Bonus Blind! Diagnosed as a Closeted Lesbian? Is There a Pill for That?
So while our fabulously vexed, killer closeted lesbian Butter Pussy has shown she has what it takes to defend herself, now it's her turn to be defended. Though you'll never guess who's sticking up for the megatalented star (who just happens to prefer girls, not boys, in bed).
Remember the same docs who tattled on Fake à la Ferocity's synthetic heroine use? These are fancy, licensed medical folk who are used to catering to (a lot) Hollywood's elite. And this is what some of them are now saying about Butter's infamous battle with denying her true sexuality..."It's a disorder," piped one of the docs who actually treats people with mental disorders. "She actually believes what she's telling you when she says she's not gay. She has totally convinced herself this is the truth."Added another Ph.D. type: "Don't forget. Deep down inside, something about her feels it's wrong."Wow. That's really sad. A super-gifted performer could have the world at her feet (some say she already does), even if she told them she actually liked to get it on with chicks—which she so does, trust us on this one. We have even spoken to a few of her femme notches.But listen, this is also really twisted crap. Look what this town does to people? Turns them into even bigger, self-delusional egos than they already are!Man up, Butter, and tell your fans—and yourself—who you really are.And It Ain't: Nicole Kidman, Katy Perry, Whitney Houston
See the label below for links to our discussions on the previous two Butter Pussy BVs, including a full list of who has been eliminated.
Top suspect: Oprah Winfrey
I kind of don't understand why Oprah is everyone's guess (not just here, but on the E! boards too) why is it her?
I was thinking someone who is an actress or singer based on the AIAs but Ted has lead me down the wrong path before!
Rita - he was talking about sheila yabos.
anyway, i know oprah has been the top guess but i think ted is hinting here that butter is a performer - both in the bv and with the AIAs. now going with babs for the win.
I just have a hard time with Babs because she is not in the limelight very often, almost not at all since she is so reclusive. And when Ted says that BP's infamous battle with denying her sexuality. I don't hear people constantly discussing BS as a closeted lesbian unless we are talking about BP and this blind. I google "Barbra Streisand Gay" and the top page of google is all about her being a gay icon and crap, but not one BS gay rumor or story. We all know what comes up when you google Oprah+Gay, and she just very publicly denied her gayness with the interview with Barbara W, right? And as far as Oprah being described as a multi-talent and performer, she performs every day in front of audiences, projecting herself in a certain way and always having to maintain that persona. She has acted on broadway and was in The Color Purple where she was nominated for an Academy Award. She builds houses and schools for people and runs marathons and crap. I would say that can be considered multi-talented.
I have some questions for Ted that can easily eliminate or help us focus more on Barbra instead of Oprah, but for now I am not convinced. I think he would be more forthcoming, if this were Babs, that no one would have a clue, that she is an icon for gays and therefore a hypocrite, or that a close family relative (ie her son) is gay.
Look at this old BI I found that was published just a couple weeks prior to the original BP. I don't read this one regularly, is this the one you guys don't like, Blurry? I only link because the timing and similarity is suspect.
Sounds like Jodie Foster to me
Jodie Foster came out by publicly acknowledging Cydney, her ex-girlfriend, a couple years ago. She also has no "man" in her life to speak of.
Agree that "performer" does not rule out Oprah. Still stuck on Oprah for this. "Bigger" ego could allude to Oprah's weight problems stemming from anxiety/depression from deying her sexuality (per blindgossip item). "Has what it takes to defend herself" can allude to the interview Oprah does defending herself.
In addition to the knife incident, of course :(
I'm convinced this is not Oprah. Big star or not, gay or not, Oprah is Chicago 100%, not Hollywood, even considering OWN.
I can't think of any other female mega celeb who has lately been denying that they are lesbian so Oprah seems the obvious choice. OTOH, would Ted call out Oprah so brazenly in his column? I'm confused.
Oprah isn't 100% Chicago anymore. I believe OWN's headquarters are in LA and she has a home in Montecito and commutes to Chicago to do the show.
Has Cher and Barbara Walters been ruled out for this?
I think you're on to something with that Blind Gossip item, Tara. Ted's items about BP plus the timing of the BG item really really makes it seem like Oprah now.
And what about Dolly Parton? Can't help thinking that this post is about a singer and since there were questions raised about Dolly's sexuality some years ago, it could be her.
Annabel, Dolly was notted by Ted.
What about Bette Midler? I know, I know, totally off the wall. Not super relevant at the moment. But she is HUGELY successful, multi-talented, and it would be a shock if it came out that she was gay - since she's been married for ages.
This might be totally off-topic, but I was wondering if he was using this whole thing as an excuse to mention Fake a la Ferocity? I think it was just last week that Dr. Drew was saying that Angelina Jolie has (present tense) a heroine problem.
You are right blurry, I think I was too excited about Yabos. Have deleted first entry, since it really does not apply.
I thought that was a weird mention too, Cathy. She looks awful right now.
Cathy - Ted posted a question I had asked about Fake, it is in Fakes's link, and confirmed that yes, she is looking awful and up to her old bad habits. Poor Dr. Drew: stating the obvious, but having to apologize in fear of payback.
I'm uber convinced this is Oprah. What does Babs have to lose at this point by coming out? Also all the denials coming from Oprah lately rankles Ted I would bet. IMHO he's making this one obvious.
I just can't see Oprah as BP. I don't think she's in the biz "just for the bucks." She is too involved philanthropically. I like Janet Jackson. She's a dancer/singer/actress, so the entertainer type. There have been gay rumors. I guess Jermaine Dupri would be the man in this BI.
Today TMZ is running footage of her basically in a men's suit, walking into court for the MJ thing... super butch. She would definitely be worried about her "loved ones' incomes." He keeps referring to "Ms. Pussy," which reminds me of the lyrics to Nasty - "Ms. Jackson if you're nasty." Some say she has the world at her feet? Her brother is the biggest one associated with We Are The World. Okay that last one is tenuous at best!
I Googled JJ and fabulous, and found this:
"2010: Janet Jackson's Fabulous Year"
We all know that timing is key with Ted, so when I read that Dr. Drew quote recently, I was wondering if we'd have a FALF blind vice to follow, as we got the Butter Pussy blind right after the Oprah interview. I wonder if he hid the hint in this one, since it seems like Ted is more fearful of retaliation by Angelina Jolie than any other celeb.
I would love to hear an update on FALF. C, I definitely like JJ better than Babs for this, but I can't give up on O just yet. Because I love word play, if this were to be JJ, the Pussy could refer to "Black Cat" as well. With Oprah, I am not saying she is not philanthropic, but every dollar she gives away just makes her $1,000 more--she looks good doing it and it brings her more press, more fans, more image control.....and I am not quite sold on JD being gay yet (is that a requirement for this BV? I thought Cut A Bitch said something about the employee being male).
People, I have such a fab guess: Celine Dion! This is so clear to me!
extended family: check
blood ties partners together: their 3 kids.
still have feeling for each other: they have been together for such a long time, and Rene discovered her, so he could accepted to beard for her career.
And there have been rumors of Celine being gay for such a long time here in her hometown (i'm from Quebec too)
Let's analyze everything from the start and i'm sure you will all agree with me!
Also, in the 3 items about Butter Pussy, Ted uses french words A LOT.
And they say she could have the world at her feet (some say she already does) make me totally think about Celine.
But I don't think of Celine as being multi-talented. She is very successful, but she is kind of a one-trick pony....unless you count her fragrance. However I could see her being gay--her and her husband always weirded me out.
I can't see this being Barbra. She has not a thing to lose. It's not like her biggest fan base in straight, middle america.
I could see it being Janet Jackson. In all but the first blind, the AIA's are an actress, a singer, and an African-American. (Like Janet. She was in a couple of movies and was in some sitcom when she was a kid). And she does have a HUGE extended family. On the other hand, I don't think of her as having an empire.
Still not convinced it's not Oprah though. Check this out:
Oh and also (since I have no life except to figure this out apparently): Why would Barbra Steisand, or Janet Jackson, or Celine Dion look to Ellen Degeneres as a role model? I mean, yes, she and Portia are out but BS, JJ, and CD are in very very very different positions/places than E and P. Oprah on the other hand, has a similar type of career.
I mean, really, can you imagine BS or the others saying, "Well it hasn't hurt Ellen and Portia"
I could imagine Oprah saying that.....their career similarities and friendly rivalry.
Oprah has never given me a hetero vibe. For some reason, I always just thought she was asexual and that Stedman was her platonic companion. But her emotional breakdown over Gayle definitely makes me consider Oprah being gay. Definitely.
I just want to say that this BV forum is the BEST one out there. I have been a fan for a long time. The most savvy and factual guesses are here. I adore you all!
Oh...BP has to be O. I think the recent launch and hyper-publicity around the new OWNetwork has pushed Ted's buttons (hence his growing obvious hints) along with her sanctimonious motto of living your best life with integrity. If she is gay,, her hypocrisy is not only HUGE, but generally pitiful at a time when GLBT youths need "out" role models. My two cents. Thx.
I'm really beginning to think that BP might be Barbara Walters! She is definitely a powerful, successful woman. Also, I think that because she is older she might be of the mind that being gay is not the right thing, or at least admitting to it would hurt her career. In today's BB, Ted eliminated Streisand, and he also said that BP doesn't have any biological children. Barbara Walters has an adopted daughter.
Yeah, Ted said that Streisand has never been a BV. And what does he post right after the Bitch Back? An article about whether Piers Morgan should ask Oprah about being gay. As for the biological children remark, doesn't Oprah sponsor schools in Africa or something like that and refer to those kids (are they all girls?) as her own? I'm not super familiar with everything she does, so forgive me.
@Kristen Agreed! I was just going to post that he eliminated Babs, then posts a questions about Butter Pussy right after then posts an article about Piers Morgans doing the gay grill! I think it is Oprah for this blind!
OPRAH! Just read Ted.
There is no way this is not O
Ted has made it so obvious Butter is Oprah. He posted this Blind about Butter's denial that she's not gay bullshit, now today he made a post saying Piers should grill Oprah about being gay. If Ted didn't believe Oprah was gay, I really doubt he would have posted that. In fact, he would have debunked the Oprah is gay rumors as BS a long time ago.
This has pretty much cemented it to me too, I had my doubts, but I find it odd that Ted does all this coverage on Oprah (who hasn't been featured on AT at all in months) right around the same time that these BP blinds get published. I find that he will coincide his coverage with what blinds he is posting/has posted/will post
Word guys! U know what's funny? Both BP questions were mine! I never thought he would go for both! I use my real name and alternate w/a nickname or fun name to switch it up and not seem so annoying when I have more than one question. Weirdo, I know! But it gets my questions answered pretty regularly, so I stick with that method. Anyway, Ted wants us to know this is Oprah, he is starting to get frustrated or upset by her denials, IMO. I love that he didn't beat around the bush at all. Must've been in a good mood! I thought of all of her school kids too when Ted made the biological reference, or her fans and her dogs. I think if BP had an adopted child, like Barbara W he would have been more caring instead of how he worded the denial--almost like maybe he'd have just said yes to be sensitive. He is good like that usually.
Well, the answer about Oprah today sure makes it seem like she's BP:
Dear Ted:
If a person loves only one person, and plans to love them for their whole life and that person is of the same sex, does that automatically make them gay? I ask because I'm wondering if Oprah Winfrey is using that as a loophole.
Dear Fine Line:
Loophole? This is somebody's sex life, not a tax return! Unfortunately, Oprah doesn't realize this fact.
I've always thought this was Oprah, but for some reason, I am thinking it might be Racheal Ray now. Super successful, multi-faceted career, no biological kids but famously a mom to her dog...what do you guys think?
Rachael Ray is not a BV.
"Dear Ted:
I love the Meet the Parents series and can't wait to see the new movie! Barbra Streisand is in the limelight again and I was wondering, does the reclusive
superstar have her own B.V.?
Dear Silly Streisand:
Oh, God, no. All her diva crap's right out there for the world to see!"
"Dear Ted:
Does Butter Pussy have any children of her own?
Dear Vicing for Two:
No, I wouldn't say she has any of her own, biologically."
"Dear Ted:
If a person loves only one person, and plans to love them for their whole life and that person is of the same sex, does that automatically make them gay? I
ask because I'm wondering if Oprah Winfrey is using that as a loophole.
Dear Fine Line:
Loophole? This is somebody's sex life, not a tax return! Unfortunately, Oprah doesn't realize this fact."
Yay, Tara! Thanks! I knew it had to be somebody who reads this blog who asked those questions! Awesome!
I guess this also cements it. It's from this morning's bitchback
Dear Ted:
Just curious as to why you named Oprah as the person who most disappointed you in 2010? My 13-year-old pound puppy and I heart you much!
Dear Puppy Love:
Because for a woman who's made her fortune telling it like it is, I just don't think she is.
Read more:
He is really pissed at her JJ!! How could he possibly backtrack from those statements? She has done nothing this year other than deny her inner gay vehemently, so this has to be her. It is one thing not to comment like Spacey or to be coy like James Franco (which was actually pretty cool), but to be a walking contradiction is likely infuriating him. Standing up for gays and encouraging everyone to be honest and embrace who they are is not as inspiring when you are a deeply closeted lesbian--it sets a poor example for thousands of gay people who are terrified to come out (speaking hypothetically). That is, it does not help the struggle for equality to have one of the biggest role models in the universe living a double life. She doesn't need another penny to continue with her lifestyle for the next 40 years. Will she lose fans and endorsements? Maybe. But what she already has earned is hers, and how much is her soul's freedom worth?
Sorry--ranting! My sis is gay.
I watched Oprah yesterday and she had Ricky Martin on and he was discussing coming out and how wonderful it felt, he should have done it years ago, etc etc, and there is O, pretending she is so removed `my gay friends` say this, and `my gay friends` say that. I just wanted to puke! Its such a shame that someone that is obviously so strong of a person and accomplishes so much feels she cannot be honest about this huge part of herself. She could do so much to further the cause, and that is why Ted is so pissed. I don`t think she can ever EVER come out now after denying she is a lesbian so vehemently.
You know as much as I like Ted's column things like this really annoy me. Coming out or not is a personal choice and not everyone needs to be a poster boy or girl for gay rights. It's their private business and no one should be made to feel guilty for not wearing a t-shirt saying I am gay. Ted is happy with what he is doing and his sexuality and he should let others do as they please that includes Jake G, James F, Tom C, John T and so on and so forth. I've always said as long as I am doing nothing illegal I am accountable to no one but my family..
"She doesn't need another penny to continue with her lifestyle for the next 40 years. Will she lose fans and endorsements? Maybe. But what she already has earned is hers, and how much is her soul's freedom worth?"
I think almost everybody at some point has dreamt about being famous. I know that I have. But after I started following this blind gossip recently, I've become so disgusted with whole Hollywood lifestyle (I mean that in the sense of being famous in general, not necessarily in a geographic sense). And behavior like this is one of the main reasons.
It's one thing to not pay the rumors any mind or to be so deep in denial that you can't admit it even to yourself, like the recent Sheila Yabos blind. But to regularly pursue same-sex relationships and then act disgusted in public when someone even suggests that you might be doing that is infuriating. Even Jake Gyllenhaal's denials have been more diplomatic.
It can't be just a matter of money. It's like these people get a high off of being famous and powerful. Why else would they willingly live a false life for years, even when they're financially set for life? I couldn't do it.
Especially with the recent gay suicides, LGBT youth really need role models to look up to, and the fact that so many who are in the perfect position to help out refuse to do so is so sad. I'm straight personally, so I can't even begin to imagine how awful that must feel for those who know these things about their favorite celebrities. I'm just glad that the LGBT people in my life all have good support systems and loving families.
I know it's been said many times and many places before, but these celebrities should just all make a pact and come out at once. Because once everyone realizes that the vast majority of Hollywood is not exactly heterosexual, the game is over. Even the most homophobic people aren't going to stop watching movies and TV for the rest of their lives, unless they're Amish. LOL.
Sorry for the diatribe. Like with Tara, this kind of thing touches a nerve with me. I've always been one of those people who's felt a bit like an outcast and I get annoyed when good people are made to feel the same way.
Kristen, well-said and "amen-ed"!!
Dear Ted;
I'd love for you to give your insider opinion on 2010. Which breakup were you most surprised by in 2010? Which hookup was a shocker? Were any cheaters that were exposed in 2010 a surprise to you or did you have the goods on pretty much all of them? Who were you the proudest or most disappointed of in 2010? Which B.V. did your readers come the closest to solving? Love, love, love your column. It helps me escape real life for a few minutes a day.
Dear In Order U Asked:
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Swift and John Mayer, David Boreanaz, James Franco and Oprah, Me-Me Dallas. You're very welcome!"
"Dear Ted:
Just curious as to why you named Oprah as the person who most disappointed you in 2010? My 13-year-old pound puppy and I heart you much!
Dear Puppy Love:
Because for a woman who's made her fortune telling it like it is, I just don't think she is."
What would be amazing is if Ted would somehow answer which BV'er has disappointed him the most. If we could figure out a way to word it that would make it seem totally unrelated to the question he answered about Oprah. Like, "With all the BV debauchery that took place in 2010 (such as Veronica Bee-Stings sleeping with a married co-star, Coco Crack-Head's downward spiral, Altar-Ego Salami already cheating on his wife/fiancee), which has you most conncerned? And which BV do you think is most likely to clean up their naughty behavior?"
I'd ask, but he has never once answered one of my questions.
Kristen, well said, and I definitely agree.
I understand situations like the Sheila Yabos blind because I was there myself as far as the not knowing/not acknowledging bit. And I even understand why someone would trot out man-beards in that situation because it provides space to figure oneself out without people asking questions that you aren't ready to answer.
But for somebody who isn't young, has more than enough money, and has been having same-sex relationships for years? I can't imagine spending that much of my life living a lie. I couldn't do it, the stress and strain of a double life, constantly afraid of being found out would be hell. If this is Oprah, with what she's shared publicly about being an emotional eater, no wonder she's the nation's most famous yo-yo dieter. And to continue hiding away so far in the closet that you're hanging out with talking animals when you're one of the most influential people on the planet (seriously, there are people in other countries who watch Oprah religiously), well, that's just shameful.
In any case, speaking of closeted actors in general, I read an interview with John Barrowman once where he talked about how he and Ian McKellan have joked about how they should hold a dinner party and invite nothing but all the closeted actors.
JJ I agree that no one owes the world an explanation for their personal life, just their family and God. The thing with Oprah is, it is not that she is not coming out that is maddening, it is that everything she stands for and has built her name and brand is not holding true for herself. She is now projecting a lie, and millions of people are buying into it. She wants everyone to be yourself no matter what, she wants everyone to stand up for what you believe in, and do what is right for you no matter how hard it is or what the consequences may be. She is inspirational and has fueled the success and change in so many individuals because of what she preaches. It could crush someone who idolizes her to find out that her whole existence was not who she is--so why should they listen to her advice? I truly believe she is that philanthropic and motivational, and can do anything she puts her mind to. None of that would change if she were gay. So why can't she either make NO comments denying it, or just come out instead of lying and behaving like a hypocrite? Not commenting at all and keeping private stuff private is much more respectable than what she is doing.
And PS when I said accountable to God, I mean that they are living as decent human beings, not that God will be doing any punishing based on sexual preferences. I am pretty sure He has his hands full with the murderers, rapists, molesters and the like; not much time for those who love who they love and are so happy about it that their symbol is a rainbow and they like glitter.
@Kristen: So well said.
Yes, it's not just about coming out of the closet. O is out and out lying. And it's made all the worse because of what she stands for. I am one of those people that finds her inspirational (I love O magazine, it inspired me to start my own business this year), and this whole thing leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. NOT for her being gay. For her lying and going against everything she espouses.
I'm with all of you sensible rational contributors who have zeroed in on the mutual disgust and hypocrisy of Oprah not following her own preachy advice. Have been catching up on Bitch Backs and am suprised at how thinly vieled Ted's contempt for this lots of you have already noted. This one is surely solved! Am loving the huge amounts of clues that Ted is increasingly putting in the BB columns. Did he coin the phrase "Krisbians"?
Dear Ted:
Has Butter Pussy had many (or any) long-term relationships with women?
Dear Lady Lust:
Very much so. But you'd be surprised; the long-term relaysh with the chick was more emotional than physical."
I think this is very clear that it's Oprah. The one thing I think is very interesting about this is that Oprah may not even KNOW she's gay. As ridiculous as that sounds, countless gay men and women go through such periods of denial that even though they are engaging in, or at least heavily fantasizing about, homosexual sex and/or relationships they still justify it to themselves somehow that they are straight.
One of my closest friends who I've known all my life was exactly like this...for years and years he couldn't put it together that he was actually gay even though he fantasized about men exclusively. I think part of the reason was that (based on purely stereotypical reasons) nobody really suspected it or called him on it. He is very far from the media stereotype of gay men (acts very masculine, fraternity guy, deep voice, etc) and so I think that let him slide for awhile...I was genuinely shocked when he told me (not that I think every gay man is a stereotype, but just because it was never something I considered). When he realized it he came out, and he is genuinely embarrassed for having fooled himself for so long.
I really can see Oprah in a similar scenario. Many gay men and women are in such denial (whether it's from family, religious or peer group pressure) that they genuinely believe themselves when they say they are straight, even though their actions and fantasies are 180 degrees away from their ideal. In this case I feel sorry for her more than angry. I can see from an openly gay man like Ted, however, how infuriating it would be to have somebody who could potentially change many American's views on homosexuality stay closeted. I'm sure many gay men feel the same about Franco, Gyllenhaal, Lautner, et al.
Well said Anna!
Does anyone else find the timing of O's revealing of a big "family secret" a bit....curious? A diversionary tactic?
I think this is Queen Latifah. She bought a house a couple years ago with her long time personal trainer.
Respectfully....This is not Latifah. She does not repeatedly deny being gay. Everybody knows she is with her trainer and no one would be shocked (kinda like when Jodie Foster came out--we had been seeing pap shots of her with Cydney for years). She chooses to not address the rumors and questions and keeps her personal preferences to herself.
@Dusky--nailed it! Totally, and these little smokescreens are pissing Ted off even more. I think Ted is likely starting to feel offended by her displays, and I would not be surprised if he just all but outed her if she pulls any more stunts like that.
"Dear Ted:
Didn't Butter Pussy contemplate coming out at some point? If I recall, your first Blind Vice stated this. What happened? Why did she change her mind? And do you think she'll ever come out? Also, one more question, do those in her Industry know she's gay?
Dear Indian Outter:
Yep, very true. I did think so, but not anymore. And yes, everyone in this Biz knows."
duskyjewel - I was thinking the same thing. I actually watched the episode today for "the big secret" reveal ... hadn't watched the show in a very long time. It was interesting, Patricia seems really nice!
Dang, I missed it! Meant to record it but got sidetracked. Wonder if Ted will resist the urge to do another blind after this show today!
@Tara...I hope not!! LOL.
@blurry...did O say why she waited to tell? Didn't her sister know for a few years? Did it feel genuine to you or more publicity? Sorry, I never watch O :-(
Does this morning's bitch back call into question Oprah for Butterpussy
Dear Ted:
For some reason I think Cruella St. Shackles is Oprah Winfrey. She has been in the news lately with the whole "me and Gayle aren't lesbians" and having to "defend" her relationship with Steadman and now she is in the news about her shocking family secret.
Dear O No:
You think we would really go after the Big O? I mean, it's a really good guess on your part, but Winfrey is definitely not this devilish.
Read more:
Dear Ted:
Page Six had an item today about "a prominent TV personality" who will be coming out soon. Could this be Butter Pussy?
Dear Det. Mothballs:
Wouldn't surprise me. But just keep in mind, the media world's already been trough this tired, "gonna come out" nonsense with Butter before. Never happens.
Maybe this time it will? Still doubt it."
"Dear Ted:
Is Kirstie Alley Butter Pussy?
Dear On a Roll:
Hardly. Haven't you been keeping up with Kirstie's twitter? She's totally man-crazy...if not just a little bit crazy all around. But that's why we love her.
Think much less an outcast, though."
So Blurry, do you think this negates Oprah as Butter? It sure seems like it...
I meant the letter from one of Ted's readers who says she doesn't think it's Oprah and Ted says he can't figure out why everyone thinks it's her. Well, I guess it's not a NO...
"Dear Ted:
Let's talk Oprah. So sad her show ended. I know everyone thinks she is the popular guess for Butter Pussy, but I just don't buy it. I mean, remember how Ellen DeGeneres officially came out on Oprah's show? I just don't think that someone who would be so supportive and open as to give Ellen a platform to do that could stay firmly locked in the closet herself. Love ya, and great job with trying to quit the cancer sticks.
—A Former Smoker
Dear The Big O:
You have good reason to doubt that muy popular Vice guess, super-puss. I do, too. But isn't it interesting you didn't actually ask me to answer, so...I won't! Regardless, haven't I always told you that some B.V.s aren't as obvious as they seem? But Oprah does have some dirty little deets that she managed to keep secret all these years she was on air. Impressive, huh? But that's why she's the most powerful chatty cathy ever."
What does it mean? Nothing! Yeah Ted hints that it's not her. But says he will not eliminate her. So who knows.
Argh! Oprah, hurry up. You're pissin me off!
Nov 18th 2011
Dear Ted:
How are things going with Butter Pussy and her girlfriend? Is there trouble in paradise?
Dear Margarine-alized:
B.P.'s gal pal is used to getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this relaysh, more. Kissing Butter's butt has paid off super handsomely, as of late.
Read more:
"Dear Ted:
How are things going with Butter Pussy and her girlfriend? Is there trouble in paradise?
Dear Margarine-alized:
B.P.'s gal pal is used to getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this relaysh, more. Kissing Butter's butt has paid off super
handsomely, as of late."
"Dear Ted:
How about some of the more "vintage" BVs: What is Butter Pussy up to these days? Can you tell me anything about her beard (assuming she has one)? What has
Super-Duper Cooper been up to lately? Things have been so quiet with him! Thanks!
Dear Buttered Up Poop Scoop:
Things have quiet for the both of them, actually, which is more surprising for Coop than it is for Butter (who's always preferred to keep her biz out of the
tabloids). But if I know SDC (and I tend to think I do), he's still up to his nasty Vice ways...He's just gotten better at covering his smelly tracks."
"Dear Ted:
Does Tyra Banks have a Vice/moniker? What about her hero, Oprah?
Dear Host Worship:
Oprah does (one of my fave Vices, too). But Tyra just falls short."
"Dear Ted:
I am not sure I can understand why there are certain actors and actresses in the closet in Hollywood, when their positions in the industry can really help
others struggling with their sexuality. I am thinking someone like, say, Butter Pussy. Thanks for your time!
—Just Wondering
Dear Double Edged Sword:
Sure, it'd be nice if power chicks like Butter would own up to their same-sex lovin' (and I agree it'd certainly help others struggling with similar issues)
but just because they're famous doesn't mean it's easier to handle. With all eyes on them, sometimes it's harder."
"Dear Ted:
Any updates on Butter Pussy?
Dear Sticky Situation:
It's gotten to be kind of a mess at Butter's house (or houses). She's not exactly regretting her decision never to come out—just thought life would be a
little easier that she didn't—but it's not. The many loves of Butter are clamoring for attention and it's driving her nutso, not to mention towards some
renewed old bad habits, like making sure that closet door is cemented shut."
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