Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update: Lainey reveals Debra Messing as subject of past BI

Lainey revealed Debra Messing today as the subject of Body or Baby! (10/14/08). Our original post can be found here. Blurry guessed her right away....

It`s all about healthy eating
But isn’t it always? Debra Messing with her “new amazing body!” graces the cover of the new issue of Self. Inside the magazine, she discusses her frustration with the tabloids over losing her baby weight and what finally led her to finding a program that worked.Her secret?Oh just healthy eating. That’s all. Nothing invasive. Nothing suspicious. She says it’s all about the diet. Of course it is… "I was exhausted! I couldn't work out three hours a day and do my job as a mother and an actress. So I took the pressure off. I cut back on seeing the trainer but started eating healthier. Ultimately I'm very proud of how I dropped the weight because I think it was the healthy approach. I've finally taken ownership of my body."Right.Now that she has her body back, her priority now is to spend time with her husband: "I can't tell you the last time I had a date with my husband. My ideal date with Daniel would be a spectacular meal, maybe Italian, followed by dancing. That's a New Year's resolution I'm looking forward to."Italian?Carbs expand in your stomach. Then again, that’s what elasticity is for.


sistah2 said...

good catch to those who said Debra Messing.
I love that Lainey eventually reveals. Ted are you listening?

Anonymous said...

Thank the goddess that you are back, Laineyblinds! I was missing you today! Nice re-design of the site, btw! :)

CincyNat said...

Yes, so great that Lainey doesn't leave us hanging...but, I was looking back at the guesses and the AIA's and it's sick how many women it could have been. Too bad about Debra. I kinda like her in "The Starter Wife" and would prefer that she was not a big idiot.

blurry vice said...

Yes I guessed her to begin with! Something about how she hung on to that baby weight for a while and then all of a sudden it was gone and she only has the one child.

PS - to anonymous above, we are not laineyblinds. We are Blind Items Exposed. ;)

Anonymous said...

I was very bored the other day and went through OLD Lainey archives. There was a post about how Courtney Love actually found a surgeon to fit her with a Band as well. This was way before this Blind was posted. Sounds like Debra found Court's surgeon. All I can say is it's so sad. Sad that a doctor would do such a thing (though I know there is no shortage of unethical medical professionals). Sad that Debra felt that was her only option. Well, sad and delusional.

Anonymous said...

When you put your job first, as she has done... one child, that you 'ef' up is enough.... Hear that Debra Messing!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes celebrities lose their weight by working out and eating healthy is naive. They use diet pills, cocaine and if all else fails, surgery.

And don't believe surgeons who cite 'health risks' as an excuse for not giving gastric bands to non-obese people. That's just what they tell the so-called 'civilians'. They'd perform the op for an anorexic if the price was right.
