Monday, August 9, 2010

Buzzfoto Blind Item #366

From 8/4/10 -

Buzzfoto Blind Item #366
This aging star who recently got a part in film with other vintage names, is so excited to be reintroduced into the business, he went on a gigantic cocaine bender over the weekend. He invited hoards of young girls back to his hotel room and the group partied all night.
Not Arnold Schwarzenegger.


tory said...

I'm rolling... Sylvester Stallone. One of the guys from The Expendables for sure.

Meri said...

I thought about Sly, too...

Unknown said...

Sly was the producer of the film, so he "hired" everyone, I doubt he'd be excited about a role that he, basically, got for himself. My votes are Dolph or Eric Roberts...probably Eric. Considering his past habits. ;-)

Brittany said...

Isn't Eric doing Celebrity Rehab? Have to agree its most likely him.

keelyrae said...

Dolph Lundgren... he hasn't been in anything good in forever. Coke and hookers is amateur-hour; Sylvester Stallone was doing that 25 years ago.

Tamara said...

I wouldn't say Eric was being "reintroduced" to the business either, though - remember, he has a fairly big part in the last Batman movie. My vote goes to Dolph as well.

Tara said...

I agree it has to be an Expendable cast member.

Unknown said...

maybe bruce willis? def one of the expenables I agree

Unknown said...

and sylvester stallone seems like a family man these days but you never know in hollyweird!

Jacq said...

I agree with the Expendables. I would eliminate Stallone, because as stated he produced the movie so he did the hiring. I don't think it's Bruce Willis because he is still making movies and I don't think he needs to be reintroduced. Same for Eric Roberts, as mentioned he was in the Drak Knight and although not a big name he is always working and has oodles of projects on the go. Therefore, I'm going with dolph Lundgren. He hasn't done much lately and I've also seen some articles referring to this movie as Dolph's return to Hollywood.
