Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Buzzfoto Blind Item # 471
This actress (who can sing) had some publicized plastic surgery a while back. Sources tell us that she has a room at home with every published photo of her she has found taped all over the wall. On each photo she's taken a sharpie to herself and circles the things she finds wrong with her appearance in the photos. The source says she visits the room every day comparing the photos with her appearance, obsessed with her flaws.
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My thoughts...Nicole Kidman, Ashlee Simpson, even Gwyneth; although her botox has been recent and not well-publicized. Maybe even Kate Hudson.
oh là, if not for the singing, I would sooo say this is Nicole Kidman.
Maybe Cher?
Bonjour ooh la la Rita, Nicole Kidman can sing - she sang in the Moulin Rouge movie as well as releasing a single with Ewan McGregor (movie promotional tie-in)and also released a single with Robbie Williams "Something Stupid" some years ago (it did quite well from memory).
Could be Naya from Glee. Her boobs are definitely bigger (they even commented about it on the show) and her face is starting to look pretty plump. Too much filler?
I like the Nicole Kidman guess. It's pretty obvious that she's had multiple procedures done.
What about Ashley Tisdale? She sings on high school musical and had a publicized nose job.
Warming towards Ashlee Simpson or Tisdale. This one strikes me as someone quite young, who would be uber preoccupied and paranoid with their looks to gain roles/keep up, not older like Granny Freeze who can afford to be selective. What about Heidi? Maybe she's thinking of having some of her procedures fixed or reversed. She did try to launch a singing career...and failed miserably.
But is Heidi an actress? That's why she didn't come up on my radar.
I like the Ashley Tinsdale pick; I also can't imagine someone older like Nicole doing this. It also mentions the surgery was a while back and I think Gwyneth's only recently gone under the knife - well, enough to be noticeable anyway. (She's no doubt on a slippery slope).
Beyond all the speculation, this is one lady with hella self-esteem issues. Very sad.
Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery reveal is too recent, not "a while back".
I thought of LISA RINNA. Does she sing..?
PS: This blind with the room is creepy..
Uhhh, I know!!
(Reality) actress + singing + publicized plastic surgery a while back : HEIDI MONTAG!
It's always the obvious one..!
PS: still creepy...
Don't think it is Ashlee Simpson. It's not like she "can" sing. Her blind would have opened "This singer gone quasi-actress (who cannot sing)..."
I immediately thought of Gwyneth, since she has that country movie out now where she sings...and she's always talking about her struggle to "be perfect."
I think it's LeAnn Rimes. It was well-publicized that she had a boob job recently. She just smacks of desperation and insecurity.
I don't see it being someone who has been around for a long atiem (Like Gwyneth or Nicole) because it mentioend she has "every published photo," which let's be honest would fill several rooms if it were either of them. Someone who is either newer to the biz or not regular tabloid fare makes more sense, like (and it pains me to say this) Ashley Tisdale.
@luvgossip... Completely agree with the Ashley Tisdale guess. She was the first person that came to mind reading this. The reasoning makes sense too.
Besides, Nicole Kidman being obsessed with plastic surgery/her flaws isn't news to any of us! ; )
hmm, I'm still leaning towards Nicole or Gwyneth, Both are absolutely obsessed with their bodies. Definitely see Nicoke as the control freak, still trying to look like a young 20 year old. Also, she had boob surgery! Notice how they are perky and up there lately. I think Ted had hinted at them.
As for Gwen, well, she does say on her blog that in her mommy duties she has to try clothes during the day often: fittings for this or that (you know, like all busy mommies of course - please note the sarcasm). So I wouldn't be surprised if she has a room full of pictures of herself.
Not convinced on the Ashleys or Leann though, for in my book, I wouldn't call them necessarily actresses first, and then state that they can sing.
Also, none of the Ashleys would fill a room with pictures of themselves, for they are almost always photographed looking quite dishevelled or very casual. Something Nicole would NEVER be caught dead doing!
What about hilary duff with the pre-wedding boob job? I'd believe she's insecure about it all
Heidi can't act OR sing!!!!! Ha ha. Ashley Tisdale is a good guess. Could still be Ashlee Simpson too..she acted on 7th Heaven for a long time....I think she has acted longer than she has been singing. Can't see it being Hilary Duff because her surgery was not well-publicized.
I really have no clue about this one, but in general I think sometimes it's better not to stretch their major identifiers just to get more options. If this was primarily a singer who has acted, I think the roles would be reversed in the blind ("this singer, who can act"). This blind is suitably vague enough that I think it clearly means somebody who is primarily known as an actress who might have done some singing on the side. I think that effectively eliminates Ashlee Simpson, Heidi Montag, Leann Rimes, etc.
Kidman and Paltrow are probably the strongest guesses, but I also kind of like the Kate Hudson guess.
random, but i'll throw it out. raven simone? she's looking very svelte and there've been rumors it was surgery.
Nah to Raven Symone. She had done many interviews over the (including one in Essence I personally read) regarding loving her shape regardless of her size. Even when she was a teen with Disney she firmly refused to jump on the super-skinny bandwagon.
Ashley Tisdale's nose job was very well publicized and documented. I can see a younger woman doing something like this as GooP or Nicole, etc would have an infinite number of photos over the course of a 10+ year career that includes awards and tons of Ted carpet events. They would need another home, not just a room.
To add to that I feel Chris Martin and Keith Urban would just walk into that room and go 'are you f'ing kidding me?'. You sort of expect this kind of thing from a teen or 20-something rather than an older woman, who may twig that behaviour like this is probably not the done thing for someone of their age - especially if they're mothers. That said, Gwyneth has obviously gone crazy in the coconut for surgical/dermatological intervention lately, so this has made me waver, but, again, I don't recall her having any publicised surgery 'a while back'.
Just a question - does anyone know if most of these blinds end up pertaining to people in the spotlight currently? Or are they just as likely to be stars out of it? I'm wondering if I'm going 'too old' with guesses.
Gwyneth and Nicole didn't have publicized plastic surgeries though. Why would you think it's them? Nic won't even admit to botox...and Gwyneth preaches health all the way.
Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Williams, Hillary Duff.
I am agreeing with Ashley Simpson guess. She is currently more actress than singer, although I don't think she is much of either ;p. Her nose job, chin job was very publicized in the rags. But most of all, she is so insecure and with all the Jessica drama, these kids were messed up. I could completely see her doing this. More gut than anything else.
Anne Hathaway. She sang at the Oscars with Hugh Jackman and she sang in the movie, Ella Enchanted. Don't know if she has had surgery though. Her imdb says she suffered from depression as a teen and in all her quotes she is always talking about her image.
What about Kelly Osbourne? She lost a ton of weight and wasn't it rumored that she had a the band put in?
Leighton Meester? Sings in country stroong, had a few good songs and acts in gossip girl. She's also looking thinner, maybe lipo?
A for Leighton Meester, Kelly O., and Anne H.- none of these girls had "well-publicized" plastic surgery. We're talking articles about, blogged about, or heavily guessed-about...plastic surgery. Which WOULD include Ashley T, Ashlee S., and possibly Kate Hudson, Vanessa Williams, and Nicole Kidman...Nicole definitely had a lot of work done-even though she didn't admit it-and it was well-publicized(at least in stuff I read!) Gynneth's just had botox and too recently-although I's love it to be about her, I doubt it.
Hilary Duff had her teeth fixed and that was highly publicized.
I'd say Megan Fox if there wasn't the singing bit. She surely has a body image problem and has had very awful facial surgery.
Kathy Griffin.
Honestly, this could be anyone. I even met some people who aren't celebs who are like this.
@Caz: I'm really liking your Megan Fox guess. Who knows, she may be able to sing.
The thing with Fox, is that in ADDITION to her obsession with plastic surgery, she also has admitted to having OCD. And this SO fits with both a plastic surgery obsession and OCD.
So much fun reading these.
I think it can be either young or older -don't know too much about glee so wondering if it can be one of them. They all just got recently famous though I believe. Focusing on the younger side and the people I know, my mind immediately jumped to either Ashlee or Tisdale. Would have said the Tiz but the recent rumors of how Ashlee wants to be in the spotlight, her disappearing self, clearly showing insecurity with her self, I pick her.
Duff seems so confident. Doesn't fit. The whole wedding "surgery" was a rumor by star like the pregnancy for Hilary plus she hits the gym a fair amount and her body isn't changed. She's been working since before teens she'd need more than. iirc there's nothing vicey 'bout her from all rumors. She's not really looking to work a lot, be in the limelight either.
What about Lindsey Lohan? She's obviously had her breasts done, lips, and I'm sure a ton of other stuff as well. And she had an album out.
Also Naya Rivera has the most horrible nose job. And she seems obsessive so that would fit as well.
The problem with Ashlee Simpson is she comes off so very conceited. I can't imagine she thinks that, other than her pre-nose-job nose, there is anything wrong with her.
But I think the best guess would be Heidi Montag. She's obsessed with plastic surgery and it was highly publicized...she's put out some music and she is a reality show actress and has started acting in movies (small roles).
I think Heidi Montag fits really well.
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