the topic of some kinky stuff.
Also, age is the one thing all the AIAs have in common, and Ted said Megan Fox is too young. So it's not Scarlett, she's only a year or two older than MF. The AIAs are 44, 36, 37, so I'm thinking it's someone more around that age range.
Not Kate Winslet, she's divorced, so no hubby. And Sam Mendes also is NOT hunky. I could see people thinking Randy Gerber is hunky. Not gorgeous, but he's tall/nice looking.
Oooh...another hint this is Cindy...Ted's answer re: celebs loving to sue...didn't Cindy/Richard Gere win big in a lawsuit after an article hinting they were lesbian/gay?
If so, that, plus prominent facial feature, plus chocolate chip (i.e. a dark spot on her cookie-colored face) would make this one of Ted's more obvious BV's, IMHO...
Alissa - Brilliant! You have long memory. I had forgotten about the Richard Gere/Julia Roberts connection.
As for your connection with Angelina Jolie: She played the first Supermodel, GIA, who died of aids.
Nice catch! And yes Sheila, they did sue, and they did win big, and that is when those cheesy pictures of them running hand in hand on the beach were printed.
Dear Cookie Question-Moocher:
No. Cookie is no reality ho, but she does have a few kids. As for the actor hubby—she's dated too many, and has turned them all in for something under the radar (with one possible exception).
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Jada Pinkett Smith? I'm trying to think "chocolate." I don't think she is considered a superstar but then again some of the hallmarks that make a superstar these days elude me!
—Red Dragon
Dear Wrong Flavor:
Nope. I said chocolate-chip. There is a difference.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Christina Aguilera?
Dear Not Those Munchies:
Nope. Pretty sure Xtina has had some fine experiences with frisky females, but not this publicly. Plus, Cookie's way cuter than Christina.
Dear Ted:
How far off would I be if I am to guess that Tina Fey is Cookie Muncher? She has been looking rather sexy lately on the red carpet, and her husband is always lovingly looking at her. Fey or nay?
Dear Nay Baby:
You really think Fey would be that careless and let it all hang out at some debauched party? Come on, that funny gal has way more class than that. But you are getting closer than most people. At least in regards to the age group, kind of.
Dear Ted:
You said that the Cookie Muncher Blind is regarding a party "a while back." Would you be more specific pretty please on how long ago this happened?
—Tiffany J Sheakley
Dear Timeline Hungry:
A year or few. Still massively counts though since I'm guessing it wasn't her last escapade to date.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Gisele Bündchen?
Dear Brazilian Bombshelling:
No, but damn are you burning up!
Pricess Tiff - that was me asking the Tina Fey question. Thought he would make fun of me, but said that I was closer than most with the age group.
And the Gisele question - burning!
To me, if it's in Tina Fey's age group,and very close to Gisele, it MUST be Cindy Crawford. Way to go gang. This would clearly explain a lot of things about the couple, as well as their close friendship with Clooney. Finally, a juicy blind!
Rita, forgot about Gia, way to connect the dots. Not a great memory just old and remember things from my youth better than a year ago ;) I also love, love, love that you asked about Tina Fey. Sheila, I agree, Ted has seemed pretty obvious about this one from the get go. Sometimes I think he doesn't want us to know and others I feel like he is screaming it at us. I love sleuthing out the vices, more fun than a crossword or soduko any day and this is by far the best place to do it.
Alissa - thks! Although regarding this blind, Ted does seem to want to out Cindy, but why? Does he have more back-up if Cindy's people ever sue him? Am pretty sure if Miley was filmed smoking a bong by one of her 'Best Friends', there must be someone out there who filmed Cindy getting down during a party and her husband looking on. Now that, would be priceless.
Dear Ted:
Please give us some dirt on Cookie Muncher. Is Cookie involved with a reality-TV show? Does Cookie have kids? Is her husband an actor?
—Jenny, Chicago
Dear Cookie Question-Moocher:
No. Cookie is no reality ho, but she does have a few kids. As for the actor hubby—she's dated too many, and has turned them all in for something under the
radar (with one possible exception).
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Jada Pinkett Smith? I'm trying to think "chocolate." I don't think she is considered a superstar but then again some of the hallmarks that
make a superstar these days elude me!
—Red Dragon
TWITTER: Follow @theawfultruth
Dear Wrong Flavor:
Nope. I said chocolate-chip. There is a difference.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Christina Aguilera?
Dear Not Those Munchies:
Nope. Pretty sure Xtina has had some fine experiences with frisky females, but not this publicly. Plus, Cookie's way cuter than Christina.
Dear Ted:
How far off would I be if I am to guess that Tina Fey is Cookie Muncher? She has been looking rather sexy lately on the red carpet, and her husband is always
lovingly looking at her. Fey or nay?
Dear Nay Baby:
You really think Fey would be that careless and let it all hang out at some debauched party? Come on, that funny gal has way more class than that. But you
are getting closer than most people. At least in regards to the age group, kind of.
Dear Ted:
You said that the Cookie Muncher Blind is regarding a party "a while back." Would you be more specific pretty please on how long ago this happened?
—Tiffany J Sheakley
Dear Timeline Hungry:
A year or few. Still massively counts though since I'm guessing it wasn't her last escapade to date.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Gisele Bündchen?
Dear Brazilian Bombshelling:
No, but damn are you burning up!"
Why do people keep asking about reality shows? Heidi Klum guesses?
Anyway... seems to be about cindy Crawford. Although it happened "a year or a few" years ago. Not really big news and esp for someone we don't really care about anymore.
I agree blurry, CC isn't too interesting, that's why I wondered who the other woman was. Because if it was someone like George Cloonys lady friend, THAT would make me sit up and pay attention! I think Cloony and his crowd get up to all sorts, and he is sooo careful about his image if it was to blow up I can well imagine it happening as a result of someone on the periphery. I've always wondered why Ted never really dishes the dirt on Cloony, there must be a hell of a lot of dirt to dish.I guess I'm the only person on the planet that doesn't like him. Because I don't like frauds.
To nail a lid on the Cindy C. story, as Ted says, "Cookie is no reality ho, but she does have a few kids. As for the actor hubby—she's dated too many, and has turned them all in for something under the radar (with one possible exception)."
She did date actors before marrying her husband (a non-actor). They do have kids. And the person under the radar could be George Clooney -- not her husband but part of the four-some others have talked about here.
Blurry - That is the definition of stars fro the new generation. Most shows watched are reality, and everytime a blind is out about a star... well they think a reality star is truly a star...
Maybe in 10 years that's all we're gonna have!
Alright, after today's Bitch-Back, this is obviously Cindy Crawford. I guess a BV on her is better than another tween druggie I've never heard of...?
After the latest round of BB's, I can't see this being anyone but Cindy Crawford. Someone asked why Ted was being so very obvious about this particular blind and I was wondering the same thing. Especially given the fact tnat Cindy Crawford is known for being litigious.
@Rita: I sure hope that's not the future we have to look forward to! I keep waiting for reality shows to die out even though I'm in the targeted age bracket!
@VikingGirl: You definitely aren't alone. I have never understood Clooney's appeal. I also don't understand why we are supposed to care what views a celebrity has on politics. Are their opinions more important than those of anyone else? I appreciate a great actor as much as the next person (and I obviously love the gossip!), but I think each person should be responsible for doing their own research and forming their own opinions. Rant over. : )
I'm the same KaDixon - he does nothing for me. I actually find him quite annoying, not funny or charming at all!
It seems we've mainly accepted it's Cindy Crawford but it Ted's being rather blunt is fishy so I'm gonna keep SpaCats guess of Jennifer Connelly as a possible option because Crawford works as an easy decoy. Jennifer also has that notable mole, is "classically" beautiful, has a great body,about the right age at 41, is married to Paul Bettany (hunky), has two kids, started as a model, and has been a Revlon spokesmodel. Like two of the AIAs she's won an Oscar (A Beautiful Mind). Also, like Jolie & Giselle, Connelly was discovered at a young age and began with modeling.
I think this is Cindy back when she was married to Gere. Cindy was huge then. So was Gere.Ted said twice 'a while back.' And Ted said husband is an actor. Isn't Gerber a club owner? Can't you see Richard Gere looking on 'lovingly' more than Gerber? Regardless, thin it's Cindy no matter when it happened.
Jennifer - Ted confirmed today (I think... or yesterday) in the BBs that current hubby not in acting business. If I remember correctly, the quote was «she took the Reese Witherspoon road and married someone outside the business». Not Klum but extremely close.
More and more confirms that this is Cindy Crawford. Whomever suggested it on this site first, Genius!
Thanks, Rita! Haven't read Ted today yet. You're right--genius on this site!
"Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Heidi Klum?
Dear Awfully Close:
Dear Ted:
I have a guess as to the identity of Cookie Muncher, but I also have one request. If you laugh so hard that you fall off of your chair when you read this,
would you please not tell me that in your response? Is Cookie Muncher Heidi Klum?
Dear Still Sitting:
Why would I laugh? This is an excellent wrong answer. Sorry, hon. Keep chewing on it. And didn't I already say it's not her?
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Reese Witherspoon?
Dear Good Girl:
You are taking the road less traveled, and I like it. But Cookie is still not Reese. You are somewhat close, though. Both she and Cookie are over loving on
actors who have given them grief in the past. Strictly offscreen romancing now."
With the last question regarding Reese Witherspoon, although not Cookie-Muncher, she as well had stopped dating actors, this totally hints more of Cindy Crawford's profile. Don't who else it could be!
Ted says today that Alessandria Ambrosio shares something distinctly in common with Cookie Muncher. I'm thinking it's double initials. AA = CC?
Actually, it's quite simpler: they have both achieved Supermodel status!
"Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Alessandra Ambrosio?
Dear Crumbles:
Nope. Though they have something distinctly in common.
Dear Ted:
Hi. Is Cookie Muncher Brooke Shields?
Dear Wrong:
No, no. Not at all."
Exactly what Rita said, they are supermodels. No need to analyze further.
For the sisters, don't know where to put this, but today Lainey hinted/revealed one of her blind vices (I think):
In her Smutty Tingles (April 11th)
Christie Brinkley looks really, really good. In a preserved by gin kind of way, right? (Hollywood Tuna)
It looked like a confirmation for a blind about an alcoholic... Does it hint to some specific blind?
"Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Brooklyn Decker? Other great guesses have been all models and her husband isn't an actor but an athlete.
Dear Take a Nap:
No. You really think Andy Roddick would be all about his hot wife going down on another woman? He comes off controlling, I think. Also, for future reference,
other guesses are not always right.
Dear Ted:
I think I have a pretty good guess for Cookie Muncher. Is it Claudia Schiffer?
Dear Keep Munching:
No, and she's not as obvious as she seems.
Dear Ted:
Would you say that Cookie Muncher's husband is an MVP in his career? Hope you and the kids are enjoying the nice spring weather!
Dear Sweetness:
OK, Cookie's hubby is not an athlete. He's much sweeter and under the radar.
Dear Ted:
I think I cracked it! Is Cookie Muncher Mel B?
Dear Different:
Nope, but one of the better, entertaining and reasonable guesses in the bunch. Think more rarefied, less roaring.
Dear Ted:
I think I've got it! Is Cookie Muncher Rebecca Romijn?
Dear Guess Again:
Good guess, but no. You're headed in the right direction, though. "
Notice for all Supermodels guesses on the BBs how Ted says great guess. Same today for Iman.
Today Ted said, in reference to the Julisa Roberts guess, that it was the wrong "cookie." When discussing blinds, we tend to refer to the first word as the vicer's first name, so by that logic, "Cookie" would be her first name. If he said wrong "cookie" does he in fact mean wrong "Julia"? Of course, I can't think of any other famous Julia except Julia Stiles, who is not married. Is there a supermodel Julia?
Cookie Muncher is definitely a Supermodel, most probably Cindy Crawford. But Ted's comment makes me think Julia Robertrs has a blind vice, and possibly the word cookie is in it.
Or quite simply in American lingo: Tough cookie, tough broad, i.e. Julia is the wrong broad for this blind.
I was way confused by the water/milk question in today's BB. Anyone know what it meant or what the questioner was hinting at?
I've been trying to figure it out too. The best I've come up with is that Crawford signed a deal with Propel Water:
And then I looked for "Got Milk?" ad celebrities. There was Klum, Hurley, Brinkley, Shields, Romjin... but no Cindy Crawford.
I have no idea what to make of that.
I read that question today and was confused as well. Then I just happened to see Cindy Crawford in a Propel Water commercial tonight! Now I'm even more puzzled by his answer!
I haven't read that BB today, but they were probably referring to Cindy Crawford's moisturizing tip:
Long-time lurker, first time commenter!
Could Karolina Kurkova be an option? She's models for Victoria's Secret, like Allesandra Ambrosia, and weren't there rumours years ago she slept with Brangelina?
"Dear Ted:
I have two guesses for Cookie Muncher: Naomi Campbell or Iman?
Dear Double Whammy:
No, and uh no. But you're on the right track, hon!
Dear Ted:
I'm wondering if Julia Roberts is Cookie Muncher? Although I can't picture her dancing on any tables.
Dear Maybe...Not:
Really? Because we could totally see Roberts getting up to dance on a table with a few drinks in her. She can get wild with the best of them. Regardless,
wrong cookie!
(Um, hello... she was an AIA)
Dear Ted:
I just saw a water commercial and wanted to know if a cookie would go with it instead of milk? Cookie Muncher?
Dear Keep Sipping:
Nope. What kind of freak eats cookies with water? Come on now. Cookie strictly prefers milk.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher tone deaf?
Dear Random Thought:
No, and why would it matter if she was? She doesn't need to have solid vocals for what she is known for.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Heidi Klum?
Dear Not So Munch:
Close. Been guessed. And no.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher, Camila Alves? I can totally see Matthew McConaughey watching that scene with a smirk on his face!
Dear Munching Matthew:
Nope, but we think Matthew would love to see that, as well. He's pretty kinky.
Dear Ted:
Awesome go to Hollywood "real deal" man! Thank you for posting my email to you last're such a sweetie! Ok, I'm going to guess yet again...and go
with Elle McPherson for the Cookie Muncher because I suspect behind that pretty face is a sneaky little girl. Also...I can't get over this Sally and Percy has me up in arms as to who it is. Could it be Ashley Olsen and Justin Bartha? Or Kellan Lutz and Annalynne McCord...we never did really hear "why"
they silently broke up. Hmmmm? Please Ted..spill the dish to can even email me privately...I'll keep it on the down low!
Dear Lotsa Guessing:
Sorry, A, but these guesses are all wrong. Good tries, though. Particularly the latter.
Dear Ted:
OK, here are my guesses on your leso-trio: Cookie Muncher=Brooklyn Decker, Sheila Horn E.=Chelsea Handler, Butter Pussy=Fergie. Am I close on any of these?
Dear Sexy Threesome :
Wow, if those guesses were correct, what a lesbian troika that would be, huh? Alas, excellent as each of your hunches may be, they're ultimately wrong.
Particularly the latter two (much as Chelsea is flattered by your guess, I'm sure). Think more movies, not TV, for the former, and TV, not music, for the
Dear Ted:
Cookie Muncher = Miranda Kerr?
Dear So Close It Excites:
Considering Miranda and Cookie act about equally well, you're pretty damn on the money, just not the right babe. Think older, too.
Dear Ted:
OMG! Ted! Is Cookie Muncher Tyra Banks? Her words say no, but her "smize" say yes! (For those of you who don't watch ANTM, "smize" is what Tyra says you do
when you "smile with your eyes.")
—American Non Top Model
Dear Smize Matters:
That Banks broad is just crack—no matter what comes out of her mouth. But, sorry to say, it wasn't her lips that were so busy helping another gal out at that
Hollywood party. Think somebody who actually has usually lovely words to say, not just a gorgeous face and bod to show off."
yep she has a beauty secret, she sprays milk on her face supposedly.
New Guess!
What about Eva Mendez?
What do Tyra Banks, Miranda Kerr, Elle McPhearson, Naomi Campbell, Rebecca Romijn, Claudia Shciffer, Gisele Bundchen, Alessandra Ambrosio and Heidi Klum have in common?
They are all SUPERMODELS. not actors.
For each of these above ladies, Ted has stated that the guess is very close to Cookie's identity.
The only supermodels not guessed/shown in the Bitch Backs by Ted are: Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista. Loved the 80s!
"Dear Ted:
I know, I know, I know the answer to the Cookie Muncher riddle! Reese Witherspoon! Am I right?
Dear Legally Wrong:
Reese just got married! She was too busy planning a wedding to dabble in any munching festivities. Besides, Cookie Muncher is less into movies than Reese.
Dear Ted:
Is Cookie Muncher Adriana Lima?
Dear Getting Closer:
No, but Adrianna does have something in common with Cookie."
Totally Elizabeth Hasselbeck
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