She trumps Life or Death
Classic story of celebrity entitlement. And she’s supposed to be so professional and sweet, not nearly as many diva stories about her than about her peers, though if you’re getting in the way of her meal, and her Maybach, you better move the f-ck out, even if you’re an old woman in an emergency situation.
It was two blocks from the Waverly very recently. An elderly woman – 84 years old – went into heart failure. The paramedic arrived immediately and tried to stabilise her before moving her to the hospital. It became a traffic clusterf-ck so the cops had to redirect vehicles over to the next block because the ambulance was waiting for the patient.
A black Maybach approaches, disregards the police instruction, and drives towards the ambulance. An officer stops the car and tells the driver to reroute:
Driver: We're going to the Waverly Inn.
Officer: We have an emergency situation and everyone has to re-route to the next block over - just go one block around.
(Moaning and groaning and whining was heard from the female passenger in the back seat).
Driver: Isn't there any way we could get through?
Offider: Sir, this is an emergency vehicle, we have an emergency situation - EVERYone must re-route. You'll have to go around the block.
And then an imperious (female) voice pipes up from the back of the Maybach..
"Well can't they just move the ambulance?"
The officer is incredulous. Then annoyed. And then he gives it to her, informing our star that "LIFE OR DEATH situations dictate traffic decisions - not anything or ANYONE else. You must re-route now."
She grudgingly told her driver to find another way, inconvenienced that a senior citizen had to choose her mealtime to have a heart attack. The nerve.
* Update June 25 - Lainey has hinted this riddle to be about Beyonce.
Reese Witherspoon? She is shooting a movie in New York.
Beyonce? Jay-Z owns a maybach...
Beyonce and Jay-Z were at the Waverly in April.
ivanka trump?
I am so glad this is finally posted so I can guess. I did some hard googling and found all the above mentioned. Kate Hudson was recently there and A Rod drives a maybach, but I can't find if he was there too. I think she might have been with Fergie.
The "supposed to be sweet" and "not as many divas stories about her" makes me think it is not Beyonce.
Lainey posted on her twitter acct. that Beyonce was seen in a Maybach... Has to be her.
Lainey supposedly revealed this as Beyonce at the smut soiree.
Yep I am making this official as a reveal - on Twitter Lainey said "Beyonce rides in a Maybach".
This is definitely Beyonce. Revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt in June 29 post on Beyonce at BET... Here's an excerpt:
"Beyonce at the BET Awards ... B’s husband Jay-Z was there too. No idea if they arrived in a Maybach together or tried to push ambulances out of the way while paramedics were tending to an elderly lady suffering from a heart attack. Not likely though. Because everyone there last night was famous."
Case closed.
yup Beyonce all the way :)
Also on live blog today: "we all remember that Beyonce makes ambulances when she's hungry in her Maybach, right?" In case we needed more confirmation that it's Beysus.
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