Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mini Twilight blind

Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition)Today in the Awful Truth, Taryn Ryder slipped in this little mini Twilight blind at the end of her article about the new movie Vampires Suck.

As for whether Lanter has had any negative feedback from the cast about their new movie, he says not yet.
"I'm not even sure if they all know about it."
Well some do...we heard one New Moon cast member was quite catty when she ran into the babe who is playing "her" in Vampires Suck. But surely you all don't want to hear about that, right?

Read the rest of the article and Taryn's interview with Matt Lanter here.


blurry vice said...

me thinks ashley greene

Rita, Montreal said...

Still think it's Nikki Reed. Because of tons of hate mail and threats, Ted C. had been trying to make her look good, but the girl can't help herself, she's a natural bitch, and causes havoc often. Did you know that Thirteen was an autobiography?

Tara said...

The only thing bothering me about this one is that she referred to the actress as being from New Moon, not Eclipse, the most recent installment. Wouldn't Taryn have used the term "from the Twilight movies" or said the Eclipse actress if this were Nikki, Ashley, or anyone else who has appeared in all 3 films? Therefore, I would like to propose this is someone who was, in the very least, not in Eclipse. Maybe Rachelle Lafevre? She already has a sour taste in her mouth from the abrupt break-up with Summit, and she could easily have no sense of humor when dealing with a Twilight spoof.

thomasonclan said...

Agree with Tara....why only mention "New Moon"? I'd like to see all the bit players in the spoof to see who might be the most offended. New Moon sure did seem like a big clue.
