Monday, August 9, 2010

Gossip Boy - 8.3.10

From The Gossip Boy last week -

Famewhore Farrah spends most of her time in front of the cameras. If not filming, then being "caught" by paparazzi while she spends quality time with her offspring. Farrah holds a strong front up while out and has been struggling to maintain the career that she wants, though her box-office numbers have dove down almost as fast as her weight. FF is also a back stabbing whore who sleeps with any man that she can get her claws in. Her latest beau was a set-up that she had planned for a long time. No matter that he had a wife and a baby on the way. But once his wife lost the baby, she sank her claws in and snatched him away. FF has a dark and twisted past, one that she has tried to distance herself from for years. But the problem is that Famewhore had a baby at a very young age with a man that she NEVER should have been sleeping with. Farrah gave the baby up for adoption and has tried to make up for it ever since. But word on the street is that FF's little love child is gunning for her. Farrah could never deny it, the girl looks like Farrah cloned herself. But FF knows that no matter what she has done in the present, if her little secrets came out her entire reputation would be flushed. Not to mention that her hunky honey would probably take half of his and roll out. Quite a web we weave, Famewhore Farrah. Should have kept those secrets locked up like Fort Knox, because your people are talking. And if they are worried, you should be too.
It's not: Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes


* Top suspect: Angelina Jolie


blurry vice said...

Sounds like Angelina Jolie!

tory said...

So this is OBVIOUSLY Angelina....

Heather said...

Jennifer Aniston had a miscarriage?

blurry vice said...

Who knows... possibly she did, I wouldn't be surprised.

The question is... who was the man she shouldn't have been sleeping with? Her brother? An older married man? Would love to know.

Meri said...

This does sort of sound like Angelina to me. Obviously if it is, it means that Jennifer Aniston had a miscarriage, which is sad.

I'm intrigued, especially with how they mention "Fort Knox" - and her son is named Knox.

I have a high regard for Angelina (despite the whole Brad situation) and while I don't think she's pure as spun gold now, by any stretch, I do appreciate the charitable things she does and I love that she adopts. But it sure does sound like her...

Heather said...

Her BROTHER?? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

All the "nots" have major connections to Tom Cruise. Cameron starred opposite him twice and the other two were/are married to him. Is Angelina replacing him in Salt a strong enough connection? It may be her, I have no idea, but it seems the person has to be tied to Tom in some way.

Also, isn't Ted's blind about her about a heroin habit? Wouldn't he have mentioned a baby that she gave up? Especially if it was controversial?

Like I said, I don't really know, I'm just bringing up points that I see.

Unknown said...

I don't know why but I thought of Denise Richards for some strange reason. I guess because she trots the kids out for the photogs, and she is really really skinny. Her career is certainly in the toilet. It does sound like AJ but her career is as strong as ever.

Sue T. said...

"her box-office numbers have dove down almost as fast as her weight" -- can't be AJ, then, because "Salt" was a big hit... I saw a number of articles saying it had done so much better than "Knight & Day" (Cruise was originally supposed to star in "Salt," and when he backed out, they rewrote it for AJ).

Unknown said...

I still don't think this is Angelina Jolie....

I mean, seriously? The Knox clue was right there - in your face. Would GB be as ballsy as to put her baby's name as a clue? lol

The Spie said...

Pale: Ted and Lainey wouldn't do that. But GB has been known to be very blatant in his clues, and he just might.

Consensus elsewhere has this as AJ, and I can't seem to find a weakness in that argument.

Unknown said...

The Spie: The only part that I don't agree with is the box office part. I know, I know, she was in Changeling and the one about Marianne Pearl and they weren't popular but she's turned things around with Wanted and now Salt.

I don't know, I guess I'm a cynical person. I never think that the obvious answer is the right answer.

Fungus the Photo! said...

I hope her eldest child finds peace and recognizes that her mother was and is a victim.

No wonder AJ is so strong. Child abuse, even if drug fuelled is serious and has consequences.

sarochka said...

Oooh! This one is juicy!

I agree with the AJ guess. Lainey had a BI a while back about a starlet's BFF hairdresser who was spilling the beans about how she had a few miscarriages and it was in part because said starlet was taking weird hormones to stay thin. Most people deduced that it was Aniston.

Also in favor of the AJ theory, and this might be a bit of a stretch, but "Farrah" sounds a bit like "Farrow," as in Mia Farrow, who also has a lot of adopted children.

And one more thing -- FF would be the same initials used by Ted (Fake a la Ferocity) for AJ (assuming Fake F. is AJ).

Ingrid M. said...

I would also think of Angie, although I had no idea of Aniston's miscarriages...

But who's the guy she "should never have been sleeping with"?
I can't think of her brother... many people are fucked up, it doesn't make them sleep with their brother or sister.
M. Jagger? Or was she not young enough at this time?
Or her first boyfriend, whom she started sleeping with at 14 (legally not old enough)?
Or her mom's ex-fiancé? I heard she once stole her mom's partner, wheras I am not sure of the sources.

Tara said...

I agree with "Said", the initials match up with Ted and Gossip Boy is known for being more blatant and gutsy with his blinds, making them easier to guess. I always knew that B was crazy, but this is ridiculous......

Chelsea Handler warned us about that girl!

Savannah said...

Sounds like Angelina. If it is, I really want to see a picture of her spitting-image daughter!

Memi said...

This really sounds like Angelina, but what about Julia Roberts?? Danny Moder was married and his wife pregnant when they hooked up. After his wife miscarried, he left her for Julia. JR was even seen wearing a t-shirt with ALOW VERA on it. Danny's family publicly supported Vera in the media after the split.

Rita, Montreal said...

First time posting. Am a big fan of Ted's. think actually that Fake-a-la-Ferocity is actually Reese Witherspoon. She had been sleeping with everyone when married to Ryan, and also, had lost a lot of weight lately. Movies, not doing so well. Description fits though, what do you think?

Savannah said...

Rita, Reese is Shafterella Shoshtein.

Unknown said...

Y'know, this isn't the first time I've read somewhere of an A List actress who gave up a baby for adoption, and who now wants to contact her. I remember reading one somewhere, and I managed to dig it up. It's from Enty Lawyer, 11 May 2007.

This sometimes brunette A list movie actress gave up her child for adoption twelve years ago while she was still struggling. Now the child wants to meet the mom, but the mom is freaked out by what the public may say.

I believe Gossip Boy's is about Angelina Jolie, but I don't know about Enty's. The only thing that doesn't fit is the 'sometimes brunette.' But I think Enty has a way of deliberately misstating facts so as to make it harder to pinpoint.

Unknown said...

Oh by the way, Ian Halperin said Jennifer Aniston did have a couple of miscarriages during her marriage to Brad Pitt, even as late as a couple of months before the filming of Mr and Mrs Smith, or something like that.

hunter said...

the NEVER should have been sleeping with indicates a family member

I say it was her brother or her father, and yeah, sounds like AJ.

I would love to see that child

ShaSha said...

first timer here!

I googled "Angelina Jolie, bastard child" and came up with this link: apparently this movie is coming out this month about a guy who claims his mother is Madonna who gave him up for adoption when she was 15...

the clues in the blind don't point exactly to Madonna but thought it was worth sharing!

Ingrid M. said...

You're right ShaSha!

It's a fake blind item about Madonna.

I checked on Google: there is a Luizo Vega, a photographer who's been adopted and is 36, but not Madonna's child.
He's made a film based on the (false) legend of an unrecognized child of Madonna... so he's made a film and trying to get a buzz thanks to Madonna's name... how cheap to set in.
The film is supposed to be out in August 2010, just a few days after this blind... coincidences are extraordinary (cynical tone).

Try Google and you'll find many interviews about the reality in magazines.
Example (in a French magazine) where he speaks about his film and admits he's not Madonna's child:

I wonder if Gossip Boy earned something in exchange for making the buzz for this film and "forgetting" to "check" his sources before posting this fake blind item.

Tara said...

I don't think so, though I have to say kudos on the detective work, ShaSha. Like you said, the clues don't really match.....The blind says the child is a girl, talks about FFs latest beau and what went down before they were officially together. How could this NOT be Angelina? And Gossip Boy is pretty brazen with his clues. Not as much to lose as Ted.

Jane said...

If Jolie gave a child up for adoption, that might explain her obsession with adopting children. Maybe she is trying to fix her past.

Gill said...

"Her latest beau was a set-up " is what makes me think this is NOT AJ. Mostly because I dont get how "homewrecking" BP/JA would be considered a set-up.
Also dont think this is AJ because her biological kids look more like BP to me than her, with the exception of Shiloh's lips. This suggests her genes are not strong enough to leave such a strong influence.
Just for laughs, based on the AIAs, maybe its Penelope Cruz.

Tara said...

I think a set up refers to the fact that they are, because of their relationship and family, the most powerful and beautiful couple in Hollywood--no one can touch them. If they, or she, concocted the idea ahead of time, then it would be considered something that was calculated and planned. To get her where she needed to be, she would have had to take down whatever was in her way--IE Jen Aniston, hypothetically speaking of course.

As far as AJ's genes, Shiloh looks a lot like both of them, I think. The babies are too young to tell. I hate to even speak this, but if the father of the child was related to her, it would have a greater chance of looking like her. Just playing devil's advocate against the "weak gene" argument. Aaaaaand....I need a shower now.

Rita, Montreal said...

Sorry to go back to Reese Witherspoon, but if AJ does not fit, while reading the Blind, I thought of Reese: her last relationship was a set-up, we all know she was set with Toothy. Non?

Rita, Montreal said...

Sorry to go back to Reese Witherspoon, but if AJ does not fit, while reading the Blind, I thought of Reese: her last relationship was a set-up, we all know she was set with Toothy. Non?

The Spie said...

Rita: Reese's latest beau would be Jim Toth, not Toothy, and he doesn't fit the description in the blind. Neither does Toothy, for that matter, who was available after his contract with Kirstin Dunst ended. Reese doesn't fit at all. AJ does. We all know how kinky her relationship with Billy Bob was, just to cite one example.

talia said...

if it really is about aj, wouldn't someone already know by now/there should have been at least rumours?
to me this one sounds made up...

Jacq said...

In regards to the comment "a set-up that she had planned for a long time". Ted at Awful Truth has strongly impllied numerous times that Angelina knew exactly what she was doing when she signed on to do Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Brad Pitt and that she had manipulated (aka set up) the situation.
As for the baby father he is reference as a man. Her brother is only two years older than her and I don't think it would refer to him, especially since Angelina is in charge of that relationship. And I don't think it is her father Jon Voight, because he abandonned the family and was almost non-existent in her life. I know her mother allowed her to have lovers that were way older than her at a quite a young age and she also encouraged her to date celebrities to further her career, so I would suspect that it was one of those childhood lovers who would have been too old to be sleeping with her.

Tara said...

I agree with you on the father of the baby, the other sounds too gross. But her childhood was less than stellar......who's to say it wasn't one of her mother's boyfriends or lovers as well? It has been rumored she was raised by her nannies, if she lacked the attention she needed, maybe she started going to someone important to her mother to get it.

duffgrl said...

This is definitely AJ. I agree w/ jacq about the "set-up" meaning. Don't think it would be Julia R because you rarely see pap shots of her kids, and she doesn't have a twisted past. So NOT Reese.
This is a juicy one if true. My feeling is the father was older; maybe mom's bf as already guessed or an actor friend of her dad's.

duffgrl said...

Also-Ingrid mentioned this too- Andrew Morton reported that Angelina slept with her mother's live-in boyfriend at the age of 16, then her mother kicked the boyfriend out. Her mother was living with filmmaker Bill Day for 12 years, 1978-1990 or 1991 which would be around the time Angelina was maybe Bill Day is the dad?

duffgrl said...

Another possibility for the baby's father is her mother's sometime boyfriend and family friend John Trudell...he didn't live w/ them though (I don't think anyway)

thomasonclan said...

Well, it certainly does sound like Anjelina, but the AIA's seem to lean towards a Tom Cruise involvement. Frustrating!

Rita, Montreal said...

To thomasonclan - Isn`t it abvious? ANGELINA REPLACED TOM CRUISE IN SALT!! that is your final link to TC. What do you think?

Tara said...

Rita, wow, I had no idea about this, but you are absolutely right. There are several online articles on the subject. Here is one:

Duffgrl, did you also hear recently reports that Angelina has bedded Mick Jagger (when she was 22ish)! She would still be considered young, he was married to Jerry Hall still(divorced in 1999), and there would be a huge reason to keep the baby secret--to protect him. Interesting! What would that kid look like?! The child would be 12-13 now.

Rita, Montreal said...

Tara - don't know about Mick Jagger. He has had may kids out of wedlock, and never hid them from the press, even while married to Hall.
Hoping that the kid is not inbred (that would be too awful, and would finally explain the weird relationship with her father and brother), I would rather go with the mother`s boyfriend that she had seduced when she was underage.
Wonder if we will find out soon enough.

After Ted's review of the Unauthorized Biography, it seems there is no real dirt, that AJ hasn't herself discussed with the press, and that she comes out like a Saint. Lucky 'female dog'!

Tara said...

Him fathering a child while married to Jerry Hall, however, is the official reason she stated in the divorce papers as to why they split--and it got her big $$. So even if she knew and didn't care, she didn't like the public humiliation either, and left him after the DNA results proved he fathered the child of the brazilian model in 1998-1999.

I agree that the mother's BF is the likely culprit, and that would make her 16, meaning the child is about 19 now. But it would make it more scandalous if it were Mick, no? I want every slice of gossip to be the juiciest, most scandalous, and starring the most famous celebs! A girl can dream....PS Rita, good thing I speak un petit peu de francais, so I can keep up with the French that creeps into your posts!

Rita, Montreal said...

Oups, désolée, I hope the creeping in is not creeping you out... that sounded dirty. sorry, do not swing the Angie way.

Did you know though, that before the Brazilian model, a lot, I mean, a lot of other women came out in the 90's to tell their story, and try to prove (some with success) that MickJ. is the baby-daddy? The Dickinson chick-crazy-model, turned reality show queen was one of them (he wasn't the father, she later tried it with Sylvester Stallon - oui, oui - he wasn't the father either. boy, she got around... and around).

If it is Mick for Angie`s lovechild, wonder why she would keep it a secret after so long, especially when Brad has to hold her back from adopting more children. She could do it the classy way, like Gwen Stefani's Gaven: had an 18-year old lovechild revealed to the public, came out with it honestly, had a few lines fed to the media, and it went away. That is it. Of course, Gavin is NOWHERE on Angie`s scale.

Tara said...

Angie is OBSESSED with her public image. And her slutting it up before she was famous with notable people makes it look like she is a famewhore who doesn't care what she has to do to get to the top. Now, according to Ted and others, that sums her up pretty well, but she doesn't want us to know that. So it wouldn't be so much about it being shocking that he screws around on Jerry, more that Jerry was embarassed by the mountain of women with claims of children fathered by Mick (got to be too much) coupled with the fact that Angie doesnt want the public to know how she REALLY worked her way to the top. Bedding Mick Jagger (woohoo bet that was so hard to do--yuck) could be looked upon poorly since he was married and she'd just look like another one of his conquests. Not a good rep for someone just starting out with ambitions to be a huge celeb. Therefore, so the kid doesn't ruin her early twenties and career, she gives it up and hides the truth. No one wants to hire a 22 year old single mother, she is scared her chances of success will be slim.

The French does not creep me out. Happens to be my most favorite language to hear.

duffgrl said...

Yes it is well known that she slept w/ Mick Jagger but I highly doubt he was the father if this is AJ. Probably one of her mother's boyfriends-names that I mentioned in my other posts. Bill Day, John Trudell, or possibly one other boyfriend of her Mom's-Tom something. Kris Kristofferson was a good friend of Trudell's-could have even been him knowing his reputation. My bet is Bill Day-his long-term relationship w/ AJ's mother ended when AJ was 16. He moved out around that time.

AJ has slept w/ a long list of stars apparently...lots of whom are married or were married at the time. She is well known to have slept w/ Mick Jagger, Timothy Hutton, and Ralph Fiennes but she is also rumored to have slept w/ Bruce Willis, Dennis Quaid, Ed Harris, George Clooney...even Drew Barrymore...the list goes on. The latest rumor is that she slept w/ Lady Gaga!

Rita, Montreal said...

Lady Gaga? come on. they haven't probably been in the same country at the same time in the past 12 months.

Agree though that it can't be Mick Jagger.

Throwing random names, has anyone watched the trailer for Black Swan? Mila Kunis looks crazy like AJ.

Wish the kid would just come out. wonder which outlet would have the guts the out him/her.

National Enquirer most probably.

Tara said...

I agree as well, I just thought it was interesting, and a fun theory to entertain, and would make for an EXPLOSIVE revelation via the tabs. Man, she has led a colorful life, huh? Some of those men, you go Ange, others--oh, no you didn't.

Unknown said...

tori spelling

Caz1310 said...

I'd love the father to be Jagger. Visualise for a moment, the lips/mouth of a daughter with those two as parents! Gobsmacked at how the child hasn't been revealed... silly question...would this mean Brangelina are paying her a lotta money to keep quiet? Remembering the days when Mick n Jerry were still together, sleeping around was still very much frowned on (in the public's mind at least). That's how Carla Bruni got her reputation. She was on with him too and was reported to be a major factor in them finally splitting up.

cornflakegirl said...

Interesting - unless I'm just not good with searching, it appears the blind vice was removed from E.

cornflakegirl said...

Never you mind - totally didn't read the Gossip Boy part.

Lily said...

I can't believe no one has mentioned Tori Spelling. Sounds like her to me - and her fame level has been dropping swiftly.

Tara said...

That'd be because Tori Spelling is not a movie star, and it specifically refers to box office numbers in the blind.

Caz1310 said...

hee I'd like this to be Tori as well. Have always disliked her intensely since 90210 and she certainly broke up her husband's first marriage and her ridiculous tv show is a sham. For a brief second she was trying to be in movies...oh hang on they were telemovies. Would people really be shocked at Ange's secrets when a lot of the are already known?

Gabby said...

This could totally be Angelina but I was going to suggest Tori Spelling as well! I'd like to hear more details about FF what "list" would she be considered? That would narrow it down quite a bit.
