Friday, August 1, 2008

Awful Truth mini-blind

Ted has a second blind item hidden in his column today:

Girls Going, Going, Gone
And as long as we’ve gotten off to a hideously snitty start, let’s keep it up, mes chères! Two T-town babes are being very bitched about behind their supersvelte backs. One we’ll name; one we won’t (well, at least, not right this sec).

Ted then goes off on a tangent about Kate Hudson... then writes the following:

Also, there’s a very high-profile dame in town who might want to start getting better friends. Her serpent-tongued amigas are selling out their girlfriend—who’s divorcing from her creepazoid , very rich hubby—right and left, talking crap about her everywhere. Hosts are complaining about having to “choose” which half of the splitting couple they’ll invite to parties. What a dilemma! Seating plans trump mental anguish any day in H'wood, right? No one cares about said potential divorcée, in the least, only about her soon-to-be-ex-schmuck’s money. Women, per usual, are expendable in this town. Never the green.

Guess in a comment!


sistah2 said...

This could be anyone of 1,000 women in HWood. Cookie cutter. who cares?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking A-Rod's wife. She has a Spanish sounding name and Ted uses a Spanishe word in the blind item. ? Anyone?

mo said...

C-Rod is a good guess. Not much of a juicy item, prolly why Ted didn't make it an offical BV.

Anonymous said...

Kimora Lee Simmons

-anonymous Andie

Anonymous said...

Kimora was divorced ages ago and she has her own fame and fortune albeit becuase of Russell.

I agree with A Rod.

Anonymous said...

This is Rosetta Getty, known for her lavish sit-down dinner parties. She doesn't do much other than throw fantastic parties.

Anonymous said...

I like the Gettys. It applies to any one of 100s of couples, but it would have to be someone high profile at the time to get a mention.

Anonymous said...


ElsieFire said...

Duh anonymous, Salma isn't married. Called of the engagement.
