Thursday, February 4, 2010

CDAN - 2.3.10

From Crazy Days and Nights yesterday...

This one sounds complicated in my head which never works out well when I write it. So, this former ensemble reality star and now an actress and singer who is probably C- list based on career but B+ based on name recognition is trying to make as much money as possible. I guess everyone is, but it turns out that her husband siphoned off most of their money when they got married. He said it was for investments but what he should have said was it was going to be spent on his various boyfriends and partying with them. Our singer/actress doesn't want to get divorced and have everyone said I told you so. Therefore she just smiles pretty for the cameras and pretends he doesn't exist.


Anonymous said...

Could this be Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, maybe? It was the first thing I'd thought of. Although, I'm not quite sure I'd consider her an "actress" but I guess that's an opinion thing. The ensemble reality show would be whatever MTV one she used to be on... was it the Hills? And I've always gotten a gay vibe from Spencer (as well as an obnoxious vibe). I recall a lot of the girls from that show in the papers talking about how she shouldn't have married him, so maybe that's where the "I told you so" part comes in? Just a guess!

Unknown said...

I agree with the Heidi Montag guess. I feel like I've heard other blind items that allude to Spencer being gay. He sucks so hard, why doesn't she just leave him? She's a mess, no wonder she's had a thousand plastic surgeries lol.

Mandy said...

Heidi and Spencer.

jimmyflowers said...

Jennifer Hudson maybe?

.grad student by day. said...

jennifer hudson won an oscar, so i don't think she would be seen as C list.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

It sure sounds like Heidi and Spencer.

Unknown said...

I was thinking jennifer hudson too and i would definitely consider her c list she has only been in two movies as far as i know

Brittany said...

I feel like if this is Speidi they would've already sold the story to a magazine.

jittacatgirl said...

Heidi and Spencer are still on an ensemble reality show, so you can't call her a "former" reality star, and she's definitely not an actress. Jennifer Hudson has won an Academy Award, no? That def puts her above C list. I think Katherine McPhee?

angie said...

This is Deffinetly Spencer and Heidi. There have been rumors swirling for a while now about how he is gay. And isn't he the one that's supposed to do a gay porn? And the fact that he mentioned that they are C- but by name they would be B listers comfirms that it is indeed them. Jennifer Hudson is an Academy Award Winning Actress, there's no way she's C lister. AND the fact that she's afraid of the "told you so" comments further reassures me that is is them. Here's the link to Spencers gay porn rumours.

jittacatgirl said...

two things assure me that it's NOT them:

1) they're still filming The Hills, as evidenced by Heidi's recent trip to Colorado to film scenes of her Mommy's reaction to her Franken-transformation, so they're current ensemble reality stars --- not former.

2) she doesn't ignore him. she mentions him pretty regularly on her twitter and in interviews that she sells for $$$.

i am so ashamed that i know these things.

Mharcais said...

I didn't realize that JHud was even married. So I did some research. Guy is a Harvard Law graduate who now works as a professional wrestler?!! WTF is up with that? Anyway, there's all kinds of press from him accompanying her during her album promo and then he just falls off the radar. Putting my money here, folks. And jittacatgirl, I hear ya.

Meghan said...

Jennifer Hudson has yet to marry her baby's father. The blind item states that the husband blew all the money once they got married.

So it isn't Jennifer.

Unknown said...

What about Katherine McPhee?

duffgrl said...

I like Katherine McPhee for this too. She met her husband when they were in a theater production together. She used to be seen w/ him a lot and has not been lately.

Wynter said...

The consensus on CDAN is Kat McPhee. Fits perfectly.

crila16 said...

Heidi doesn't shut up about Spencer. She's all about Spencer. Everything she does is for him. She never pretends he doesn't exist. He would never allow that anyway. It's Katherine McPhee.
